A place to see good, share good, and do good.

Profile for One World Blue, LLC

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[Profile picture logo_square_background.png]
Member Since: March 6, 2015



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So why the name Blupela? Actually it is just a cool name we came up with. But it also means Blue Bird of Paradise in Papua New Guinea. It is a bird that is endangered and protected and it serves thus to show you our values here at One World Blue, LLC. Blupela is the brand name and One World Blue is the corporation. We work for good things in and around the world. Protecting the environment is one thing we believe in.

So why One World Blue? Well what do you see when looking from the moon at the Earth? Does that answer your question? Originally founded in 2005, One World Blue, LLC, has been building something online that is different from all the rest because we care and we are bringing goodness to the Earth with the quality projects and profiles you will see on our network.

Blupela.com is the Social Network for Social Change of The One World Blue Good Network. We are a revolutionary social media and crowdfunding platform that promotes initiatives and profiles for changing and healing the world one good deed at a time. We also serve as a global, moderated forum to promote the sharing of ideas related to peace in our world, the betterment of our planet and its ecosystems, and the celebration and appreciation of cultural diversity.

One World Blue will become the go to destination for anyone wanting to do good online and in the marketplace. Blupela.com is a site where users can put their Good Initiatives and Profiles online and accept funding, time, and goods as well as allow people the ability to communicate and chat about the initiatives, projects and profiles.

One World Blue is committed to social harmony, the support and education of wholesome and healthy ecosystems, protection of wildlife and the Earth's resources, and the appreciation and celebration of diversity. One World Blue believes in equality for all human beings and we may be branded The One World Blue Good Network, the Social Network for Social Change.

What would you do to change the world?

Continue to invest time and resources and collective good will into Blupela.com, The One World Blue Corporation, which is a vehicle for bringing Social and Planetary Healing to the world.

This is a place to sing your song and let your voice be heard. Define Coo

coo - verb

  1. To make a soft murmuring sound, as a pigeon.
  2. Speak softly or lovingly;
    The mother who held her baby was cooing softly
  3. To speak in an admiring fashion, to be enthusiastic about.
  4. To show affection; to act in a loving way.

coo - noun

  1. The murmuring sound made by a dove or pigeon.

Public Coo Define

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Created Initiatives

[image for Initiative EPK.jpg]

Social Media Spotlight EPKs for Musicians and Artists

One World Blue, LLC
Looking to Get the Word Out About Your Sound? Need to reach that Producer or Concert Promoter? How Can YOU Get Your Media Kit Out to Social Media in an Easy Way?
Blupela One World Blue SPOTLIGHT EPKs
Journalism Review Included
Send to Your Social Media Following, Concert Promoter or Booking Agent with the Click of a Button.
Our Network is Free to any User to Use. You may create your own Spotlight EPK or Campaign on your own. However we also have an innovative Journalistic and custom curated service to offer you:
What you get:
* Your Professional Social Media Spotlight EPK Designed and Published on The One World Blue Network with Your Curated Content
* A Personal Interview done by a professional musician journalist and the design of the Spotlight created by a professional designer (the review will be between 200 and 400 words and include one revision with the payment)
* Optional Keyword Technology Integrated in the Publication for Easy Indexing in the Search Engines
* Ease of Promotion Through Social Media Channels
* Featured Spotlight Position on The One World Blue Network for two days
Cost of the Program
1 Social Media Music EPK Professionally Published on The One World Blue Network
Design only
Purchase Here
Design with Professional Interview and Coaching Session
Purchase Here
$95 per Quarter thereafter with one Update per Quarter (minimum 1 year): payments starting the first quarter after initial payment and charged on the 1st of the month of every quarter thereafter (January, April, July, October)
1 Social Media Music EPK with Keyword Integration Professionally Published on The One World Blue Network
Design with Keywords
Purchase Here
Design, Keywords and Professional Interview (And Coaching Session)
Purchase Here
$95 per Quarter thereafter with one Update per Quarter (minimum 1 year): payments starting the first quarter after initial payment and charged on the 1st of the month of every quarter thereafter (January, April, July, October)
$175 Crowdfunding Campaign Designed and Published on The One World Blue Network
$275 Crowdfunding Campaign Designed and Published on The One World Blue Network together with One Spotlight Published on The One World Blue Network
One World Blue Singer Songwriter Review by Talent Director Russell Johnson:
"But don't expect the heavy metal of Joe's past, expect the soulful feel of Gregg Allman and the jam licks of Tedeschi Trucks Band and the soul of Bill Whithers."
Patrick McGregor Music:
"I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation for One World Blue taking the time to contact me to begin with. What you have done for me is above my expectations. I also feel that talking with you is like we have been friends for a long time. The write up that Russell Johnson gave me was very overwhelming and I feel like I have been friends with both Russell Johnson as well. You made me feel comfortable which I feel is important for customer relationship. I have gotten a lot of exposure already within a few days. Thank you again One World Blue for your work and diligence!" Patrick McGregor Music
"I just wanted to say Thank you to One World Blue for featuring me and encouraging me and doing such a wonderful and professional job with my EPK Spotlight. Thank you to Gedaliah Aronson for such a great job on my interview. I am looking forward to working with you more in the future." Divincemoore Music
"I'm so pleased to have joined One World Blue. Their professionalism is awesome. They have brought me into the Family and made me feel so welcome. I was struggling to do what I have always dreamed of since I first heard Rock and Roll. I am in the Company of so many prominent individuals now that it amazes me, the writing by Russell Johnson, the spiritual tone of my conversations with Joel and the awesome website introduction put together by Bernard are excellent. I stand amazed and Blessed to be involved here at One world with all of you. Thanks again for propelling me forward to reach my Destiny." Alan Blade
Danny Vavrek Acoustic
The Music of Jeff Hames
"One World Blue World Spotlight. Give Thanks for the positive vibes and support to The Flow Band. Tropical Soul Vibes from the island of Pittsburgh. Tuff Going since 1982. Bringing Positive Uplifting Vibes to the World. More Love. More Life. One World Blue Spotlights has helped us manage our tours and schedules effectively. Respect to One World Blue!" Uzell Finney Jr. The Flow Band Pittsburgh

Votes8 DateMay 12, 2020

Funded: 31 $4,322.00

[image for Initiative Rkelly2.jpg]

Justice for R Kelly

One World Blue, LLC
Robert Kelly is a man who Rose to prominence in 1989 shortly after winning the talent contest TV show Big Break. He went on to become a major recording artist after signing with Jive Records in 1991. Over the span of 30 years. He has a massive catalog via working with several high caliber artists. He’s written for many soundtracks and motion pictures. Robert has sung reggae, R&B, and in the Operatic Sphere. His Music has raised a Generation.
In Jan of 2019 his music career was temporarily paused due to heinous allegations in an attempt to make Robert the Poster child for a social agenda whose sole purpose is to levy false accusations against high powered men for the express purpose of political and monetary gain. Robert is the latest victim of this movement.
Robert has maintained his innocence and is calling on his supporters to aid him in vindicating himself from false imprisonment. We are launching the 1 million dollar initiative in order to hire Robert a more effective Defense Lawyer in the Eastern District of New York. We have found a suitable Defense Team Headed by Alan Dershowitz. Famed Lawyer from OJ Simpson’s 1995 Dream Team and Arthur Aidala Notable for Harvey Weinstein’s Legal Defense team and defending Lawrence Taylor. You can best support Robert by assisting his Legal Defense Team. Robert needs you and its paramount that you support this falsely accused man in support of his million dollar initiative.
For those who may be interested in the cause of Social Justice, the below legal analysis lays out clearly that the case against R. Kelly, the acclaimed R&B singer, writer, producer, and performer is one that has not yet had its day in court. By law, since Mr. Kelly has pleaded innocent and has not been convicted of any crime, we must afford him the presumption of innocence.
The court of public opinion is not a court of law. With so much hearsay (statements that would not be admissible in court) being thrown around on all media platforms regarding this case, how can R. Kelly be guaranteed a fair trial? If we believe he does not deserve one, we do not understand our rights under the law. We have now succumbed to the influence of not believing in equal justice and, therefore, are liable to fall short in pursuing it. If we are able to pick and choose who deserves justice, we threaten the integrity of the courts for us all.
The burden to bear regarding a legal proceeding, never simply falls on the accused and the accusers. We are human, and we love our families. They are rightfully sacred to us and are our first responsibility. Lisa and Cassandra Kelly, R. Kelly’s sisters, are like any loving family. They support their brother through all of this, regardless of the verdict. The presumption of innocence until proven guilty puts the burden of proof on the prosecution; without his day in court, R. Kelly is presumed innocent.
The Kelly family are trying, with unrelenting exertion, to ensure that Mr. Robert Kelly has his fair day in court. He is currently being held in jail under the pretense that he is a flight risk. He has cooperated fully and willingly in all that the court has asked of him, including surrendering his passport to the authorities.
R. Kelly was acquitted in a court of law in 2008, on allegations of sexual misconduct. His legal team is doing everything they can do to not fail their client on the path to justice. It is no easy task with the media fanning the flames of defamation, as well as possible political considerations tainting the objectivity of the court.
Mr. Kelly’s assets are not what the general public may perceive them to be. As a young man, R. Kelly did not have the knowledge and experience he would come to accumulate as a veteran of the recording industry. He signed some bad deals that left him receiving very little of his royalties. His record company, as is still typical though changing rapidly, owns his master recordings. Due to his current detainment, he cannot perform, which would be the most lucrative avenue for him to pursue regarding earning a living again.
The cost of legal fees is exceedingly high, and the bonds are unaffordable for the average citizen. He is responsibly paying child support and is currently dealing with health issues. His legal team is advocating for his release so he can prepare for the case of his life, quite literally.
A Discourse on Seeking Justice Within the Justice System - Written by Matthew Gedaliah Aronson
A common cliche we are accustomed to hearing in today's world is that "we live in strange times." This era is certainly not the first time that this refrain has been applicable and accurate. Perhaps we have always lived in "strange times." But the circumstances are ever-changing, and the absurdities are related to all of the relevant factors affecting each generation.
The technological advances of the last 100 years are so monumental, we can take for granted that the tools at our modern fingertips are things our great, great, great grandparents could not have imagined. Technology, like everything in the world, can not be said to be inherently evil, and of course, the advancement in technology is responsible for so much good. With each new development, it is the responsibility of human beings to utilize these achievements for the good, the just, and the well-being of our fellow person.
With the advent of mass media in all forms, including, of course, the phenomenon of social media; we have a greater responsibility to become more informed citizens. We must be able to strengthen our discernment regarding what is true and real. It is crucially important that we not allow ourselves to be broken off into camps, or divided into "teams" as the human family, of which there is, in essence, only one team.
The United States was founded with very lofty ideals. On paper, the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution of the United States of America are pivotal historical documents with profound implications for humankind. As a nation, we have not completely actualized those documents to this day, and this is part of our struggle as American citizens, to bring into full fruition the words of those documents. We are a generation that seems more ready than ever before to transform the paper into a living example of what could be. But we are also in an era of mass misinformation, confusion, and division by falsehood and fear. The challenge is ours to rise to the occasion as a people and free our minds from the shackles of mental slavery. We must be in it for the whole, not just for ourselves, and only those closest to us.
The court of public opinion is not a court of law, and a court of law is not a court of public opinion. Seemingly, today, that is confused and turned on its conceptual head. As Americans, if we truly value freedom, justice, truth, due process of law, democracy, a constitutional republic, etc., then we must be honest with ourselves about our opinions, and we must scrutinize them. In short, our minds must be emancipated and able to guide our emotions. And though this takes a bit of hard work, the responsibility is on all of us, and the cost of the effort is certainly worth the great benefit of birthing a truly just society.
The need to be right is something that, unbeknownst to most of us, plagues adult society. In general, children would rather be happy than right. They have a greater ability to move on, not hold grudges, and live in the moment. As adults, we have much to learn from children and their ability to be free-spirited, willing to learn, and not hold too tightly onto things that cause division and strife. If we are to impart the values of fairness, truth, empathy, mercy, unconditional love, justice, integrity, and objectivity to our youth, then we must be sure to think, speak, and act with these values. The youth will reject hypocrisy and falsehood, and it is on us adults to be sure to impart active integrity if we expect it from our children. If we have that expectation of our children, we must, with certainty, expect it from ourselves.
As Americans, if we permit our rights under the law to be tampered with for any citizen, then all of our rights have been violated and threatened. If we turn a blind eye to injustice in the justice system because we reason that it does not affect us personally, or because we've formulated unfounded opinions based on the vast amounts of media overload, we are threatening the integrity of our democracy. We must move away from the "blame game." From the divisiveness rampant amongst us and strive for objectivity in thought, speech, and action. Lives and livelihoods are at stake when we are not remaining sharp as informed citizens, when our emotions, conscious or subconscious, are driving our thinking and judgment. We have a responsibility to and for one another, and this must be intellectually internalized, be seriously contemplated, and reckoned with by each of us.
"We, the people," is a phrase with significant implications. It sets upon us, the citizens of the nation, the responsibility of forming this "more perfect Union." The governing body works for the people, and as such, we are truly the overseers of the government and the justice system. When we turn a blind or an uncaring eye to the state of the justice system, we unwittingly jeopardize our rights under the law. With mass and social media in the picture, and with the amount and pace of information reaching all of us, it is not hard to fall into forming strong opinions quickly. It is not tricky or beneath any of us to fall into taking sides, dividing into camps, and wanting to be on the "winning" end of an issue. We all must slow the world down using the strength of our minds. Our emotions and our nervous systems are hijacked by a world operating at a speed that just keeps increasing astronomically by the day. None of us are simply "sheep," we are just easily misled as we are only human. As human beings, however, we are called upon to become more than human, to go beyond our natural tendencies and self-interest, and actualize the phrase "E Pluribus Unum," "out of the many, one." When we allow the justice system to fail any of us, it jeopardizes all of us, for, out of the many we are One.
In this country, by law, we have the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty. This is a right we all expect to be upheld and would be justifiably outraged if the opposite was thrust upon us. We must realize that too often there are people who are found guilty by public opinion before they've ever had their day in court. And often, even after they've had their day in court. It is on all of us to respect the courts and due process of law, because if we expect it for ourselves, we are duty-bound to expect it for every individual.
Introspection is key to understanding ourselves. Self-examination is not the process of "digging up dirt," instead, it is a process of self-discovery. Maybe, we believe we are not susceptible to intense subjectivity or strongly unfounded and unfair opinions. But if we are to be honest with ourselves, none of us are above it. This should not leave us dejected; instead, it should leave us accepting ourselves as human and beautifully flawed. To rise above subjectivity, we must recognize that we all tend to move toward it. We also have a human tendency to strive for truth, to be objective, to think critically, and act responsibly.
As a society, we are in the process of facing important things about our history that have yet to be resolved. If we pay too close attention to the media and not enough to our immediate surroundings, we may be on a collision course, and spinning out of control. Naturally, we are scared. To be afraid is to be human. Bravery is not being fearless; bravery is how we act in the face of fear.
We will have to speak about things that make us uncomfortable, but with respect, honor, and the upholding of dignity. If we want to create a truly just society, we must not let our emotions lead the way. Self-honesty must be our guiding principle and light. We must ask ourselves how we can and do have such strong opinions about matters in which we have no first-hand knowledge? How do we benefit from allowing the justice system to act as a type of “reality tv” show for the masses? What benefit do any one of us outside of an immediate case, gain from being on the “winning side?” Are we inadvertently distracting ourselves from our own internal needs? Let us seek a justice system that acts as a beacon of light for what should be the highest standard of justice attainable amongst human beings. If we genuinely care about a more perfect union, we should accept no less.
If someone has not been found guilty by a jury in a court of law, nor have they pleaded guilty to a charge, that person is, by law, presumed innocent. The right to a fair trial is not something we can take for granted and yet still proclaim ourselves free citizens. The task of being open-minded and free-thinking individuals is on us. We must protect our ears from slander because it comes at us in all directions, and there is an agenda and business to it. We must scrutinize what we hear at all times. With so much information abound and available, it must be sifted through with extreme care, and we must check ourselves and our reactions to any given story. If citizens are going to be able to have fair trials, as is a right granted by the constitution, we must stop appointing ourselves as home judges and juries. We must learn to escape from desiring to be the judge over someone else’s life, just like we’d like others to flee from pronouncing judgment on us. When we have a collective shift in this attitude concerning the justice system, we can begin to ensure true justice for all!

Votes1 DateApr 15, 2020

Funded: 0 $0.00

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One World Blue Videography

One World Blue, LLC
Check out some of the work of One World Blue Infomercials below!
Booking: info@oneworldblue.com
Main Office: (412)-690-5530
One World Blue Beautiful
This is the vision of One World Blue
Wendy Bell on Why One World Blue?
What is One World Blue?
Wines of America
The Fence Fan
Jones Farm
JAB Jewelry
Energy Swing Windows
Positively Wendy Bell
Shailen Abrams
Mission Mahi
30 SECONDS - $1590
[Two Payments of $795]
1 MINUTE - $2390
[Two Payments of $1195]
2 MINUTES - $2950
5 MINUTES - $3950
10 MINUTES + - Pricing per project
ALL VIDEOS Come with a Professional Spotlight Story Designed and Published on The One World Blue Network for 12 months. All prices may change depending on time of production, travel, etc.
Place Your Order by following this link below:
For More Information please email us at info@oneworldblue.com
or call us at 412 690-5530
A Fully Designed and Published Spotlight Comes with every Infomercial ($695 value)
* Your Professional Spotlight Designed and Published on The One World Blue Network with Your Curated Content
* A Personal Interview done by a professional writer and journalist and the design of the Spotlight created by a project concierge (the article written will be between 300-400 words and include one revision with the payment)
* Promotion Through Social Media Channels
* Featured Spotlight Position on The One World Blue Network for three days

Votes1 DateFeb 17, 2020

Funded: 0 $0.00

[image for Initiative BlupelaVIP.png]

Publication in the One World Blue Spotlights and Taste of VIP Package

One World Blue, LLC
Taste of Pittsburgh has innovated to a digital platform.
We are extremely excited to have created the Alliance between One World Blue and Taste of VIP.
One World Blue is a Global Platform where we share stories of people who have made a difference and changed the world to become a better place.
Taste of VIP Pittsburgh is a luxury magazine for the past 20 years which has brought a high level of exceptional quality to the readers and clients they have served.
Our companies have aligned together to give our audience an experience of Inspiration, Wonder and Results.
We drive stories regionally through social media as well as nationally and on an international stage for the most exposure and connections with individuals from all over the world. We have a world-wide audience, but we are also putting an extensive amount of energy into regionalizing our platform.
We share stories like yours where we drive them in the Pittsburgh region and other areas to maximize the most possible potential to have your story told. This alliance allows us to use this technology to continue to inspire and uplift individuals in a day and age where everyone relies on the digital space.
We offer you this extraordinary opportunity to have your business and story told in Both Platforms
As our approach has quickly reached over 40,000+ users and swiftly expanding, we are grateful for our Joint Alliance. Our Network's success in Wellness, Oneness, Righteousness, Lucrativeness and Distinctiveness is reinforced digitally into self-sustaining business capabilities that are befitting the 21'st century's remarkable potentials. We lift up individuals, communities and businesses over City, Continent and Seas for both REGIONAL and WORLD goals.
Our Spotlights and VIP Publications are designed to secure steady clientele and performance results for artists, companies and institutions excelling in Wellness, Oneness, Righteousness, Lucrativeness and Distinctiveness.
What you get with this Program:
* Your Professional Spotlight Designed and Published on The One World Blue Network with Your Curated Content and a Full Page in Taste of VIP Pittsburgh:
* A Personal Interview done by a professional writer and journalist and the design of the Spotlight and VIP Page created by a professional designer (the article written will be between 400-500 words and include one revision with the payment)
* Spotlight with Keyword Technology Integrated in the Publication for Easy Indexing in the Search Engines
* Promotion Through Social Media Channels
* Featured Spotlight Position on The One World Blue Network for two days
Cost of the Program
Initial 2 payments of $395
1st payment made of $395 and then the second payment 30 days after (Pay both upfront and receive 10% discount)
After first two payments are made starting at the following next quarter there will be four quarterly payments of $195
Check out the Full Review of the Taste of VIP Digital Luxury Magazine at this link:
Check out These Spotlight Examples Published on The One World Blue Network:

Votes1 DateJan 21, 2020

Funded: 0 $0.00

[image for Initiative Habi2.jpg]

Blue World Water Project Uganda - One World Blue Sponsored Project

One World Blue, LLC
Reality Without a Filter
Life Saving Changes with a Filter
"Clean water available for the children ,God bless Tarphon Kamya, Jewish Response Uganda, and Joel Pirchesky, founder of One World Blue, who provided this water filter"
Habimana Nelson - Director GSOWNC
Every day, nearly 500 children under 5 suffer from preventable causes related to contaminated water in Kodiiri village. Give the gift of safe water and empowerment! In just five minutes, using low-cost table salt, water, and battery or solar power, this easily water purifiers creates enough chlorine to treat 200 liters of dirty water, killing microbes that cause illnesses such as cholera, dysentery, and typhoid.
The water purifiers can be used at each home to get clean drinkable water, in schools and health facilities to create safe water for drinking, household cleaning, and hand-washing and bathing.

In low-resource settings, water purifiers are often unavailable or prohibitively expensive due to difficulties related to transport and degradation. By creating water purifiers in each home, these purifieres empowers families to start their own drinking clean water and help children thrive!
Daily the simple way to make your donations do more. Give to the Blue World Water Project to Kodiiri village funds. Just $26 each for one purifier per household will change families lives forever!
Register to Join The One World Blue Network and Support our Campaign
Daily giving is the most effective way to help the children and families who need it most. It lowers costs and puts more of your money to work changing lives. Plus, your donations will be delivering the right solution at just the right time. And while your gifts are at work changing lives, you’ll get to see the power of your generosity through weekly updates and the Jewish Response Uganda on FB page Jewish Response Uganda Commitment to this village with all your donations.
Your gift is a sacred trust. We promise to honor your generosity and use your donation in the most effective way possible. The gift options shown reflect Jewish Response Uganda projects and the suggested donation amounts are based on periodic surveys of the communities we serve.
Each item is representative of the gift category in which it appears, and donations will be used to provide assistance within that gift category where it is needed most.
The multiplying effect from grants and donated goods may change throughout the year on identical or similar offers due to variations in the start and end dates of donor grants and our programs.
Register to Join The One World Blue Network and Support our Campaign
Thank you so very much for your tremendous donation towards the Blue World Water Project for this poor village. We are saving lives one purifier at a time. Please Join Us!
Stay blessed all.

Votes4 DateAug 6, 2019

Funded: 7 $242.00

[image for Initiative One World Blue Logo.jpg]

One World Blue Spotlight Program

One World Blue, LLC
One World Blue is a Global Platform where we share stories of people who have made a difference and changed the world to become a better place.
Our company gives our audience an experience of Inspiration, Wonder and Results.
We share stories through social media as well as nationally and on an international stage for the most exposure and connections with individuals from all over the world. We have a world-wide audience, but we are also putting an extensive amount of energy into regionalizing our platform.
We share stories like yours where you will drive them in your region and other areas to maximize the most possible potential to have your story told. Our Network allows us to use this technology to continue to inspire and uplift individuals in a day and age where everyone relies on the digital space.
We offer you this extraordinary opportunity to have your business and story told on this Regional and International Platform
As our approach has quickly reached over 40,000+ users and swiftly expanding, we are grateful for our social media community. Our Network's success in Wellness, Oneness, Righteousness, Lucrativeness and Distinctiveness is reinforced digitally into self-sustaining business capabilities that are befitting the 21'st century's remarkable potentials. We lift up individuals, communities and businesses over City, Continent and Seas for both REGIONAL and WORLD goals.
Our Spotlights are designed to secure steady clientele and performance results for artists, companies and institutions excelling in Wellness, Oneness, Righteousness, Lucrativeness and Distinctiveness.
Our Network is Free to any User to Use. You may create your own Spotlight or Campaign on your own. However we also have an innovative Journalistic and custom curated service to offer you:
What you get with this Program:
* Your Professional Spotlight Designed and Published on The One World Blue Network with Your Curated Content
* A Personal Interview done by a professional writer and journalist and the design of the Spotlight created by a professional designer (the article written will be between 400-500 words and include one revision with the payment)
* Spotlight with Keyword Technology Integrated in the Publication for Easy Indexing in the Search Engines
* Promotion Through Social Media Channels
* Featured Spotlight Position on The One World Blue Network for two days
Check out These Spotlight Examples Published on The One World Blue Network:
Cost of the Program
1 Social Media Spotlight EPK Professionally Published on The One World Blue Network
Design only
Design with Professional Interview and Coaching Session
$95 per Quarter thereafter with one Update per Quarter (minimum 1 year): payments starting the first quarter after initial payment and charged on the 1st of the month of every quarter thereafter (January, April, July, October)
1 Social Media Spotlight EPK with Keyword Integration Professionally Published on The One World Blue Network
Design Only
Design and Professional Interview (And Coaching Session)
$95 per Quarter thereafter with one Update per Quarter (minimum 1 year): payments starting the first quarter after initial payment and charged on the 1st of the month of every quarter thereafter (January, April, July, October)
$175 Crowdfunding Campaign Designed and Published on The One World Blue Network
$275 Crowdfunding Campaign Designed and Published on The One World Blue Network together with One Spotlight Published on The One World Blue Network
Place Your Order by following this link below:
Place Your Spotlight Order Here
For More Information please email us at info@oneworldblue.com
or call us at 412 690-5530
Boost Your Posts on Social Media
Social Media Management
$20 per day Plus fixed Advertising Costs
10 Days, 2 Weeks or One Month Plan Available
Managing campaign parameters like your objective and audience
Engaging with your audience
Analyzing the analytics and retrieving vital information
Directing the impressions from your ad to your main site
30 SECONDS - $1990 or two payments of of $995
1 MINUTE - $2390 or two payments of $1195
2 MINUTES - $2950
5 MINUTES - $3950
10 MINUTES + - Pricing per project
ALL VIDEOS INCLUDES COMPLIMENTARY PICTURES and Come with a Professional Spotlight Story Designed and Published on The One World Blue Network for 18 months. All prices may change depending on time of production, travel, etc.
Place Your Order by Clicking on the Links on the Left Side of this Page under From the Heart
For More Information please email us at info@oneworldblue.com
or call us at 412 690-5530

Votes13 DateFeb 12, 2019

Funded: 65 $16,971.00

[image for Initiative dualLicensing-846x373.jpg]

One World Blue Software Licensing Services

One World Blue, LLC
One World Blue makes its software available for your organization or business with a Software Licensing Package
Package Includes:
Set up of your own Social Media and Crowdfunding System Network with One World Blue Standard Design and Modifications
Your Logo Implemented into the Media Network
Revenue Sales Model with Instructions and Coaching of 3 Hours
Access to Production of all Promotional Items to be used for Crowdfunding Purposes or Business Promtion
4 Hours of Training in the Use and Implementation of the Software
Additional Training and Coaching Time may be Purchased at $150 per hour
Cost of Software Licensing Packages:
$2500 up front Fee
$99 per month on hosting the Network and Database
$399 Renewal Fee Each Year for a 5 Year Agreement
10% of All Revenues retained by One World Blue, LLC

Votes1 DateFeb 12, 2019

Funded: 0 $0.00

[image for Initiative Story.png]

One World Blue Legends and Legacy Exclusive Spotlight Program

One World Blue, LLC
Join One World Blue and The Legends and Legacy Program in Sharing Your Story with Generations to Come
Leave Your Mark on the World for Others to Learn and Love
Cost of the Program:
$995 Sign Up Fee
$295 per month for 12 months
Program includes Keyword Integration for Google Indexing
Enroll Now
Enroll Now
Additional Options:
Social Media Management:
$20 per day Plus fixed Advertising Costs
10 Days, 2 Weeks or One Month Plan Available
Managing campaign parameters like your objective and audience
Engaging with your audience
Analyzing the analytics and retrieving vital information
Directing the impressions from your ad to your main site
Photo Shoot:
Starting at $395 and up to $1500
30 SECONDS - $600
1 MINUTE - $850
2 MINUTES - $1450
5 MINUTES - $2400
10 MINUTES + - Pricing per project
(ALL VIDEOS INCLUDES COMPLIMENTARY PICTURES) All prices may change depending on time of production, travel, etc.)
Enroll Now
What the Program Comes with:
Your own dedicated Journalist to document Your Story. Your Life. Your Legend
Journalist will work with you over the course of one year (18 months also available)
All material published digitally on The One World Blue Network and in hard back in the Taste of Pittsburgh Legends and Legacies Exclusive Book on a regional level and in The Taste of One World Exclusive Books on a National and Global Level
Easy to share on Social Media, by Email or links to your Friends, Family, Students, and Colleagues
Promotion of your work, accomplishments, research and achievements
Every Story bound in a hard back copy (two copies come with the program. Additional may be ordered) in Taste of Pittsburgh Legends and Legacies Exclusive Book on a regional level and A Taste of One World on a National and Global Level.
Social Media Management available to people within also a limited radius of your home or office.
Keyword technology indexes your work that allows search engines to find key areas of your life and legacy
Enroll Now

Votes1 DateFeb 6, 2019

Funded: 0 $0.00

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One World Blue Graphic Designs and Marketing

One World Blue, LLC
One World Blue Graphic Design Department
Specializing in Graphic Designs for your organization or business
Designs for promotional items
Logo Design
Website Design
Graphic Design Rate is $75 per hour. Minimum commitment of 2 hours of work per project.
One World Blue Media Press Will Publish Your Book:
Book Publishing Cost:
$2500 for book with 200 or less pages
$3500 for book with 200 to 400 pages
All costs include:
Proofing/Editing (15 hours Max. Additional Editing Time may be purchased)
Publishing under One World Blue Media
Printing Books on Demand Service
Digital E-book Publishing for Digital Download
Professional Spotlight on One World Blue Network with a Journalist Interview
Campaign to sell and take orders online for the book
For Hard or Soft Copy of Books in Quantity prices vary (minimun order is 250 books)
Examples of our Work include:
Embroidered Polo Shirts and Hats
Logo Design
Website Graphics
To discuss a project or request a quote please call our office at 412 690 5530 or email us at

Votes4 DateOct 15, 2018

Funded: 12 $1,468.50

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One World Blue Media Marketing and Management

One World Blue, LLC
One World Blue Media, Film and Entertainment
Bringing Healing to the Planet Thru Music and Film
One World Blue Media is a full promotion and production Media Company of Music, Film, Sports and Entertainment for Enlightenment and Healing of our Nation and World
We Specialize in:
Promotion and Booking of Musicians, Bands, Entertainment Persona, Sports Athletes and Public Figures; Production of Film and Videography Projects; Agent Representation for Sports and/or Entertainment; Recording Contracts for Musicians on our One World Blue Media Label; Endorsements and Sponsorships on any Professional Levels
Full production service for new album recordings for Musicians and Bands. All productions released on digital, CD and Vinyl. State of the Art Recording Facilities Contracted anywhere in the USA and Select Locations World-Wide. From sound mixing, graphic designs, merchandising, media release, promotion, and all manufacturing of albums from beginning of process to the end completed under contract.
Film Production Services under One World Blue Media Entertainment
The success of the One World Blue Media Group is the result of our intense passion and God given ability to Move Forward. We strive to continue to shape and change the entertainment landscape and lead the evolution of entertainment, programming, promotion, marketing, and sales.
The One World Blue Media Group continues to believe each of our new ideas is an important aspect of the communities in which we work and live. We believe our employees have the knowledge, the dedication, and the ingenuity to lead us to newer heights, to break through the barriers to success, and to continue to build upon our already celebrated tradition.
Some of the Projects and Talent under the Promotion of One World Blue Media include:
Check out some of the work of One World Blue Infomercials below!
Booking: info@oneworldblue.com
Main Office: (412)-690-5530
One World Blue Beautiful
This is the vision of One World Blue
Wendy Bell on Why One World Blue?
What is One World Blue?
Wines of America
The Fence Fan
Jones Farm
JAB Jewelry
Ohr Simcha Children's Home Israel
Pittsburgh Sportsline
StarQuest Tv Challenge
Sports Athletes and Sponsorships
Attila Domas
Racing for Israel
Athletic competition, including motorsports, offers an opportunity to establish contacts between nations in conflict, promoting dialogue and reconciliation.
Alon Day was crowned 2017 & 2018 Champion in NASCAR's European Series. In all of his international races, ALON DAY proudly displays his allegiance to the Stat e of Israel. He was awarded the title 2016 Israel Athlete of the Year by the Ministry of Culture and Sport.
Michael Manna
"The Pittsburgh Bull"

Featured Artist
Michael Fratangelo Visionary Artist

One World Blue Singer Songwriter Review by Talent Director Russell Johnson:
"But don't expect the heavy metal of Joe's past, expect the soulful feel of Gregg Allman and the jam licks of Tedeschi Trucks Band and the soul of Bill Whithers."
Patrick McGregor Music:
"I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation for One World Blue taking the time to contact me to begin with. What you have done for me is above my expectations. I also feel that talking with you is like we have been friends for a long time. The write up that Russell Johnson gave me was very overwhelming and I feel like I have been friends with both Russell Johnson as well. You made me feel comfortable which I feel is important for customer relationship. I have gotten a lot of exposure already within a few days. Thank you again One World Blue for your work and diligence!" Patrick McGregor Music
"I just wanted to say Thank you to One World Blue for featuring me and encouraging me and doing such a wonderful and professional job with my EPK Spotlight. Thank you to Gedaliah Aronson for such a great job on my interview. I am looking forward to working with you more in the future." Divincemoore Music
"I'm so pleased to have joined One World Blue. Their professionalism is awesome. They have brought me into the Family and made me feel so welcome. I was struggling to do what I have always dreamed of since I first heard Rock and Roll. I am in the Company of so many prominent individuals now that it amazes me, the writing by Russell Johnson, the spiritual tone of my conversations with Joel and the awesome website introduction put together by Bernard are excellent. I stand amazed and Blessed to be involved here at One world with all of you. Thanks again for propelling me forward to reach my Destiny." Alan Blade
Danny Vavrek Acoustic
The Music of Jeff Hames
The Band:
* Jeff Weise: Guitar
* Eric Kurtzrock: Drums
* Mike Tony: Keys
* Stephen Cunningham: Bass
Eric, Jeff, Mike and Steve came together to do Beatles tunes, primarily from their psychedelic era, onward. Bringing together our musical sensibilities from jam bands, jazz, and various styles of rock, we agreed to NOT just be another Beatles cover band. We don't wear Beatles clothes or uniforms and we definitely don't wear wigs.


Fyah Wyah
"One World Blue World Spotlight. Give Thanks for the positive vibes and support to The Flow Band. Tropical Soul Vibes from the island of Pittsburgh. Tuff Going since 1982. Bringing Positive Uplifting Vibes to the World. More Love. More Life. One World Blue Spotlights has helped us manage our tours and schedules effectively. Respect to One World Blue!" Uzell Finney Jr. The Flow Band Pittsburgh
For More Information on the Services of One World Blue Media and Entertainment, for contract inquiries, or to book a concert, performance, or Film Production please contact our office at
412 690-5530

Votes3 DateOct 11, 2018

Funded: 1 $75.00

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Peace in the World Campaign

One World Blue, LLC
"Peace in the World"
Music and Vocals by Michelle Kaye with surround vocals by Divincemoore - lyrics by Joel Pirchesky, founder of One World Blue Media
I have a dream that the world would be better and a safe place to live.
Children should not be afraid to be without their parents. They should not be worried about being kidnapped. People should realize that they should not hurt anyone and try to understand what they are doing.
I think it is very meaningless to have war. It is senseless to fight and kill one another. God did not put people on Earth to fight, argue, or hurt each other.
Poverty is very harmful and cruel to people. It can sometimes kill a person. It would be nice if poor people did not have to go to bed hungry.
Robbery scares me a whole lot, and I am sure it scares alot of other people too. People are sometimes shot and killed because they protect their belongings. Probably if people had the things they needed, there would be no more robberies.
It is a shame people are so terrified about highjacks on a plane that they don't even go on them. I hope in the future people will be able to go on a plane without worrying about a highjack.
If people try and work together they can make this world a better one. I am willing to try, are you?
The Peace in the World Essay written by the Co-Founder and Co-CEO of One World Blue when he was in elementary school may be ordered here online (Place order on Left Side of this Page under 'From the Heart').
Order comes with the Essay mounted on Filmboard with Photopaper Glaze (Size is 10" x 10 ") Shipping Included

Votes9 DateApr 23, 2018

Funded: 12 $780.00

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Grace with Paul Gray Shines a Light on Your World

One World Blue, LLC
Join the Grace with Paul Gray Ministry as they help Shine a Light on Your World!!
As part of a growing world-wide group of those who know and experience God’s unconditional love, radical grace and total reconciliation, we embrace a shared message…while all at different stages of learning and experience.
In our ministry, on our site www.gracewithpaulgray.com and through our relationships and interactions, our joy and pleasure is to express the unconditional love, radical grace, total reconciliation for all, and goodness of God toward us in Jesus. Like Jesus, we are not in to condemnation. Like Jesus, we are not about religious control. We’re not about trying to compete and out-perform anyone. Jesus took all the guilt, all the condemnation and set us free to enjoy his Father. The gospel is good news!
Welcome to the Grace with Paul Gray Campaign Page to bring Spotlights of your Talent to the World!
We are teaming with The One World Blue Network to Shine a Light on your world and profession for people across the nation and globe. Join us as we touch the hearts and lives of so many people in need thru this wonderful Spotlight and Campaign Program.
The Cost of a Professional Spotlight for you and/or your organization is $175.
30% of these proceeds goes to the Grace with Paul Gray Ministry. This helps with our operating budget to bring the opportunities we provide to people whom we serve.
Are you interested in Crowdfunding to raise those funds you always wanted to? If so, join us also as we team with One World Blue to create your fundraising campaign.
The cost of a professionally Designed Campaign is only $180. This network of Blupela offers a better transaction fee rate of only 1% (plus payment processor fee), which is far below competitors at 5%. 30% of your order will go to benefit the Grace with Paul Gray Ministry!
You may also order merchandise for your campaigns to fundraise with. 15% of these proceeds will go to help those we serve at our Ministry.

Votes1 DateNov 12, 2017

Funded: 0 $0.00

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Bnai Emunoh Chabad Shines a Light on Your World

One World Blue, LLC
We are teaming with The One World Blue Network to bring a Shining Light of your talent and work to people across the nation and globe. Join us as we touch the hearts and lives of so many people in need thru this wonderful Spotlight and Campaign Program.
Your OWB Project Concierge will create for you a professional spotlight to highlight your work as a professional and member of your community. Be promoted on social media for the Social Good you are doing for others while serving the community in your career. The cost of a professionally designed spotlight for you and/or your organization is only $175. Through our integrated Social Media Network, with the push of a button we'll promote you and tell the world!
The Cost of a Professional Spotlight for you and/or your organization is $175.
15% of these proceeds goes to Bnai Emunoh Chabad. This helps our current campaign of raising the needed funds for the successful operation of our work to support the growing community here in Greenfield.
Now Please enjoy this wonderful Ruach and blessing from our Community

Votes3 DateOct 26, 2017

Funded: 1 $225.00

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One World Blue, LLC
Welcome to the SOAR Campaign Page to bring Spotlights of your Talent to the World!
We are teaming with The One World Blue Network to Shine a Light on your world and profession for people across the nation and globe. Join us as we touch the hearts and lives of so many people in need thru this wonderful Spotlight and Campaign Program.
The Cost of a Professional Spotlight for you and/or your organization is $175.
30% of these proceeds goes to the SOAR Organization. This helps with our operating budget to bring the opportunities we provide to people whom we serve.
Are you interested in Crowdfunding to raise those funds you always wanted to? If so, join us also as we team with One World Blue to create your fundraising campaign.
The cost of a professionally Designed Campaign is only $180. This network of Blupela offers a better transaction fee rate of only 1% (plus payment processor fee), which is far below competitors at 5%. 30% of your order will go to benefit SOAR!
You may also order merchandise for your campaigns to fundraise with. 15% of these proceeds will go to help those we serve at SOAR.
SOAR’s mission is to provide people with disabilities the opportunity to participate in outdoor accessible activities and help provide them with accessible equipment. There are many benefits to accessing the outdoors: 1) mental, physical & emotional health and wellness, 2) spending quality time with family & friend, and 3) most importantly to view and enjoy all of God’s creation.
We believe that recovery consists of healing the mind, not just the body and that recovery is a journey, not a destination. Being in touch with God’s creation draws us closer to the healing journey of love, grace, peace and joy of fellowship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Therefore the goal of SOAR is to provide not only outdoor accessible equipment and activities but also the resources for people to improve the quality of their life through fellowship.
SOAR provides outdoor accessible recreational opportunities for physically challenged people and families and individuals in need with a key focus of improving the lives of those with spinal cord injuries. We will motivate, inspire and create opportunities for people with disabilities who are emotionally, physically and therapeutically in need. SOAR believes that recovery consists of healing the mind, not just the body and that recovery is a journey, not a destination.
SOAR is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization that believes that much can be done in providing improved accessibility and promoting availability of these resources to persons with disabilities. We realize that educating people with disabilities as well as the able bodied citizens of this state is necessary to enhance the opportunities for outdoor recreation for everyone. SOAR will promote accessible recreation to persons with disabilities as well as the general public through special events, newsletters and community education. SOAR will assist in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and work closely with many state, local and private organizations to develop, enhance and/or support recreational opportunities for the disabled across Illinois and other states. We are dedicated to improving the quality of life for people with disabilities.

Votes1 DateOct 22, 2017

Funded: 0 $0.00

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*Humanitarian Aid

Hatzolah Darom Shines a Light on your community, Israel and the World

One World Blue, LLC
Life may hang in the balance. Whenever disaster strikes anywhere in Southern Israel, the volunteers of Hatzolah Darom are first to respond.
In cooperation with municipal authorities and the regional MDA (Magen David Adom), they are there.
Emergency aid must be rendered at the crucial moment. Delay can be deadly. Yet due to distances between hospitals, the injured may wait for 20 minutes or more in some cases. Trained, equipped Hatzolah Darom volunteers are dispatched to do whatever is necessary until the ambulance arrives.
In the currently unstable situation in Southern Israel, the need for their services has skyrocketed and the number of volunteers grows daily. They willingly enter high-risk areas and put their own lives on hold. They come from all walks of life, native-born sabras and recent immigrants, religious and secular – all unified in a common cause.
To support Hatzolah Darom with urgently needed equipment (ambucycles, defibrillators, two-way radios, first aid kits, helmets, life vests and more) is the highest Mitzvah – because it saves lives:
We are teaming with The One World Blue Network to bring a Shining Light of your talent and work to people across the nation and globe. Join us as we touch the hearts and lives of so many people in need thru this wonderful Spotlight and Campaign Program.
The Cost of a Professional Spotlight for you and/or your organization is $175.
30% of these proceeds goes to Hatzolah Darom. This helps our current campaign of raising the needed funds for the successful operation of our work to save lives in the South of Israel
Hatzolah Darom endeavors to save lives and ease pain, by training and equipping volunteers to respond to the emergency needs of the residents of Southern Israel.
The continuing emergency in Southern Israel shows no signs of let-up, putting life and limb in danger. Kassam rockets, as well as accidents on the high-speed highways, heart attacks, serious injuries in the home, school or workplace, call for well-equipped and dedicated first responders.
That’s where Hatzolah Darom plays a key role – galvanizing a team of trained volunteers who are ready 24/7 to speed to the scene and render first aid.
Add to this the fact that there are only 3 hospitals to serve this far-flung region, which means ambulance wait times that can make the difference between life and death. That’s where Hatzolah Darom comes in – with its dedicated, certified first responders, working in tandem with Magen David Adom and local municipalities to be there in the first golden minutes and save lives.
“Hatzolah Darom operates behind the scenes, far from the spotlight, yet with unconditional professionalism and devotion … your organization is deserving of much indebtedness and respect.”
Tzvi Tzilker, Mayor of Ashdod
Rabbi Michael Schwartz
Executive Director
Hatzolah Darom

Votes4 DateOct 3, 2017

Funded: 1 $180.00

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HITIP Brings Light to Your World

One World Blue, LLC
Welcome to the Hope International for Tikar People, HITIP, Campaign Page to bring Your Light and Talent to the World!
We are teaming with The One World Blue Network to bring a Shining Light of your talent and work to people across the nation and globe. Join us as we touch the hearts and lives of so many people in need thru this wonderful Spotlight and Campaign Program.
The Cost of a Professional Spotlight for you and/or your organziation is $175.
30% of these proceeds goes to the HITIP Organization. This helps our current campaign of raising the needed funds for the successful operation of our project Radio Taboo
We are currently raising $10,000 for solar energy to complete Radio Taboo. Radio Taboo is the community radio for Social Change we are building in Cameroon. Through this project, we are bringing voice to those whose voices are not heard and face to those whose faces are not seen. HITIP appreciates your contribution to this transformation!
This Is How Your Donation helps:
$25 will buy 20 light-balls
$50 will buy a 10 meters cable (04mm)
$100 will buy 1 electric controller
$500 will buy 1 solar panel of 12V- 200W
$1000 will buy 1 battery to store energy.
Any Amount will help
History of HITIP
"I know people who are wasting a lot of resources and money every day... And I know people who need that help. I've seen kids who need books and toys to be happy... How can I go to sleep without doing anything?! I don't want to make people feel guilty, I just want to connect the two worlds.”—Issa Nypahaga, Founder of HITIP
Hope International for Tikar People was founded in 2002 in direct response to the needs of community members with immediate and critical health care needs. After meeting Ibrahim, a young survivor of polio who needed a custom bicycle wheelchair, Issa Nyaphaga decided to take action.
Issa returned to France where he was a social worker facilitating community-based art projects. As a community organizer, Issa realized that he could not solve Ibrahim’s problem on his own. He shared Ibrahim’s story and photos with his students so they could learn more about the challenges facing the Tikar people and get involved. In the beginning, the majority of people who wanted to get involved and help Ibrahim were the school children. The children were interested in making a difference and they shared the information with their parents.
By partnering with communities and non-profit organizations in Cameroon, the United States and France, HITIP was able to raise the funds to provide two new wheelchairs---one for Ibrahim and one for a young woman named Alima. Now, Ibrahim didn’t have to be taken everywhere by his brother in a market cart. He didn’t have to rely on anyone other than himself to make the 3km trip to school every morning. His brother is also enjoying a newfound sense of independence and self-reliance.
This first success inspired a series of other projects for marginalized Tikar and Pygmy populations. Since 2002, HITIP has provided medicine, emergency medical supplies, shoes, books, school supplies, school bags, clothes and toys to seven villages in the Tikar region. All of these supplies were recycled and HITIP only had to cover the cost of shipping and transporting them.

Votes2 DateSep 17, 2017

Funded: 0 $0.00

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Musicians Mission of Mercy Spotlights Your Talent

One World Blue, LLC
Welcome to the Musicians Mission of Mercy Campaign Page to bring Spotlights of your Talent to the World!
We are teaming with The One World Blue Network to bring a Shining Light of your talent and work to people across the nation and globe. Join us as we touch the hearts and lives of so many people in need thru this wonderful Spotlight and Campaign Program.
The Cost of a Professional Spotlight for you and/or your band is $175.
30% of these proceeds goes to the Musicians Mission of Mercy Organization. This helps our operating budget to bring the desperate needed relief to people whom we serve that are in distress.
Are you interested in Crowdfunding to raise those funds you always wanted to produce your recording album? If so, join us also as we team with One World Blue to create your fundraising campaign.
The cost of a professionally Designed Campaign is only $180. This network of Blupela offers a better transaction fee rate of only 1% (plus payment processor fee), which is far below competitors at 5%.
You may also order merchandise for your campaigns to fundraise with. 15% of these proceeds will go to help those we serve at Musicians Mission of Mercy.
About Musicians Mission of Mercy
Musicians Mission of Mercy unites compassionate musicians from all genres to play a direct role in providing food and other life essentials to people in need.
Music has a universal power to bring people together emotionally and spiritually. We tap into the gifts of musicians to bring awareness to our mission and raise funds to buy and distribute provisions.
Participating artists also can have hands-on involvement in distributing food, toiletries and other essentials to the hungry in the community. Life’s essentials also include love, respect and dignity. Musicians are empowered to demonstrate these qualities as they interact face-to-face with their fans and people in need.
Musicians and non-musicians alike can support our cause by making a donation of any size to help buy provisions for distribution or by becoming a volunteer.
Musicians feed the hungry. Music feeds the soul. Join us in our mission!

Votes6 DateSep 12, 2017

Funded: 1 $225.00

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Overture to Peace

One World Blue, LLC
Overture to Peace Campaign
We at One World Blue are Promoting peaceful coexistence among all races, religions, ethnicities, and tribes.
We are an advocacy to eradicate racism, bigotry, segregation, sexism and violence.
A Tabernacle of Peace that shields the oppressed, marginalized and the weak.
At One World Blue we are designing tools for all people worldwide to be able to communicate online and work toward establishing peaceful relations with one another.
Steps in achieving Peace entail the following:
1) A statement to begin the conversation as user reaches out to the person he or she wants to make peace with.
“I would like to make peace with you and engage in an online conversation to begin our process”.
“Do you want to engage in an online conversation with me?”
2) To say, “First of all, I am truly sorry for my part in our disagreement. It pains me.
3) To begin the process once both parties are engaged, To chat briefly about what our disagreement was and then how we can take steps to resolve it.
Participants must go thru the process of exchange of the issues. Person who has made the request goes first.
4) Have choice to say how it impacts them.
5) Find the common goals. “What are our common goals and solutions?”
I will list mine and you then list yours.
Offer acknowledgements and praise for the person they are engaging to make peace with.
6) “How can we move forward with our mutual goals and solutions?”
“I will tell you my suggestions….”
7) Reiterates “I truly want to make peace with you. I care about you as my ___________ (brother, sister, friend, etc…)
8) Close by saying a final statement and then finalizing the agreement.
“My love and concern is for you. So our agreement is _______________”.
Also in the peace process give encouraging coaching statements along the way such as:
“Let go of pride”
“Aim to reconcile and not win”
“Be honest but respectful”

Votes7 DateNov 25, 2016

Funded: 0 $0.00

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One World Blue Network

One World Blue, LLC
One World Blue is working hard to continue improving its look and service and bring you the highest quality possible in your social media and crowdfunding experience. These images you see here will be the new One World Blue Version 2.0. We know you are as excited to see them as we are!
Please consider giving your support today so we can continue the growth and maintenance of our network as well as expand into the future with enhanced features for your needs. You may choose from an incentive of a service we offer (see From the Heart on the left) or you may also be inspired just to contribute from the value you see in our network. ANY AMOUNT IS GREATLY APPRECIATED.
We are grateful for your encouragement and sponsorship on any level to bring One World Blue to levels not seen before and continue our work for the revolutionary platform that is The One World Blue Network, The Social Network for Social and Planetary Healing and Change. Since the launch of the network January of 2015, One World Blue has already begun to build a strong foundation of Global Communities Standing Together as One, United in strong Faith and Friendship to bring much needed Social and Planetary Healing to our Earth. We collectively are raising the needed awareness and attention to work together and solve Planetary and Global Challenges we and our future generations now face.
We offer many services to support your fundraising campaigns and spotlights to assist you in bringing your voice and ideas as you and your team spawn necessary Healing in our World. PLEASE SEE FROM THE HEART at left side of this page for your convenient selections and checkout to begin our services and start making a difference TODAY!!
The Team of One World Blue Thanks you!!!
Custom order Embroidered Jersey Shirts and Hats for Gifts for your donors
Custom made t-shirts for incentives for giving to your campaign
Trifold Brochures
Postcards to promote your campaign

Posters for any event
One World Blue also does any other promotional materials or needs for your business, organization, events, campaigns or profession: Stress Balls, Eco-Friendly Shopping Totes, Weekly Planners, Cups, Magnets, Pens, Bumper Stickers and Regular Size Stickers, Koozies, Beach Bags and More. Just ask and we will quote you a price.
Our crowdfunding fee is the lowest in the market space online. ONLY 1 % FEES. No one can beat this. Payment processing is 2.9% + .30 a transaction thru Wepay.com, integrated with One World Blue. Please see our terms and conditions at bottom of network for further details.
Here is video at the first major Fundraising Event held at the launch of our transformative media platform:
Watch an interview of the Founder and CEO Joel Pirchesky on the Pittsburgh Sportsline Here (at 11:41 seconds mark of video):
One World Blue Sponsors Freedom From Fracking Concert with Rusted Root

Votes16 DateJul 14, 2015

Funded: 89 $18,026.01

Created Light on the World Spotlights

[image for World Spotlight Blupela.net.jpg]

One World Blue Launches Blupela.Net

One World Blue, LLC
One World Blue, LLC Launches Blupela.net, The Social Good Network
The platform provides individuals, non-profits, creators, and businesses an outlet for illuminating the work they are doing to improve the world.
PITTSBURGH (September 14, 2021) – One World Blue, LLC, a multifaceted organization with a goal of spreading positivity and improving people’s lives today announced the official launch of Blupela.net, “The Social Good Network”. Blupela.net was an idea conceived and developed by CEO, Joel Pirchesky beginning with an essay he wrote when he was a young elementary school student.
Joel Pirchesky stated, “When I learned about Martin Luther King and his goals and vision I was immediately awestruck by his strength and empathy. Upon learning of his story, I was inspired to work towards making the world a better place. After receiving a Master’s in Public Policy, I started the framework for One World Blue and www.BluPela.net.” [Click here to purchase the essay and blessing Peace in the World Essay and Blessing by Founder of One World Blue ].
www.BluPela.net is a social network that provides a platform for crowdfunding and contributing to posted works of positivity, creative talent, and charitable deeds. With a “Stand and Unite” friending system, it also lets small businesses, artists and individuals who are working towards making a difference come together and help spread the good around the world. This is a global opportunity to make meaningful impacts in the lives of people. We have spotlight features that people and organizations can create on their own or we can help create them. All the fees we charge are significantly less than other sites that offer far less in services.
Joel Pirchesky continued, “Together we can be strong, and Unity is the Key. It takes a lot of bricks to build a house, but they must be laid one by one and side by side. The goal of BluPela.net is to let people help in tiny incremental ways. Those small bits of help build and build and something great can be accomplished. Lao Tzu said, ‘A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step’. A perfect example of this is our project to bring clean water to the Kodiiri Village in Uganda. We have brought water filters to this village and impacted the lives of hundreds of children.” [Click here to read more about The Blue World Water Project and get involved]
Every two weeks, BluPela.net will be highlighting stories of hope and change and great deeds. We encourage people to join [ Register ] and let people know the Light they are bringing to the world and the people who are doing great things. For inspiration to take the next step, https://blupela.net/richie-parker-nascar-racing-team-engineer/ .

Votes1 DateOct 13, 2021

[image for World Spotlight Transformation.jpg]

Coaches of One World Blue

One World Blue, LLC
Russell Johnson
Russell Johnson, Esteemed founder of JRJ Productions, has Joined Forces with One World Blue Media
Russell has teamed with One World Blue, LLC and now serves the Global Corporation as the COO - Chief Operating Officer and Board Member- and is the Chief Talent and Production Director for Blupela One World Blue Media, our Global Network Changing and Healing the World One Good Deed at a Time.
A Testimony from Experience with Russell:
“Last year, you damned up a pond in Louis Armstrong Park in New Orleans to make space for an extra 10,000; we didn’t think you could top that. We were wrong, this year you created a virtual city on a peninsula in San Diego. Averaging 60,000 people a day for four days, they were entertained for over 13 hours each day. Yes we provided the NFL Players, but you provided the “Super Bowl of Parties” indeed. Congratulations, we couldn’t have asked for more.”
— Doug Allen, Executive Producer of the entire NFL Players Party
President, Players, Inc. and Asst. Director NFL Players Association (Former)
Ira Caplan
~ Songwriter, Guitarist
One World Blue LLC Logistics & Operations
Producer and Advisory Consultant for the Arts & Entertainment,  Metals Recycling and Mining Industries, with emphasis on Sustainability.  Ira helps fulfill an array of Companies' organizational goals, enjoys teaching, troubleshooting and guides clientele on achieving Excellence through a careful balance of management.
An accomplished liaison, Caplan displays an acumen for syncing with artists, producers, and Fortune 500 execs, green HRM and team building. Songwriter and Producer, his music carries themes of earthly awareness, heavenly pursuits, communion with the Divine and civilizational truths.
Jim Rosenstein
Jim Rosenstein brings an unusual blend to the world of coaching. He is a product of classic education at Carnegie-Mellon University school of business, chaplaincy training as well as life, relationship and empowerment coach training. He has over 20 years of teaching spiritual counseling, business and non-profit organizational experience.
With his natural gifts of caring, counseling and teaching, combined with his business acumen and a love to serve others, no wonder that Jim was drawn toward coaching. He began his formal coaching studies with Refuah Coaching Institute of Jerusalem, then continued with the Coaching Institute, and finally concluded his training with iPEC (Institute of Professional Excellence in Coaching), where he became an Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner, as well as a Certified Professional Coach.
Today, Jim thrives assisting his clients to attain greater personal freedom and joy, so they can live more successful and fulfilled lives. He especially loves to help busy service professions and entrepreneurs reduce stress in their complicated lives, so they can achieve more personal, professional and communal happiness and success - with less stress.
To Learn more about our coaching through One World Blue please email our office at

Votes1 DateJun 11, 2021



One World Blue, LLC
The Crows Nest is a recording studio/video production facility, as well as, rehearsal and performance venue. We also feature a large projector theater.
Home of Phathom Productions


Votes1 DateApr 27, 2021

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Patton Pad Session - An Evening with William Massey

One World Blue, LLC
One World Blue Blupela Media presents Patton Pad Session - An Evening with William Massey. Partial Proceeds benefit Sounds of Saving in Alliance with the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline ( www.soundsofsaving.org ).
William Massey is a singer-songwriter based out of Mouth of Wilson, VA. Born and raised in Savannah, Georgia, Massey incorporates his own Southern roots music with groups he's been influenced by such as: The Avett Brothers, Jason Isbell, Widespread Panic, Joe Purdy, and Hiss Golden Messenger to name a few. Live performances will provide a diverse sound ranging from a clean Taylor acoustic, to a full tone Gibson Memphis, to the dirty sounds of a slide on a Gretsch resonator.
Massey has opened for Nashville recording artist Andrew Salgado and North Carolina based Time Sawyer Band and is regularly featured in Sparta, NC's "Music on Main" series.

Votes1 DateJan 19, 2021

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One World Blue, LLC
Blessings to all Readers in this new year message
When things go wrong in your life, sometimes it's not because of what you did wrong - it's what you did right. It's because there is a promotion ahead. So tell yourself "THIS IS JUST A TEST!"
In order to reveal our true motives, God applies two major tests;
i.The test of time - or the delay test.
ii.The test of hardship - or the wilderness test.
The Best in 2021 to all family and friends may you continue to strive improve and remove anything that will deter your progress in love and unity in what is to be done. this is a new season for our reason ..again thanks to you the reader of this message.
Time reveals the true nature of things, so does pressure. The only way to know how strong your physical heart is to put it under pressure and watch how it performs.
Before God promotes you, He applies the test of motive. Why? Because, the true nature of our heart will eventually reveal itself. And God says, "better now than when you get promoted. We might as well bring it all out now, when you don't have too much influence."
When God applies the motive test, He is not trying to discover what is in your heart - He already knows! He is only trying to reveal it to you so you can deal with it. When a goldsmith puts gold ore in the fire, he already knows that there are impurities in the ore - but the fire will bring it to the surface.
Prosperity can reveal your true nature just as much as adversity can. A man's greed can be demonstrated by wealth just as much as it can be demonstrated by poverty.
Remember that the test doesn't teach you anything - it only reveals what you already know. In school, the test doesn't make you a good student or a bad student - it only reveals the kind of student you already are!
Crisis doesn't make anything of you - it only reveals your true essence. When you jolt a can coke will you pour out of it

Votes1 DateJan 12, 2021

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Shine with Lakesh McNair

One World Blue, LLC
Blupela One World Blue Media Presents the Virtual Concert of Shine with Lakesh McNair in Support of Sounds of Saving, Soundsofsaving. org, in Alliance with the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.
Sunday January 24th 7 pm
[You have 72 hours to login and watch if you cannot make scheduled time]

Votes2 DateJan 7, 2021

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An Evening of Celebration and Dedication with The Flow Band

One World Blue, LLC
For the Blupela One World Blue Media Concert Series in Support of Sounds of Saving, Soundsofsaving.org. Saving Lives Through the Healing Power of Music and its Professionals, In Alliance with the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.
Blupela One World Blue Media Presents:
An Evening of Celebration and Dedication with The Flow Band
Sunday January 3rd at 7 pm
[With a 72 Hour Window to Login and Watch]
Get Your Virtual Ticket Here
In Memory and Gratitude for the Life Long Work of The Flow Band's Founder:
Uzell Finney Jr.
Get Your Virtual Ticket Here
Featuring on Vocals:
Deborah Starling
In its long and ever active career, the band has opened for such artists as Third World, Dennis Brown, Ziggy Marley, Lady Smith Black Mambazo, & twice for Jimmy Buffet. The Flow band has always played a wide array of cover songs and originals and are quite adaptive stylistically; roots Reggae is the backbone but the band's influences are diverse, so the music is diverse and embracing of all kinds of musical expression.
Get Your Virtual Ticket Here

Votes1 DateDec 28, 2020

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An Evening of Wave and Song with Ira Caplan December 27 2020

One World Blue, LLC
One World Blue Media presents Ira Caplan, "A Holiday Concert Eve. of Light & Song"! Proceeds benefit Sounds of Saving in Alliance with the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline SoundsofSaving.org.
Ira's live performance and recording credits include a triple platinum music composer and director, an Emmy and Golden Globe Award winning TV writer and producer, Maui Radio, Israel Radio, Costa Rica, clubs across the US, Alaska and Carribean cruises, in Cantorial ensemble at the Tel Aviv Opera House and in Sam Glaser’s Kol Sason, a cappella group now "Pella". He's toured with Violinist Lior Kaminetsky, appeared with Moshav Band and Rebbe Soul, among many other gifted artists and personalities.
Set List
Written, Arranged & Performed by Ira Caplan
G of A Music [BMI] , “The Torah of Shem...in the Tents of Japeth”
© Copyright I. Caplan, 2020 All Rights Reserved ®™
Intro., Traveling Song.
(Chanukah Bridge) Warriors of Promise
Playing At Sea...
(Sounds of Saving, Prophecy) Oracle
With You (jammin'!)
Sacred City
Garden of Eden
"The Maccabee" to the tune of "The Gambler"
"Hearin' My Heart". (From Strength to Strength, Pete Himmelman)
"Never Let Go of a Love"
"The Poet & the Priestess (Not Too Much)"
"Two Way Street"
(Apollo 13 Hugs)
"The Boy Inside"
"Ghost of Apollo"

Votes2 DateDec 27, 2020

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AJ Jansen's New Year's Eve Special

One World Blue, LLC
Blupela One World Blue Media Presents The Spectacular AJ Jansen's Outlaw Women of Country in Support of Sounds of Saving, soundsofsaving.org, in Alliance with the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.
December 31st - New Year's Eve - 7 pm
[With a 72 Hour Window to Login and Watch]
Outlaw Women of Country" is a musical journey showcasing the female artists that have made Country Music history. From ground breakers such as June Carter. Dolly Parton and Kitty Wells to more recent superstars such as Carrie Underwood and Shania Twain, it pays homage to those who have taken the long road and paved the way for all future Country Music artists. You will enjoy reminiscing to iconic songs such as ‘Honky Tonk Angels’, ‘Stand By Your Man’, ‘Louisiana Women Mississippi Man’, ‘I'm Not Lisa’, ‘Coal Miners Daughter’, ‘Delta Dawn’, ‘Jolene’ and many more. It’s a night of songs that are long lost on the airways but alive and well in our hearts. You’ll love getting to know the Outlaw Women of Country!
Show creator, AJ Jansen is an award winning artist in her own right. She has been writing songs since the age of 10 and performing since the age of 6. With 5 Cd's under her belt, AJ has been compared to, Jewel, Shania Twain and actress Kate Winslet. She is in love with Classic Country Music and wants to keep that music alive in this ever-changing world. Song by song, ‘Outlaw Women of Country’ is a memorable, emotionally-packed tribute to that great music and the amazing female artists who brought it to us.

Votes2 DateDec 27, 2020

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Blupela Illuminations Speaker Series in Support of the Blue World Water Project

One World Blue, LLC
Blupela Media Virtual Illuminations Speakers Series in Support of The Blue World Water Project
First Virtual Talk begins on November 1st at 7 pm Streamed by JW Player and Accessed thru the Cleeng.com Ticket Sales System.
"Clean water available for the children , G-d bless Tarphon Kamya, Jewish Response Uganda, and Joel Pirchesky, founder of One World Blue, who provided this water filter"
Habimana Nelson - Director GSOWNC
Bodies Into Balance
Jenny Jean Crawford
Integrative Health Consultant
JOIN JENNY CRAWFORD for Her VIRTUAL ONLINE Lecture "Boost Your Immunity", Accessed Globally.
Sunday December 6th 7 pm
For the Blupela Illuminations Speaker Series in Support of WZUM FM Pittsburgh, The Afro American Music Institute, and WE#21
Blupela Media Presents:
WE#21 - Let's Be Friends and Teammates Virtual Interview with John Serrapere
We#21. Continuing Roberto Clemente’s legacy by “doing what Roberto would do.”
It is safe to say that meeting Roberto Clemente changed John Serrapere’s life. When John was just nine-years old, he asked the great Pittsburgh Pirate outfielder for his autograph. What he received was a lesson in living. Roberto waved his hand as if to say, “It’s not that important.” Then he looked at John and said, “If you want to become like one of my family, do as I do!”
Those words became John’s personal passion and the driving force in John’s financial consulting career. “Roberto Clemente led by example on the ball field and in his private life,” John emphasized.
Wednesday December 16th 7 pm
Numerology for Enlightened Living
Numerology is an ancient technology that uses numbers to map the soul's purpose and show the way to a fulfilling life. Numerology uses a person’s name and birthdate to form a profile. The letters are converted to numbers. The numbers represent a blueprint of the divine plan that was created before we were born. That plan indicates the natural talents, skill and abilities we possess and reveals what we will learn and what we may experience during our lifetime. Primarily a self-help tool, numerology provides a way to gain greater awareness and understanding into our inner being and true nature. Having a greater insight into our strengths and weaknesses will help us in every aspect of our lives.
"I have used numerology to guide my decisions in every aspect of my life and I have helped empower hundreds of clients by revealing the meanings of names, dates and cycles. I have found it to be a powerful self-help tool, affirming our own inner whispers of wisdom. My unique approach combines Numerology and Intuition to create a profound synthesis of both ancient and spiritual sciences, providing insightful and inspiring consultations."
Laverne Hotep Baker

Votes1 DateOct 28, 2020

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Blupela Concert Series in Benefit of Sounds of Saving

One World Blue, LLC
The Blupela Concert Series is Brought to You on Sunday Evenings from 7 to 8 pm throughout this fall and spring.
Join us for A Night of Music with Talented Professionals brought to you by Blupela Media in Support of Sounds of Saving, www.soundsofsaving.org , Saving Lives Through the Power of Music and Its Professionals, In Alliance with the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. Half of the proceeds benefit SOS.
Schedule of Concerts for Blupela Media Series in Support of Sounds of Saving
Streamed by JW Player and Accessed thru the Cleeng.com Ticket Sales System.
Line Up
September 6th Jeff Hames
October 4th Kevin Dolan
October 11th Jordan Danielsen
October 25th David Hipchen
November 8th Static in the Attic
November 22nd Divincemoore
December 27th Ira Caplan
December 31st AJ Jansen
January 3rd The Flow Band
January 24th Shine with Lakesh McNair
January 31st William Massey
Shine with Lakesh McNair
Sunday January 24th 7 pm
Outlaw Women of Country New Year Eve's Special with AJ Jansen
Get Your Virtual Ticket Here
December 27th An Evening of Wave and Song by Ira Caplan
Get Your Virtual Ticket Here
November 8th 7 pm Static in the Attic
Get Your Virtual Ticket Here
Kevin Dolan
“ I channel the music. I’m am just a conduit for it. Most of the time, I am trying to get out of the way and to let things flow the way they flow.”
Kevin Dolan is a singer/songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, recording artist, studio engineer, mastering engineer, and producer based in Asheville, North Carolina
Jordan Danielsen
"Jordan Danielsen, an in-demand singer-songwriter who hails from Davenport, Iowa by way of Denver, Colorado, is quickly and steadily making a name for himself. In-demand is not an overstatement; playing 5-6 nights a week in the quad-cities area and stretching as far as Chicago and Omaha."
"Featured on Trop-Rock radio, Jordan's music can loosley be considered "Americana" with strong tinges of country, jazz and classic '70s rock and roll. His influences range from Van Morrison to Paul Simon to The Counting Crows and can be heard in his many compositions."
Previous Concerts Also Available as Video on Demand for benefit of Sounds of Saving:
Jeff Hames
Missed The Magic of the Dulcimer by Jeff Hames and Jess Dickinson. Watch it now by Video on Demand. Only $7.70. Half of the proceeds benefit Sounds of Saving, Suicide Prevention through Music and its Professionals, Aligned with the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.
Watch the 45 second Trailer Here
Click Here to Purchase Your Video on Demand Ticket

Votes2 DateSep 21, 2020

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Care Foundation Malawi

One World Blue, LLC
Rumphi District
Concept on supporting most vulnerable children living in and on the street to prevent further spread of COVID-19
Compiled By: George Mlowoka
Executive Director
Cell: +265 999 940 159
Email: mlowokageorge041@gmail.com
1. Introduction
Care Foundation (CAFO) is a local Non Profit making Organisation established in October 2018 in response to the alarming number of vulnerable children who were identified in the streets and beaches around Boma Point and along the lakeshore areas. The aim of its establishment is to empower street orphaned and other vulnerable children and creating opportunity for such children to have access to basic education, health and nutritional needs while promoting the rights of all children ensuring fulfilment of their potential and participation in the development of their country. The organization is registered with the government of Malawi through social welfare department and operating in the district Rumphi from northern part of Malawi.
2. Rationale or Problem Statement
Children living in and on the Street face different form of abuse as they are fighting for survival, most of these children are vulnerable who are subjected to hazardous and unhygienic condition putting them at risk of infections, drug and substance abuse and introduced to crime. A lot of children have been seen working and begging in the streets of many cities in Malawi and most of them are out of school with undecided future. These children are mostly seen selling commodities like clothes, plastic bags and agricultural products in order to get money to meet their needs. It is of major concern to observe how these children live, some live under bridges, unfinished houses and vacant places.
Major issues forcing these children in the streets includes domestic, economic and social disruption which include poverty, breakdown of families sexual, physical or emotional abuse, domestic violence mental health problems, substance abuse, sexual orientation or gender identical issue. Some children may end in streets due to cultural and religious factors for example girls are forced to engage themselves in sexual activities for the benefit of families economically
With great concern, these children are very at risk of COVID-19 as they are vulnerable due to unfavorable conditions being exposed every day, they are working and begging in the street, it should be noted that most of these children interact with a lot of people each day who may be a great threat to the society if some of them can be infected with COVID-19, culturally children are very close to their grandparents as most of them lost their parents due to HIV/AIDS. If these children can catch the virus may destroy the whole community within a short period of time as they are too mobile moving from one point to another trying to make ends meet. Old people are very at risk of COVID-19 due to weak immune system hence the need to prevent the spread of the virus among children who may easily transmit the virus to them.
3. Main Activities and Approach
Care Foundation would want to address grassroots issues contributing to increased number of children living in and on the street. The organization is intending to withdraw, prevent and protect these children from COVID-19 and other form of abuse, sensitize communities on providing care and support to vulnerable children, support identified vulnerable households with an income generating activity to reduce number of children going to the street trying to make ends meet, provide direct support to children identified in the street to stay in school, procure and distribute COVID-19 sanitary materials and distribute among parents and guardians of children identified in the street, sensitize the communities on COVID-19 and preventive measures, provide ongoing psychosocial support services to children and guardians to rehabilitate from psychological trauma.
4. Target Communities and Reasons
Care Foundation will target 4 communities in Rumphi district which includes Rumphi Boma, Bolero, Chitimba and Chiweta. In brief these communities are the main business hubs of Rumphi district and market places, the 2 communities of Chiweta and Chitimba are along the lake shores of northern part of Lake Malawi. In these communities children are forced to go for fishing while most of the girls are seen selling dry fish who are out of school, these children may be the great threat to the communities around them if they are infected with COVID-19. Children travel from different places within the districts and other district to work around these communities to make their ends meet. Most of these children living in these markets places are those who travel from the southern region of Malawi with their parents who came to work in tobacco farms and mostly those who lost both parents and lack parental care and support.
5. Target Groups
Care Foundation will target children living in and on the street not less than 4 hours per day, will also target vulnerable household heads who some of their children have been identified in the street. The organization has so far identified 50 children at Rumphi Boma and is yet to identify at Bolero, Chitimba and Chiweta, likely the number will increase to more than hundred.
6. Implementation Period
Care Foundation will carry out this program for a period of six months and shall recruit social workers to facilitate implementation of all the activities at community level.
7. Program Approach Strategy
The program will strengthen strategies and scale up withdraw of children from the street and prevent those on the verge of being in the street through different interventions at Boma point and other trading centres within the district where children work in the street. The approach will strengthen systems for protecting boys and girls from COVID-19 and different form of abuse, exploitation and violation. The project will work in collaboration with community development structures, key district stakeholders and other partners of the same interest for experience sharing and capacity building.
If You or Anyone You Know Can Help Reach These Goals Please Cotact:
George Mlowoka
Executive Director
Cell: +265 999 940 159
Email: mlowokageorge041@gmail.com

Votes1 DateJul 12, 2020

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Peace in the World Essay of One World Blue

One World Blue, LLC
"Peace in the World"
Music and Vocals by Michelle Kaye with surround vocals by Divincemoore - lyrics by Joel Pirchesky, founder of One World Blue Media
I have a dream that the world would be better and a safe place to live.
Children should not be afraid to be without their parents. They should not be worried about being kidnapped. People should realize that they should not hurt anyone and try to understand what they are doing.
I think it is very meaningless to have war. It is senseless to fight and kill one another. God did not put people on Earth to fight, argue, or hurt each other.
Poverty is very harmful and cruel to people. It can sometimes kill a person. It would be nice if poor people did not have to go to bed hungry.
Robbery scares me a whole lot, and I am sure it scares alot of other people too. People are sometimes shot and killed because they protect their belongings. Probably if people had the things they needed, there would be no more robberies.
It is a shame people are so terrified about highjacks on a plane that they don't even go on them. I hope in the future people will be able to go on a plane without worrying about a highjack.
If people try and work together they can make this world a better one. I am willing to try, are you?
Click Here to Order the Peace in the World Campaign Plaque with Original Script by the Founder of One World Blue and Support the Growth of our Network, Bringing More Ligfht in the World
Order comes with the Essay mounted on Filmboard with Photopaper Glaze (Size is 10" x 10 ") Shipping Included

Votes1 DateJun 1, 2020


One World Blue Media Marketing and Management

One World Blue, LLC
One World Blue Media, Film and Entertainment
Bringing Healing to the Planet Thru Music and Film
One World Blue Media is a full promotion and production Media Company of Music, Film, Sports and Entertainment for Enlightenment and Healing of our Nation and World
We Specialize in:
Promotion and Booking of Musicians, Bands, Entertainment Persona, Sports Athletes and Public Figures; Production of Film and Videography Projects; Agent Representation for Sports and/or Entertainment; Recording Contracts for Musicians on our One World Blue Media Label; Endorsements and Sponsorships on any Professional Levels
Full production service for new album recordings for Musicians and Bands. All productions released on digital, CD and Vinyl. State of the Art Recording Facilities Contracted anywhere in the USA and Select Locations World-Wide. From sound mixing, graphic designs, merchandising, media release, promotion, and all manufacturing of albums from beginning of process to the end completed under contract.
Film Production Services under One World Blue Media Entertainment
The success of the One World Blue Media Group is the result of our intense passion and God given ability to Move Forward. We strive to continue to shape and change the entertainment landscape and lead the evolution of entertainment, programming, promotion, marketing, and sales.
The One World Blue Media Group continues to believe each of our new ideas is an important aspect of the communities in which we work and live. We believe our employees have the knowledge, the dedication, and the ingenuity to lead us to newer heights, to break through the barriers to success, and to continue to build upon our already celebrated tradition.
Some of the Projects and Talent under the Promotion of One World Blue Media include:
Check out some of the work of One World Blue Infomercials below!
Booking: info@oneworldblue.com
Main Office: (412)-690-5530
One World Blue Beautiful
This is the vision of One World Blue
Wendy Bell on Why One World Blue?
What is One World Blue?
Wines of America
The Fence Fan
Jones Farm
JAB Jewelry
Ohr Simcha Children's Home Israel
Pittsburgh Sportsline
StarQuest Tv Challenge
Sports Athletes and Sponsorships
Attila Domas
Racing for Israel
Athletic competition, including motorsports, offers an opportunity to establish contacts between nations in conflict, promoting dialogue and reconciliation.
Alon Day was crowned 2017 & 2018 Champion in NASCAR's European Series. In all of his international races, ALON DAY proudly displays his allegiance to the Stat e of Israel. He was awarded the title 2016 Israel Athlete of the Year by the Ministry of Culture and Sport.
Michael Manna
"The Pittsburgh Bull"

Featured Artist
Michael Fratangelo Visionary Artist

One World Blue Singer Songwriter Review by Talent Director Russell Johnson:
"But don't expect the heavy metal of Joe's past, expect the soulful feel of Gregg Allman and the jam licks of Tedeschi Trucks Band and the soul of Bill Whithers."
Patrick McGregor Music:
"I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation for One World Blue taking the time to contact me to begin with. What you have done for me is above my expectations. I also feel that talking with you is like we have been friends for a long time. The write up that Russell Johnson gave me was very overwhelming and I feel like I have been friends with both Russell Johnson as well. You made me feel comfortable which I feel is important for customer relationship. I have gotten a lot of exposure already within a few days. Thank you again One World Blue for your work and diligence!" Patrick McGregor Music
"I just wanted to say Thank you to One World Blue for featuring me and encouraging me and doing such a wonderful and professional job with my EPK Spotlight. Thank you to Gedaliah Aronson for such a great job on my interview. I am looking forward to working with you more in the future." Divincemoore Music
"I'm so pleased to have joined One World Blue. Their professionalism is awesome. They have brought me into the Family and made me feel so welcome. I was struggling to do what I have always dreamed of since I first heard Rock and Roll. I am in the Company of so many prominent individuals now that it amazes me, the writing by Russell Johnson, the spiritual tone of my conversations with Joel and the awesome website introduction put together by Bernard are excellent. I stand amazed and Blessed to be involved here at One world with all of you. Thanks again for propelling me forward to reach my Destiny." Alan Blade
Danny Vavrek Acoustic
The Music of Jeff Hames
The Band:
* Jeff Weise: Guitar
* Eric Kurtzrock: Drums
* Mike Tony: Keys
* Stephen Cunningham: Bass
Eric, Jeff, Mike and Steve came together to do Beatles tunes, primarily from their psychedelic era, onward. Bringing together our musical sensibilities from jam bands, jazz, and various styles of rock, we agreed to NOT just be another Beatles cover band. We don't wear Beatles clothes or uniforms and we definitely don't wear wigs.


Fyah Wyah
"One World Blue World Spotlight. Give Thanks for the positive vibes and support to The Flow Band. Tropical Soul Vibes from the island of Pittsburgh. Tuff Going since 1982. Bringing Positive Uplifting Vibes to the World. More Love. More Life. One World Blue Spotlights has helped us manage our tours and schedules effectively. Respect to One World Blue!" Uzell Finney Jr. The Flow Band Pittsburgh
For More Information on the Services of One World Blue Media and Entertainment, for contract inquiries, or to book a concert, performance, or Film Production please contact our office at
412 690-5530

Votes2 DateMay 6, 2020

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A Mother's Promise

One World Blue, LLC
Miracles happen all the time in Fundraising and Rising to the Challenge
People Can and Do Come Together and Unite
Crowdfunding effort raises $2.2 million in 5 days to save Florida toddler’s life
JTA — A campaign on a crowdfunding website raised more than $2 million in five days to provide a “miracle drug” to help a sick 2-year-old Florida girl.
Eliana Cohen, daughter of Ariel and Shani Cohen of Aventura, was diagnosed with an extremely rare disease called spinal muscular atrophy shortly before her second birthday after an earlier misdiagnosis of her very weak lower body muscles. The genetic disorder usually occurs in infancy, when it is fatal.
Once the diagnosis was made, the family learned of a drug recently approved by the FDA called Zolgensma that could save Eliana’s life. She would have to take the medicine — the first gene therapy approved to treat children younger than 2 with SMA — before her second birthday on July 20, as stated by the FDA approval. The catch: The one-time dose cost $2.2 million and was not covered by insurance.
The crowdfunding campaign on The Chesed Fund website raised $2,202,364.80 from 23,353 donors between July 12 and July 17. The donations came in dollars, British pounds and shekels.
Eliana received the treatment on the Friday before her birthday, and was doing well over the weekend, the Miami Herald reported.
As part of the fundraising efforts, Shani Cohen appeared in a 16-minute video talking about her daughter, the disease and the couple’s efforts to save her life. It has been viewed over 72,000 times. Meanwhile, an Instagram account to follow her progress was established. A Facebook page called “Help US Save Eliana” also has provided updates.
“We want to take the opportunity to recognize and thank each and every one of you for your tefillos (prayers) and generous support. Please continue to pray for Chana bas Shani, as we still have a long way to go!”
Retreived and edited from: https://www.timesofisrael.com/crowdfunding-effort-raises-2-2-million-in-5-days-to-save-florida-toddlers-life/
Written By Marcy Oster

Votes1 DateApr 24, 2020

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Aaron Katsof’s Struggle to Rescue The Last Jews in Sudan

One World Blue, LLC
Aaron Katsof’s Struggle to Rescue The Last Jews in Sudan
One of the videos produced during Aaron Katsof's efforts to rescue an entire family from Sudan and Ethiopia — an odyssey that took several years and involved crossing African borders, battling third-world bureaucracy, greasing many palms, and most of all, a huge dose of siyata d’Shmaya.

Votes1 DateApr 24, 2020

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Pittsburgh Covid-19 Emergency Equipment Campaign

One World Blue, LLC
Pittsburgh Covid-19 Emergency Equipment Campaign
We have been notified of institutions and front line personnel in the Pittsburgh area who are in immediate need of mask and ppe donations!
We can make a difference with your help.
Please help us get supplies to the medical professionals in our community of Pittsburgh.
Our goal is to protect those we love most, our elderly and front line heroes who are risking their lives to save ours.
Click on this Link to Donate
Every cent we receive through this gofundme campaign will be spent on purchasing and delivering this safety equipment.
We are actively disbursing it around the community, based purely on need.
Please give generously and share this page with your friends!
Click on this Link to Donate
Help Spread the Word!
Here are some helpful Links you may share
URA Grant
Food Stamps
Duquesne Light Cap Program
People Gas Program
City Assistance
Unemployment Benefits
J Fund
Squirrel Hill Food Pantry

Votes1 DateApr 24, 2020

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One World Blue Videography

One World Blue, LLC
Check out some of the work of One World Blue Infomercials below!
Booking: info@oneworldblue.com
Main Office: (412)-690-5530
One World Blue Beautiful
This is the vision of One World Blue
Wendy Bell on Why One World Blue?
What is One World Blue?
Wines of America
The Fence Fan
Jones Farm
JAB Jewelry
Energy Swing Windows
Positively Wendy Bell
Shailen Abrams
Mission Mahi
30 SECONDS - $1990
[Two Payments of $795]
1 MINUTE - $2390
[Two Payments of $1195]
2 MINUTES - $2950
5 MINUTES - $3950
10 MINUTES + - Pricing per project
ALL VIDEOS Come with a Professional Spotlight Story Designed and Published on The One World Blue Network for 12 months. All prices may change depending on time of production, travel, etc.
Place Your Order by following this link below:
For More Information please email us at info@oneworldblue.com
or call us at 412 690-5530
A Fully Designed and Published Spotlight Comes with every Infomercial ($695 value)
* Your Professional Spotlight Designed and Published on The One World Blue Network with Your Curated Content
* A Personal Interview done by a professional writer and journalist and the design of the Spotlight created by a project concierge (the article written will be between 300-400 words and include one revision with the payment)
* Promotion Through Social Media Channels
* Featured Spotlight Position on The One World Blue Network for three days

Votes1 DateMar 11, 2020

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Trees Are Way More than What Meets the Eye

One World Blue, LLC
Scientists Discover That Trees Have A "Heartbeat"
There is a huge number of living things on Earth, all with their own set of characteristics and unique ways of life. All the way from the smallest ants, up to the huge giraffes and elephants, one thing that everyone has in common is that they are alive! One type of living organism is plants and trees. While they may not walk around like other organisms, or have a kidney and liver, they do actually have their own set of organs, so to speak.
The Secret Heartbeat
While a tree definitely doesn't have a heart, the idea that they have their own beat and sense of rhythm isn't as far fetched as many people think. According to a study which was headed by András Zlinszky, Bence Molnár and Anders S. Barfod from Hungary and Denmark, trees do in fact have a special type of beat within them which resembles that of a heartbeat. Who would have known?
To find this hidden heartbeat, the researchers used advanced monitoring techniques known as terrestrial laser scanning to survey the movement of twenty two different types of trees. The results shocked everyone and revealed that at night, while the trees were sleeping, they often had a beat pulsating throughout their body, just as humans, and other living creatures do too.
What is it?
While these pulses aren't an actual heart beating, it does effectively do the same job in keeping rhythm and pumping liquids around the organism. The pulses which the scientists discovered are actually the tree pumping and distributing water around its body, just as a heart pumps blood. It has long been assumed that trees distribute water via osmosis but this new find says otherwise. This could change the way humans see and understand trees forever, so many things could change now. The “heartbeats” themselves were quite slow and steady, with some occurring every few hours. Even so, it's an amazing find that proves nature is far more complex than anyone could have ever imagined.
It wasn't just the heartbeat that the study discovered either, it also revealed that trees move quite a lot during the night, far more than people initially thought. As it turns out, a large number of species dropped their leaves down up to ten centimetres after the sun goes down. When trees do this, it's actually because they're sleeping (another human/animal trait), and they enter their own type of circadian rhythm known as ‘circadian leaf movements’, which is incredibly interesting to watch.
Trees and plants are some of the most mysterious living organisms that harbour so much information and have plenty of secrets left to give up. Some even say that trees have the ability to cry and feel pain, both of which would change the world if true. There's still so much we need to learn and more studies will hopefully reveal some more answers about the mysterious, yet mesmerising world of plants, and trees.
References: www.frontiersin.org/ ...
What can a Tree Teach Us?
I want to share with you an experience I had a little over twenty years ago when I was 21.
I was taking a course from a company called Landmark Education. They do transformational and self development work. They promise you to get out of the course what you are committed to getting when you take it. My request when I was completing what was called The Advanced Course was one thing:
Self Nullification
You see I was studying meditation for several years, since I first went to University of Wisconsin at Madison as a freshman. I had wandered into a bookstore on main street that year and found a book by Lawrence LeShan, called How to Meditate. My journey began.
I eventually studied a lot of Zen Meditation, read and read, but most important of all I practiced, A lot.
I was so interested in the concept and achievement of enlightenment and had a yearning beyond desire for it. In every moment of my free time, all I wanted to do was practice my meditation work.
Several years went by and I became more involved and advancing well. When I began taking the courses at Landmark, I brought this goal with me and that is when I was asked what do you want out of it, I simply answered one thing:
Self Nullification
You see I have learned one main thing in life in getting things accomplished. If you want to be a leader, one thing must happen. You cannot do what you want, but rather you must do what is needed to get what you set out to do accomplished and done.
If I point to a moment in my life where a shift began it was what happened with this experience I will tell you now:
It was the second day of the Advanced Course at Landmark and it was at the end of the day. It was very late, about midnight. I went back to my hosts house (I was in Cincinnati taking the course) and I went into the bedroom where I was staying. I just happened to notice the picture on the wall next to the bed. It was a beautiful picture of a tree.
At this moment I started to have several deep thoughts. I began to see that just as this tree, so are all of us, meaning we all go back to one source. I was able to see that we are all as individuals like a leaf on a tree, and more importantly we go back to one root, one source. Imagine you are a leaf and you look out beyond to the other side of the tree and you see another leaf. You say hello and how are you, but just by seeing this other leaf across the tree you are not able to see that you are part of the same tree and come from the very same root. With this I understood something very profound.
I also at that time had realized I was searching for enlightenment but until this time did not consider that I had been enlightened before, before this current path on Earth. Many people on this same search, at this point in our Creation, have actually reached this state as well, before they have entered into this life we all share in this point of our collective history.
After these thoughts and understandings, I was sitting on the edge of the bed and at that moment I saw a clear thin light in front of me. It was the only time I have ever seen this in my entire life and I have always wanted to see it again but I never have. It was a bright clear, thin, white light and it lasted only about maybe thirty seconds or less. I looked at it and did not know what to think and then it went away. I then went to sleep.
When I awoke, I had felt like I had shot down into my body. The strange thing then was that I had felt what seemed like electricity running through my body. I didn't know what it was and I had no idea what to say or tell anyone. I got up and took a shower. I looked outside and everything seemed brighter to me, more alive. This feeling of energy lasted with me for about six months. It was not until about two years later that I found out what that energy was. In the East, it is called Chi by some, Prana by others. The closest I can find it in my tradition is Nefesh Chiyuni, the life force of the soul. Christians may acknowledge and say of it that it is the Holy Spirit which runs through each of us.
I found out what this new state of being was because I met a man (in 1994) I want to introduce to you. His name is Tienko Ting and he is the founder of Natural Chi Movement. When I met Tienko, he had told me that he knew I had already activated my own chi before. He said in his course that not many people do that on their own and many around the world try long times to do so. Tienko has a method and gift of activating one's chi which then can be practiced and free flowing as Natural Chi Movement.
After I met Tienko and did his Natural Chi Movement Activation, my energy, that had been free flowing after my experience a couple years before and lasted about six months, began to flow again. And honestly since then it has never stopped. For the past twenty plus years I have every day of my life experienced this free flowing life force of the soul, through my body. I practiced very much, became more knowledgeable also in my own traditions of Judaism and went to Yeshiva Judaica School, came back and then went into the health care profession for eight years. This free flowing energy from our Creator which we all inherently possess (even trees and stones have it) and it is my hope that as a Global Society getting ever closer that we should all learn to connect with this (each in their own way and tradition) has been a blessing to me and many others. It is something within each of us and which anyone has the ability to connect and awaken. I do owe thanks and a debt of gratitude to Tienko for what he helped to restart and reactivate in me. Most of all, I owe gratitude, acknowledgment and praise to our Creator, of which whose Thanks is beyond measure, for awakening in me this spirit and life force that is always there and present every day of my life.
I will be making a spotlight soon dedicated to Tienko Ting and Natural Chi Movement and for now you can also see his site and be in touch with him here:
As I write this, we are about to go into the Yom Kippur Holiday, the day of forgiveness. If we truly realize we are all one, we come from one source and return to one source, and separateness is only an Illusion, the ego is only an Illusion, hence Self Nullification is liberation, we will come to forgive others easier because at the core root, we are actually one with each other. There really is no separateness. This idea of One World Blue was born out of my experience when I was young and searching for enlightenment only to find I had always had it. We all have it. It is within each of us.
The clear light that I saw I believe was the clarity and radiance of the natural mind in its natural state, after all of the ego has been cleared away. The Tibetans have a saying and chant, Om Mani Padme Hum, Hail to the Clear Light that Fills the Void. That Clear Light is our own inner light. It is our essence and being. It is within each of us and pervades all things. Let's have respect for that true light that we all carry. Let's have respect for each and every sentient being on this planet and all places. When we realize we are all truly connected we cannot live on our own. We can only live in a One World Blue.
God Bless You
Joel Pirchesky
CEO and Founder
One World Blue, LLC

Votes1 DateFeb 4, 2020

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One World Blue Tribute to Blue Miller

One World Blue, LLC
Our Tribute to Blue Miller
We lost a dear Brother recently who is well known among the music community here in Nashville, Blue Miller.
He is known for his Work with Bob Seger and Dave Gibson of The Gibson Miller Band and countless Others. His Influence is Evident in Our Lives.
Blue Inspired us Back in 72 and Before when he fronted his own band, Julia Blue.
Blue Miller you will Live in our Hearts and in Your Music. What are you waiting for? is a Hit Song that tears our Heart about Breaking Up.
Blue we are waiting for that Day when All of Your Friends will be Together again in That Big House in the Sky!!
One World Blue Thanks You Blue Miller and I Thank You and Will Always Miss You:
Alan Blade
Blue Miller’s astrological sign is Cancer. Cancer’s are homebodies. He is the exact opposite, and that opposite is as apparent as the difference between his singing and speaking voice. Find him out on the road….find him in the studio….but home? That’s where he sleeps…sometimes. He’s a down to earth “good guy”, a little bit shy, yes …. and a gentle soul.
It’s hard to believe that throaty, raspy almost hurtful sound is him and harder to believe after you’ve seen him perform, that the soft-spoken person is one and the same. His singing and playing rip from his insides to show and tell the world, “this is what I am…this is who I am”.
Blue’s dad gave him a guitar at age six and he listened to pop radio, Motown records, and old time Rock’n’Roll, putting in hours of playing every day, trying to mimic what he’d heard, while his friends taunted him with baseball, football, basketball and later cruising for babes.
While his buds were “scoring”, he scored music as he studied music theory, ear training and classical guitar at Wayne State. The Detroit music scene was happening. Detroit was home, and while he was definitely influenced, he soon developed a style all his own….black and white and every shade of blue.
A band fronted by Blue had to be and was….. went through some name and member changes, and eventually became known as Julia. Julia caught the ears of Ann Marston, retired world archery champion and Miss Michigan. She became their manager and with her influence, she led them to three single releases with chart success. Julia was signed to a management/recording deal (not too shabby for a first band) and, when they were asked to tour and record with Blue’s hero, his parents, Shirley & Bill, had to sign a permission slip…. Blue was still in school.
Look for him on the Capitol Records single release, “Lookin’ Back”, and the “Back In 72” & “Bob Seger Seven” LP’s on Palladium/Reprise Records. But don’t expect to find the name Blue Miller there. Look instead for Bill Mueller.
Read on……….he had rave reviews from England’s “Melody Maker” magazine touting his fabulous guitar work on Seger’s albums, but he was also a singer and writer, and he ached for the spotlight to showcase his own music.
He left the folds of his hero. Julia disbanded, scattered, and Bill went on his solo way. (It wasn’t too long after this that the name Blue Miller was penned for the first time.)
Check Out Blue Miller's Resume
Listen To More Of Blue Miller's Music

Votes2 DateFeb 3, 2020

[image for World Spotlight album_blue.jpg]

A Tribute to Blue Miller

One World Blue, LLC
Blue Miller’s astrological sign is Cancer. Cancer’s are homebodies. He is the exact opposite, and that opposite is as apparent as the difference between his singing and speaking voice. Find him out on the road….find him in the studio….but home? That’s where he sleeps…sometimes. He’s a down to earth “good guy”, a little bit shy, yes …. and a gentle soul.
It’s hard to believe that throaty, raspy almost hurtful sound is him and harder to believe after you’ve seen him perform, that the soft-spoken person is one and the same. His singing and playing rip from his insides to show and tell the world, “this is what I am…this is who I am”.
Blue’s dad gave him a guitar at age six and he listened to pop radio, Motown records, and old time Rock’n’Roll, putting in hours of playing every day, trying to mimic what he’d heard, while his friends taunted him with baseball, football, basketball and later cruising for babes.
While his buds were “scoring”, he scored music as he studied music theory, ear training and classical guitar at Wayne State. The Detroit music scene was happening. Detroit was home, and while he was definitely influenced, he soon developed a style all his own….black and white and every shade of blue.
A band fronted by Blue had to be and was….. went through some name and member changes, and eventually became known as Julia. Julia caught the ears of Ann Marston, retired world archery champion and Miss Michigan. She became their manager and with her influence, she led them to three single releases with chart success. Julia was signed to a management/recording deal (not too shabby for a first band) and, when they were asked to tour and record with Blue’s hero, his parents, Shirley & Bill, had to sign a permission slip…. Blue was still in school.
Look for him on the Capitol Records single release, “Lookin’ Back”, and the “Back In 72” & “Bob Seger Seven” LP’s on Palladium/Reprise Records. But don’t expect to find the name Blue Miller there. Look instead for Bill Mueller.
Read on……….he had rave reviews from England’s “Melody Maker” magazine touting his fabulous guitar work on Seger’s albums, but he was also a singer and writer, and he ached for the spotlight to showcase his own music.
He left the folds of his hero. Julia disbanded, scattered, and Bill went on his solo way. (It wasn’t too long after this that the name Blue Miller was penned for the first time.)
Check Out Blue Miller's Resume
Listen To More Of Blue Miller's Music

Votes1 DateJan 30, 2020

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8 Billion Trees

One World Blue, LLC
The mission is simple: change the world one tree at a time.
By subscribing and becoming a part of 8 Billion Trees' global initiative, 8 Billion Trees will save 100 existing trees and plant at least 10 new trees per month on your behalf.
8 Billion Trees thinks it's something to smile and feel good about. And so do the animals you're helping to save.
Learn More About 8 Billion Trees
We all know deforestation is destroying habitats, fueling climate change, and increasing pollution. But most people just don't feel it's possible to do anything to help.
Planting trees won't solve all the world's issues. But it's something tangible that we CAN do that will make a BIG difference and start saving the lives of millions of endangered animals immediately.
8 Billion Trees is conserving 100 existing trees and planting 10 new trees for every item sold.
Shop Now: Make Your Impact
Use Your Online Shopping Cart
Follow the 8 Billion Trees team as it travels to the Amazon to fight deforestation where it matters most.
8 Billion Trees was founded with a simple idea: if people can destroy the Earth, they can also help to rebuild it.
Co-founders Michael Powell and Jon Chambers were inspired by groups like Ecosia and Trees for the Future, but saw the opportunity to do something even bigger: plant and save 8 billion trees.
Taking their passion for entrepreneurship and channeling it into a cause for greater good, 8 Billion Trees was born on November 10th, 2018.
At 8 Billion Trees, the goal is to become the most environmentally aware company on the planet. 8 Billion Trees doesn't simply want to reduce the negative impacts of habitat destruction, deforestation and irresponsible forestry--it wants to use these issues as fuel to completely revitalize what it means to be environmentally friendly. By changing our environment and spreading awareness, it is hoping to make a global change.
It also hopes to serve as an example for other companies by proving that focusing on social and environmental responsibility just as much as profit is a sustainable business model.
Everything 8 Billion Trees does as a company is dedicated to furthering its environmental mission.
8 Billion Trees' mission is really to restore the Earth and fight against the evils of deforestation. 8 Billion Trees is always striving to find new ways to revitalize and restore the environment. Ultimately, we are here to leave the world a better place than we found it, while inspiring others to do the same for an Earth of tomorrow that is greener and brighter for all.
By conserving existing trees and planting new trees we can help to save endangered animals.
By subscribing and becoming a member, you take a stand in the fight for a better, greener, more sustainable Earth.
Check Out 8 Billion Trees' Partners

Votes1 DateJan 29, 2020

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Malawi Empowerment for Girls Education

One World Blue, LLC
A Rumphi Residents Association Project
Parents offer very little support to girl child as they are culturally corrupted with a belief that a girl is for marriage and a boy is for education. Inadequate support to girl child has greatly affected their education life as they indulge in promiscuity to get their basic needs like food, clothing and even school fees to some point. There is too much school dropout, the annual school dropout is at 55%, there is early marriages, early pregnancies, HIIV/AIDS infection, death and some girls discontinue their education due to problem of school fees as parents fail to take responsibilities.
The child right law lacks mechanisms to enforce and 99% of the total population is ignorant of this law. The government and its responsible ministries play a very little role to sensitize the community on issues of child rights including the girl child.
This project will engage the girls, parents and teachers in a platform where strategies to address the situation will be provided by themselves. Girls will openly share their problems, and engage the parents and teachers in a more lobbying way for deliberate effort to support their education life. The goal of the project is, 95%of girls getting secondary and tertiary education through increased parental support.
We anticipate a reduction on issue of early marriages, pregnancies and HIV/AIDS and other STIs infection. Increased number of girls attending secondary education and improved parent, teacher relationship.
The project will directly target 300 girls from these secondary schools, 200 parents and 12 head teachers for a start and indirectly 10,000 people will learn from this interventions and change for the better.
This is a one year project from the date of commencement and after an evaluation; the donor will decide to continue with the project rolling out to other constituencies.
1. We are in need of $3000 for the girls seminar meetings where parents, teacher and students will engage and discuss problems facing the girls child.
2. We have a plan to provide bicycles to girls who are walking a distance of 10 to 15 kilometers every day and this has a budget of $5000 for 50 bicycles.
3. We are also planning to $6000 to construct girls bathrooms for the 6 surrounding schools.
For More Information please Email the Director of the Rumphi School Project, Moir Walita at:

Votes1 DateJan 24, 2020

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Social Media Spotlight EPKs for Musicians and Artists

One World Blue, LLC
Looking to Get the Word Out About Your Sound? Need to reach that Producer or Concert Promoter? How Can YOU Get Your Media Kit Out to Social Media in an Easy Way?
Blupela One World Blue SPOTLIGHT EPKs
Journalism Review Included
Send to Your Social Media Following, Concert Promoter or Booking Agent with the Click of a Button.
Our Network is Free to any User to Use. You may create your own Spotlight EPK or Campaign on your own. However we also have an innovative Journalistic and custom curated service to offer you:
What you get:
* Your Professional Social Media Spotlight EPK Designed and Published on The One World Blue Network with Your Curated Content
* A Personal Interview done by a professional musician journalist and the design of the Spotlight created by a professional designer (the review will be between 200 and 400 words and include one revision with the payment)
* Optional Keyword Technology Integrated in the Publication for Easy Indexing in the Search Engines
* Ease of Promotion Through Social Media Channels
* Featured Spotlight Position on The One World Blue Network for two days
1 Social Media Music EPK Professionally Published on The One World Blue Network
Design only
Design with Professional Interview
$95 per Quarter thereafter with one Update per Quarter (minimum 1 year): payments starting the first quarter after initial payment and charged on the 15th of the month of every quarter thereafter (January, April, July, October)
1 Social Media Music EPK with Keyword Integration Professionally Published on The One World Blue Network
Design Only
Design and Professional Interview
$95 per Quarter thereafter with one Update per Quarter (minimum 1 year): payments starting the first quarter after initial payment and charged on the 15th of the month of every quarter thereafter (January, April, July, October)
$175 Crowdfunding Campaign Designed and Published on The One World Blue Network
$275 Crowdfunding Campaign Designed and Published on The One World Blue Network together with One Spotlight Published on The One World Blue Network
One World Blue Singer Songwriter Review by Talent Director Russell Johnson:
"But don't expect the heavy metal of Joe's past, expect the soulful feel of Gregg Allman and the jam licks of Tedeschi Trucks Band and the soul of Bill Whithers."
Patrick McGregor Music:
"I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation for One World Blue taking the time to contact me to begin with. What you have done for me is above my expectations. I also feel that talking with you is like we have been friends for a long time. The write up that Russell Johnson gave me was very overwhelming and I feel like I have been friends with both Russell Johnson as well. You made me feel comfortable which I feel is important for customer relationship. I have gotten a lot of exposure already within a few days. Thank you again One World Blue for your work and diligence!" Patrick McGregor Music
"I just wanted to say Thank you to One World Blue for featuring me and encouraging me and doing such a wonderful and professional job with my EPK Spotlight. Thank you to Gedaliah Aronson for such a great job on my interview. I am looking forward to working with you more in the future." Divincemoore Music
"I'm so pleased to have joined One World Blue. Their professionalism is awesome. They have brought me into the Family and made me feel so welcome. I was struggling to do what I have always dreamed of since I first heard Rock and Roll. I am in the Company of so many prominent individuals now that it amazes me, the writing by Russell Johnson, the spiritual tone of my conversations with Joel and the awesome website introduction put together by Bernard are excellent. I stand amazed and Blessed to be involved here at One world with all of you. Thanks again for propelling me forward to reach my Destiny." Alan Blade
Danny Vavrek Acoustic
The Music of Jeff Hames
"One World Blue World Spotlight. Give Thanks for the positive vibes and support to The Flow Band. Tropical Soul Vibes from the island of Pittsburgh. Tuff Going since 1982. Bringing Positive Uplifting Vibes to the World. More Love. More Life. One World Blue Spotlights has helped us manage our tours and schedules effectively. Respect to One World Blue!" Uzell Finney Jr. The Flow Band Pittsburgh

Votes5 DateJan 24, 2020

[image for World Spotlight 4ocean.jpg]


One World Blue, LLC
The 4ocean Bracelet
To pull one pound of trash from the ocean and coastlines for every product purchased
4ocean was born on a plastic-covered beach in Bali, Indonesia
4ocean founders, Alex and Andrew, have been around the ocean their entire lives. They both grew up on the Florida coast, swimming, diving, fishing, and surfing. After becoming friends in college, they saved up their money for the surf trip of a lifetime to Bali. When they arrived, they found a beach that was completely covered in plastic, with trash-filled waves delivering more garbage with each break.
They asked a local why such a popular, and otherwise beautiful, shoreline wasn’t kept clean, and were told that the beaches had been cleaned just hours earlier. The trash they were wading through had only just washed ashore.
Their eyes were immediately opened to the magnitude of the ocean plastic crisis, and they vowed on the spot to try to do something about it.
The Original 4oceon Bracelet
Wearing the 4ocean Bracelet instantly identifies you as a member of the clean ocean movement and symbolizes your commitment to a plastic-free ocean.
Shop Now + Pull A Pound
The 4ocean Braided Bracelet
The 4oceon new bracelet is hand-braided using cord made from 100% post-consumer recycled plastic bottles and features a single-bead closure, which is made from 100% post-consumer glass bottles.
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Votes2 DateJan 22, 2020

[image for World Spotlight Wine1.png]

Wine to Water

One World Blue, LLC
“When the idea came to me to start Wine To Water the only real job experience I had was tending bar. I dreamed of building an organization that fought water-related death and disease using different methods than anyone else. So, I started raising money to fight this water epidemic the best way I knew how, by pouring wine and playing music...”
— Doc Hendley, Founder and President
Doc Hendley dreamed up the concept of Wine To Water while bartending and playing music in nightclubs around Raleigh, NC.
In February 2004, Doc held his first fundraiser. And by August, he was living halfway around the globe in Sudan, Africa installing water systems for victims of the government-supported genocide.
His life would never be the same.
After spending one year in Darfur, Doc returned home. The haunting memories of what he had witnessed drove him to continue building the organization he started with that first fundraiser in a bar. Doc was determined to provide clean water for the world.
In 2007, after working two jobs and volunteering his time for three years, Doc launched Wine To Water. His dream of fighting the world’s water crisis became a reality. But that was just the beginning.
In 2009, Doc was named as a top ten CNN Hero for that year, and the ripples continued to grow.
Soon Doc was speaking to packed houses, including two TEDx events and national media outlets. Thousands were inspired by his story and Wine To Water grew from one man's mission into a movement for clean water.
Learn More About Us
Change lives for the better by giving clean water
Don’t get stuck feeling like you can’t make a difference.
Give Now
Women and children bear the brunt of collecting water from unclean sources, many times miles away from their homes. Giving clean water gives back hours of someone’s day to be able to work or attend school.
Children under five are most affected by water-borne diseases. When clean water and improved sanitation are accessible in both schools and at home the risk of disease is reduced and opportunities increase.
A thriving community begins to spring up, replacing day-to-day survival. Homes and schools are built, businesses are created and infrastructure is developed. You can invest in clean water opening the flood-gates of possibilities for communities.
Give Now
It’s about joining a movement of people passionate about making a difference in the world.
An amazing thing happens when you decide to give, your life changes. You become a major part of the story, bringing life-sustaining clean water to someone who used to have to fight daily for this most essential human need.
2. Donate
We see what happens when clean water starts flowing in communities for the first time. Water brings hope that people’s lives could be permanently changed for the better.
You’re now a part of a global movement of givers. We want you to share your story, go and tell others about what happens when clean water starts to flow. Follow us on social media or shoot us an email and tell us your clean water story.
Email: communications@winetowater.org
Get Involved
We want to build a relationship with you, to partner with you, to grab a drink at the bar with you. This work matters and we want to be on this journey with you.
We know the only way to bring true change is through everyone coming together no matter what religion, sex, gender, or race your are. Water is a part of every person’s life and it’s our goal to make sure everyone has access to it. You have a place here. Grab your seat at this table.
We’re hands-on but we don’t hold hands. With our approach to putting communities first, we empower local leaders to take ownership and change their future water landscape. Whether we’re installing 100 tap stands or educating 100 households on how to use their new water filters, the local community is included through every step. This gives us a way to be a part of sustainable change for generations.
Access to safely managed sustainable clean water has the power to impact every United Nations Sustainable Development Goal. Water is the beginning of transformational change in communities. We see it everyday. And we want you to be a part of this change with us.
Keep clean water flowing.
Join our community of monthly donors.
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Become a Wine to Water Fundraiser
Check Out Our Blog
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Our Wine Offers
Community Well Chocolates
Donate and Make a Difference
Wine To Water
PO Box 2567
Boone, NC 28607

Votes2 DateJan 19, 2020

[image for World Spotlight Natural10.jpg]

Natural Chi Movement

One World Blue, LLC
Natural Chi Movement Offers Chi Healing, Chi Clearing, and Chi Activation
Natural Chi Activation
Tienko Ting Offers Natural Chi Healing and Activations
In 1990, Tienko Ting began leading Natural Chi Movement workshops throughout the United States, Europe, and Asia. Born in Taiwan, he studied chi-enhancing techniques before discovering this ancient form of chi activation, which is believed to extend back to Bodhidharma, the renowned fifth-century Zen master.
Tienko is the author of Natural Chi Movement: Accessing the World of the Miraculous . His work is the subject of Neither Man, Nor Butterfly: My Adventure with Tienko Ting (and Gilbert), Dr. Marcin Fabjański’s account of healing from a hereditary liver disease.
Spiritual energy is not limited by time and space. Tienko Ting is able to conduct these sessions for any number of participants in different locations around the world at the same time.
By training and occupation, Tienko is an aerospace engineer. For ten years, he was the head of the Mechanical Engineering Department at the University of Bridgeport. Tienko earned his undergraduate degree from Trinity College in Ireland, and a doctorate from the University of Michigan.
Tienko Ting offers a view of life that unites the physical and spiritual worlds. Activation of our natural chi is a very important component to wellness that most of us have been missing. Natural chi is the essence of the practice of Natural Chi Movement. Tienko Ting offers Natural Chi Healing activations that support healing and longevity and remote chi healing and clearing sessions.
Learn More About Natural Chi Movement
Remote Natural Chi Healing
Natural chi healing is a treatment technique that uses spiritual energy. Tienko Ting does not need to be physically present with clients, and can conduct these sessions remotely.
Miraculous Recovery with Remote Natural Chi Healing
Essential Seasonal Clearing
Support the organs that are ruled by Earth’s energy: the stomach, spleen, pancreas, triple burner, and pericardium.
Remote Organ Chi Clearing Programs
Our Chi is located throughout our body. Our natural chi is responsible for making us feel vital and healthy – physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Having a blockage of chi in our bodies can cause illnesses, diseases, and pain.
It is important to take time to clear these blocks so the energy can flow freely again. Some blocks may be harder than others to remove. This is how Natural Chi Movement and Natural Chi Healing can help.
We offer many chi meridian and organ clearing programs to keep you feeling your best. Here is a list of the upcoming chi organ clearing programs.
Sign up for a year of Natural Chi Clearing, and get two of the eight seasonal clearing programs for free
Because the energy of the liver and gallbladder is more active or dominant in spring, this is an excellent time to support these critical organs with a boost of Natural Chi.
Clear your heart and small intestine during the summer—thousands of years of Chinese Medicine speak of the heart and small intestine as being ruled by the summer’s energy.
Many years of Traditional Chinese Medicine associate the lungs and large intestine with the energy of autumn, so this is an important time to clear these organs.
The energy of winter rules the kidneys and bladder. Clear these organs during the winter months through our program.
At last – an easy and effective way to monitor and clear stagnation from your breasts and uterus!
Our Ongoing Programs: Good for all Seasons:
Heal Neurological Issues Safely and Naturally
Clear viruses from your body naturally and heal
Lose weight naturally without the use of unhealthy diets, supplements, or drastic changes in your lifestyle.
Rejuvenate your thyroid naturally without medication
Maintain healthy teeth and gums naturally
Register for a Natural Chi Global Activation
Natural Chi Foundation : Our mission is to create a future where each human being has the opportunity to live a peaceful, healthy life and experience a peaceful death. This is achieved by practicing evolutionary healing theories and methodologies.
Natural Chi Movement's YouTube Channel
Check Out Our Facebook Page

Votes2 DateJan 13, 2020

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Soul Kitchen

One World Blue, LLC
Community Dining with Dignity
All are welcomed to a table where locally-sourced ingredients, dignity and respect are always on the menu.
Please note the New Hours for 2020 at JBJ Soul Kitchen Toms River:
Dinner: Tues, Fri, Sat – 5:00pm – 7:00pm
Lunch: Wed & Thurs – 11:30am – 1:30pm
Code Blue Donations
Help Support the JBJ & PBC Hope & Comfort Warming Center
Overnight guests at the JBJ & PBC Hope & Comfort Warming Center in Red Bank, NJ need supplies to help make their stay comfortable during Code Blue Nights. The Warming Center provides the local homeless community a safe and secure location during below-freezing temperatures.
Soul Seasoning
For videos, recipes & your very own
Hope is Delicious Soul Seasoning
Your donation serves our neighbors struggling with food insecurity. At Soul Kitchen, whether you are hungry or hunger to make a difference, it is here to serve. Stay connected and see how “Hope is Delicious.”
Mix equal parts of seasoning and olive oil
Add to your favorite meat, fish, chicken or vegetable dish.
JBJ added the Love, you add the Hope.
Click Here to Add the Hope
Ingredients: Salt, caramelized sugar, spices, paprika, garlic powder, natural flavors,less than 2% sunflower oil

Click Here to Read a Volunteer Soul Story
Thank you Partners
Give back to the community and feed your Soul
Soul Partner
Interested in becoming a partner?
Email us at info@jbjsoulkitchen.org
Get the Latest Soul Kitchen News
Show off your Soul (Kitchen) with JBJ merchandise.

Reservations are not necessary with JBJ Soul Kitchen. All are welcome. A table is provided and guests are seated on a first-come, first-served basis.
JBJ Soul Kitchen is a program of the Jon Bon Jovi Soul Foundation. For more information, please visit:
Jon Bon Jovi Soul Foundation

Votes2 DateJan 9, 2020

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Finding Chika

One World Blue, LLC
"I realized families are like pieces of art: They can be made from many materials. Sometimes they are from birth, sometimes they are melded, sometimes they are forcibly constructed, and sometimes they are merely the confluence of time and circumstance, mixing together, like eggs being scrambled in a Michigan kitchen.
But they are all real. Chika was a daughter to a number of people. And for the last two years, she was ours, gloriously ours…
We did not lose a child. We were given one."
— Mitch Albom, “Chika’s Story” in the Detroit Free Press
Chika Jeune was born three days before the devastating earthquake that decimated Haiti in 2010. She spent her infancy in a landscape of extreme poverty, and when her mother died giving birth to a baby brother, Chika was brought to the Have Faith Haiti Mission & Orphanage that Albom operates in Port-au-Prince.
With no children of their own, the forty-plus children who live, play, and go to school at the orphanage have become family to Mitch and his wife, Janine. Chika’s arrival makes a quick impression. Brave and self-assured, even as a three-year-old, she delights the other kids and teachers. But at age five, Chika is suddenly diagnosed with something a doctor there says, “No one in Haiti can help you with.”
Mitch and Janine bring Chika to Detroit, hopeful that they can get the medical help needed to return her to a healthy life in Haiti. Instead, Chika becomes a permanent part of their household, and their lives, as they embark on a two-year, around-the-world journey to find a cure for an inoperable brain tumor. As Chika’s boundless optimism and humor teach Mitch the joys a child brings to their lives, he learns that a relationship built on love, no matter what blows it takes, can never be lost.
Told in hindsight, and through illuminating conversations with Chika herself, this is Albom at his most poignant and vulnerable. Finding Chika is a celebration of a girl, her guardians, and the incredible bond they formed—a devastatingly beautiful portrait of what it means to be a family, regardless of how it is made.
What Readers Are Saying...
“Unadorned, heartwarming…the takeaway from this simple, moving memoir is that love has no boundaries and should not be hindered by ethnicity, religion, education, or money. A highly expressive, tender story about how ‘families are like pieces of art, they can be made from many materials.'” — Kirkus
“This is a story of such heart-wrenching beauty that you think it would take a Mitch Albom to compose it. But Albom is more than the author, for it was his own heart that was broken open by the surprising arrival and excruciating departure of a dazzling little Haitian girl named Chika—who became, in every way that matters, his and his wife’s precious daughter — and it is his own life he seeks to patch back together in the telling.” — Melissa Fay Greene, two-time National Book Award finalist and author of There Is No Me Without You
“Mitch Albom has done it again with this moving memoir of love and loss. You can’t help but fall for Chika. A page-turner that will no doubt become a classic.” —Mary Karr, author of The Liars’ Club and The Art of Memoir
“Chika’s story of hope, faith, and unconditional love is simultaneously uplifting and tragic…In this lustrous tribute to a short but impactful life, Albom’s gift for plucking heartstrings and finding meaning in life, which has endeared him to millions, is on full display.” — Booklist
“Albom’s memoir is a lens into his grief but also a celebration of Chika’s spirit and lessons gleaned from their time together as a family. The heartbreaking but uplifting story is a testament to the bravery and resilience of children and the power of love. Essential for all public libraries.” — Library Journal
““Finding Chika” is a touching rumination on the magic of children, the extraordinary lengths parents will go for them and the unlikely family that came together across continents” — AP
“Emotionally rich and deeply affecting, the scope of Albom’s writing is breathtaking and a gut punch to the soul. You won’t be able to put the book down until the very last page. This intimate portrait should be read by anyone who has ever been warmed by the smile of a child.” — Booktrib

Votes1 DateDec 31, 2019

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Avett Ray

One World Blue, LLC
6-year-old sits at piano - lights up internet with outstanding 'Bohemian Rhapsody' cover
December 4th, 2019
By Ashley Brewer
Contributor at See It Live
You’re about to fall completely in love with a little boy named Avett Ray. He’s a 6-year-old self-taught piano prodigy from Dayton, Ohio – and he’s also blind.
Source: YouTube
“The moment he could pull himself to reach the piano, he was playing the melody to ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star,'” Avett’s mom, Sara Moore, told CBS News.
That happens to be a moment when Avett was just 11-months-old. Since that shining moment, he has been introduced to a piano teacher who has taught him new techniques and classical favorites. And he’s just been a superstar ever since!
“Music is in his body,” Moore said. “He’s really practicing on performing now. Since his talent is so amazing, people are asking him to perform.”
Avett Ray travels and performs at different events – nine hundred people was his biggest attendance in person.
Source: YouTube
The little boy piano prodigy has had a couple of viral video hits. His first viral video is adorably remembered for when he asks his mom if she’ll text his music to Adele – Avett Ray’s favorite singer. Everyone just loved that he thought his mom would magically have her number!
Now, his latest viral video involves one of his new favorite artists – Queen. After experiencing the Oscar-nominated movie “Bohemian Rhapsody,” Avett Ray was particularly moved by the music and wanted to do his own cover.
Avett Ray covered the beloved song “Bohemian Rhapsody” on piano and it quickly amassed over 7 million views.
Moore says that her son’s music tastes are always changing and he’s always curious. And what makes him even more special is the fact that he was born with a condition called optic nerve fibroplasia.
Source: YouTube
“He’s completely blind in one eye but has a little bit of vision in the other,” Moore said. “He’s significantly visually impaired. He walks with cane and he reads braille.”
Avett Ray’s mom hopes that his videos inspire others to be kind to one another and to be accepting and understanding of those with special needs. She even wrote a book called “Cotton Candy Clouds” that raises awareness and support for those who are blind or visually impaired.
Buy Here
“He’s the character in the book,” Moore described. “Basically, he couldn’t see the clouds in the sky, so I wrote this book so he could see them.” The book serves as “a chance to talk about diversity and how everybody’s made special and we’re all born with our own gifts,” Moore said. “I teach people how to engage with blind and visually impaired people.”
Moore says that even though there has been progress, the resources that are available to the blind and visually impaired are still somewhat limited.
“If every company would focus on inclusion … what a difference it would make for so many Americans,” she expressed.
Since Avett Ray’s ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ cover went viral, people all around the world have shown their support for the little boy and those that are like him. Everyone is in complete awe of his talent and determination. It’s quite an amazing thing to watch for a boy at such a young age.
Avett Ray's You Tube Channel
Source Reference retrieved on 12/12/19

Votes1 DateDec 12, 2019

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The One World Blue Professional Spotlight Program

One World Blue, LLC
One World Blue is a Global Platform where we share stories of people who have made a difference and changed the world to become a better place.
Our company gives our audience an experience of Inspiration, Wonder and Results.
We share stories through social media as well as nationally and on an international stage for the most exposure and connections with individuals from all over the world. We have a world-wide audience, but we are also putting an extensive amount of energy into regionalizing our platform.
We share stories like yours where you will drive them in your region and other areas to maximize the most possible potential to have your story told. Our Network allows us to use this technology to continue to inspire and uplift individuals in a day and age where everyone relies on the digital space.
We offer you this extraordinary opportunity to have your business and story told on this Regional and International Platform
As our approach has quickly reached over 40,000+ users and swiftly expanding, we are grateful for our social media community. Our Network's success in Wellness, Oneness, Righteousness, Lucrativeness and Distinctiveness is reinforced digitally into self-sustaining business capabilities that are befitting the 21'st century's remarkable potentials. We lift up individuals, communities and businesses over City, Continent and Seas for both REGIONAL and WORLD goals.
Our Spotlights are designed to secure steady clientele and performance results for artists, companies and institutions excelling in Wellness, Oneness, Righteousness, Lucrativeness and Distinctiveness.
Our Network is Free to any User to Use. You may create your own Spotlight or Campaign on your own. However we also have an innovative Journalistic and custom curated service to offer you:
What you get with this Program:
* Your Professional Spotlight Designed and Published on The One World Blue Network with Your Curated Content
* A Personal Interview done by a professional writer and journalist and the design of the Spotlight created by a professional designer (the article written will be between 400-500 words and include one revision with the payment)
* Spotlight with Keyword Technology Integrated in the Publication for Easy Indexing in the Search Engines
* Promotion Through Social Media Channels
* Featured Spotlight Position on The One World Blue Network for two days
Check out These Spotlight Examples Published on The One World Blue Network:
Cost of the Program
1 Social Media Spotlight EPK Professionally Published on The One World Blue Network
Design only
Design with Professional Interview
$95 per Quarter thereafter with one Update per Quarter (minimum 1 year): payments starting the first quarter after initial payment and charged on the 15th of the month of every quarter thereafter (January, April, July, October)
1 Social Media Spotlight EPK with Keyword Integration Professionally Published on The One World Blue Network
Design Only
Design and Professional Interview
$95 per Quarter thereafter with one Update per Quarter (minimum 1 year): payments starting the first quarter after initial payment and charged on the 15th of the month of every quarter thereafter (January, April, July, October)
$175 Crowdfunding Campaign Designed and Published on The One World Blue Network
$275 Crowdfunding Campaign Designed and Published on The One World Blue Network together with One Spotlight Published on The One World Blue Network
Place Your Order by following this link below:
Place Your Spotlight Order Here
For More Information please email us at info@oneworldblue.com
or call us at 412 690-5530

Votes2 DateNov 28, 2019

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Publication in the One World Blue Spotlights and Taste of VIP Package

One World Blue, LLC
Taste of Pittsburgh has innovated to a digital platform.
We are extremely excited to have created the Alliance between One World Blue and Taste of VIP.
One World Blue is a Global Platform where we share stories of people who have made a difference and changed the world to become a better place.
Taste of VIP Pittsburgh is a luxury magazine for the past 20 years which has brought a high level of exceptional quality to the readers and clients they have served.
Our companies have aligned together to give our audience an experience of Inspiration, Wonder and Results.
We drive stories regionally through social media as well as nationally and on an international stage for the most exposure and connections with individuals from all over the world. We have a world-wide audience, but we are also putting an extensive amount of energy into regionalizing our platform.
We share stories like yours where we drive them in the Pittsburgh region and other areas to maximize the most possible potential to have your story told. This alliance allows us to use this technology to continue to inspire and uplift individuals in a day and age where everyone relies on the digital space.
We offer you this extraordinary opportunity to have your business and story told in Both Platforms
As our approach has quickly reached over 40,000+ users and swiftly expanding, we are grateful for our Joint Alliance. Our Network's success in Wellness, Oneness, Righteousness, Lucrativeness and Distinctiveness is reinforced digitally into self-sustaining business capabilities that are befitting the 21'st century's remarkable potentials. We lift up individuals, communities and businesses over City, Continent and Seas for both REGIONAL and WORLD goals.
Our Spotlights and VIP Publications are designed to secure steady clientele and performance results for artists, companies and institutions excelling in Wellness, Oneness, Righteousness, Lucrativeness and Distinctiveness.
What you get with this Program:
* Your Professional Spotlight Designed and Published on The One World Blue Network with Your Curated Content and a Full Page in Taste of VIP Pittsburgh:
* A Personal Interview done by a professional writer and journalist and the design of the Spotlight and VIP Page created by a professional designer (the article written will be between 400-500 words and include one revision with the payment)
* Spotlight with Keyword Technology Integrated in the Publication for Easy Indexing in the Search Engines
* Promotion Through Social Media Channels
* Featured Spotlight Position on The One World Blue Network for two days
Cost of the Program
Initial 2 payments of $395
1st payment made of $395 and then the second payment 30 days after (Pay both upfront and receive 10% discount)
After first two payments are made starting at the following next quarter there will be four quarterly payments of $195
Check out the Full Review of the Taste of VIP Digital Luxury Magazine at this link:
Check out These Spotlight Examples Published on The One World Blue Network:

Votes2 DateNov 27, 2019

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One World Blue Videography

One World Blue, LLC
Check out some of the work of
One World Blue Infomercials below!
Booking: info@oneworldblue.com
Main Office: (412)-690-5530
One World Blue Beautiful
This is the vision of One World Blue
Wendy Bell on Why One World Blue?
What is One World Blue?
Wines of America
The Fence Fan
Jones Farm
JAB Jewelry
Energy Swing Windows
Positively Wendy Bell
Shailen Abrams
Mission Mahi
ALL VIDEOS Come with a Professional Spotlight Story Designed and Published on The One World Blue Network. All prices may change depending on time of production, travel, etc.
For More Information please email us at info@oneworldblue.com
or call us at 412 690-5530
A Fully Designed and Published Spotlight Comes with every Infomercial ($695 value)
* Your Professional Spotlight Designed and Published on The One World Blue Network with Your Curated Content
* A Personal Interview done by a professional writer and journalist and the design of the Spotlight created by a project concierge (the article written will be between 300-400 words and include one revision with the payment)
* Promotion Through Social Media Channels
* Featured Spotlight Position on The One World Blue Network for three days

Votes2 DateNov 26, 2019

[image for World Spotlight Fratangelo.jpg]

Michael Fratangelo Visionary Artist

One World Blue, LLC
My path as a Visual artist began at Penn State University. During studio classes professors pulled me aside asking, "Is that what you see? You really have something." I have come to understand my painting as a gift. It is guided painting. I do not take my ability for granted. Each work is a quest to puncture through the visible reality into the deeper mystical realm. My painting is an urge to penetrate unknown realms to seek and to find. The colors and shapes in my portraits tell the story of the spiritual essence of the people.
Professional Interview and Review of Michael Fratangelo by Baila Pirchesky - Chief Editor of Blupela.com The One World Blue Network
Michael Fratangelo - Quote "I started down this path to be a painter in the fall of 2000 in my first beginning oil painting class at Penn State University. I had no intention of pursuing art as a career but 'lightning struck in class'. My professor pulled me aside asking "Is that what you really see?". You really have something he said. At that point I knew I had found my calling."
Michael is a firm believer in Joseph Campbell's teaching that you should follow your bliss. Michael says, "I knew I found my 'bliss' with painting, so I had no choice but to follow the path. People often ask me how one becomes an artist? I do not think this is possible - you either are an artist or you are not". He says, "If you are as Picasso said, 'You work out of necessity. You truly have no choice, and if you don't, you will suffer. It is often a cross to bare."
Michael told me he is so grateful that he went to Penn State, because at Penn State you can venture into different career paths. "Where you stay at, may not be where you end up!"
Michael said, "I believe having endless possibilities is absolutely crucial to young adults finding their way." He told me that he is so grateful he went to Penn State University because at PSU, Michael felt privelged and cannot speak highly enough of the creative and innovative art school atmosphere that is available at the school of visual arts.
Mr. Fratangelo said he was largely shaped by the teaching of artist John Bowman and Ann Shostrom, who mentored him.
After graduating Penn State, Michael did a series of topical shows, including a series documenting the war in Iraq, which was queired into the 2005 Florence Italy Bi-Centennial.
In my humble opinion, Michael Fratangelo's visionary art, reminds me of visual art and painting that meets the mystical. His art is innovative, modern and individualistic. If you would like a portrait commissioned by him, you will be ecstatic at the outcome and it will be a piece for you and your family to cherish for generations to come.
Baila Pirchesky - Chief Editor of Blupela.com The One World Blue Network

You may see more of Michael's work and learn more about him at:
You may also contact Michael to discuss a commissioned work at his email at:

Votes1 DateOct 3, 2019

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Blue World Water Project Uganda - One World Blue Sponsored Project

One World Blue, LLC
Reality Without a Filter
Life Saving Changes with a Filter
"Clean water available for the children ,God bless Tarphon Kamya, Jewish Response Uganda, and Joel Pirchesky, founder of One World Blue, who provided this water filter"
Habimana Nelson - Director GSOWNC
Every day, nearly 500 children under 5 suffer from preventable causes related to contaminated water in Kodiiri village. Give the gift of safe water and empowerment! In just five minutes, using low-cost table salt, water, and battery or solar power, this easily water purifiers creates enough chlorine to treat 200 liters of dirty water, killing microbes that cause illnesses such as cholera, dysentery, and typhoid.
The water purifiers can be used at each home to get clean drinkable water, in schools and health facilities to create safe water for drinking, household cleaning, and hand-washing and bathing.

In low-resource settings, water purifiers are often unavailable or prohibitively expensive due to difficulties related to transport and degradation. By creating water purifiers in each home, these purifieres empowers families to start their own drinking clean water and help children thrive!
Daily the simple way to make your donations do more. Give to the Blue World Water Project to Kodiiri village funds. Just $26 each for one purifier per household will change families lives forever!
Register to Join The One World Blue Network and Support our Campaign
Daily giving is the most effective way to help the children and families who need it most. It lowers costs and puts more of your money to work changing lives. Plus, your donations will be delivering the right solution at just the right time. And while your gifts are at work changing lives, you’ll get to see the power of your generosity through weekly updates and the Jewish Response Uganda on FB page Jewish Response Uganda Commitment to this village with all your donations.
Your gift is a sacred trust. We promise to honor your generosity and use your donation in the most effective way possible. The gift options shown reflect Jewish Response Uganda projects and the suggested donation amounts are based on periodic surveys of the communities we serve.
Each item is representative of the gift category in which it appears, and donations will be used to provide assistance within that gift category where it is needed most. When you give any donation gift, a portion of the gift may also help provide watering sources, farming assistance, hunger relief, and other related essentials as needed.
The multiplying effect from grants and donated goods may change throughout the year on identical or similar offers due to variations in the start and end dates of donor grants and our programs.
Register to Join The One World Blue Network and Support our Campaign
Thank you so very much for your tremendous donation towards the Blue World Water Project for this poor village. We are saving lives one purifier at a time. Please Join Us!
Stay blessed all.

Votes2 DateAug 6, 2019

[image for World Spotlight LindaDibucci.jpg]

Linda Dibucci Piatt Sotheby's International Realty

One World Blue, LLC
Linda Dibucci
Real Estate Professional in Glenshaw, Pennsylvania United States
Expertise, Loyalty, and Integrity
With over 30 years experience, Pittsburgh real estate agent Linda DiBucci is renowned by colleagues and clients for loyalty, professionalism, and knowledge of this dynamic and unique real estate market. Linda and her team's mission is to provide each of our clients with extraordinary service, act with honesty, integrity, and truth. Linda consistently ranks in the top producing agents in the region. Together with Piatt Sotheby’s International Realty, we are your premier destination for all things real estate related in the Greater Pittsburgh area.
3402 Harts Run Road
Glenshaw, Pennsylvania, 15116
United States

Votes1 DateJun 28, 2019

[image for World Spotlight Nemacolin_Issue104b-page-001.jpg]


One World Blue, LLC
It’s probably easier for us to explain what Nemacolin Woodlands Resort doesn’t offer. “We don’t have the ocean. But, we’re working on it,” remarked Joseph Hardy, founder of Nemacolin Woodlands Resort at a recent presentation at the Falling Rock Hotel. He’s right. One of the greatest international resorts in existence is certainly brimming with amenities. It has a Five Star rating and includes what has already been named “Best Hotel in Pennsylvania,” by Business Insider for 2015. To further guild the lily, the club has recently undergone more than $30 Million in renovations, improvements, and enhancements of new and existing attractions to appeal to guests from all walks of life.
One of the nation’s highest-ranked golf courses, five-star restaurants, and five diamond hotels now has a bit more company. If guests had anything to want for previously, their demands now are certainly being met. Maggie Hardy Magerko, owner and operator of the resort is seeing to it that Nemacolin’s reputation for magnificence doesn’t just resonate locally, but on an international scale.
Nemacolin offers the best in golfing, fine dining, nightlife, and leisure. The Laurel Highlands are now home to the lap of luxury. The 2,000-acre resort boasts majestic vistas, unparalleled art collections, museums, even a zoo… But the ever increasing standards of the Hardy family have driven even the most elegant of resorts to ever-escalating heights.
The property-wide improvements are the largest expansion in the resort’s history. New amenities have been added, guest rooms have been renovated ($1 Million went to improve the presidential suite, alone), and meeting spaces for conferences have been completely revamped.
Recently added amenities include a Holistic Healing Center where guests can engage in organic wellness programs while at Nemacolin. Acupuncture, holistic massage, meditation, Reiki and more are incorporated seamlessly into daily routines so guests can leave feeling not only refreshed, but also healed.
In golf news, recent adjustments to what was already ranked Number 5 of the top 100 golf resorts by Reader’s Choice has taken this club to a whole other level. Even more expansion is on the horizon as the legendary, Pete Dye has commissioned work on a ninehole expansion of Nemacolin’s Mystic Rock golf course, which has been consistently named one of America’s top 100 courses by Golfweek and Golf Digest.
Another notable renovator is the late architect Michael Graves whose design team has worked tirelessly to draft plans for new properties to be built at Nemacolin grounds in the next year or so. Exquisite duplexes will soon dot the landscape bringing more folks into the Nemacolin family.
The resort has been home to US Presidents, entertainers, jet-setters, and multi-national businesses but is also a welcome space for the public. “We want everyone to come here,” Mr. Hardy told us. Whether you enjoy the lifestyles of the rich and famous, or you just love the great outdoors, most anyone’s palette for adventure can be satiated by the grandeur that is Nemacolin Woodlands Resort.

Votes1 DateMar 31, 2019

[image for World Spotlight Nemacolin_Issue104b-page-001.jpg]


One World Blue, LLC
It’s probably easier for us to explain what Nemacolin Woodlands Resort doesn’t offer. “We don’t have the ocean. But, we’re working on it,” remarked Joseph Hardy, founder of Nemacolin Woodlands Resort at a recent presentation at the Falling Rock Hotel. He’s right. One of the greatest international resorts in existence is certainly brimming with amenities. It has a Five Star rating and includes what has already been named “Best Hotel in Pennsylvania,” by Business Insider for 2015. To further guild the lily, the club has recently undergone more than $30 Million in renovations, improvements, and enhancements of new and existing attractions to appeal to guests from all walks of life.
One of the nation’s highest-ranked golf courses, five-star restaurants, and five diamond hotels now has a bit more company. If guests had anything to want for previously, their demands now are certainly being met. Maggie Hardy Magerko, owner and operator of the resort is seeing to it that Nemacolin’s reputation for magnificence doesn’t just resonate locally, but on an international scale.
Nemacolin offers the best in golfing, fine dining, nightlife, and leisure. The Laurel Highlands are now home to the lap of luxury. The 2,000-acre resort boasts majestic vistas, unparalleled art collections, museums, even a zoo… But the ever increasing standards of the Hardy family have driven even the most elegant of resorts to ever-escalating heights.
The property-wide improvements are the largest expansion in the resort’s history. New amenities have been added, guest rooms have been renovated ($1 Million went to improve the presidential suite, alone), and meeting spaces for conferences have been completely revamped.
Recently added amenities include a Holistic Healing Center where guests can engage in organic wellness programs while at Nemacolin. Acupuncture, holistic massage, meditation, Reiki and more are incorporated seamlessly into daily routines so guests can leave feeling not only refreshed, but also healed.
In golf news, recent adjustments to what was already ranked Number 5 of the top 100 golf resorts by Reader’s Choice has taken this club to a whole other level. Even more expansion is on the horizon as the legendary, Pete Dye has commissioned work on a ninehole expansion of Nemacolin’s Mystic Rock golf course, which has been consistently named one of America’s top 100 courses by Golfweek and Golf Digest.
Another notable renovator is the late architect Michael Graves whose design team has worked tirelessly to draft plans for new properties to be built at Nemacolin grounds in the next year or so. Exquisite duplexes will soon dot the landscape bringing more folks into the Nemacolin family.
The resort has been home to US Presidents, entertainers, jet-setters, and multi-national businesses but is also a welcome space for the public. “We want everyone to come here,” Mr. Hardy told us. Whether you enjoy the lifestyles of the rich and famous, or you just love the great outdoors, most anyone’s palette for adventure can be satiated by the grandeur that is Nemacolin Woodlands Resort.

Votes1 DateMar 29, 2019

[image for World Spotlight Peace in the world.jpg]

The One World Blue Spotlight and Infomercial Program

One World Blue, LLC
One World Blue Spotlights
Want to shine a light on someone who is making an impact? Is something going on that everyone should know about? Do you want to shed light on an issue and rally others to stand and unite with you. Share the story by creating a Light on the World spotlight!
Are You Making A Difference in the World Others Should Know About
Do you need more Publicity for Your Business or Career?
The One World Blue Spotlight Program may be the Right Step for You
Check out These Spotlight Examples:
What you get with this Program:
* Your Professional Spotlight Designed and Published on The One World Blue Network with Your Curated Content
* A Personal Interview done by a professional writer and journalist and the design of the Spotlight created by a project concierge (the article written will be between 300-400 words and include one revision with the payment)
* Promotion Through Social Media Channels
* Featured Spotlight Position on The One World Blue Network for two days
* Featured in an email newsletter sent out to The One World Blue Community
Cost of the Program
1 Spotlight Published for Three Months on The One World Blue Network
$295 Three Months
$95 per Quarter thereafter
1 Spotlight with Keyword Integration Published for Three Months on The One World Blue Network
$95 per Quarter thereafter
$295 Crowdfunding Campaign Designed and Published on The One World Blue Network
$395 Crowdfunding Campaign Designed and Published on The One World Blue Network together with One Spotlight Published for Three Months on The One World Blue Network
Recreate and/or change your Spotlight during the year for a one time fee of $245
Boost Your Posts on Social Media
Social Media Management
$20 per day Plus fixed Advertising Costs
10 Days, 2 Weeks or One Month Plan Available
Managing campaign parameters like your objective and audience
Engaging with your audience
Analyzing the analytics and retrieving vital information
Directing the impressions from your ad to your main site
30 SECONDS - $1590
[Two Payments of $795]
1 MINUTE - $2390
[Two Payments of $1195]
2 MINUTES - $2950
5 MINUTES - $3950
10 MINUTES + - Pricing per project
ALL VIDEOS INCLUDES COMPLIMENTARY PICTURES and Come with a Professional Spotlight Story Designed and Published on The One World Blue Network for 18 months. All prices may change depending on time of production, travel, etc.
Place Your Order by following this link below:
Place Your Spotlight Order Here
For More Information please email us at info@oneworldblue.com
or call us at 412 690-5530

Votes2 DateMar 29, 2019

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Join the One World Blue Sales Team - Project Sales Leader

One World Blue, LLC
One World Blue is hiring Sales Staff for the position of Project Sales Leaders. Work for established entrepreneurs who have been in business for 30 years. Extremely lucrative opportunity with sales training provided. Work with Athletes, CEOs, Executives, Surgeons, Politicians and Notoriety. Your responsibility is to reach out to professionals making an impact in the world to document their story. This is a positive work environment surrounded by Love and Compassion, an environment where you will always be encouraged, valued and supported.
One World Blue is a Global Network making a difference in the world One Good Deed at a Time. This Online Global Forum connects people of all places and shares stories that uplift and encourage the world to be a better place. One World Blue also crowdfunds for projects making a social impact.
We offer a 30 % commission structure with potential for full-time employment and benefits package.
Sales experienced required. Writing and Audio/Visual skills also a benefit but not required.
Please send your resume to info@oneworldblue.com
Job Types: Full-time, Part-time
Salary: $60,000.00 to $80,000.00 /year
One World Blue Spotlight Sales Program Details:
Want to shine a light on someone who is making an impact? Is something going on that everyone should know about? Do you want to shed light on an issue and rally others to stand and unite with you. Share the story by creating a Light on the World spotlight!
Are You Making A Difference in the World Others Should Know About
Do you need more Publicity for Your Business or Career?
The One World Blue Spotlight Program may be the Right Step for You
Check out These Spotlight Examples:
What you get with this Program:
* Your Professional Spotlight Designed and Published on The One World Blue Network with Your Curated Content
* A Personal Interview done by your Project Concierge
* Promotion Through Social Media Channels
* Featured Spotlight Position on The One World Blue Network for two days
* Featured in the quarterly email newsletter sent out to The One World Blue Community
Cost of the Program
1 Spotlight Published for Three Months on The One World Blue Network
1 Spotlight with Keyword Integration Published for Three Months on The One World Blue Network
Publish Your Spotlight for One Year
$295 sign-up fee
$95 per month or $165 per month to include Keyword Integration. 1st Quarter due at signing.
$295 maintenance fee at six months with Spotlight update
Recreate and/or change your Spotlight during the year for a one time fee of $245
Boost Your Posts on Social Media
Social Media Management
$20 per day Plus fixed Advertising Costs
10 Days, 2 Weeks or One Month Plan Available
Managing campaign parameters like your objective and audience
Engaging with your audience
Analyzing the analytics and retrieving vital information
Directing the impressions from your ad to your main site
30 SECONDS - $600
1 MINUTE - $850
2 MINUTES - $1450
5 MINUTES - $2400
10 MINUTES + - Pricing per project
(ALL VIDEOS INCLUDES COMPLIMENTARY PICTURES) All prices may change depending on time of production, travel, etc.)
Place Your Order by Clicking on the Links on the Left Side of this Page under From the Heart
For More Information please email us at info@oneworldblue.com
or call us at 412 690-5530

Votes1 DateMar 26, 2019

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One World Blue Legends and Legacy Exclusive Spotlight Program

One World Blue, LLC
Join One World Blue and The Legends and Legacy Program in Sharing Your Story with Generations to Come
Leave Your Mark on the World for Others to Learn and Love
Cost of the Program:
$995 Sign Up Fee
$295 per month for 12 months
Program includes Keyword Integration for Google Indexing
Enroll Now
Enroll Now
Additional Options:
Social Media Management:
$20 per day Plus fixed Advertising Costs
10 Days, 2 Weeks or One Month Plan Available
Managing campaign parameters like your objective and audience
Engaging with your audience
Analyzing the analytics and retrieving vital information
Directing the impressions from your ad to your main site
Photo Shoot:
Starting at $395 and up to $1500
30 SECONDS - $600
1 MINUTE - $850
2 MINUTES - $1450
5 MINUTES - $2400
10 MINUTES + - Pricing per project
(ALL VIDEOS INCLUDES COMPLIMENTARY PICTURES) All prices may change depending on time of production, travel, etc.)
Enroll Now
What the Program Comes with:
Your own dedicated Journalist to document Your Story. Your Life. Your Legend
Journalist will work with you over the course of one year (18 months also available)
All material published digitally on The One World Blue Network and in hard back in the Taste of Pittsburgh Legends and Legacies Exclusive Book on a regional level and in The Taste of One World Exclusive Books on a National and Global Level
Easy to share on Social Media, by Email or links to your Friends, Family, Students, and Colleagues
Promotion of your work, accomplishments, research and achievements
Every Story bound in a hard back copy (two copies come with the program. Additional may be ordered) in Taste of Pittsburgh Legends and Legacies Exclusive Book on a regional level and A Taste of One World on a National and Global Level.
Social Media Management available to people within also a limited radius of your home or office.
Keyword technology indexes your work that allows search engines to find key areas of your life and legacy
Enroll Now

Votes1 DateFeb 6, 2019

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One World Blue Media

One World Blue, LLC
One World Blue Media, Film and Entertainment
Bringing Healing to the Planet Thru Music and Film
One World Blue Media is a full promotion and production Media Company Producing Music, Film, Sports and Entertainment for Enlightenment and Healing of our Nation and World
We Specialize in:
Promotion and Booking of Musicians, Bands, Entertainment Persona, Sports Athletes and Public Figures; Production of Film and Videography Projects; Agent Representation for Sports and/or Entertainment; Recording Contracts for Musicians on our One World Blue Media Label; Endorsements and Sponsorships on any Professional Levels
Full production service for new album recordings for Musicians and Bands. All productions released on digital, CD and Vinyl. State of the Art Recording Facilities Contracted anywhere in the USA and Select Locations World-Wide. From sound mixing, graphic designs, merchandising, media release, promotion, and all manufacturing of albums from beginning of process to the end completed under contract.
Film Production Services under One World Blue Media Entertainment
The success of the One World Blue Media Group is the result of our intense passion and God given ability to Move Forward. We strive to continue to shape and change the entertainment landscape and lead the evolution of entertainment, programming, promotion, marketing, and sales.
The One World Blue Media Group continues to believe each of our new ideas is an important aspect of the communities in which we work and live. We believe our employees have the knowledge, the dedication, and the ingenuity to lead us to newer heights, to break through the barriers to success, and to continue to build upon our already celebrated tradition.
Some of the Projects and Talent under the Promotion of One World Blue Media include:
Ohr Simcha Children's Home Israel
Pittsburgh Sportsline
StarQuest Tv Challenge
Sports Athletes and Sponsorships
Attila Domas
Racing for Israel
Athletic competition, including motorsports, offers an opportunity to establish contacts between nations in conflict, promoting dialogue and reconciliation.
Alon Day was crowned 2017 & 2018 Champion in NASCAR's European Series. In all of his international races, ALON DAY proudly displays his allegiance to the Stat e of Israel. He was awarded the title 2016 Israel Athlete of the Year by the Ministry of Culture and Sport.
Michael Manna
"The Pittsburgh Bull"

The Band:
* Jeff Weise: Guitar
* Eric Kurtzrock: Drums
* Mike Tony: Keys
* Stephen Cunningham: Bass
Eric, Jeff, Mike and Steve came together to do Beatles tunes, primarily from their psychedelic era, onward. Bringing together our musical sensibilities from jam bands, jazz, and various styles of rock, we agreed to NOT just be another Beatles cover band. We don't wear Beatles clothes or uniforms and we definitely don't wear wigs.

Fyah Wyah

Ira Caplan
Gary Germany
For More Information on the Services of One World Blue Media and Entertainment, for contract inquiries, or to book a concert, performance, or Film Production please contact our office at
412 690-5530

Votes1 DateOct 11, 2018

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INJUSTICE ALERT!! Honest Family Man being Accused of a Crime he did Not Commit

One World Blue, LLC
Zeev Guenniche
Zeev Felix Guenniche, 47, was arrested on Friday, July 6 because of a fire that occurred in his own house around 12:00pm. The fire department would have never investigated and brought this accusation if his ex-wife was not disgruntled in their recently re-opened divorce. She accused Zeev of starting this fire because of her own personal agenda- one that involved stripping him of his legal custody of their five children and increasing her personal payout.
Thankfully, no one was home and no one was hurt when the fire occurred.
On Monday, July 9th, after withholding custody over the weekend against court orders, Zeev’s ex-wife applied for a restraining order to keep Zeev away from his children. The Jewish Community advised her to do this. The children are unquestionably confused and unhappy that they are being denied access to their father because of their mother’s accusations. Zeev’s ex-wife has the unconditional backing of the Jewish community near SDSU of whom has paid for her new housing arrangement, fundraised over $30,000 (which was promptly used to hire a family law attorney) and eliminated Zeev from their inner circle via phone call insisting that this is all his doing.
Before this incident, the court awarded 50:50 custody which Zeev welcomed. He loved having the kids with him and the kids loved living part time with him. He was a full time Dad with no criminal history and no history of violence.
On July 23rd, the restraining order was extended until September 4 by the family court judge. This broke what was left of Zeev’s belief in the court system. When he left the court, feeling at his personal low, he saw his ex-wife and three members of the SDSU Jewish Community jumping for joy, dancing and high fiving. Any normal person would reason that this is a sad moment- children will be separated from their father for even longer no matter what the reason. But for this woman and her friends, they saw a way to use the system to eliminate their problem and gain traction towards her unjust cause.
Quite possibly the saddest part is that his children are under the impression that he has left them. They do not know that he cannot legally reach out to them. He receives heart breaking messages from his children asking why he won’t come see them or respond to texts. One of the messages was from his daughter who had a panic attack and went to the hospital. Zeev could not respond to the message or see her because of this court order.
If you are a parent, or are a child of divorce, you know how painful it is to lose your children or a parent. Zeev does not want to be away from his children, his goal is to live with them and love them as a father should. These special circumstances are the only reason that he is denied that right, and in turn, his children are denied the chance to have a present, loving father.
PLEASE. Don’t let this be another issue that gets swept under the door. Five little lives are counting on us to make a difference and end the injustices of the legal system.
A caring man and loving father, Zeev Guenniche lives in San Diego, California. With very little knowledge of English,he began working at a local retail store and within 3 months became manager of three of their stores. He began night school, taking classes in English, plumbing, general construction and management. !
In 2002, Zeev purchased his first house in the area of San Diego State University and opened and became CEO of ZR Construction Company. He began with a small clientele building and remodeling their homes. In 2004, he continued to purchase and invest in properties in the SDSU area. Zeev became involved in property management and began renting homes to students.
In 2004, Omega Realty Management, inc in San Diego was born. In July 2013 he became the Regional Coordinator of Property Preservation & Repairs NREOS.com.

Zeev had to pay $15,000 for bail because of this false accusation.
Zeev has helped out many people with charity and assisted his community in many ways. People are supportive of him and stand behind him knowing he is not capable of doing what he is accused of. He is a true family man and he loves his children more than anything.

Zeev and his children are very attached to each other. It is very difficult for the children not to see their father. It is the kids who are being denied access to their father and are being punished the most because of the dysfunctional relationship between their parents. Zeev is not a dangerous criminal and it’s only because of her request to remove him from the children’s lives that he and his children are apart.

Votes3 DateAug 12, 2018

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Let Bnai Emunoh Chabad Shine a Light on Your World

One World Blue, LLC
We are teaming with The One World Blue Network to bring a Shining Light of your talent and work to people across the nation and globe. Join us as we touch the hearts and lives of so many people in need thru this wonderful Spotlight and Campaign Program.
Your OWB Project Concierge will create for you a professional spotlight to highlight your work as a professional and member of your community. Be promoted on social media for the Social Good you are doing for others while serving the community in your career. The cost of a professionally designed spotlight for you and/or your organization is only $175. Through our integrated Social Media Network, with the push of a button we'll promote you and tell the world!
The Cost of a Professional Spotlight for you and/or your organization is $175.
30% of these proceeds goes to Bnai Emunoh Chabad. This helps our current campaign of raising the needed funds for the successful operation of our work to support the growing community here in Greenfield.
You may order your Spotlight at this campaign link here:
Don't wait, the world is waiting to hear what you have to tell!!!
Now Please enjoy this wonderful Ruach and blessing from our Community

Votes2 DateOct 26, 2017

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A Tribute to Michael

One World Blue, LLC
Michael Joseph Jackson (August 29, 1958 – June 25, 2009) was an American singer, songwriter, and dancer. Dubbed the "King of Pop", he was one of the most popular entertainers in the world, and was the best-selling music artist at the time of his death. Jackson's contributions to music, dance, and fashion along with his publicized personal life made him a global figure in popular culture for over four decades.
Michael Jackson Tribute - Heal The World - Child Prodigy Cover | Maati Baani
A Tribute to His Life

Votes2 DateSep 17, 2017

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The Seer of Brooklyn

One World Blue, LLC
The One World Blue Corporation is honored to have many diversified advisors that have helped throughout the many years of bringing this network to life, give guidance, support and encouragement and also most importantly their very much needed heartfelt prayers for the success of the corporation to move forward.
When I first met Rav Kimmel in 2007, he told me in our meeting that I was on to something when I discussed my work of One World Blue with him. This was several years before the plans to build the social network began and I was only working with a small online site that sold products. He told me to stick with it and it will become something.
Thank you Rav Kimmel for your blessing and advice and thank you for the visits we have had over the yeas since then. You are a trusted advisor to our Corporation and this network.
Bracha V Hatzlacha and Orichus Yamim V Shanim (Blessings and Success and Long Days and Life)
My best,
Naphtali Chaim Ben Alta Chaya Mulka
Joel Pirchesky
CEO and Founder One World Blue, LLC
The following is retrieved from:
What Makes Rabbi Kimmel a Really Special Mekubal?
To decribe Rabbi Yitzchak Kimmel as a Mekubal is really an injustice. There are many legitimate Mekubalim but Rabbi Kimmel has been acknowledged as an Elite Mekubal who reallly exists in a class by himself. These are not just my words, these are words echoed by world class known Mekubalim like the Kamanah Rebbe (Rav Matis and his family.) Rabbi Avrohom Moyal, and many other world class Mekubalim who not only are stunned by his ability to see, but have actually asked him for personal advice as well.
For one thing, Rabbi Yitzchak Kimmel has never needed anyone to open Holy books, never calculates Gematria (numbers,) never looks at palms or foreheads or needs to to "see deeply" into any person. He needs no "Shaimos" (Holy Names) to operate. His abilities are completely natural.
It's uncanny to watch him work. I can start talking about a person and before I even mention the persons name, he is able to give me details about the person. Even though I have observed him thousands of times over the years, I am still amazed.
Recently, I told him about a girl my son was dating and he immediately told me "Mazel Tov, She will be his Kallah (fiance & bride.)" Well they got engaged within 2 weeks and wedding plans are now in progress.
This natural ability to see to see to this extent is shared by not more than 5 to 10 Mekubalim worldwide. However, Rabbi Kimmel can do far more than see. Rabbi Kimmel can actually change your Mazel. As I continue posting I will give examples of his ability to literally change your life.
For now, suffice it to say that I have seen this happen hundreds of times.
Rabbi Kimmel Gets a Sefer Torah Completed
Rabbi Kimmel was devastated when he heard that Rabbi Eliyahu Alfasi ztzl passed away on Errev Rosh Hashono. During the summer of that year, Rabbi Kimmel heard that it was the Rabbanit Alfasi's wish to have a Sefer Torah Dedicated to the Shul Rabbi Alfasi davened in within a year.
It looked like this was not to be because she simply couldn't raise the money for it.. When Rabbi Kimmel heard about it he immediately placed a call to Rabbanit Alfasi and told her he would not only pay for the Torah to be written but would pay for the case ($17.000.00 plus) and the entire Hachnossas Sefer Torah as well.
Boruch Hashem, the mission was accomplished on time and Rabbanit Alfasi and family honored Rabbi Kimmel as the guest honor because of the long term love between Rabbi Alfasi ztzl and Rabbi Kimmel and because he honored Rabbi Alfasi ztzl far more than anyone else.
Rabbi Kimmel and The Elite Mekubalim
Rabbi Yitzchak Kimmel is a member of a very rare circle of Mekubalim. He is one of the few that was welcomed into this group by well known Mekubalim (I've mentioned their names before but so many people called them about Rabbi Kimmel that they asked if I could remove their names so that they don't have to spend hours a week talking about Rabbi Kimmel. I will be posting testimony from people who were directly helped by Rabbi Kimmel instead.)
Let's just say this. When the renowned Rabbi Dovid Abuchatzera (the most famous of the Baba Sali's grandsons,) needs an impossible Yeshua to be done, one of the few Mekubalim he turns to is this Rabbi. So, when a person like this makes it a point to speak to Rabbi Kimmel 6 to 7 times a week to consult or just talk to him... well that tells you a lot about how highly Rabbi Kimmel is regarded by the highest circle of elite Mekubalim.
Rabbi Yitzchak Kimmel and an elite group of Mekubalim regularly consult each other and even work together to save the most difficult cases and situations in Klall Yisroel.

Votes3 DateAug 2, 2017

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Bitty and Beau's Coffee Shop Inclusion and Acceptance of People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD),

One World Blue, LLC
Beans And Beyond
The original Beau’s Coffee opened January 2016 in a 500 square foot space in Wilmington, NC. The original shop was run by 19 employees with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
With over 70% of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) unemployed nationwide, Beau’s Coffee created a path for people with IDD to become more valued, accepted and included in every community.
In July 2016, Beau’s Coffee was renamed Bitty & Beau’s Coffee (Beau’s 12th birthday wish was to have his little sister’s name put up in lights, too) and moved to a 5,000 sq/ft building that now serves as both a local coffee house and national headquarters. Bitty & Beau’s Coffee currently employs 40 people with IDD and has been featured on The Rachael Ray Show, Harry, Good Morning America, HLN, People Magazine and Southern Living Magazine.
From About Us:
To Learn more and how you can help please visit:

Votes1 DateJul 19, 2017

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Hello World, What's Going On?

One World Blue, LLC
Mother, mother
There's too many of you crying

Votes3 DateJun 4, 2017

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Elementary School Peace in the World Essay

One World Blue, LLC
"Peace in the World"
Music and Vocals by Michelle Kaye with surround vocals by Divincemoore - lyrics by Joel Pirchesky, founder of One World Blue Media
I have a dream that the world would be better and a safe place to live.
Children should not be afraid to be without their parents. They should not be worried about being kidnapped. People should realize that they should not hurt anyone and try to understand what they are doing.
I think it is very meaningless to have war. It is senseless to fight and kill one another. God did not put people on Earth to fight, argue, or hurt each other.
Poverty is very harmful and cruel to people. It can sometimes kill a person. It would be nice if poor people did not have to go to bed hungry.
Robbery scares me a whole lot, and I am sure it scares alot of other people too. People are sometimes shot and killed because they protect their belongings. Probably if people had the things they needed, there would be no more robberies.
It is a shame people are so terrified about highjacks on a plane that they don't even go on them. I hope in the future people will be able to go on a plane without worrying about a highjack.
If people try and work together they can make this world a better one. I am willing to try, are you?
Click Here to Order the Peace in the World Campaign Plaque with Original Script by the Founder of One World Blue and Support the Growth of our Network, Bringing More Ligfht in the World
Order comes with the Essay mounted on Filmboard with Photopaper Glaze (Size is 10" x 10 ") Shipping Included

Votes4 DateMay 30, 2017

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Motivation Champs

One World Blue, LLC
Let No Failure Define You
From the homepage of Motivation Champs:
At Motivation Champ’s our number one goal is to share inspiration. We are proud to say we accomplish this in many ways, from publishing books to working side by side with non-profit organizations.
It’s humbling to be called upon for our publishing and speaking services, so we take our client’s decision seriously and only tackle the projects we believe in. When you contact Motivation Champs, you become part of a championship team. Together with you, Motivation Champs creates a presentation or book with a message that needs to be shared.
Our founder, Dominick Domasky arrived at writing books and motivational speaking with a unique background. Mr. Domasky doesn’t claim to have climbed Mt. Everest or be an Olympic Gold Medalist; Dominick is proud to say, he’s just a guy trying to find success. He learned the value of hard work as a young boy pulling weeds and picking up cigarette butts while working for his father’s landscape company.
Even though Dominick has been punched, jobless, broke, cut from the team, and out of business, with the help of those early lessons and a belief in himself, he refuses to ever give up.
Rather than look back at the past with ill will, Dominick instead guides us to find humor and strength in our failures. Dominick lives by the age-old saying, “That which does not kill us, only makes us stronger.” He wrote the hit inspirational book, “Don’t Double Bread The Fish” coauthored and created The Amazon Bestseller “The Unofficial Guide to Fatherhood.”
To learn more about Motivation Champs or to contact them about one of their services, please visit:

Votes7 DateMay 27, 2017

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Music Meditation and Healing

One World Blue, LLC
Take time out of every day to relax and clear your mind. 5 minutes, 10 minutes or 30 and more.....
It is great for the body and great for the mind. Healing happens in the space of meditation.
Think of a calm beautiful place you have been to in your life and keep that place in your mind.
When thoughts come into your mind let them float by like clouds in the sky.
Sit back and relax. Listen to the music and have Peace.

Votes4 DateMay 27, 2017

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Sylvester Omeje

One World Blue, LLC
A Salute to Sylvester Omeje
An esteemed member of One World Blue
Sylvester writes:
In the mist of an ongoing Pittsburgh's Marathon, I sat in the center of the road to ease out frustrations , a quick rush of thought life is nothing but a race, when you are tired and about to give up, the cheers of people around you , with your eyes set on the prize of joyous success will give you strength. Get up, dust yourself and finish the race . We are more than conquerors.
In this race we call Life, One World Blue is proud to be on course with such a person as Sylvester Omeje.
Thank you Sylvester for your service to Our Cause
One World Blue, LLC

Votes3 DateMay 8, 2017

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Steven Stalinsky Executive Director of Memri

One World Blue, LLC
There are those who do life saving work every day and for a decade or more but may not be recognized outside of the circle of influence they are in. Mr. Stalinsky has contributed his life and work to making this world a safer place to live. Let us give acknowledgement to him today and everyday.
Joel Pirchesky, Founder and CEO of One World Blue, LLC - A Place for Social and Planetary Healing
Cited below from:
Steven Stalinsky has been Executive Director of MEMRI for over a decade. Mr. Stalinsky's expertise on the Middle East is sought after throughout Washington, D.C., where he has briefed staff of the White House, State Department, Homeland Security, Justice Department, Office of Director of National Intelligence, Government Accountability Office, and other institutions.
On Capitol Hill, Mr. Stalinsky frequently assists staff on issues related to the fight against terrorism. His research has been used in major legislation centering on Iran and Egypt, and for the Saudi Accountability Act – which led to his invitation to testify about Saudi Arabia before Congress. Mr. Stalinsky's research has also made an impact internationally.
His articles have been cited in official United Nations documents, as well as by members of the U.K. and Canadian parliaments.
His groundbreaking expose on the official think-tank of the Arab League, the Zayed Centre, has been recognized as singlehandedly leading to the closure of this anti-American body.
Leading media outlets, including The New York Times, The Washington Post, the Associated Press, The Telegraph (UK), The Daily Mail (UK), Fast Company, The Washington Times, Stars & Stripes, and many others have interviewed Mr. Stalinsky on issues surrounding the Middle East. His research has been cited by The Wall Street Journal, ABC News, Fox News, USA Today, The Guardian (U.K.), the BBC, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, National Public Radio, "The O'Reilly Factor," Defense News, and elsewhere. From 2003 through 2007, he wrote a weekly column for the New York Sun focusing on the Arab and Iranian media. In addition to dozens of original research articles authored for MEMRI, Mr. Stalinsky has published articles for multiple newspapers, magazines, and journals including The Wall Street Journal, The Weekly Standard, The Middle East Quarterly, National Review, The Jerusalem Post, and others.
Prior to joining MEMRI, Mr. Stalinsky spent a decade in Washington, D.C. at various private and government think-tanks. Before coming to Washington DC, he performed public service within the U.S. through a year in AmeriCorps (often considered the urban Peace Corps) as a City Year member. Directly out of college, he worked on the Clinton/Gore presidential campaign. Mr. Stalinsky, who is currently a candidate for a Ph.D. in Homeland Security Studies, holds a M.A. in Middle Eastern Studies and a B.A. in Religious Studies.
Cited from:
You may also read more about Mr. Stalinsky's work, and especially his contribution to protecting Social Media, here:
To Learn more about Memri's Groundbreaking work around the world on the threat and fight against terrorism please visit:
Get involved today

Votes1 DateApr 24, 2017

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Yusuf Cat Stevens

One World Blue, LLC
from the Rolling Stones Interview:
Over the years, Yusuf's children tried in vain to get him to begin playing guitar again. Then, a few months after 9/11, Yusuf found himself holding an acoustic guitar his son had brought home. It was late at night, and his family was asleep. "I just thought, 'Let's have a go and try,' " he says. "I looked for F, and I found it. I don't remember what songs I played, but when it was done I began crying."
Yusuf was conflicted about playing again, but the war in Afghanistan was raging and another conflict was looming in Iraq.Yusuf says that the world needed to see at least one nonviolent Muslim on TV. "There was so much antagonism in the world," he says. "Many Muslims have come up to me, shook my hand and said, 'Thank you! Thank you.' I'm representing the way they want to be seen.
So much of the middle ground gets forgotten in the extremities we witness around the world."
I think we've got to push the premise that culture is something to be shared by everybody. It's not a divisive issue. Whenever anything is good, a lot of people flock to it and want it, and that's why I'm singing songs again."

Votes3 DateApr 1, 2017

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Kyle Maynard

One World Blue, LLC
Kyle Maynard (March 24, 1986) is a speaker, author, and ESPY Award-winning mixed martial arts athlete, known for becoming the first quadruple amputee to ascend Mount Kilimanjaro without the aid of prosthetics.
In 2005, Maynard wrote the New York Times Bestselling autobiography, No Excuses: The True Story of a Congenital Amputee Who Became a Champion in Wrestling and in Life. Published by Regnery Publishing, the book made the New York Times Bestseller list, peaking at number 12. Shortly after, he was inducted into both the Georgia State Wrestling Hall of Fame and as the National Wrestling Hall of Fame in Oklahoma. In 2007, he was named one of the U.S. Jaycees Top Ten Outstanding Young Americans.
In 2011, it was announced that Maynard was planning to climb Mount Kilimanjaro without the aid of prosthetics. To prepare for the climb, he trained at a series of locations around the US, including Stone Mountain and Blood Mountain in Georgia, Winter Park in Colorado, and Camelback Mountain in Arizona, with expedition co-leader, Dan Adams, testing and developing equipment that included welding sleeves and rubber bicycle tires attached to his body with heavy-duty tape. Soon, an organization called Orthotic Specialists got involved, and owners Barb and Brett Boutin created custom equipment with Vibram soles, based on molds of Maynard's arms and legs. The climb, intended to raise awareness for wounded American military veterans, included a team consisting of former members of the U.S. military with injuries and conditions including shrapnel wounds, post-traumatic stress and traumatic brain injury. The mission also donated $25,000 worth of medical supplies to the Mwereni Integrated School for the Blind in Moshi, Tanzania. Guided by Kevin Cherilla of K2 Adventures Foundation, the group began their climb on January 6, 2012, with 16 days allotted for the climb. On January 15, 2012, Maynard became the first quadruple amputee to climb Mount Kilimanjaro without assistance, by crawling all 19,340 feet in just 10 days. In 2012, he was awarded his second ESPY for best male athlete with a disability for completing the climb.
Retrieved from:

Votes1 DateJan 22, 2017

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Nick Vijucic

One World Blue, LLC
Nicholas James "Nick" Vujicic is an Australian Christian evangelist and motivational speaker born with phocomelia, a rare disorder characterized by the absence of legs and arms

Votes1 DateDec 18, 2016

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Overture to Peace

One World Blue, LLC
Overture to Peace Campaign
We at One World Blue are Promoting peaceful coexistence among all races, religions, ethnicities, and tribes.
We are an advocacy to eradicate racism, bigotry, segregation, sexism and violence.
A Tabernacle of Peace that shields the oppressed, marginalized and the weak.
At One World Blue we are designing tools for all people worldwide to be able to communicate online and work toward establishing peaceful relations with one another.
Steps in achieving Peace entail the following:
1) A statement to begin the conversation as user reaches out to the person he or she wants to make peace with.
“I would like to make peace with you and engage in an online conversation to begin our process”.
“Do you want to engage in an online conversation with me?”
2) To say, “First of all, I am truly sorry for my part in our disagreement. It pains me.
3) To begin the process once both parties are engaged, To chat briefly about what our disagreement was and then how we can take steps to resolve it.
Participants must go thru the process of exchange of the issues. Person who has made the request goes first.
4) Have choice to say how it impacts them.
5) Find the common goals. “What are our common goals and solutions?”
I will list mine and you then list yours.
Offer acknowledgements and praise for the person they are engaging to make peace with.
6) “How can we move forward with our mutual goals and solutions?”
“I will tell you my suggestions….”
7) Reiterates “I truly want to make peace with you. I care about you as my ___________ (brother, sister, friend, etc…)
8) Close by saying a final statement and then finalizing the agreement.
“My love and concern is for you. So our agreement is _______________”.
Also in the peace process give encouraging coaching statements along the way such as:
“Let go of pride”
“Aim to reconcile and not win”
“Be honest but respectful”

Votes1 DateNov 25, 2016

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One World Blue, LLC
UFO-shaped yacht has its own garden and a stunning underwater viewing deck
While you can always head for the hills to wait out the apocalypse, a more stylish option could be a fully sustainable floating home from Italian mini yacht-maker Jet Capsule. The company has drawn up a concept for a saucer-shaped UFO, or Unidentified Floating Object, which offers a completely off-grid existence floating on the ocean.
According to the company's co-founders, Pierpaolo Lazzarini and Luca Solla, the UFO is intended for "living in a floating house and moving slowly around the world." "Slowly" in this case means a leisurely maximum speed of 3.5 knots (4 mph), using a waterjet-propelled Torqeedo Deep Blue 1800 electric motor.
This motor is connected to a battery that draws energy generated from 40 sq. m (430 sq. ft.) of solar panels in a closable lid atop the structure. Additional energy sources can be provided through optional wind and water turbines located on the top and below the main disc of the UFO, respectively, creating enough power to operate the home and motor.
The company says an onboard water generator would be used for converting rain or seawater to fresh drinking water, as well as watering a vegetable garden located on a deck that encircles the structure and measures 12.5 m (41 ft) in diameter.
Two half-spherical shells of fiberglass make up the two stories of the interior housing, with flexible floor plans for various configurations. Generally, the orb-shaped home will consist of a transformable kitchen and dining/living area on a 20-sq. m (215-sq. ft.) top level, with stairs leading down to a 10-sq. m (107-sq. ft.) submerged lower level with bathroom and bedroom surrounded by a large window for viewing sea life.
To keep the craft stable, the UFO uses a special elastic anchor system. "The main structure of the floating object can be aligned with the compass, keeping the position angle oriented on the desired cardinal direction, even in rough sea conditions," say the designers.
The company is currently seeking investors to build the first working prototype, at an estimated cost of US$800,000, with homes produced after that estimated at $200,000, which is actually cheaper than the average price of an, albeit larger, houseboat.

Votes1 DateJul 26, 2016

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Mountain Monastery, Taiwan

One World Blue, LLC
Story of Siddhartha, The First Buddha
Mountain Monastery, Taiwan 1993

Votes1 DateJul 16, 2016

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One World Blue, LLC
Marrakech, Morocco 1993

Votes1 DateJul 16, 2016

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One World Blue All Lives Matter

One World Blue, LLC

Votes1 DateJul 13, 2016

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The Oracle of Delphi

One World Blue, LLC
The Oracle of Delphi
Greece, 1993

Votes1 DateJul 10, 2016

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Temple of Heaven

One World Blue, LLC
Temple of Heaven
Beijing, China 1993

Votes1 DateJul 9, 2016

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Votes2 DateJul 8, 2016

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Universal Declaration of Human Rights

One World Blue, LLC
On 10 December 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was proclaimed and adopted by the General Assembly. The extraordinary vision and determination of the drafters produced a document that for the first time set out universal human rights for all people in an individual context.
Now available in more than 360 languages, the Declaration is the most translated document in the world — a testament to its universal nature and reach. It has inspired the constitutions of many newly independent States and many new democracies. It has become a yardstick by which we measure respect for what we know, or should know, as right and wrong.
It is our duty to ensure that these rights are a living reality — that they are known, understood and enjoyed by everyone,everywhere. It is often those who most need their human rights protected who also need to be informed that the Declaration exists — and that it exists for them.
The sixtieth anniversary of the adoption of the Declaration is an occasion for all of us to recommit to the vision of the Declaration. It remains as relevant today as it was on the day it was adopted. I hope you will make it part of your life.
Ban Ki-moon
It is difficult to imagine today just what a fundamental shift the Universal Declaration of Human Rights represented when it was adopted 60 years ago. In a post-war world scarred by the Holocaust, divided by colonialism and wracked by inequality, a charter setting out the first global and solemn commitment to the inherent dignity and equality of all human beings, regardless of colour, creed or origin, was a bold and daring undertaking, one that was not certain to succeed. The fact that it has led to an extensive infrastructure of protection of all the fundamental freedoms we are all entitled to is a tribute to the vision of the drafters of the Declaration and to the many human rights defenders who have struggled over the last six decades to make that vision a reality. This struggle is far from over, and therein lies the power of the Declaration: it is a living document that will continue to inspire generations to come.
Louise Arbour
High Commissioner
for Human Rights
All human beings are born with equal and inalienable rights and fundamental freedoms.
The United Nations is committed to
upholding, promoting and protecting
the human rights of every individual.
This commitment stems from the United Nations
Charter, which reaffirms the faith of the peoples
of the world in fundamental human rights and
in the dignity and worth of the human person.
In the Universal Declaration
of Human Rights,
the United Nations has stated
in clear and simple terms the rights
which belong equally to every person.
These rights belong to you.
They are your rights.
Familiarize yourself with them.
Help to promote and defend them for yourself as
well as for your fellow human beings.
Universal Declaration
of Human Rights
Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and
of the equal and inalienable rights of all members
of the human family is the foundation of freedom,
justice and peace in the world,
Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights
have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged
the conscience of mankind, and the advent of a
world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of
speech and belief and freedom from fear and want
has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the
common people,
Whereas it is essential, if man is not to be compelled
to have recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion against
tyranny and oppression, that human rights should be
protected by the rule of law,
Whereas it is essential to promote the development
of friendly relations between nations,
Whereas the peoples of the United Nations have
in the Charter reaffirmed their faith in fundamental
human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human
person and in the equal rights of men and women
and have determined to promote social progress
and better standards of life in larger freedom,
Whereas Member States have pledged themselves
to achieve, in cooperation with the United Nations,
the promotion of universal respect for and observance
of human rights and fundamental freedoms,
Whereas a common understanding of these rights
and freedoms is of the greatest importance for the
full realization of this pledge,
Now, therefore,
The General Assembly
this Universal Declaration
of Human Rights
as a common standard of achievement for all
and all nations, to the end that every
and every organ of society, keeping
this Declaration constantly
in mind, shall strive
by teaching and education
to promote respect
for these rights and freedoms and by progressive
measures, national and international, to secure
their universal and effective recognition and
both among the peoples of Member
States themselves and among the peoples
under their jurisdiction.
Article 1
All human beings are born free and equal in
and rights. They are endowed with
reason and conscience and should act towards
one another
in a spirit of brotherhood.
Article 2
Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms
set forth in this Declaration, without distinction
of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language,
political or other opinion, national or
social origin, property, birth or other status.
Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the
basis of the political, jurisdictional or international
status of the country or territory to which a
person belongs, whether it be independent, trust,
non-self-governing or under any other limitation
of sovereignty.
Article 3
Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security
of person.
Article 4
No one shall be held in slavery or servitude;
and the slave trade shall be prohibited in
all their forms.
Article 5
No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel,
inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
Article 6
Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere
as a person before the law.
Article 7
All are equal before the law and are entitled
any discrimination to equal protection of
the law. All are entitled to equal protection against
any discrimination in violation of this Declaration
and against any incitement to such discrimination.
Article 8
Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by
the competent national tribunals for acts violating
the fundamental rights granted him by the constitution
or by law.
Article 9
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest,
or exile.
Article 10
Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and
public hearing by an independent and impartial
in the determination of his rights and
obligations and of any criminal charge against him.
Article 11
(1) Everyone charged with a penal offence has the
right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty
according to law in a public trial at which he has
had all the guarantees necessary for his defence.
(2) No one shall be held guilty of any penal
offence on account of any act or omission
which did not constitute a penal offence, under
national or international law, at the time when it
was committed. Nor shall a heavier penalty be
imposed than the one that was applicable at the
time the penal offence was committed.
Article 12
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference
with his privacy, family, home or correspondence,
nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation.
Everyone has the right to the protection of the law
against such interference or attacks.
Article 13
(1) Everyone has the right to freedom of movement
and residence within the borders of each State.
(2) Everyone has the right to leave any country,
including his own, and to return to his country.
Article 14
(1) Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in
other countries asylum from persecution.
(2) This right may not be invoked in the case of
prosecutions genuinely arising from non-political
crimes or from acts contrary to the purposes and
principles of the United Nations.
Article 15
(1) Everyone has the right to a nationality.
(2) No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his
nationality nor denied the right to change
his nationality.
Article 16
(1) Men and women of full age, without any
due to race, nationality or religion, have
the right to marry and to found a family. They are
entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during
and at its dissolution.
(2) Marriage shall be entered into only with the
free and full consent of the intending spouses.
(3) The family is the natural and fundamental
group unit of society and is entitled to protection
by society and the State.
Article 17
(1) Everyone has the right to own property alone
as well as in association with others.
(2) No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his
Article 18
Everyone has the right to freedom of thought,
and religion; this right includes freedom
to change his religion or belief, and freedom,
either alone or in community with others and in
public or private, to manifest his religion or belief
in teaching, practice, worship and observance.
Article 19
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and
expression; this right includes freedom to hold
opinions without interference and to seek, receive
and impart information and ideas through any
media and regardless of frontiers.
Article 20
(1) Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful
assembly and association.
(2) No one may be compelled to belong to an
Article 21
(1) Everyone has the right to take part in the
of his country, directly or through
freely chosen representatives.
(2) Everyone has the right to equal access to
public service in his country.
(3) The will of the people shall be the basis of the
authority of government; this will shall be expressed
in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by
universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by
secret vote or by equivalent free voting
Article 22
Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to
social security and is entitled to realization, through
national effort and international cooperation and
in accordance with the organization and resources
of each State, of the economic, social and cultural
rights indispensable for his dignity and the free
development of his personality.
Article 23
(1) Everyone has the right to work, to free choice
of employment, to just and favourable conditions
of work and to protection against unemployment.
(2) Everyone, without any discrimination, has the
right to equal pay for equal work.
(3) Everyone who works has the right to just and
favourable remuneration ensuring for himself and
his family an existence worthy of human dignity,
and supplemented, if necessary, by other means
of social protection.
(4) Everyone has the right to form and to join
trade unions for the protection of his interests.
Article 24
Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including
reasonable limitation of working hours and
periodic holidays with pay.
Article 25
(1) Everyone has the right to a standard of
living adequate for the health and well-being of
himself and of his family, including food, clothing,
housing and medical care and necessary social
services, and the right to security in the event of
unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood,
old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances
beyond his control.
(2) Motherhood and childhood are entitled to
care and assistance. All children, whether
born in or out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same
social protection.
10 Article 26
(1) Everyone has the right to education. Education
shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental
stages. Elementary education shall be
compulsory. Technical and professional education
shall be made generally available and higher
shall be equally accessible to all on
the basis of merit.
(2) Education shall be directed to the full
of the human personality and to
the strengthening of respect for human rights
and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote
tolerance and friendship among
all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall
the activities of the United Nations for
the maintenance of peace.
(3) Parents have a prior right to choose the kind
of education that shall be given to their children.
Article 27
(1) Everyone has the right freely to participate in the
cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and
to share in scientific advancement and its benefits.
(2) Everyone has the right to the protection of
the moral and material interests resulting from any
literary or artistic production of which
he is the author.
Article 28
Everyone is entitled to a social and international
order in which the rights and freedoms set forth
in this Declaration can be fully realized.
Article 29
(1) Everyone has duties to the community in
which alone the free and full development of his
personality is possible.
(2) In the exercise of his rights and freedoms,
shall be subject only to such limitations
as are determined by law solely for the purpose
of securing due recognition and respect for the
rights and freedoms of others and of meeting the
just requirements of morality, public order and
the general welfare in a democratic society.
(3) These rights and freedoms may in no case be
exercised contrary to the purposes and principles
of the United Nations.
Article 30
Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as
implying for any State, group or person any right
to engage in any activity or to perform any act
aimed at the destruction of any of the rights and
freedoms set forth herein.
Published by the United Nations
Department of Public Information
DPI/876/Rev.4—07-55693—November 2007—50M

Votes1 DateJul 4, 2016

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Yaron Bob - Turning Rockets into Roses

One World Blue, LLC
"I take the Kassam, the instrument of death and I change it, I transfer it into something of beauty."
"...And they shall beat swords into plowshares..." (Isaiah 2:4)
Source: http://www.rocketsintoroses.com/artist.html
Yaron Bob, is an art teacher and blacksmith who lives in Yated, a small Israeli community near the border with the Gaza strip.
Yaron Bob, a teacher and a part-time metal sculptor in Moshav Yated, Israel, makes roses out of Kassam rockets fired out of Gaza.
Mr. Bob had two close calls with rockets and he knew he needed to react to the terror that he and his community were facing.
Yaron wanted to create something that speaks of growth and prosperity and to make something out of the destruction and of the ruin of the Kassam.
The truth is because the rocket is an instrument of death he really didn't want to handle it.
However, his frustration was intensifying with so many missiles falling on Israel and so many alarms.
The situation was very stressful on him and his family. "It finally struck me that I need to make a rose from the Kassam", Yaron says. Now. Bob collects the spent rockets, most given to him by the police, after they have been checked by the bomb squad.
Israeli Artist Creates Beauty from War Materials
Each rose takes about three to four hours of turning and twisting the steel. Then, hand sculpting intricate petals and leaves on the rose. The sculpture's base is a map of Israel with the rose growing out of the border with Gaza.
Although the rose, stem and base are made of Kassam remains, there is no sign the flower comes from rocket metal.
"I take the Kassam, the instrument of death and I change it, I transfer it into something of beauty."
Bob is not a pacifist, but he would like Hamas to know talking is better than firing rockets and starting a war.
His goal is to somehow let the world know people in Israel are not hungry for war and what they really want is a bright and beautiful future.
To learn more or to purchase a menorah and Stand with Sderot, please visit:

Votes1 DateJun 29, 2016

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One World Blue Salutes Surendra Lama and Firante Treks and Expeditions

One World Blue, LLC
OWB is honored and privileged to have Surendra Lama and Firante Treks and Expeditions as partners in our work of Social and Planetary Healing.
About Firante Treks and Expeditions:
Firante Treks & Expeditions is Kathmandu based adventure company, specialised in designing customised adventure trips (mountain biking & trekking) in Nepal Tibet which enable trekkers to gain rare sight into the real lives of people of the hidden Himalayas.
After having engaged with large tourism organizations more then 10 years with major responsibilities, this company Firante Treks & Expedition was established in January 2007 by a group of young professionals with the aim of exploiting socio-tourism for a sustainable world. The company provide services on regular well known routes throughout Nepal, along with creating new off-route trekking in Humla (far North West part of Nepal), the most remote district in Nepal. Firante Treks & Expedition is one of the few companies promoting tourism inside Humla creating employments to the local people. We being local people from Humla, always looking forward promoting Humla as a tourism destination.
Our mission is to provide best quality services to our valued customers as to their requirements. Our aim is to be best performer so the company has trained professional and experienced leaders both in trekking and mountain biking. We care environment, staffs, customer health & safety, local social & culture and local economy.
The company takes tourism as an opportunity to proactively protect and further develop Nepal’s rich cultural heritage and awareness, ensuring that the travel experience is meaningful for both the host and visitor. The company considers socio-tourism as its main advantage.
You may see more of Firante Treks and Expeditions at:
Book your amazing adventure today!!

Votes3 DateJun 23, 2016

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Salvador Dali

One World Blue, LLC
Salvador Domingo Felipe Jacinto Dalí i Domènech, Marqués de Dalí de Pubol (11 May 1904 – 23 January 1989), known as Salvador Dalí (Catalan: [səɫβəˈðo ðəˈɫi]; Spanish: [salβaˈðoɾ ðaˈli]), was a prominent Spanish surrealist painter born in Figueres, Catalonia, Spain.
Reference from:
Dalí was a skilled draftsman, best known for the striking and bizarre images in his surrealist work. His painterly skills are often attributed to the influence of Renaissance masters.[1][2] His best-known work, The Persistence of Memory, was completed in August 1931. Dalí's expansive artistic repertoire included film, sculpture, and photography, in collaboration with a range of artists in a variety of media.
Dalí attributed his "love of everything that is gilded and excessive, my passion for luxury and my love of oriental clothes"[3] to an "Arab lineage", claiming that his ancestors were descended from the Moors.
Dalí was highly imaginative, and also enjoyed indulging in unusual and grandiose behavior. His eccentric manner and attention-grabbing public actions sometimes drew more attention than his artwork, to the dismay of those who held his work in high esteem, and to the irritation of his critics.[4][5]
Dalí employed extensive symbolism in his work. For instance, the hallmark "melting watches" that first appear in The Persistence of Memory suggest Einstein's theory that time is relative and not fixed.[29] The idea for clocks functioning symbolically in this way came to Dalí when he was staring at a runny piece of Camembert cheese on a hot August day.[75]
The elephant is also a recurring image in Dalí's works. It appeared in his 1944 work Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee Around a Pomegranate a Second Before Awakening. The elephants, inspired by Gian Lorenzo Bernini's sculpture base in Rome of an elephant carrying an ancient obelisk,[76] are portrayed "with long, multijointed, almost invisible legs of desire"[77] along with obelisks on their backs. Coupled with the image of their brittle legs, these encumbrances, noted for their phallic overtones, create a sense of phantom reality. "The elephant is a distortion in space", one analysis explains, "its spindly legs contrasting the idea of weightlessness with structure."[77] "I am painting pictures which make me die for joy, I am creating with an absolute naturalness, without the slightest aesthetic concern, I am making things that inspire me with a profound emotion and I am trying to paint them honestly." —Salvador Dalí, in Dawn Ades, Dalí and Surrealism.
The egg is another common Dalíesque image. He connects the egg to the prenatal and intrauterine, thus using it to symbolize hope and love;[78] it appears in The Great Masturbator and The Metamorphosis of Narcissus. The Metamorphosis of Narcissus also symbolized death and petrification.
Various other animals appear throughout his work as well: ants point to death, decay, and immense sexual desire; the snail is connected to the human head (he saw a snail on a bicycle outside Freud's house when he first met Sigmund Freud); and locusts are a symbol of waste and fear.[78]
Both Dalí and his father enjoyed eating sea urchins, freshly caught in the sea near Cadaqués. The symmetry of the sea urchin fascinated Dalí and adapted its form to many art works and other foods also appear throughout his work.[79]
References to Dalí in the context of science are made in terms of his fascination with the paradigm shift that accompanied the birth of quantum mechanics in the twentieth century. Inspired by Werner Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, in 1958 he wrote in his "Anti-Matter Manifesto": "In the Surrealist period, I wanted to create the iconography of the interior world and the world of the marvelous, of my father Freud. Today, the exterior world and that of physics has transcended the one of psychology. My father today is Dr. Heisenberg."[80]
In this respect, The Disintegration of the Persistence of Memory, which appeared in 1954, in harking back to The Persistence of Memory and in portraying that painting in fragmentation and disintegration, summarizes Dalí's acknowledgment of the new science.[80]

Votes2 DateJun 22, 2016

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The Future of Flight (Continued)

One World Blue, LLC
TOP 10 Future Aircraft
Future Aircraft NASA

Votes1 DateJun 22, 2016

[image for World Spotlight 170px-Escher_Waterfall.jpg]


One World Blue, LLC
Maurits Cornelis Escher (Dutch pronunciation: ˈmʌurɪts kɔrˈneːlɪs ˈɛʃər ;[1] 17 June 1898 – 27 March 1972) was a Dutch graphic artist who made mathematically inspired woodcuts, lithographs, and mezzotints.
Reference from:
Early in his career he drew inspiration from nature, making studies of insects, landscapes, and plants such as lichens, all of which he reused as details in his artworks. He travelled in Italy and Spain, sketching buildings, townscapes, architecture and the tilings of the Alhambra and La Mezquita, Cordoba, and became steadily more interested in their mathematical structure.
His work features mathematical objects and operations including impossible objects, explorations of infinity, reflection, symmetry, perspective, truncated and stellated polyhedra, hyperbolic geometry, and tessellations. Although Escher considered that he had no mathematical ability, he interacted with mathematicians George Pólya, Roger Penrose, and Harold Coxeter; read mathematical papers by these authors and by the crystallographer Friedrich Haag; and conducted his own original research into tessellation.
Escher's art became popular, both among scientists and mathematicians, and in popular culture. Apart from being used in a variety of technical papers, his work has appeared on the covers of many books and albums. He featured as one of the major inspirations of Douglas Hofstadter's 1979 book Gödel, Escher, Bach.
Mathematically-inspired work
Further information: Mathematics and art
Escher's work is inescapably mathematical. This has caused a disconnect between his full-on popular fame and the lack of esteem with which he has been viewed in the art world. His originality and mastery of graphic techniques is respected, but his works have been thought too intellectual and insufficiently lyrical. Movements such as conceptual art have to a degree reversed the art world's attitude to intellectuality and lyricism, but this did not rehabilitate Escher because traditional critics still disliked his narrative themes and his use of perspective. However, these same qualities made his work highly attractive to the public.[21] Escher is not the first artist to explore mathematical themes: Parmigianino (1503–1540) had explored spherical geometry and reflection in his 1524 Self-portrait in a Convex Mirror, depicting his own image in a curved mirror, while William Hogarth's 1754 Satire on False Perspective, foreshadows Escher's playful exploration of errors in perspective.[22][23] Another early artistic forerunner is Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1720–1778), whose dark "fantastical"[24] prints such as The Drawbridge in his Carceri ("Prisons") sequence depict perspectives into complex architecture with many stairs and ramps, peopled by walking figures.[24][25] Only with 20th century movements such as Cubism, De Stijl, Dadaism and Surrealism did mainstream art start to explore Escher-like ways of looking at the world with multiple simultaneous viewpoints.[21] However, while Escher had much in common with, for example, Magritte's surrealism, he did not make contact with any of these movements.[26]
Forerunner of Escher's curved perspectives, geometries, and reflections: Parmigianino's Self-portrait in a Convex Mirror, 1524
Forerunner of Escher's fantastic endless stairs: Piranesi's Carceri Plate VII – The Drawbridge, 1745, reworked 1761
Further information: Tessellation
In his early years, Escher sketched landscapes and nature. He also sketched insects such as ants, bees, grasshoppers and mantises,[27] which appeared frequently in his later work. His early love of Roman and Italian landscapes and of nature created an interest in tessellation, which he called Regular Division of the Plane; this became the title of his 1958 book, complete with reproductions of a series of woodcuts based on tessellations of the plane, in which he described the systematic buildup of mathematical designs in his artworks. He wrote "Mathematicians have opened the gate leading to an extensive domain."[28]
Hexagonal tessellation with animals: Study of Regular Division of the Plane with Reptiles (1939). Escher reused the design in his 1943 lithograph Reptiles.
After his 1936 journey to the Alhambra and to La Mezquita, Cordoba, where he sketched the Moorish architecture and the tessellated mosaic decorations,[29] Escher began to explore the properties and possibilities of tessellation using geometric grids as the basis for his sketches. He then extended these to form complex interlocking designs, for example with animals such as birds, fish, and reptiles.[30] One of his first attempts at a tessellation was his pencil, India ink and watercolour Study of Regular Division of the Plane with Reptiles (1939), constructed on a hexagonal grid. The heads of the red, green and white reptiles meet at a vertex; the tails, legs and sides of the animals exactly interlock. It was used as the basis for his 1943 lithograph Reptiles.[31]
His first study of mathematics began with papers by George Pólya[32] and by the crystallographer Friedrich Haag[33] on plane symmetry groups, sent to him by his brother Berend (known as Beer).[34] He carefully studied the 17 wallpaper groups, and created periodic tilings with 43 drawings of different types of symmetry.[c] From this point on he developed a mathematical approach to expressions of symmetry in his art works using his own notation. Starting in 1937, he created woodcuts based on the 17 groups. His Metamorphosis I (1937) began a series of designs that told a story through the use of pictures. In Metamorphosis I, he transformed convex polygons into regular patterns in a plane to form a human motif. He extended the approach in his piece Metamorphosis III, which is four metres long.[9][35]
In 1941 and 1942, Escher summarized his findings for his own artistic use in a sketchbook, which he labeled (following Haag) Regelmatige vlakverdeling in asymmetrische congruente veelhoeken ("Regular division of the plane with asymmetric congruent polygons").[36] The mathematician Doris Schattschneider unequivocally described this notebook as recording "a methodical investigation that can only be termed mathematical research."[34] She defined the research questions he was following as
(1) What are the possible shapes for a tile that can produce a regular division of the plane, that is, a tile that can fill the plane with its congruent images such that every tile is surrounded in the same manner?
(2) Moreover, in what ways are the edges of such a tile related to each other by isometries?[34]
Further information: perspective (geometry) and curvilinear perspective
Multiple viewpoints and impossible stairs: Relativity, 1953
Although Escher did not have mathematical training—his understanding of mathematics was largely visual and intuitive—his art had a strong mathematical component, and several of the worlds which he drew were built around impossible objects After 1924, Escher turned to sketching landscapes in Italy and Corsica with irregular perspectives that are impossible in natural form. His first print of an impossible reality was Still Life and Street (1937); impossible stairs and multiple visual and gravitational perspectives feature in popular works such as Relativity (1953). House of Stairs (1951) attracted the interest of the mathematician Roger Penrose and his father the biologist Lionel Penrose. In 1956 they published a paper, "Impossible Objects: A Special Type of Visual Illusion" and later sent Escher a copy. Escher replied, admiring the Penroses' continuously rising flights of steps, and enclosed a print of Ascending and Descending (1960). The paper also contained the tribar or Penrose triangle, which Escher used repeatedly in his lithograph of a building that appears to function as a perpetual motion machine, Waterfall (1961).[37][38][39][40]
Escher was interested enough in Hieronymus Bosch's 1500 triptych The Garden of Earthly Delights to recreate part of its right-hand panel, Hell, as a lithograph in 1935. He reused the figure of a Mediaeval woman in a two-pointed headdress and a long gown in his lithograph Belvedere in 1958; the image is, like many of his other "extraordinary invented places",[41] peopled with "jesters, knaves and contemplators".[41] Escher was thus not only interested in possible or impossible geometry, but was in his own words a "reality enthusiast";[41] he combined "formal astonishment with a vivid and idiosyncratic vision."[41]
Perpetual motion machine with Penrose triangles: Waterfall, 1961
Escher worked primarily in the media of lithographs and woodcuts, though the few mezzotints he made are considered to be masterpieces of the technique. In his graphic art, he portrayed mathematical relationships among shapes, figures and space. Integrated into his prints were mirror images of cones, spheres, cubes, rings and spirals.[42]
Escher was also fascinated by mathematical objects like the Möbius strip, which has only one surface. His wood engraving Möbius Strip II (1963) depicts a chain of ants marching for ever around over what at any one place are the two opposite faces of the object—which are seen on inspection to be parts of the strip's single surface. In Escher's own words[43]
An endless ring-shaped band usually has two distinct surfaces, one inside and one outside. Yet on this strip nine red ants crawl after each other and travel the front side as well as the reverse side. Therefore the strip has only one surface.[43]
The mathematical influence in his work became prominent after 1936, when, having boldly asked the Adria Shipping Company if he could sail with them as travelling artist in return for making drawings of their ships, they surprisingly agreed, and he sailed the Mediterranean, becoming interested in order and symmetry. Escher described this journey, including his repeat visit to the Alhambra, as "the richest source of inspiration I have ever tapped."[9]
Escher's interest in curvilinear perspective was encouraged by his friend and "kindred spirit"[44] the art historian and artist Albert Flocon, in another example of constructive mutual influence. Flocon identified Escher as a "thinking artist"[44] alongside Piero della Francesca, Leonardo da Vinci, Albrecht Dürer, Wenzel Jamnitzer, Abraham Bosse, Girard Desargues, and Père Nicon.[44] Flocon was delighted by Escher's Grafiek en tekeningen ("Graphics in Drawing"), which he read in 1959. This stimulated Flocon and André Barre to correspond with Escher, and to write the book La Perspective curviligne ("Curvilinear perspective").[45]
Platonic and other solids
Sculpture of the small stellated dodecahedron as in Escher's 1952 work Gravitation. University of Twente
Escher often incorporated three-dimensional objects such as the Platonic solids such as spheres, tetrahedons and cubes into his works, as well as mathematical objects like cylinders and stellated polyhedra. In the print Reptiles, he combined two and three-dimensional images. In one of his papers, Escher emphasized the importance of dimensionality:[46]
The flat shape irritates me - I feel like telling my objects, you are too fictitious, lying there next to each other static and frozen: do something, come off the paper and show me what you are capable of! ... So I make them come out of the plane. ... My objects ... may finally return to the plane and disappear into their place of origin.[46]
Escher's artwork is especially well liked by mathematicians like Doris Schattschneider and scientists like Roger Penrose, who enjoy his use of polyhedra and geometric distortions.[34] For example, in Gravitation, animals climb around a stellated dodecahedron.[47]
The two towers of Waterfall's impossible building are topped with compound polyhedra, one a compound of three cubes, the other a stellated rhombic dodecahedron known as Escher's solid. Escher had used this solid in his 1948 woodcut Stars, which also contains all five of the Platonic solids and various stellated solids, representing stars; the central solid is animated by chameleons climbing through the frame as it whirls in space. Escher possessed a 6 cm refracting telescope and was a keen enough amateur astronomer to have recorded observations of binary stars.[48][49][50]
Levels of reality
Drawing Hands, 1948
Escher's artistic expression was created from images in his mind, rather than directly from observations and travels to other countries. His interest in the multiple levels of reality in art is seen in works such as Drawing Hands (1948), where two hands are shown, each drawing the other. The critic Steven Poole commented that[41]
It is a neat depiction of one of Escher's enduring fascinations: the contrast between the two-dimensional flatness of a sheet of paper and the illusion of three-dimensional volume that can be created with certain marks. In Drawing Hands, space and the flat plane coexist, each born from and returning to the other, the black magic of the artistic illusion made creepily manifest.[41]
Infinity and hyperbolic geometry
Doris Schattschneider's reconstruction of the diagram of hyperbolic tiling sent by Escher to the mathematician H. S. M. Coxeter[34]
In 1954, the International Congress of Mathematicians met in Amsterdam, and N. G. de Bruin organized a display of Escher's work at the Stedelijk Museum for the participants. Both Roger Penrose and H. S. M. Coxeter were deeply impressed with Escher's intuitive grasp of mathematics. Inspired by Relativity, Penrose devised his tribar, and his father, Lionel Penrose, devised an endless staircase. Roger Penrose sent sketches of both objects to Escher, and the cycle of invention was closed when Escher then created the perpetual motion machine of Waterfall and the endless march of the monk-figures of Ascending and Descending.[34] In 1957, Coxeter obtained Escher's permission to use two of his drawings in his paper "Crystal symmetry and its generalizations".[34][51] He sent Escher a copy of the paper; Escher recorded that Coxeter's figure of a hyperbolic tessellation "gave me quite a shock": the infinite regular repetition of the tiles in the hyperbolic plane, growing rapidly smaller towards the edge of the circle, was precisely what he wanted to allow him to represent infinity on a two-dimensional plane.[34][52]
Hyperbolic tessellation: Circle Limit III, 1959
Escher carefully studied Coxeter's figure, marking it up to analyse the successively smaller circles[d] with which (he deduced) it had been constructed. He then constructed a diagram, which he sent to Coxeter, showing his analysis; Coxeter confirmed it was correct, but disappointed Escher with his highly technical reply. All the same, Escher persisted with hyperbolic tiling, which he called "Coxetering".[34] Among the results were the series of wood engravings Circle Limit I–IV.[34] In 1959, Coxeter published his finding that these works were extraordinarily accurate: "Escher got it absolutely right to the millimeter."[53]

Votes2 DateJun 21, 2016

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Jewish Pittsburgh Stands with Orlando

One World Blue, LLC
One World Blue Stands with the community in Pittsburgh to speak out against Violence and Hate
We would like to share these events with you:
Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh newsletters.jfedpgh.org
Stand together to condemn hate and violence! Join us for an evening of solidarity with the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) community in response to the tragedy in Orlando. Hear from leaders in the LGBT community, Jewish community, Muslim community, and others.
Jewish Community Center, Squirrel Hill
Levinson Hall
Thursday, June 23
7:00-8:00 p.m.
Registration not required
We are pleased share another opportunity to support the LGBT community as well:
Saturday, June 18th, 2016
12:45 pm
Samuel & Minnie Hyman Ballroom
Congregation Beth Shalom
A Conversation with Evan Wolfson,
Director of Freedom to Marry
Mr. Wolfson is a Pittsburgh native and graduate of Alderdice High School.
Shiur sponsored by:
Beth Shalom’s Adult Education Committee
This is a free event! Call 412.421.2288 x114 for more information.

Votes2 DateJun 20, 2016

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Votes2 DateJun 20, 2016

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Votes2 DateJun 20, 2016

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The One World Blue Global Network

One World Blue, LLC
The One World Blue Global Network is being Created to help facilitate greater Global Communication and Understanding between each other for the Common Good.
OWB chooses to explain this now with this current spotlight posted this day because with Hope, Patience, Wisdom and Inspirations this Network will continue to grow and be a Blessing to Our Planet and Global Society. Our Global Unity, Common Brotherhood and Humanity is becoming ever more close and apparent to the many diverse communities around the world. We must unite and Stand together for greater Peace and Harmony in our turbulent world.
Peace is possible.
As you will understand, One World Blue Corporation has grown and transformed into many things and will continue as the corporation evolves and grows with the work of Social and Planetary Healing.
The system of Blupela.com will be replicated and licensed to create similar networks that will unite with each other and also connect in the common network, Blupela.com, which represents the collective network for all people and cultures.
Future networks will include networks also specific to each of the major religions of the world and different cultures, so as to give each unique representative group their own space to connect and relate, while at the same time simultaneously post, discuss and cross-reference on the main network of Blupela.com.
The future networks to be created and established in conjunction with the guidance of respective and honored community members and leaders from the particular religion or culture will include, but not limit to:
Thegracefulway.com A Christian Network
Thepleasantway.com A Jewish Network
Thewayofcompassion.com A Buddhist Network
Thewayofgiving.com A Hindu Network
Thewayofnonviolence.com A Jain Network
Thewayofbrotherhood.com A Muslim network
These Networks and future ones will be designed to bring together non-violent communication for:
Christians, Buddhists, Jews, Hindus, Jains, Muslims, Native Americans, Sikhs, Taoists, Shinto, Confucianism, Baha’i faiths and many others
[to numerous to include, but so very very much as equally important.]
We are all connected. Our goal …Create and Achieve greater unity and peace in our world. For all people, all cultures, all religions to use together and work toward creating a better world.
Interactive and interconnected social networks where you can lift, vote, or even contribute to heart-felt causes of personal interest.
There will also be opportunities to license our software to create networks specific to people and culture's interest such as a Native American Network, African, Asian, Hispanic, Pacific Islander, Caribbean, and other cultures, regions and/or sub-denominations of Religions. These opportunities will be to license our work and create other networks to interact and facilitate communication and internal harmony between people and groups with the tools that the corporation has created.
The Main Network of Blupela.com, The One World Blue Network, is becoming known as The Social Network for Social and Planetary Healing and Change. We are not trying to compete with Facebook or other media sites like Twitter. We have a specific niche and that niche is a place where people can come for good in the world and to effect positive change in our society and the Planet. It is also our goal with the five modules in the site to create greater unity in our world and help further the causes of peace where it can be achieved.
If you can imagine that networks like Facebook, Twitter, Reddit and Crowdfunding platforms such as Kickstarter converge in one place but for the purposes of and power of Good, that is Blupela.com.
It is important to note that we have both the interactive social network and a voting structure, we call Lift, which is built and fused within the main content of the site. This is something that in the area of Crowdfunding, our competitors do not have. Our network allows followers to Stand and Unite around causes and/or profiles. We also have plans to build two store sites to go along with the social network. One will showcase Fair Trade products with a multi-culture and world theme. The other will be about Green and Eco friendly products to help Mother Earth. Along this theme we will also have an online educational site about Green Consciousness and Education. It will be called oneworldgreenliving.com . All of this will be under the umbrella of our corporation One World Blue, LLC.
The Link you may find on ThePleasantWay.com that will take you to the OneWorldBlueStore is to the store that operated from 2006 through 2009 when we sold various products to customers worldwide as well the One World Blue Portal Program which was a portal system we designed and operated under the concepts of Affiliate Marketing.
PLEASE NOTE: This store, although you may see it now with ThePleasantWay link, is not currently operational but has been preserved in its design until we release the future online stores and portal system to accompany our networks.
The main site is called Blupela.com, The One World Blue Good Network. It is for all people and all cultures and religions to use together and work toward creating a better world. Each of the faith based or culture networks, which will have a subtitle of “A One World Blue Network”, will have four of the five main modules that are part of Blupela.com.
They are:
1) Crowdfunding initiatives
2) Light on the World (spotlighting individuals who have done something good and positive in society, transforming the planet, and/or bringing social and global issues to light which need attention thru social media)
3) Light of Culture (spotlights to showcase the light cultures bring to the world for the purpose of cultural appreciation and celebrating diversity
4) Overture to Peace (Conflict resolutions between people and groups with online media).
These Networks are being Created to:
Facilitate Understanding and Communication for All Sentient Beings and Help Create a Brighter World.
For any questions about our work, they may be addressed to, Joel Pirchesky MPPM, CEO, President and Founder of One World Blue, LLC.
The CEO and Founder of One World Blue may be reached at
JoelPirchesky@oneworldblue.com .

Votes4 DateJun 17, 2016

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Sangram Lama Plays Theme from Bollywood

One World Blue, LLC
Mei Rahoon Ya Na Rahoon
Hindi Song and
Theme from Bollywood Production
Played by Sangram Lama for CEO of One World Blue

Votes5 DateJun 3, 2016

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Social and Planetary Healing: Arab Spring

One World Blue, LLC
How Social Media can be harnessed for Social and Planetary Healing:
Arab Spring refers to the democratic uprisings that arose independently and spread across the Arab world in 2011. The movement originated in Tunisia in December 2010 and quickly took hold in Egypt, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan.
The term was previously used beginning in March 2005 by numerous media commentators to suggest that a spin-off benefit of the invasion of Iraq would be the flowering of Western-friendly Middle East democracies.
To Learn more about the history of the Arab Spring and how Social Media can be used for positive change in our World, you may visit here:
Please also watch some of these videos:
You may also post your feelings about helping Positive Social Change for Social and Planetary Healing here on Blupela.com, The One World Blue Network
Just follow this link here to Create your Spotlight and give your message to the world Today! Don't Wait

Votes5 DateMay 24, 2016

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Financier of Change

One World Blue, LLC
For the one who requested this Spotlight... Thank you for helping the world move to the next level....
Following retrieved from:
Haym Solomon is a man of legend according to both meanings of the word. On the one hand, he wrought legendary benefits for the United States; on the other hand, his fame developed into myth.
Haym Solomon arrived from Poland in 5532/1772 at the age of 32 to join the United States’ 3,000 Jews who were floundering in a population of four million. He enjoyed meteoric success thanks to his sharp business instincts and working knowledge of eight languages. Then came the American War of Independence.
In an article titled “Concerning the Jews,” Mark Twain once commented that, “In the United States he (the Jew) was created free in the beginning – he did not need to help, of course.”
Incensed at the accusation that the Jews had no hand in the revolution, Rabbi M.S. Levy shot back a powerful retort, explaining that Twain was grossly mistaken.
“Just after the close of the Revolution the census of the States showed a population of four millions, among whom three thousand were Jews,” he wrote. “The Jewish colonists of that period, comparatively recent settlers and few in number though they were, furnished, as usual in all struggles for liberty, more than their proportion of supporters to the Colonial cause.
“They not only risked their lives, but aided materially with their money to equip and maintain the armies of the Revolution. That they also took an active part in the earliest stages of resistance to the encroachments of the mother country is proved by the signatures to the Non-Importation Resolutions of 1765. Nine Jews signed the resolutions, the adoption of which was the first organized movement in the agitation which eleven years later gave this country its independence from England…”
Levy concluded, “I have collected hundreds of names of Jews, whose services should be sufficient proof of the ‘help’ rendered ‘in the beginning’… It is painful to see that that patriotism which is the Jew’s greatest pride and glory is the object of flings on every occasion, and his loyalty called in question” (Overland Monthly Oct. 1899).
Haym Solomon contributed more to the revolution than any other Jew did. Although he was making a fortune doing business with New Yorkers loyal to Britain, the revolutionary spirit overwhelmed him and he joined the rebel “Sons of Liberty” organization in 5525/1765.
Soon after the British forces seized New York in 5536/1776, a vast fire burnt down about a quarter of the city. Suspecting that Solomon was involved, the British threw him into jail. After freeing him to work as an interpreter for their Hessian (German) mercenaries, Solomon instead invested his energies into persuading them to desert. After a second arrest, Solomon fled to Philadelphia where he began financing the colonies’ struggle against England.
Before a gun or artillery piece reaches the battlefield, it must first be built in a factory and paid for with money. Frequently, a country wins a war in the factory and boardroom before shooting a bullet. For example, a major reason that the Allies crushed the Nazis after their invasion of Europe was their achievement of absolute air superiority, primarily because there was no way the Nazis could produce planes at the dizzying rate of the United States’ giant industries.
Similarly, although the American Revolution was an inexpensive affair by modern standards, costing only about $10 million (about $1.3 billion at current rates), while the first Gulf War cost over $60 billion, America was still in its infancy and George Washington found it as much of a headache to foot its bills as to fight the British. Soldiers and weaponry cost money.
For example, during the long, cold winter of Valley Forge, Washington’s men were consuming about fifteen tons of meat and 168 barrels of fl our every day, and farmers generally demanded compensation in cold cash.
Solomon threw himself into the task of procuring millions of pounds in loans and bonds. According to legend, Washington once appealed to Solomon for cash in the middle of Yom Kippur davening.
With a klap on the bimah, Solomon announced that prayers would not proceed until his fellow congregants pledged enough money to get Washington over the hump. As the war dragged on, the American economy worsened, and by 5541/1781 it was in a downspin.
Historian Ellis P. Oberholzer records that, “In Philadelphia, men who wore the bills (of money) as cockades in their hats marched in a procession through the public streets accompanied by a dog which was covered with a coat of tar in which the despised pieces of paper were thickly set. A workman, it was observed, might lose his wages while he was earning them. A merchant’s profits were wiped out in a night. The government fared no better than any private individual, and when Congress called for taxes, it was paid in its own money, a worthless load of spawn from its own printing presses which would buy nothing for a suffering army.” In desperation, Washington appointed the affluent Robert Morris as Superintendent of Finance to patch the economy. Morris’s close advisor was Haym Solomon – his official title – “Broker to the Office of Finance of the United States.”
Somehow, the U.S. pulled through.
Although it is has been claimed that Solomon did more to finance the revolution than any other person, it can be argued that his boss, Robert Morris, did more than him.
On the other hand, unlike Morris whom people accused of raking in huge profits from his patriotism, Solomon is reputed to have done most of his work gratis or with reduced profits. Ultimately, both men died bankrupt. Another popular claim is that Washington discreetly expressed his eternal gratitude to Solomon by worming two Jewish symbols into the “Great Seal of America” adopted in 5532/1782 that is used thousands of times yearly to seal official documents. Look closely at the illustration of the “Great Seal” on the back of a dollar bill and you may notice that the eagle’s tail (viewed upside down) is shaped somewhat like a menorah, and that the cluster of stars over its head are arranged like a Magen Dovid.
However, working significance into dollar bills is a risky business as was discovered after September 11th when people figured out that folding the new $20 bill in a certain way creates a picture of the burning Twin Towers on one side and the burning Pentagon building on the other. More recently, people have discovered that folding $5, $10, $20, and $50 notes that same way yields a sequence of the Twin Tower tragedy from collision until collapse. Sometimes fact is stranger than fantasy.
Similarly, one can argue that the eagle’s tail, not the American bald eagle, by the way, but the smaller white, crested eagle, is nothing but an eagle tail that happens to have a slight resemblance to a menorah when placed upside down.
Concerning the Magen Dovid, the only comment the seal’s designer, C h a r l e s T h o m s o n , makes about these thirteen stars (representing the Union’s thirteen states) in the official 5542/1782 “Remarks and Explanation” of the Great Seal is that “the Constellation denotes a new State taking its place and rank among other sovereign powers.” In fact, in all the original designs of the seal, the stars are drawn randomly, and the first time they appeared as a Magen Dovid is when the seal mold was engraved.
One can easily argue that the engraver who made the mold repositioned the stars as a Magen Dovid for the sake of order and symmetry.
Washington’s gratitude to the Jews was more substantial than snaking subtle symbols onto a government emblem.
After being hounded by anti-Semitic accusations in the press during 5544/1784, Solomon retorted: “I am a Jew; it is my own nation; I do not despair that we shall obtain every other privilege that we aspire to enjoy along with our fellow-citizens.”
His sentiment was vindicated six years later when Washington sent his famous 5540/1790 “no bigotry no sanction” letter to the Newport Community.
In this letter he wrote: “All possess alike liberty of conscience and immunities of citizenship… For happily the Government of the United States, which gives to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance, requires only that they who live under its protection, should demean themselves as good citizens…
“May the Children of the Stock of Abraham, who dwell in this land, continue to merit and enjoy the good will of the other Inhabitants; while everyone shall sit under his own vine and fig tree, and there shall be none to make him afraid… “G. Washington.”
Solomon struggled to escape bankruptcy during the last years of his life. Although it is claimed that the government owed him as much as $8 million dollars, worth about $18 million in our times, this remains unsubstantiated because the relevant papers are buried in the sands of time.
When Solomon died bankrupt in 5545/1785 at the age of 45, his obituary in the “Independent Gazatteer” of Philadelphia was almost insulting:
“Thursday, last, expired, after a lingering illness, Mr. Haym Solomon, an eminent broker of this city, was a native of Poland, and of the Hebrew nation. He was remarkable for his skill and integrity in his profession, and for his generous and humane deportment. His remains were yesterday deposited in the burial ground of the synagogue of this city .”
On top of that, his burial site is lost, and modern day visitors to the Mikveh Israel cemetery have to content themselves by viewing two plaques set up in his memory. H o w e v e r, A m e r i c a has honored S o l o m o n ’ s memory since then.
In 5653/1893, Congress passed a bill ordering a gold medal struck in recognition of Solomon’s services during the Revolutionary War. In 5731/1971, Chicagoans set up a statue of Solomon, Morris and Washington next to Wacker Drive, and in 5735/1975, a postage stamp was issued in his honor bearing the message:
“Financial Hero—Businessman and broker Haym Solomon was responsible for raising most of the money needed to finance the American Revolution and later to save the new nation from collapse.”

Votes3 DateApr 26, 2016

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Saba was shot

One World Blue, LLC
End "Honour" Killings in Pakistan
Saba was shot in the face, put in a bag and thrown in a river in Pakistan by her father and uncle at age 19. The reason? She wanted to marry for love.
Amazingly, she survived. However, though her attackers were arrested and she got legal and medical assistance, her father and uncle walked free because she was pressured to ‘forgive’ them as is currently allowed by the law. Saba’s powerful story is told in Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy’s Academy Award-winning film, A Girl in the River: The Price of Forgiveness.
Every year over a thousand women are killed in the name of 'honour' in Pakistan - shot, strangled, burned, and stoned. Wives, daughters and mothers are being killed on mere suspicions or on false accusations for the most trivial of matters. But many of the men that perpetrate these crimes go unpunished because the law in Pakistan currently allows victims or their families to ‘forgive’ the perpetrator. A surviving victim typically faces intense pressure to 'forgive,' and if she is killed (the majority of cases), her family has the right to forgive on her behalf. So when a father kills his daughter, his wife can forgive him and when a brother kills his sister, his parents can forgive him. In essence, this means that there is impunity for perpetrators of such heinous crimes, and therefore #honourkillings continue every year.
Please sign this petition to end impunity for #honourkillings in Pakistan.
It’s urgent. In the first week of March, proposed amendments to Pakistan's Penal Code which would end impunity for perpetrators of 'honour' crimes are expected to be presented to Parliament by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. We are partnering with international human rights organization, Equality Now, to call on the government to pass a law that ensures that these crimes are prosecuted with no possibility of compromise by the family of the victim or the court.
Would you help? Sign and share this petition and help women and girls in Pakistan fight #honourcrimes.
Letter to
Prime Minister Nawaz sharif
Every year, more than 1000 women’s and girls’ lives are violently cut short in the name of “honour” in Pakistan, and because of a loophole in legislation, the killers walk free.
Read more
The Price of Forgiveness with Equality Now started this petition with a single signature, and now has 27,698 supporters. Start a petition today to change something you care about.

Votes3 DateMar 2, 2016

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Director of Animal Welfare and Esteemed Founding Advisor of One World Blue, LLC, Iris Ziff Pirchesky

One World Blue, LLC
The One World Blue Corporation is honored to have many diversified advisors that have helped throughout the many years of bringing this network to life, give guidance, support and encouragement and also most importantly their very much needed heartfelt prayers for the success of the corporation to move forward.
Iris Pirchesky, mother and respected counsel of the founder of One World Blue, Joel Pirchesky, has been an advocate and teacher of the special needs for over 25 years working with art therapy and counseling.
A Heartfelt Message of Gratitude from the CEO
Thank you Mom for everything you have done for me and this corporation. Thank you for Standing by me when no one else would. Thank you for telling me so long ago that Lion Heart will succeed. Thank you for telling me "Do not jump off a sinking ship", in the many years ago when I could not understand the work I knew I was being led to do but could not see the fruits. "Those who tearfully sow will reap in glad song. He who bears the measure of seeds walks along weeping, but will return in exultation, a bearer of Sheaves." Psalm 126
It was also only to me fully understood what you meant when our dear friend and also advisor, Tempa Lama, told me as well, that there is an old saying, "When the ship seems like it is sinking, the first to scurry are the mice. But the captain always stays with the ship".
This ship, thanks to Glory to Heaven as well as Respect and Honor to the many esteemed advisors the corporation has had for so many years, is not by any means in this position now, nor will it be so in the future. We have now become a worldwide movement for Good on this Earth.
Thank you so very very much for everything. May you be forever blessed and may the Almighty Grant you all of your wishes for Good. May you continue to inspire others and have the blessings to continue your work in doing good deeds for others and being one of Heaven's Esteemed Helpers here on Earth.
Faithfully forever, With Love and Gratitude
Your son,
Joel Pirchesky
Founder and CEO of One World Blue, LLC
Iris has a degree in psychology and art therapy and completed an internship at the Western Pennsylvania school for the deaf and school for the blind. Iris has worked with many types of disabilities, among them have been cerebral palsy, traumatic brain injured, the vision and hearing impaired, mental health clients, intellectually challenged individuals, and her specialty being individuals on the Autism spectrum. She has helped countless individuals with her warmth and caring. She currently works with special needs at a teen center.
Iris provides with her skills, art therapy, music therapy, expressive therapy, movement therapy and meditation and guided imagery. She has created a CD for meditation and healing which is available for purchase. It is entitled A Meditation of Prayers and Healing and is available by contact with her at
She will also have additional guided imagery CD's for healing in the near future.

Votes3 DateFeb 1, 2016

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A Salute to Lelov

One World Blue, LLC
The One World Blue Corporation is honored to have many diversified advisors that have helped throughout the many years of bringing this network to life, give guidance, support and encouragement and also most importantly their very much needed heartfelt prayers for the success of the corporation to move forward.
A Salute today is to The Admor of Lelov
Lelov (Hasidic dynasty)
Lelov is the name of a Hasidic dynasty which traces its origins to Rabbi Dovid (1746-1814) of Lelów, Poland.
The Lelover dynasty migrated from Poland to Jerusalem when Rabbi Dovid's son, Rabbi Moshe Biderman (1776-1851), moved there in the last year of his life. Rabbi Moshe Biderman of Lelov was the son-in-law of Rabbi Yaakov Yitzchok, known as the Holy Jew of Prshischa. Today there are several Lelover Rebbes, in Bnei Brak, Jerusalem, and New York.
Rabbi Dovid of Lelov was a disciple of the Seer of Lublin, a disciple of Rabbi Elimelech of Lizhensk, who was a disciple of the Magid of Mezritsh, the successor to and leading disciple of the Baal Shem Tov, the founder of Hasidism.
Seer of Lublin
Noam Elimelech
There is a Hasidic legend that Napoleon Bonaparte asked Rabbi Dovid of Lelov if he would be successful in his conquest of Russia. The rebbe told the Emperor that he would not. After Napoleon's defeat, he allegedly passed through Lelov and told the Rebbe that he was indeed correct. He then gave the Rebbe his velvet cloak. The Hasidim say that Rabbi Moshe of Lelov, the son of Rabbi Dovid, took the cloak to Jerusalem with him, and made the cover for the Holy Ark in his synagogue from it.
The early Lelover Rebbes were followers of the Karliner Rebbe; whenever the latter came to Land of Israel, the Lelover Rebbe would go to visit him.
To Contact Lelov please visit here:

Votes6 DateJan 28, 2016

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Union of African Communities SWPA Diversity Awards

One World Blue, LLC
The One World Blue Corporation is proud and honored to share and announce to our growing community on Blupela.com this amazing event of the Union of African Communities in Southwestern Pennsylvania to be held this Saturday Evening January 16, 2016 at 7 pm at the Sheraton Hotel Station Square Pittsburgh.
We give our full acknowledgment and support to the UACSWPA for their incredible efforts, achievements and service to the communities here in Southwestern PA and greater region.
We also want to extend our Congratulations for all of the honorees that are being given awards at this coming special evening.
We wish and extend our very best to the UACSWPA and all who are honored and attend, all who have been involved in this planning and all who contribute to this special evening many continued blessings and success,
Joel Pirchesky MPPM
Founder and CEO on behalf of One World Blue, LLC
From the Press Release for the event:
The Union of African Communities in Southwestern Pennsylvania (UACSWPA) is an umbrella community base association, and 501 c 3 non for profit organization representing the African communities, professional groups and students in the Southwestern PA. Our goal and objective is to foster unity, empowerment and linkages, improve the quality of life of Africans through acting upon their needs, concerns, challenges, and opportunities.
UACSWPA is announcing its ‘2016 African Diversity Award’ Gala event to acknowledge and recognize community leaders, individuals, organizations, businesses and institutions who have shown tireless commitment to community service, excelled in promoting equality and diversity in Southwestern Pennsylvania.
When: Saturday, January 16, 2016
Sheraton Hotel Station Square
300 W. Station Square Drive
Pittsburgh, PA 15219
Time: 7pm - 10pm.
The awardees include the Mayor of Pittsburgh Bill Peduto, Robert O. Agbede CEO, Chester Engineers and eleven others. There shall be live entertainment, cultural displays, silent auction, exotic food and after party.
The proceeds and donations from this event go to promoting programs in the communities such as the Nelson Mandela students’ scholarship fund, after school STEM programs and other community initiatives.
For questions, Sponsorship and RSVP please contact UACSWPA Event Coordinator at:
412 626 4212 or 412 583 0618
email: info@uacswpa.org , www.uacswpa.org
Buy your tickets here: Eventbrite: UAC African Diversity Awards 2016

Votes2 DateJan 14, 2016

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Positivity and Optimism

One World Blue, LLC
image credit to:
From Dr. Orison Swett Marden
To learm more about his life and inspirations, you may visit:
Also take a listen to some of his teachings here:

Votes6 DateJan 13, 2016

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One World Blue, LLC

Votes2 DateDec 29, 2015

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One World Blue, LLC Salutes Madonna and Stands with Her Message to the World

One World Blue, LLC
Our Message today aligns with this special message from Madonna, just last year.
My Dear Madonna, I Joel Pirchesky CEO and Founder of the One World Blue Corporation and our Corporation together with our network, Blupela.com, Social Network for Social and Planetary Healing
Peace in the World
Written by Joel Pirchesky
I have a dream that the world would be better and a safe place to live.
Children should not be afraid to be without their parents. They should not be worried about being kidnapped. People should realize that they should not hurt anyone and try to understand what they are doing.
I think it is very meaningless to have war. It is senseless to fight and kill one another. God did not put people on Earth to fight, argue, or hurt each other.
Poverty is very harmful and cruel to people. It can sometimes kill a person. It would be nice if poor people did not have to go to bed hungry.
Robbery scares me a whole lot, and I am sure it scares alot of other people too. People are sometimes shot and killed because they protect their belongings. Probably if people had the things they needed, there would be no more robberies.
It is a shame people are so terrified about highjacks on a plane that they don't even go on them. I hope in the future people will be able to go on a plane without worrying about a highjack.
If people try and work together they can make this world a better one. I am willing to try, are you?
On behalf of the One World Blue Corporation

Votes5 DateDec 17, 2015

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Blupela in the Himalyas

One World Blue, LLC
Blupela and the One World Blue Corporation want to thank our long time advisor, Tempa Lama, and his cousin Surendra from Firante Expeditions for spreading the Blupela message to the Earth's magnificent rooftop touching the heavens in the Himalaya mountains! The One World Blue Coporation is indebted to Tempa for his nearly decade of service as serving as an advisor to the corporation in its journey to bringing the message of this network and the ideals of the corporation to life. The service of the One World Blue Network through Blupela.com is dedicated to bringing social healing to our world and being a catalyst to achieve balance to the Planet in Conservation, Sustainability, Social Harmony and Peace, where it can be achieved.
Thank you Tempa and Surendra for being our messengers and ambassadors for good will to the most sacred place of the Himalayas.
Blupela and One World Blue is grateful to Tempa and Surendra for including us in their prayers and meditations on the trip in 2015 and bringing to us these incredible photos from the "rooftop" of the world,
You are welcome to visit Tempa Lama at his center:
Olmo Ling Bon Center, 1101 Greenfield Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15217.
From the Olmo Ling site:
To read more about Tempa and Olmo Ling, please visit:
Tempa Dukte Lama

Votes15 DateNov 9, 2015

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Corporate Positive Change for Social and Environmental Responsibility

One World Blue, LLC
What is the reason someone needs to feel like they have to take a bow and arrow and shoot something so beautiful as Cecil? Is it to feel more better about himself/herself or to feel what a strong person they are?
How absurd and hurtful and cruel. Why cannot we learn to love the Earth and its living beings and respect all life in a socially responsible manner?
It is good to see the action of these airline corporations take responsibility and work for change, saying no to those who would have other wise:
Take a Stand and Join Blupela and others Around the World in the Fight to Stop this Senseless and Barbaric Practice
Story below retrieved from:
Original Story by:
New York Daily News
Big game hunters who fly Delta or American airlines are going to have to find another way of getting their gory trophies home.
“Effective immediately, Delta will officially ban shipment of all lion, leopard, elephant, rhinoceros and buffalo trophies worldwide as freight,” the airline said in a statement Monday.
American Airlines followed suit with a similar ban on Monday.
Delta is not stopping there.
“Delta will also review acceptance policies of other hunting trophies with appropriate government agencies and other organizations supporting legal shipments,” the statement said.
The air carriers lowered the boom after two U.S. doctors became international pariahs after they were accused of illegally hunting lions in Zimbabwe.
The airline, however, insisted that “prior to this ban, Delta's strict acceptance policy called for absolute compliance with all government regulations regarding protected species.”

Votes2 DateAug 6, 2015

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Humla Nursing Fundraiser

One World Blue, LLC
On July 12 from 2-5 p.m., Glimpses of Humla, a fundraiser for the Humla Nursing Education Project ,will be held at First Unitarian Church of Pittsburgh in Shadyside, 605 Morewood Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213. The fundraiser is sponsored by the Olmo Ling Bon Center and Institute, and One World Blue LLC.
One Nurse, One Country
By Rege Behe
To get to the Humla region of Nepal requires endurance and faith. A single airport serves the remote region located in the northwest part of the country, and it's literally on the side of a mountain.
"It's actually one of the scariest airports in the world," says Mary Carroll. "Basically, you land right into the mountain, and take off from a short landing strip. You have to put a lot of faith in the pilot."
But Carroll, a registered nurse who made a trip to Humla last year as part of a humanitarian effort, would go back in an instant if she could. Not only because the people who greeted her group were warm and welcoming, but because of a critical need for basic healthcare. There is one hospital in the region (about the size of Connecticut) that serves over 50,000 people.
To remedy the lack of care, Carroll, who works fulltime at the Squirrel Hill Health Center, is part of an initiative to raise funds to train nurses in the region. The Humla Nursing Education Project covers the tuition for students who hope to become nurses in exchange for a commitment to serve in region.
On July 12 from 2-5 p.m., Glimpses of Humla, a fundraiser for the Humla Nursing Education Project ,will be held at First Unitarian Church of Pittsburgh in Shadyside. The fundraiser is sponsored by the Olmo Ling Bon Center and Institute, and One World Blue LLC.
Adding one nurse might not seem like it would make much of a difference, but Carroll insists the need for healthcare is so dire that the student, Sangita Lama, will have a huge impact when she completes her studies. Many of the villages in Humla have no running water -- water must be transported from streams and springs -- so dysentery is often a problem. If a villager is injured, often there is no one who can suture a wound or set a broken bone. Some people have to walk three or four days to get the most basic of healthcare. And there are few women (or men) trained in midwifery, a topic close to Carroll's heart.

Sangita, who is studying at the Nepal Institute of Science and Medical Technology, will likely be put to use all the time.
"We are still working on how we can support her work," Carroll says. "We would like to make sure it's sustainable."
Carroll admits that after the devastating earthquake that struck Nepal earlier this year, some questioned whether it was prudent to continue the program. But Humla has long been overlooked in comparison the rest of the country -- only the hardiest of mountain climbers and trekkers venture there -- and the cost to support Sangita so minimal: A mere $1200 will pay for one year of tuition. That's nothing compared to impact Sangita will be have on the residents.
"Glimpses of Humla" will feature photography, music, food, crafts, a short film and stories from visitors to Nepal. Rafflle items, photos and crafts will be available for purchase. The suggested donation is $15, $10 for students.
The First Unitarian Church of Pittsburgh is located at 605 Morewood Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, 15213.
To make an online donation: https://www.blupela.com/initiative.php?id=127/Humla-Nursing-Education-Project

Votes3 DateJul 6, 2015

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Untying Knots

One World Blue, LLC
Knots' Calling: Music, Art, Energy
Steve Knots speaks with the energy of a person who can't wait to see what's next. Or rather, can't wait to make something happen, as he's proactive about all of his pursuits.
Knots, a Forest Hills resident, is a musician, a chalk artist, and a sound engineer. In late July he plans to attend the Goulash Disko Festival in Croatia, where music, food and beverages flow freely.
"It's like the parking lot from a (Grateful) Dead show with a little bit of the neo-hippie Burning Man thing, and a Balkan flavor," says Knots, noting that "the whole attitude of the festival is that the audience and the performers are the same group."
Knots describes his music as global bass, "a ska band in a digital format, but it's original stuff that touches on a lot of genres."

Where he might be making the most difference is via his work with Zero Fossil, a company that designs and manufactures fossil free power systems that use clean energy: sun, wind, water and, yes, human power.
Knots states that one of his goals is to create a "global culture with no traffic jams and pollution." While that might seem to be a lofty ambition, it's nevertheless attainable in small, incremental steps.
"One of the things that's going to get us there is seeing practical examples of what works," he says, "and what's fun. You're never going to change the world by making people feel guilty."
Knots mentions organic and foot-square gardening as effective ways to eat healthy and reduce food budgets. For home owners in Pennsylvania, Green Mountain Energy supplies electricity that's derived 100 percent from wind or solar power.
The Goulash Disko Festival embodies many of the themes and principles that Knots promotes. Scheduled for July 16-19 in Pula, Croatia, the festival will take place at an abandoned fort that was built more than 150 years ago and will feature dancers, painters, DJs, clowns and fans. Solar-powered systems will provide the energy for the stages, lighting and PAs.
"It's an example of how real life can be partly performing, partly being the audience and partly being a volunteer at the festival to clean up after yourself," Knots says, laughing. "The solar powered systems are part of the technological system getting us there. "
This will be Knots' fourth year attending the Goulash Disko Festival and he is using an Indie GoGo campaign, "My Spaceship is Broken," to raise funds for his travel costs. http://igg.me/at/steveknots/x/9614616
Knots' solar powered systems can be heard in Pittsburgh at Solar Fest in Millvale on Saturday, June 20, and every Saturday at the Bloomfield Farmer's Market at 5050 Liberty Avenue.
All of Knots' interests come together via his chalk art. Recently he completed a piece in Reston, Virginia.
"I take the feeling of these things and put them into slogans add graphics, and have them as things that could be posters or T-shirts, Knots says "It tells the story visually and has a lot of positive messages."

Votes1 DateJun 19, 2015

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Facing Forward

One World Blue, LLC
Facing Forward
By Rege Behe
Hanifa Nakiryowa does not want pity. She will not plead for help, and will not lament her fate.
Even though no one would think less of her if she faltered just a little, the weight of the unthinkable violence she suffered, so unforgiveable, so horrific, causing her to collapse.
But she is unbowed -- the scars on her face, her neck, her arms, her shoulders, the remnants of an acid attack she suffered in her native Uganda -- marking her but not defining her.
Nakiryowa, emerged from the attack with her psyche strong and her faith in God renewed.
"When you talk about faith in God to some people it doesn’t make sense," she says. "To me it does make sense. There is always that spiritual power around us that directs our way. Unless you have the ability to listen to that voice, you get lost."
That power has brought her to Western Pennsylvania where she will live for two years while she studies for a master's degree in international development and human security at the University of Pittsburgh
She already has a bachelor of science in education, and a master of arts and economics from Makerere University in Kampala, Uganda, and worked as monetary and evaluation specialist for UNICEF sponsored projects in her homeland. Nakiryowa also founded CERESAV (the Center for Rehabilitation of Survivors of Acid and Burns Violence) in Uganda to raise awareness of this hideous crime.
The sum of her experiences will be used to let the world know about the victims of acid attacks in Pakistan and India, in Syria, and even in the United States and England.
Nakiryowa's education and experiences "help me to understand the kind of community I'm dealing with, how to address the challenges, how to attract the public and get them involved in this issue," she says, "and how to get the survivors to win trust from us to join our voices in order to get their confidence back to join the campaign to end this violence."
Nakiryowa's zeal is contagious, and her efforts are indefatigable. She has been to London for treatment, but when those efforts did not have the desired results, she applied for and received a $500,000 grant from Face Forward, an organization in Beverly Hills that provides pro bono reconstructive surgery to victims of violent and disfiguring crimes. When she sought more leadership opportunities, she applied for and received a grant to study at a women's conference in Nova Scotia with "a cocktail of leaders and feminists" from Haiti to Indonesia.
"My goal is to be an international advocate for women's and children's rights," she says.
Because she is well-spoken and has an advanced education, some people think Nakiryowa comes from a background of wealth and privilege. This perception sometimes makes it hard for her to reach out to fellow victims.
"But I came from ashes," Nakiryowa says. "I only used my brain to get where I am."
In the fall of 2015, Nakiryowa devoted herself to school and being a parent -- she has two children, ages 9 and 12 -- and put her advocacy on a back burner until she attained her degree in Masters of International Development. Since then she has again devoted herself to helping her fellow victims, to not only tell their stories, but to give them a voice of their own. She also now serves in the position as a Global Health Associate at the Jewish Healthcare Foundation.
"What I'm addressing is beyond me now," she says. "It's a public issue."

Votes5 DateJun 13, 2015

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attila domos

One World Blue, LLC
The Labors of Attila
By Rege Behe
Attila Domos is no stranger to adversity. Nor is he afraid of setting lofty goals.
But a quest Domos plans to undertake is comparable to the mythical Labors of Hercules. Domos hopes to swim the Atlantic Ocean, pedal across Europe and Asia, kayak across the Pacific Ocean, then pedal across the US to the East Coast. It's a daunting schedule for the fittest of athletes, but Domos will be doubly challenged: He's paralyzed from the waist down.
"I always wanted to do something epic and do a whole lot of good for a lot of people," Domos says, who intends to raise $100 million dollars for charity on his odyssey.
That's not a misprint: $100 million is his goal and Domos is sure he can raise that amount in the 4-5 years it will take to circumnagvigate globe. If that seems impossible, it's nothing compared to what Domos has already accomplished in his 47 years.
In 1993, just after his band Big Bad Wolf had signed a recording contract, Domos was paralyzed from the waist down in a falling accident. He reinvented himself as para-athlete and won the 2010 Pittsburgh Marathon in the hand-cycling division. But then Domos was afflicted with a skin breakdown issue related to osteomyelitis and spent much of the next three years in bed.
Even though Domos was bed-ridden, his mind churned.
"I was laying in bed playing Wii and turned it to play golf," he says. "I noticed the globe (on the screen) was spinning. I thought about if anyone had ever swam the Atlantic and Pacific oceans."

That dream was changed to kayaking across the Pacific after the Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011. But Domos isn't compromising anything else. He envisions assembling a team of a dozen or so, including a captain and a first mate to man a support boat on the oceans, a couple of assistants and a nurse. When he reaches Asia he wants to cross the Hindu Kush, the Central Asian mountain range that one of his idols, Alexander the Great, traversed. He also knows he has to cross either Syria or Iraq -- neither is a good choice, he admits -- but Domos is undeterred by any possible obstacles.
For now, his biggest barrier is finances. Domos estimates he will need $10 million to complete his journey, and wants to avoid corporate sponsorships because "I don't want to grovel." Instead, he plans to seeks funding from the film industry, specifically A-list actors.
"This is more of a Hollywood business model," Domos says. "Those people understand how to think about something like this. What I need to do is get representation and meet people who can connect the dots."
Those dots are merely pinpricks on a map right now, places Domos wants to pass through on his journey. As a competitive racer, he trains for speed. But this is an entirely different sort of race.
"This isn't about how fast I can go," Domos says. "It's how about how much money we can raise for charities."

Votes4 DateJun 4, 2015

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The ABCs of Music

One World Blue, LLC
The ABCs of Music
By Rege Behe
Every summer Liz Berlin steps down from the stage and into the classroom.
The Rusted Root vocalist, guitarist and percussionist and her fellow instructors guide aspiring musicians through every aspect of the music business via Real Life Music Camp. The students -- there's no age limit but attendees are predominately in their teens -- learn how to write songs, get performance tips, hone their instrumental chops and eventually collaborate for a show at Mr. Small's Theatre in Millvale.
"It's good to see young people with a passion for the arts seeking out the help that they need," says Berlin, who has
The Real Life Music Camp is a branch of Creative.Life.Support, the not-for-profit arm of the Mr. Small's complex that include a recording studio on Pittsburgh's North Side. The goal of CLS, according to its mission statement, is to bring "advanced technologies and opportunities in media arts to the hands of aspiring artists and creative professionals, both youth and adult." CLS also attempts to identify, retain and promote leaders to increase novel cultural developments in Western Pennsylvania.
But at the Real Life Music Camp, it's all about the bass -- and the guitars, drums, keyboards, and vocals. The immersive experience, spread over four days, also includes instructions on facets of the music business that are often overlooked, including how to book gigs and self-promotion.

At least one graduate of Real Life Music Camp has become a professional musician. Pittsburgh native Melanie Meriney, a promising singer and songwriter now based in Nashville, credits the band camp with providing a base for her career.
"I was not only introduced to some of my peer musicians around Pittsburgh but was given information and resources that could help make my career a success," says Meriney, who performed at the Three Rivers Regatta in 2014. "I still use marketing, recording, and performance techniques I learned in the camp."
Meriney was seeking to launch her career when she signed on to attend the camp, but other go just for the sheer pleasure of the experience. Berlin says that some students are extremely skilled, while other are novices.
"But it's not based on their skill level," Berlin says. "It's based on their passion and wanting to learn."
Scholarships are available. The Reeva Project ( http://www.creativelifesupport.com ), in memory of Berlin's niece who passed away from Crohn's disease five years ago, is available for students with that condition and colitis.
The Allegheny County Music Festival Fund ( http://www.alleghenycounty.us/dhs/acmffabout.aspx ) -- supported by a Rusted Root concert each year at Hartwood Acres -- pays for life-enriching opportunities children and youth receiving services through the Allegheny County Department of Human Services or the Juvenile Section of the Family Division of the Court of Common Pleas. Eligible youths can use this fund to pay for camp fees.
There also are a limited number of scholarships based on need.
This year's Real Life Music Camp will be held August 10-14 at Mr. Small's North Side recording studio and at Mr. Small's Theatre in Millvale. To register: http://www.creativelifesupport.com/

Votes1 DateMay 30, 2015

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Human Rights in the African American Community - Dignity for Everyone

One World Blue, LLC
Join Us…
Film- “Enough is ENOUGH! The Death of Jonny Gammage (2005)
Thursday, June 4, 2015- 7:30 pm –Film
Filmmaker Billy Jackson will be on hand to discuss his hour-long documentary about Jonny Gammage and his 1995 death during a traffic stop on Route 51 in Brentwood. The police involved are still on the force! Pump House, 880 East Waterfront Drive, Munhall (Rankin end of Waterfront mall).
Panel- Human Rights in the African-American Community—Dignity for Everyone
Saturday, June 6, 1:30 pm- Panel
How to advance racial, cultural and economic justice in our region. Julia Johnson will discuss ending the police stop and frisk policy. Carl Redwood will talk about ending displacement of Black and poor residents from the city. A speaker from the Fight for $15 will tell us how we can support the fight for $15 and local living wage legislation. Facilitator Jackie Smith will tie in the human rights agenda.
Both at the Pumphouse, 880 East Waterfront Drive 15120 Munhall (Rankin end of Waterfront Mall)
Sponsor: Battle of Homestead Foundation, www.battleofhomestead.org , 412-848-3079

Votes1 DateMay 27, 2015

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Freedom From Fracking

One World Blue, LLC
The Costs of Fracking
By Rege Behe
About six years ago, Rusted Root's Michael Glabicki met with a group of Pittsburghers concerned about plans to introduce fracking within the city's limits. Since then, he's become increasingly concerned about the procedure's effects.
"I hear from fans whose drinking water has been devastated in their towns and others who have started experiencing earthquakes in their community from fracking," Glabicki says. "People are scared. I am scared."
Glabicki and Rusted Root will headline "Freedom From Fracking: A Benefit for the Friends of the Harmed" May 16 at Mr. Small's in Millvale. Mike Stout & the Human Union, Kellee Maize & Friends, Liz Berlin, UJAMAA, Anne Feeney, Smokestack Lightning, DJ Paul Dang, Gene Stovall, Jasiri X, Palermo Stone, Vanessa German, the Benevolent Sneaky Mike and Tom Breiding also are scheduled to perform.
Proceeds will benefit The Friends of the Harmed, which assists families who have been harmed from fracking related activities in the region, via The Thomas Merton Center.
The US Energy Information Administration estimates that there are 2.119 trillion cubic feet of natural gas and 25.2 billion barrels of crude oil available in the US via fracking. Fracking is responsible for 90 percent of oil and gas production in the United States, according to National Parks Conservation Organization.
But at what cost?
Food & Water Watch, a public interest organization based in Washington, DC, states that communities in proximity to fracking activities are subject to increased crime, decreased property values, and losses in tourism and agriculture.

Fracking also is exempt from major environmental laws including the Safe Drinking Water Act, and the process uses approximately five million gallons per well. The waste water from fracking can pollute streams, lakes and rivers, and the water supply
"The New York Times just came out with an article citing a new study showing that high levels of Butoxyethanol are showing up in Pennsylvania's drinking water from fracking," Glabicki says. "This stuff is irreversible. I went up to Dimock, (in Susquehanna County) and sat in the living rooms of several families listening to their horror stories. Many had no drinking water and had to ship it in. Many of the children were sick for months before figuring out it was from fracking. I can go on and on. There are so many wells around Pittsburgh and it is just a matter of time before a major disaster happens here."
Glabicki met a former worker in the fracking industry who said he'd dumped truckloads of contaminated water on the side of the road near Dimock. The worker was fearful he'd lose his job if he didn't dump the water.
But contaminated drinking water may be just one consequence of fracking.
"There are so many other issues that we don't know the full extent of yet," Glabicki says. "We just added earthquakes to the list! They are happening in Michigan and West Virginia as well as other areas. Who know what this might turn into? There is much we don't know about the dangers of fracking. Oil companies are going full steam with it, trying to make as much money as they can, before we can figure it out."
Admission for the concert, which starts at 5:30 p.m., is $30.

Votes3 DateMay 11, 2015

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Kaplan for Council

One World Blue, LLC
Kimberly Kaplan is a Korean-American Jewish woman with a Bachelors degree in Mathematics from Chatham University. Inspired by her core classes intended to create "World Ready Women", she took one year to travel abroad and cross-country. When Kimberly returned, she began her Masters program at American Public University in International Relations and Conflict Resolution with a focus in Comparative Studies. Her passion has shifted from international, to national, to local politics as she realized locally is the best way to effect immediate and positive change in people's every day lives.
The combination of Kimberly's education with her work experience in heavy research, activism, and fundraising, prepare her to (1) to find innovative solutions to deep-rooted issues that are too frequently swept under the rug, and (2) to push key legislation for the people and the neighborhoods- whether that means collaborating with the other council-members, non-profits, organizations, and groups, or mobilizing residents to fight for what they deserve. Kimberly, 24, currently lives in Squirrel Hill with her cat, Roxy

Votes1 DateMay 11, 2015

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A Lifelong Passion

One World Blue, LLC
A Lifelong Passion
By Rege Behe
Dr. Louis Picard's life might have been vastly different if he'd gotten his wish when he joined the Peace Corps in 1964.
"I was going to go to Thailand," he says. "They said, no, you're going to Uganda [in 1965]. I looked at a map, and here it is 50 years later and I'm still going to Africa."
Picard has no regrets. He's traveled to 44 countries on the African continent, often in an official capacity. Picard has served as a consultant for the US Agency for International Development, the US Information Agency and the State Department.
What keeps him returning to Africa, however, is a keen interest in the fortunes of the people he's met in his travels.
"I don't know if it's love so much, but I really enjoy working in Africa," says Picard, who is the director of the Ford Institute for Human Security and a professor of Public and International Affairs at the University of Pittsburgh. "It's not an easy area. It's a tough part of the world."
The author of 11 books and numerous articles about Africa and its issues, Picard says "the problems of governments there are overwhelming and fascinating." He's especially interested in the political transformation of South Africa post-apartheid. But Uganda, his first destination, still tugs at Picard's heart.
Picard learned about Bright Kids Uganda Foundation USA from a close friend (Manuel Pinto, now deceased) and immediately embraced its mission: to assist children from various backgrounds, including street kids, HIV/AIDS orphans, children who have been living at displaced people's camps and those rescued from the rebels in Northern Uganda. This undertaking meshed with Picard's research into the "dilemma of poverty and the politics of it, and the misuse of power, in a lot of cases."
The residents of the Bright Kids home in Entebbe ¬¬-- a small number of the 2.5 million homeless children in Uganda -- are seeking the basic necessities of food and shelter. Picard, who serves on the organization's board of directors with his wife, Pauline Greenlick, an adjunct faculty member at Carlow University in Pittsburgh -- thinks it's important to not just provide funds for clothing, school books and food.
"It's education and income generation," he says. "The income generation is to provide the funds to run the place. But there's no way that impoverished kids are going to be able to afford the very high school fees ($600-$750) they have in these countries."
Picard wants the home to become sustainable through micro loans. Bright Kids sells books, crafts, DVDs and other items via eBay or other online commerce sites. The money from those sales goes into a fund that provides micro loans to a relative -- perhaps an aunt or uncle -- or someone in the community connected to a child at the home. The person who receives the loan -- perhaps $150 -- might invest that money in supplies for crafts, seeds for tomatoes or other vegetables, or anything else that can be sold. After four months, the loan has to be paid back with a simple interest rate of 10 percent.

It may not sound like much, but it's an essential building block if the home is ever to become self sufficient.
"Without resources," Picard says, "there's nothing you can do."

Votes2 DateApr 29, 2015

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Chasing Her Dreams

One World Blue, LLC
Chasing Her Dreams
By Rege Behe
In 2012, Jennifer Lee Hain moved from Pittsburgh, PA to Los Angeles, CA to work toward her goal of becoming an inspirational talk show host, along the lines of Oprah or Ellen. She'd created an inspirational website and blog, and was taking TV hosting classes with a professional coach. After making the move to chase her dreams, Hain began receiving messages via social media asking questions such as: How can I stay motivated? How do I even start chasing a dream? How do I overcome fear and know when to take a risk?
"While I was trying to achieve my dream, I very naturally started coaching people," she says.
Hain moved back home about one year ago and has recently started Jennifer Lee Life Coaching from her home in West View, PA. Using her bachelor's degree in corporate communications from Penn State-Beaver and a natural affinity for helping others, the 28 year old has found her calling.
And yes, she does get asked if 28 is a little too young to be a life coach.
"It's a fair question," Hain admits.
She overcomes any doubts about her experience via thorough preparation and a rare ability to motivate others.
"I specialize in five areas where I have experience and knowledge," Hain says:
• Individual career services and professional development, including resume building and mock interviews.
• Team building, with groups or businesses.
• Instilling the power of positive thinking.
• Communicating effectively, both personally and professionally.
• Self-empowerment.
"I am drawn to being a leader and helping people become the very best version of themselves," Hain says. "Nobody wants to need a coach for the rest of their life. So, my goal is to help you get to where you need to be and then watch you fly from the nest."
Hain's efforts have produced tangible results for her clients. One woman, an educator, asked for help to reach certain goals in order to become eligible for a raise. Hain assisted her in scheduling achievable deadlines to create content for a portfolio. The result? Hain's client earned a significant raise.
Another client lacked confidence in the workplace and was particularly shy about speaking in front of others. Hain set up a series of sessions that included icebreakers and other exercises designed to boost his confidence. Recently, the client was unexpectedly asked to give a presentation at work.
Before working with Hain, he would have been shaking in his shoes. Hain's guidance not only helped her client get through the presentation, but thrive.
"It was such a joy to hear his enthusiasm and pride. Also, his employer mentioned to him that he might be leading some of the future training sessions," she says.
Hain still lives out her “California Dream” right here in Pittsburgh by interviewing others for her “A Breath of Fresh Air” segments on her website. This platform features those who have overcome challenges in life and also those who are out making it happen and chasing their dreams. Hain also hosts her own podcast titled, “On Fire to Inspire.” This show is designed to educate, entertain and inspire. Guests range from experts in financial planning to business coaches to musicians and so much more.
With each client, "it's very different every time," she says. “Because of this, I do not have general content that is used for each person. I tailor a program to the client’s specific needs. The visual I like to paint for people is that they're never alone when working toward their goal – trying to cross that finish line. I'm running alongside them."
More information: jenniferleelifecoaching.com/

Votes3 DateApr 20, 2015

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Realizing Her Dreams

One World Blue, LLC
Realizing Her Dreams By Helping Others
By Rege Behe
Pauline Greenlick says she was "a poor widow putting my kids through school," when she met her future husband, Dr. Louis Picard, in 1993.
Little did she know her marriage would not only change her life, but the lives of countless others. Today Greenlick is on the board of directors and serves as treasurer for the Bright Kids USA Foundation, which provides support and programs for a children's home in Entebbe, Uganda. She's made numerous trips to Africa to help the children who arrive at the home looking for help. Greenlick, with the assistance of Leonard Lies of Dormont, has even become a filmmaker, although her first foray into that medium almost was over before it began.
"I deleted, accidentally, all my video," Greenlick says, a smile creasing her face.
Fortunately that's about the only misstep Greenlick, an adjunct professor and supervisor of special education student teachers at Carlow University in Pittsburgh, has made in her attempts focus attention on one of the most impoverished regions in Africa. Not only did Greenlick re-film the 15-minute video, which features women who are victims of vicious, scarring acid attacks, but she also co-produced "Under the Umbrella Tree" with Picard, who teaches at the University of Pittsburgh and is a longtime advocate for the underprivileged in Africa. Lies, a filmmaker who owns Dream Catcher Films in Dormont, directed the film that illuminates the work of Victoria Nalongo Namusisi, the founder of Bright Kids.
"Victoria is doing some wonderful things," Greenlick say, noting how Namusisi keeps the camp running in a country where there are 2.5 million homeless children.

Another woman Greenlick met is on her way to becoming a voice for the conditions in Uganda. In 2011, Hanifa Nakiryowa suffered an acid attack when she went to pick up her children at her estranged husband's home. She lost her nose and the use of her right eye. But unlike many acid attacks victims who suffer because of gender violence, Hanifa has a master's degree in developmental economics and worked for UNICEF in Uganda. When Greenlick met Hanifa, she was struck by her poise and demeanor.
"When you see her and meet her, she's just the most engaging woman," Greenlick says.
Not content to dwell on her misfortune, Hanifa began to work as an advocate for the Acid Survivors Foundation of Uganda and later CERESAV (Center for Rehabilitation of Survivors of Acid and Burns Violence). She applied for and received a grant to take a leadership course at the Educational Leadership Forum of Nova Scotia, and also found a way to get free reconstructive surgery through Face Forward, an organization based in Beverly Hills, California.
"She's the best researcher on the internet," Greenlick says.
In the fall, Hanifa will enroll at the University of Pittsburgh's Graduate School of Public and International Affairs. Greenlick and Picard are bringing her to Pittsburgh in May for a visit and a fundraiser so her children can live with her while she studies at Pitt.
Greenlick and Picard both hope that Hanifa Nakiryowa will become the global "face of acid attacks" to focus attention not only on the plight of the victims, but also the neglected children in Uganda.
Greenlick, who felt like "she died and went to heaven" the first time she traveled to Africa in 1994, says that her work is the culmination of a lifelong desire to make a difference.

Votes2 DateApr 13, 2015

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More Than Just Sports

One World Blue, LLC
More Than Just Sports
Al Levine never stops.
Never stops talking, as his nickname "The Talking Machine" indicates
Never stops working, as evidenced by his many business interests.
And never stops giving back to the community.
Levine, a Bethel Park resident who hosts Pittsburgh Sportsline https://www.facebook.com/PittsburghSportsline on Bethel Park Public Access TV, works tirelessly to help others.
"When I do fundraising I tell people I need show and tell," Levine says. "Bring a flyer that tells what you want to do and promote, and I'll promote the heck out of it."
One of Levine's recent efforts was to help the Joey Fabus Childhood Cancer Foundation https://www.facebook.com/JoeyFabusChildhoodCancerFoundation , which honors the eight year old Bethel Park boy who recently passed away from an inoperable brain tumor.
"I started saying `Stay Joey Strong' at the end of my show to promote their concert," Levine says of Jam for Joey, a sold-out show April 11 at the Hard Rock Cafe, Station Square.
Levine's charitable endeavors are many. He served as the community relations and development director for Hug-A-Thon Pittsburgh in 2012-13, which benefited the Cancer Caring Center, the Sickle Cell Society, Operation Troop Appreciation, and The Passion for Life Foundation. Levine also was director of community relations for Building Bridges for Business, which fostered relationships between non-profit organizations and businesses, and currently serves on singer Jessica Lee's Jazz Networking advisory board that promotes entrepreneurial networking with funding and partnering opportunities in Southwestern Pennsylvania.
Add his various business interests via Allen Levine Consulting, and Levine rarely has time to rest.
"I was told when I was a baby that I slept about 18 hours a day," he says, "so in my mind I still I believe I have a reservoir. I sleep every once in awhile. But I'll talk business 24/7 if you want to, and almost anything else."
Levine's love of conversation and debate is evident on Pittsburgh Sportsline, which he co-hosts with Smokin' Jim Frazier, the publisher of Smokin’ Jim’s Scouting Report and Newsletters. But the show is not filled with harsh rants and incoherent raves. Levine makes sure that the program has a civil tone.
"I'm opinionated," Levine admits, "but if you like another team or are from another area, even though I'm Pittsburgh-centric, I respect that you're loyal to your team. I don't want to change you."
Levine enjoys talking about sports that often aren't covered in the mainstream media. The more than 300 interviews he's done on Pittsburgh Sportsline include segments with rugby players, up-and-coming boxers and mixed martial arts (MMA) fighters, college baseball coaches and roller derby skaters, and football players from the Pittsburgh Passion women's team.
"I like to give voice to people who would otherwise never have a voice," he says.
Levine thinks part of his popularity is due to giving his guests a chance to promote their businesses on air. He's too modest to admit that his success also is the byproduct of his gregarious nature, his keen interest in people from all walks of his life, and his ability to make an immediate connection with anyone he meets.
But be forewarned: If you start a conversation or business venture with Al Levine, he'll try to make things happen right away.
"If you say can you meet me next week, I'd like to see if we could work together, I'll go why are we waiting until next week?" Levine says. "Why don't we do it today?"

Votes3 DateApr 2, 2015

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No Time to Sleep

One World Blue, LLC
No Time to Sleep
By Rege Behe
Jessica Lee is a lawyer, an acclaimed singer and an ardent volunteer.
There's one minor drawback to having so many interests: She has no time to sleep.
"There are probably not many hours in a day when I'm not working," Lee says, laughing. "That's the honest-to-God's truth. They say if you do anything entrepreneurially, be prepared to work overtime all the time. And I do, but it's a labor of love."
Lee's passion for charitable work centers around her concern for underprivileged and at-risk youths. In conjunction with Pittsburgh Gateways Corporation, Lee is co-founder of the America's Arts & Music Crossroads Center, which connects artist and musicians with children. She also is a co-founder of a jazz and American music camp for at-risk children with Sean Jones, the noted trumpet player and educator, and James Johnson, Ph.D., of the Afro-American Institute.
"I sought (Pittsburgh Gateways Corporation) out years ago and wanted to partner with them to do all kinds of creative programming for underprivileged youth," she says. "In a large part because so many young people aren't getting the opportunity to study with creative professionals."
That network includes artists and professionals who work with children from more than 30 non-profit organizations. Youths who enter the program are introduced to and learn from musicians, writers, dancers and other creative professionals.
"As the kids get older we turn it into career coaching and career internships," Lee says, noting that cutbacks in school funding for the arts makes the Crossroads Center's mission even more critical for children who dream of working in the creative arts.
Lee, a native of Franklin, Venango Country, attended the Duke University School of Law intent on learning how to navigate the complex legalities of the music business. Her career as a versatile singer well-versed in jazz, the blues and R&B has allowed her to perform on stages across the country. As an entrepreneur her musical production company, ViveVenture, LLC, allows Lee to control her music.
While her musical talents are obvious, Lee's desire to contribute to the community is what truly sets her apart. In addition to her work with Pittsburgh Gateways Corporation, Lee has lent her talents to the Make-A-Wish Foundation and the Susan B. Komen Race for the Cure. She's also part of a group (that includes former Pittsburgh Steelers running back Franco Harris) intent on renovating the historic Crawford Grill jazz club in Pittsburgh's Hill District.
What makes Lee so passionate that she works all day, every day?
"For me personally, faith and spirituality do play a role in all of my areas of work: music performance, education, and non-profit program productions," Lee says. "Serving others with my God-given gifts and leaving this world better than when I appeared in it are both important to me."

Votes9 DateMar 23, 2015

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We Need to Talk

One World Blue, LLC
We Need to Talk
By Rege Behe
Certain subjects have long been considered risky for polite conversation, including race, politics, money, sex and religion.
But Cora Daniels thinks it's important for people to express their opinions, even if broaching such topics makes people uncomfortable.
"It's not as hard as we think it's going to be," says Daniels, the co-author of "Impolite Conversations On Race, Politics Sex, Money, and Religion" (Atria Books). "Part of it is that we work ourselves up into being afraid to own up to our honest thoughts. It's not an easy thing to do, to speak honest and openly. But there is a desire to do it. If there wasn't, there wouldn't be all this anonymous chatter on Twitter."
Daniels will speak at 7 PM, Monday, March 23, at the Rodef Shalom Congregation in Oakland. Her appearance is free and open to the public.
Despite the book's title, Daniels, who wrote the book with lifelong friend John L. Jackson Jr., the dean of the University of Pennsylvania's School of Social Policy and Practice, isn't advocating for coarser discourse. A journalist and writer who teaches journalism at New York University, Daniels merely wants people to be open to subjects and ideas that are shied away from in social settings.
"Because we're not willing to come together and have a real dialogue on these issues, we never get to move forward," she says. "We never get to move past the divided state that we're in and change our thinking on these things and think more innovatively and creatively."
The place to start, Daniels says, is at home. As a mother of children ages 6 and 9, she constantly tries engage them in conversations about important issues. But that's only the start of the process.
"Whatever we're wagging our finger upset about, what's going on in society on a larger scale, we have to make sure it's going on in our house first," Daniels says. "In our block, in our neighborhood, in our community. Those are little steps, one by one."
Perhaps the biggest obstacle to engaging in constructive and illuminating conversations is the lack of opportunities to do so. Daniels believes most people live segregated lives and don't give themselves the opportunity to engage others of varying races or beliefs.
"If most of us really take an honest look at our social groups and the core relationships we have, we're just not integrated," she says.
Even though the next generation is expected to be more diverse, Daniels doesn't expect race or gender issues to suddenly disappear. Nothing will change, she thinks, until people become open to expressing their feelings, especially about race.
"There's this whole thing about the generation coming after us being the most diverse, but it's not like race has just disappeared," Daniels says. "They are still conscious of it and they still notice it, even down to my kids who are just in elementary school, where it's still an issue and it still comes up. We have to acknowledge it and not ignore it. Even if we're unhappy with our reaction at the moment, don't hide from it, don't ignore. Because our children notice it and then it becomes this weird, untouchable topic because none of the grown-ups are talking about it."

Votes2 DateMar 18, 2015

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Kambale Musavuli

One World Blue, LLC
Shining a Light on Darkenss
By Rege Behe
Kambale Musavuli knows what the heart of darkness looks like.
A native of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), he has become an eloquent witness to the atrocities in his homeland that has been torn apart by violence, rape, and genocide. But as Musavuli, a national spokesman for the Friends of the Congo points out,the tragedy in Africa is mostly unknown outside of the continent.
"I always wonder what will it take for the world to know that six million people have died," he said during a TEDx lecture in Chicago in 2013.
Think about that: Six million people is more than the populations of 32 of the 50 US states. Six million people is more than the populations of Finland, Ireland, and Finland.
"I'm speaking to you as a brother and I'm also speaking to you as a human being," Musavuli told the audience in Chicago. "And I hope ... you will think of the Congolese as your brothers and sisters who need your support."
According to the website World Without Genocide ( http://worldwithoutgenocide.org ), the DRC has been beset by violence since 1996, with Rwanda, Angola, Namibia, Chad, Libya and Sudan among the other nations involved. Currently, most of the fighting takes places in the provinces of North and South Kivu bordering Rwanda. Some of the conflict is political, notably the unrest caused by Hutu refugees of the Rwandan genocide who now live in the Congo. The region's rich natural resources -- including diamonds, copper and gold -- also have factions vying for its control.
"Congo is a like a nightmare in heaven because it has so much blessing," Musavuli said, noting how his idyllic childhood was regularly marred by violence.

Musavuli fled his homeland in 1998 when he was 17 to attend high school in North Carolina. He then attended North Carolina A&T University in Greensboro, NC, where he studied civil engineering and became active in social causes. He worked with Greensboro area activists on issues of ranging from minimum wage to police brutality to improving the immigrant experience.
Most importantly, he started to speak about the unimaginable loss of life that occurs in the DRC.
"I don't think people can comprehend that every single day, 1,500 Congolese people die," Musavuli said. "Every two days, 9/11 happens in the Congo."
Musavuli's activism gradually started to garner attention, with appearances on ABC News, National Public Radio, and Radio France, and in the Canadian documentary "Surviving Progress" which included Martin Scorsese as an executive producer.
As a spokesman for his country, Musavuli asks everyone to consider the consequences of inaction.
"Twenty or thirty years from now, we are going to be asking an important question," he told the TEDx audience. "... When you heard that six million people died in the Congo, what did you do about it? Because that's the question that comes back when you read the book "Night"(by Elie Wiesel) about the Holocaust: How come we didn't know that millions of people were dying in Europe and no one did something? You have to say `I heard the guy with the accent ... and I was so moved by it I decided that until peace comes, I will do something.'"
To learn more about Kambale Musavuli: www.kambale.com/
To learn more about Friends of the Congo: www.friendsofthecongo.org/

Votes2 DateMar 10, 2015

Created Planet Sanctuary Spotlights

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8 Billion Trees

One World Blue, LLC
The mission is simple: change the world one tree at a time.
By subscribing and becoming a part of 8 Billion Trees' global initiative, 8 Billion Trees will save 100 existing trees and plant at least 10 new trees per month on your behalf.
8 Billion Trees thinks it's something to smile and feel good about. And so do the animals you're helping to save.
Learn More About 8 Billion Trees
We all know deforestation is destroying habitats, fueling climate change, and increasing pollution. But most people just don't feel it's possible to do anything to help.
Planting trees won't solve all the world's issues. But it's something tangible that we CAN do that will make a BIG difference and start saving the lives of millions of endangered animals immediately.
8 Billion Trees is conserving 100 existing trees and planting 10 new trees for every item sold.
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Follow the 8 Billion Trees team as it travels to the Amazon to fight deforestation where it matters most.
8 Billion Trees was founded with a simple idea: if people can destroy the Earth, they can also help to rebuild it.
Co-founders Michael Powell and Jon Chambers were inspired by groups like Ecosia and Trees for the Future, but saw the opportunity to do something even bigger: plant and save 8 billion trees.
Taking their passion for entrepreneurship and channeling it into a cause for greater good, 8 Billion Trees was born on November 10th, 2018.
At 8 Billion Trees, the goal is to become the most environmentally aware company on the planet. 8 Billion Trees doesn't simply want to reduce the negative impacts of habitat destruction, deforestation and irresponsible forestry--it wants to use these issues as fuel to completely revitalize what it means to be environmentally friendly. By changing our environment and spreading awareness, it is hoping to make a global change.
It also hopes to serve as an example for other companies by proving that focusing on social and environmental responsibility just as much as profit is a sustainable business model.
Everything 8 Billion Trees does as a company is dedicated to furthering its environmental mission.
8 Billion Trees' mission is really to restore the Earth and fight against the evils of deforestation. 8 Billion Trees is always striving to find new ways to revitalize and restore the environment. Ultimately, we are here to leave the world a better place than we found it, while inspiring others to do the same for an Earth of tomorrow that is greener and brighter for all.
By conserving existing trees and planting new trees we can help to save endangered animals.
By subscribing and becoming a member, you take a stand in the fight for a better, greener, more sustainable Earth.
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Votes1 DateFeb 4, 2020

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4 Ocean

One World Blue, LLC
The 4ocean Bracelet
To pull one pound of trash from the ocean and coastlines for every product purchased
4ocean was born on a plastic-covered beach in Bali, Indonesia
4ocean founders, Alex and Andrew, have been around the ocean their entire lives. They both grew up on the Florida coast, swimming, diving, fishing, and surfing. After becoming friends in college, they saved up their money for the surf trip of a lifetime to Bali. When they arrived, they found a beach that was completely covered in plastic, with trash-filled waves delivering more garbage with each break.
They asked a local why such a popular, and otherwise beautiful, shoreline wasn’t kept clean, and were told that the beaches had been cleaned just hours earlier. The trash they were wading through had only just washed ashore.
Their eyes were immediately opened to the magnitude of the ocean plastic crisis, and they vowed on the spot to try to do something about it.
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The 4ocean Braided Bracelet
The 4oceon new bracelet is hand-braided using cord made from 100% post-consumer recycled plastic bottles and features a single-bead closure, which is made from 100% post-consumer glass bottles.
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Votes1 DateFeb 4, 2020

[image for Planet Spotlight Wine1.png]

Wine to Water

One World Blue, LLC
“When the idea came to me to start Wine To Water the only real job experience I had was tending bar. I dreamed of building an organization that fought water-related death and disease using different methods than anyone else. So, I started raising money to fight this water epidemic the best way I knew how, by pouring wine and playing music...”
— Doc Hendley, Founder and President
Doc Hendley dreamed up the concept of Wine To Water while bartending and playing music in nightclubs around Raleigh, NC.
In February 2004, Doc held his first fundraiser. And by August, he was living halfway around the globe in Sudan, Africa installing water systems for victims of the government-supported genocide.
His life would never be the same.
After spending one year in Darfur, Doc returned home. The haunting memories of what he had witnessed drove him to continue building the organization he started with that first fundraiser in a bar. Doc was determined to provide clean water for the world.
In 2007, after working two jobs and volunteering his time for three years, Doc launched Wine To Water. His dream of fighting the world’s water crisis became a reality. But that was just the beginning.
In 2009, Doc was named as a top ten CNN Hero for that year, and the ripples continued to grow.
Soon Doc was speaking to packed houses, including two TEDx events and national media outlets. Thousands were inspired by his story and Wine To Water grew from one man's mission into a movement for clean water.
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Change lives for the better by giving clean water
Don’t get stuck feeling like you can’t make a difference.
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Women and children bear the brunt of collecting water from unclean sources, many times miles away from their homes. Giving clean water gives back hours of someone’s day to be able to work or attend school.
Children under five are most affected by water-borne diseases. When clean water and improved sanitation are accessible in both schools and at home the risk of disease is reduced and opportunities increase.
A thriving community begins to spring up, replacing day-to-day survival. Homes and schools are built, businesses are created and infrastructure is developed. You can invest in clean water opening the flood-gates of possibilities for communities.
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It’s about joining a movement of people passionate about making a difference in the world.
An amazing thing happens when you decide to give, your life changes. You become a major part of the story, bringing life-sustaining clean water to someone who used to have to fight daily for this most essential human need.
2. Donate
We see what happens when clean water starts flowing in communities for the first time. Water brings hope that people’s lives could be permanently changed for the better.
You’re now a part of a global movement of givers. We want you to share your story, go and tell others about what happens when clean water starts to flow. Follow us on social media or shoot us an email and tell us your clean water story.
Email: communications@winetowater.org
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We want to build a relationship with you, to partner with you, to grab a drink at the bar with you. This work matters and we want to be on this journey with you.
We know the only way to bring true change is through everyone coming together no matter what religion, sex, gender, or race your are. Water is a part of every person’s life and it’s our goal to make sure everyone has access to it. You have a place here. Grab your seat at this table.
We’re hands-on but we don’t hold hands. With our approach to putting communities first, we empower local leaders to take ownership and change their future water landscape. Whether we’re installing 100 tap stands or educating 100 households on how to use their new water filters, the local community is included through every step. This gives us a way to be a part of sustainable change for generations.
Access to safely managed sustainable clean water has the power to impact every United Nations Sustainable Development Goal. Water is the beginning of transformational change in communities. We see it everyday. And we want you to be a part of this change with us.
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Wine To Water
PO Box 2567
Boone, NC 28607

Votes1 DateFeb 4, 2020

[image for Planet Spotlight Lionsbacktoafrica.jpg]

Lions Back To Africa.Org

One World Blue, LLC
Please Visit:
To Get Involved

Votes1 DateFeb 26, 2017

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Domestic Animals

Goat Who Lost His Legs Loves To Run

One World Blue, LLC
This goat has a wheelchair — and he loves to use it.
Video by: Keren Aronoff Masser

Votes1 DateOct 20, 2016

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Martial Eagles

One World Blue, LLC
Crowned as the largest eagle in Africa and the fifth heaviest eagle (on average) in the world, the martial eagle has a wingspan of up to 2.6 metres, and it can lift prey weighing up to 8kg (although typically they lift only 1-4 kg). The martial eagle even occasionally preys upon the adult kori bustard, which may well be the heaviest flying animal alive today.
Martial eagles have extremely keen eyesight (3.0-3.6 times human acuity) and can spot potential prey up to five kilometres away!
The martial eagle can be found in most of Sub-Saharan Africa, wherever food is abundant and the environment favourable. Greater population densities exist in Southern Africa, especially in Zimbabwe and South Africa. Generally, these birds are more abundant in protected areas, such as the Kruger National Park and the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park in South Africa, or Etosha National Park in Namibia.
They tend to prefer desolate or protected areas. Their territory can vary greatly in size – from more than 1,000km² to areas where nests are less than 10km apart. This disparity is due to differences in food supply.
The diet of the martial eagle varies greatly depending on prey availability, and it can be dictated largely by opportunity. One study of the eagles in Kruger National Park found that 45% of their diet was made up of birds, particularly game birds and Egyptian geese.
The estimated population of the martial eagle is about 30,000 individuals, although this is difficult to ascertain given the eagle’s shy nature and avoidance of humans. Listed as Near Threatened due to a major decline in their numbers over the last few years, this eagle’s greatest threat comes from habitat loss and humans, as is the case with most apex birds of prey.
Viewed by farmers as a threat to livestock, the martial eagle is often poisoned and shot. However, most of this persecution is unfounded, as domestic animals make up a very small part of the eagle’s diet. Other threats come from powerline collisions and habitat destruction. The eagle’s low reproductive rate is also a problem for its long-term survival.
The future success of the martial eagle will depend greatly on educating African farmers to understand that this raptor is an integral part of a healthy environment. An increase in protected areas, so that the martial eagle can hunt and nest, will also greatly increase their chances of long-term survival.
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Votes1 DateSep 29, 2016

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UFO House Boats

One World Blue, LLC
UFO-shaped yacht has its own garden and a stunning underwater viewing deck
While you can always head for the hills to wait out the apocalypse, a more stylish option could be a fully sustainable floating home from Italian mini yacht-maker Jet Capsule. The company has drawn up a concept for a saucer-shaped UFO, or Unidentified Floating Object, which offers a completely off-grid existence floating on the ocean.
According to the company's co-founders, Pierpaolo Lazzarini and Luca Solla, the UFO is intended for "living in a floating house and moving slowly around the world." "Slowly" in this case means a leisurely maximum speed of 3.5 knots (4 mph), using a waterjet-propelled Torqeedo Deep Blue 1800 electric motor.
This motor is connected to a battery that draws energy generated from 40 sq. m (430 sq. ft.) of solar panels in a closable lid atop the structure. Additional energy sources can be provided through optional wind and water turbines located on the top and below the main disc of the UFO, respectively, creating enough power to operate the home and motor.
The company says an onboard water generator would be used for converting rain or seawater to fresh drinking water, as well as watering a vegetable garden located on a deck that encircles the structure and measures 12.5 m (41 ft) in diameter.
Two half-spherical shells of fiberglass make up the two stories of the interior housing, with flexible floor plans for various configurations. Generally, the orb-shaped home will consist of a transformable kitchen and dining/living area on a 20-sq. m (215-sq. ft.) top level, with stairs leading down to a 10-sq. m (107-sq. ft.) submerged lower level with bathroom and bedroom surrounded by a large window for viewing sea life.
To keep the craft stable, the UFO uses a special elastic anchor system. "The main structure of the floating object can be aligned with the compass, keeping the position angle oriented on the desired cardinal direction, even in rough sea conditions," say the designers.
The company is currently seeking investors to build the first working prototype, at an estimated cost of US$800,000, with homes produced after that estimated at $200,000, which is actually cheaper than the average price of an, albeit larger, houseboat.

Votes1 DateJul 26, 2016

[image for Planet Spotlight Great Barier Reef.png]
Natural wonders

Great Barrier Reef

One World Blue, LLC
Facts about the Great Barrier Reef
As the largest living structure on the planet, the Great Barrier Reef is incredibly rich and diverse.
Stretching 2300 kilometres, this natural icon is so large it can even be seen from outer space.
While it’s known mostly for its large maze of colourful reefs, its intricate architecture also provides a home for a huge number of plants and animals.
Some of these, such as turtles and crocodiles, have been around since prehistoric times and have changed little over the millennia.
The breathtaking array of marine creatures includes 600 types of soft and hard corals, more than 100 species of jellyfish, 3000 varieties of molluscs, 500 species of worms, 1625 types of fish, 133 varieties of sharks and rays, and more than 30 species of whales and dolphins.
The Great Barrier Reef is also unique as it extends over 14 degrees of latitude, from shallow estuarine areas to deep oceanic waters.
Within this vast expanse are a unique range of ecological communities, habitats and species – all of which make the Reef one of the most complex natural ecosystems in the world.
The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park:
•covers 344,400 km2 in area
•includes the world’s largest coral reef ecosystem
•includes some 3000 coral reefs, 600 continental islands, 300 coral cays and about 150 inshore mangrove islands
•extends south from the northern tip of Queensland in north-eastern Australia to just north of Bundaberg
•is between 60 and 250 kilometres in width
•has an average depth of 35 metres in its inshore waters, while on outer reefs, continental slopes extend down to depths of more than 2000 metres
•was created in 1975 through the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Act
•extends into the airspace above and into the earth beneath the seabed.
While coral reefs initially made the Great Barrier Reef famous, they only comprise about seven per cent of the Marine Park and the World Heritage Area.
The rest of the Marine Park is an extraordinary variety of marine habitats, ranging from shallow inshore areas – such as seagrass, mangroves, sand, algal and sponge gardens, and inter-reefal communities – to deep oceanic areas more than 250km offshore.
Rather than having one level of protection throughout the Marine Park, the area is instead divided into different zones. Each zone has different rules outlining permitted activities and those that are prohibited.
Just how big is the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park?
Covering 344,400km2 Great Barrier Reef Marine Park is:
•bigger than Victoria and Tasmania combined
•bigger than the United Kingdom, Switzerland and Holland combined
•roughly the same area as Japan, Germany, Malaysia or Italy
•approximately half the size of Texas
•slightly smaller than the entire Baltic Sea.
The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park stretches approximately 2300 km along the coast of Queensland in north-eastern Australia – this is about the same length as the west coast of the USA from Vancouver to the Mexican border.
The Belize Reef off the Caribbean coast of Belize is the second longest barrier reef in the world at 290 km, while Ningaloo Reef off the West Australian coast is 280 km long
The Great Barrier Reef is AT RISK from rapid industrialization
"The Australian Government is allowing tens of millions of tonnes of seabed to be dredged in World Heritage waters, to make way for 4 mega ports, serviced by up to 7,000 industrial ships crossing the Reef every year".
Learn more and take action here:
Watch the Reef Now Here !!

Votes3 DateJun 30, 2015

[image for Planet Spotlight Iguassu Falls.jpg]
Natural wonders

Iguassu Falls

One World Blue, LLC
Iguazu Falls are located where the Iguazu River tumbles over the edge of the Paraná Plateau, 23 kilometres (14 mi) upriver from the Iguazu's confluence with the Paraná River.[1] Numerous islands along the 2.7-kilometre-long (1.7 mi) edge divide the falls into many separate waterfalls and cataracts, varying between 60 to 82 metres (197 to 269 ft) high. The number of these smaller waterfalls fluctuates from 150 to 300, depending on the water level. Approximately half of the river's flow falls into a long and narrow chasm called the Devil's Throat (Garganta del Diablo in Spanish or Garganta do Diabo in Portuguese. The Devil's Throat is U-shaped, 82 metres high, 150 m wide, and 700 m long (269×492×2,297 ft). Placenames have been given also to many other smaller falls, such as San Martín Falls, Bossetti Falls, and many others.
Iguazú Falls from the Argentine side
About 900 metres (2,950 ft) of the 2.7-kilometre (1.7 mi) length does not have water flowing over it. The edge of the basalt cap recedes by 3 mm (0.1 in) per year. The water of the lower Iguazu collects in a canyon that drains into the Paraná River, a short distance downstream from the Itaipu Dam. The junction of the water flows marks the border between Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay. There are points in the cities of Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, Puerto Iguazú, Argentina, and Ciudad del Este, Paraguay, which have access to the Iguazu River, where the borders of all three nations may be seen, a popular tourist attraction for visitors to the three cities.

Votes2 DateJun 23, 2015

[image for Planet Spotlight Kangaroo and Lemur.png]
Domestic Animals

True Love

One World Blue, LLC
True Love.. Kangaroo and Lemur are BEST BUDDIES

Votes2 DateJun 23, 2015

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Attenborough: Amazing Orangutans Use Tools - BBC Earth

One World Blue, LLC
Attenborough: Amazing DIY Orangutans - BBC Earth

Votes6 DateMay 6, 2015

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Humpback Whale Shows AMAZING Appreciation After Being Freed From Nets

One World Blue, LLC
Humpback Whale Shows AMAZING Appreciation After Being Freed From Nets

Votes9 DateMay 6, 2015

Created Light of Culture Spotlights

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Middle East

The Sufi Way

One World Blue, LLC
What is Sufism?
Sufism is a way of life in which a deeper identity is discovered and lived. This deeper identity, beyond the already known personality, is in harmony with all that exists. This deeper identity, or essential self, has abilities of awareness, action, creativity and love that are far beyond the abilities of the superficial personality. Eventually it is understood that these abilities belong to a greater life and being which we individualize in our own unique way while never being separate from it.
This excerpt from:
Sufism is less a doctrine or a belief system than an experience and way of life. It is a tradition of enlightenment that carries the essential truth forward through time. Tradition, however, must be conceived in a vital and dynamic sense. Its expression must not remain limited to the religious and cultural forms of the past. The truth of Sufism requires reformulation and fresh expression in every age.
Reformulation does not mean that Sufism will compromise its challenge to a stubbornly materialistic society. It is and will remain a critic of “worldliness” — by which it is meant everything that causes us to be forgetful of the Divine reality. It is and must be a way out of the labyrinth of a secular, commercial culture. Most importantly, however, it is an invitation to meaningfulness and well-being.
Sufism, as we know it, developed within the cultural matrix of Islam. The Islamic revelation presented itself as the expression of the essential message brought to humanity by the prophets of all ages. The Qur’an recognizes the validity of 120,000 prophets or messengers who have come to awaken us from our selfish egoism and remind us of our spiritual nature. The Qur’an confirmed the validity of past revelations, while asserting that the original message was often distorted over the course of time.
Sufism’s claim to universality is founded on the broad recognition that there is only one God, the God of all people and all true religions. Sufism understands itself to be the wisdom realized by the great prophets — explicitly including Jesus, Moses, David, Solomon, and Abraham, among others, and implicitly including other unnamed enlightened beings of every culture.
In the Western world today diverse groups exist under the name of Sufism. On the one hand there are those who would say that no true Sufism can exist without appreciation and practice of the principles of Islam. On the other hand some groups exist that more or less ignore the Islamic roots of Sufism and take their teaching from further downstream, from “Sufis” who may or may not have had contact with specifically Islamic teachings.
We could say that there are those who accept Sufism as both form and essence, and there are others who are Sufi in essence but not in form. In my opinion, an appreciation and understanding of the Qur’an, the sayings of Muhammad, and historical Sufism is invaluable to the wayfarer on the Sufi path.
Historically, Sufism was not conceived as separate from the essence of Islam. Its teachers all traced their enlightenment through a chain of transmission going back to Muhammad. While they may have disagreed with certain interpretations of Islam, they never questioned the essential validity of the Qur’anic revelation; nor were they fundamentalists in the sense of rigidly interpreting that revelation or discrediting other faiths. Most often they represented the highest achievements within Islamic culture and were a force of tolerance and moderation.
Over fourteen centuries the broad Sufi tradition has contributed a body of literature second to none on earth. Somehow the guiding principles of the Qur’an and the heroic virtue of Muhammad and his companions provided an impetus that allowed a spirituality of love and consciousness to flourish. Those who follow the Sufi path today are the inheritors of an immense treasure of wisdom literature.
Beginning from its roots at the time of Muhammad, Sufism has organically grown like a tree with many branches. The cause of the branching has usually been the appearance of an enlightened teacher whose methods and contributions to the teaching have been enough to initiate a new line of growth. These branches generally do not see each other as rivals. A Sufi, in some cases, may be initiated into more than one branch in order to receive the grace (baraka) and knowledge of particular order.
There is little cultishness in the work of Sufis. Sufis of one order may, for instance, visit the gatherings of another order. Even the charisma of a particular teacher is always viewed from the perspective that this gift is owed entirely to God. The charisma is valuable in so far as it may bind the hearts of students to a human being who is the truth of the teaching, but many safeguards exist to remind everyone that personality worship and inordinate pride in one’s affiliation are forms of idolatry, the greatest “sin.”
If Sufism recognizes one central truth, it is the unity of being, that we are not separate from the Divine. The unity of being is a truth which our age is in an excellent position to appreciate — emotionally, because of the shrinking of our world through communications and transportation, and intellectually, because of developments in modern physics. We are One: one people, one ecology, one universe, one being. If there is a single truth, worthy of the name, it is that we are all integral to the Truth, not separate. The realization of this truth has its effects on our sense of who we are, on our relationships to others and to all aspects of life. Sufism is about realizing the current of love that runs through human life, the unity behind forms.
If Sufism has a central method, it is the development of presence and love. Only presence can awaken us from our enslavement to the world and our own psychological processes. And only love, cosmic love, can comprehend the Divine. Love is the highest activation of intelligence, for without love nothing great would be accomplished, whether spiritually, artistically, socially, or scientifically.
Sufism is the attribute of those who love. The lover is someone who is purified by love, free of himself and his own qualities, and fully attentive to the Beloved. This is to say that the Sufi is not held in bondage by any quality of his own because he sees everything he is and has as belonging to the Source. Shebli said: “The Sufi sees nothing except God in the two worlds.”
This book is about one aspect of Sufism — presence — how it can be developed and how it can be used to activate our essential human qualities. Abu Muhammad Muta’ish says: “The Sufi is he whose thought keeps pace with his foot — i.e., he is entirely present: his soul is where his body is, and his body is where his soul is, and his soul where his foot is, and his foot where his soul is. This is the sign of presence without absence. Others say on the contrary: ‘He is absent from himself but present with God.’ It is not so: he is present with himself and present with God.”
We live in a culture that has been described as materialistic, alienating, neurotically individualistic, narcissistic, and yet ridden with anxiety, shame, and guilt. From the Sufi point of view humanity today is suffering under the greatest tyranny, the tyranny of the ego. We “worship” innumerable false idols, but all of them are forms of the ego.
There are so many ways for the human ego to usurp even the purest spiritual values. The true Sufi is the one who makes no claims to virtue or truth but who lives a life of presence and selfless love. More important than what we believe is how we live. If certain beliefs lead to exclusiveness, self-righteousness, fanaticism, it is the vanity of the “believer” that is the problem. If the remedy increases the sickness, an even more basic remedy is called for.
The idea of “presence with love” may be the most basic remedy for the prevailing materialism, selfishness, and unconsciousness of our age. In our obsession with our false selves, in turning our backs on God, we have also lost our essential Self, our own divine spark. In forgetting God, we have forgotten ourselves. Remembering god is the beginning of remembering ourselves.
An excerpt from Living Presence: A Sufi Way to Mindfulness & the Essential Self
Available from Threshold Books
Published by Jeremy Tarcher, Inc.

Votes2 DateSep 6, 2017

[image for Culture Spotlight Tahitians.jpg]


One World Blue, LLC
The Tahitians, or Maohis, are indigenous peoples of Tahiti and thirteen other Society Islands, as well as the modern population of these lands of mixed ancestry (French: demis). The Tahitians are one of the most significant indigenous Polynesian peoples of Oceania.
The original Tahitian society was unaware of metal as it was based on Stone Age technology. However, it enabled Tahitians to clear land for cultivation on the fertile volcanic soils and build fishing canoes, their two basic subsistence activities.[2] The tools of the Tahitians when first discovered were made of stone, bone, shell or wood.
The Tahitians were divided into three major classes (or castes): ari'i,[3] ra'atira and manahune.[4] Ari'i were relatively few in number while manahune constituted the bulk of population and included some members who played essential roles in the society.[5] It is estimated that by the first contact with Europeans in 1767 the population of Tahiti was no more than 40,000 while other Society Islands held probably 15,000-20,000 natives.[6]
Tahitians divided the day into the periods of daylight (ao) and darkness (pō).[7] There was also a concept of irrational fear called mehameha, translated as uncanny feelings.[8] The healers, familiar with herbal remedies, were called ta'ata rā'au or ta'ata rapa'au. In the 19th century Tahitians added the European medicine to their practice. The most famous Tahitian healer Tiurai, of ari'i, died aged 83 during the influenza outbreak on Tahiti in 1918.
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Votes1 DateJan 29, 2017

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Tribes of Bali

One World Blue, LLC
The Balinese (Indonesian: Suku Bali) are an ethnic group native to the Indonesian island of Bali. The Balinese population of 4.2 million (1.7% of Indonesia's population) live mostly on the island of Bali, making up 89% of the island's population.[3] There are also significant populations on the island of Lombok, and in the eastern-most regions of Java (e.g. the Municipality of Banyuwangi).
The Balinese originated from three periods of migration. The first waves of immigrants came from Java and Kalimantan in prehistoric times and were of proto-Malay stock.[4] The second wave of Balinese came slowly over the years from Java during the Hindu period. The third and final wave came from Java, between the 15th and 16th centuries, about the same time as the conversion to Islam in Java, causing aristocrats and peasants to flee to Bali after the collapse of the Javanese Majapahit Empire in order to escape Mataram's Islamic conversion. This in turn reshaped the Balinese culture into a syncretic form of classical Javanese culture mixed with many Balinese elements.[5]
A DNA study in 2005 by Karafet et al., found that 12% of Balinese Y-chromosomes are of likely Indian origin, while 84% are of likely Austronesian origin, and 2% of likely Melanesian origin.[6]
Balinese culture is a mix of Balinese Hindu-Buddhist religion and Balinese customs. It is perhaps most known for its dance, drama and sculpture. The island is also known for its Wayang kulit or Shadow play theatre. Even in poor rural and neglected villages, beautiful temples are a common sight; and so are skillful gamelan players and talented actors.[7] Even layered pieces of palm leaf and neat fruit arrangements made as offerings by Balinese women have an artistic side to them.[8] According to José Miguel Covarrubias, works of art made by amateur Balinese artists are regarded as a form of spiritual offering, and therefore these artists do not care about recognition of their works.[9] Balinese artists are also skilled in duplicating art works such as carvings that resemble Chinese deities or decorating vehicles based on what is seen in foreign magazines.[10]
The culture is noted for its use of the gamelan in music and in various traditional events of Balinese society. Each type of music is designated for a specific type of event. For example, music for a piodalan (birthday celebration) is different from music used for a metatah (teeth grinding) ceremony, just as it is for weddings, Ngaben (cremation of the dead ceremony), Melasti (purification ritual) and so forth.[11] The diverse types of gamelan are also specified according to the different types of dance in Bali. According to Walter Spies, the art of dancing is an integral part of Balinese life as well as an endless critical element in a series of ceremonies or for personal interests.[12]
Traditionally, displaying of female breasts is not regarded as immodest. Balinese women can often be seen with bared chests; however, a display of the thigh is considered immodest. In modern Bali these customs are normally not strictly observed, but visitors visiting Balinese temples are advised to cover their legs.
In the Balinese naming system, a person's rank of birth or caste is reflected in the name.[13]
The vast majority of the Balinese believe in Agama Tirta, "holy-water religion". It is a Shivaite sect of Hinduism. Traveling Indian priests are said to have introduced the people to the sacred literature of Hinduism and Buddhism centuries ago. The people accepted it and combined it with their own pre-Hindu mythologies.[15] The Balinese from before the third wave of immigration, known as the Bali Aga, are mostly not followers of Agama Tirta, but retain their own animist traditions.
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Votes1 DateJan 22, 2017

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The Kazakh Tribe

One World Blue, LLC
Kazakhs in Mongolia
reference from https://discover-bayanolgii.com/kazakhs-in-mongolia/
Bayan-Olgii is a unique place in Mongolia, home of the Kazakh ethnic group. The Kazakhs have a rich culture, close extended families, and many traditions that are still practiced today that are centuries old. The Kazakhs are the second largest ethnic group in Mongolia after the Khalkhs, with 101,000 people comprising 5% of the population. Most live in Bayan-Olgii Aimag, where they make up 90% of the inhabitants. The aimag or province was created in 1939 as a semi-autonomous homeland for Kazakhs living in Mongolia. Today, Bayan-Olgii has a distinctly Kazakh culture. Kazakh is the language of everyday communication, with Mongolian used for inter-ethnic interactions and official communication. Islam is the primary religion of the Kazakhs.
The Kazakhs trace their origins back the 15th century and the founding of the Kazakh Khanate by a direct linage of Chinngis Khan near the Aral Sea in present day Kazakhstan. The Khanate was formed in the wake of several other declining kingdoms including Mongolistan, Nogai Horde, Ak-Orda, and Khanate of Abulkhair that controlled much of Central Asia and trace their beginnings back to the family of Chinngis Khan. The Kazakhs were themselves descendents of Mongols and other nomadic tribes of Central Asia. The Kazakhs quickly developed a distinct identity and a powerful state for several hundred years until the Russian Empire began absorbed the Kazakhs in the mid 18th century.
It was during this period that Kazakhs fled into the lawless region of the Altai Mountains in China and Mongolia. When the Soviet Union and China established borders, Kazakhs in Mongolia were isolated from their brethren until the 1990s. During this time, nomadic herding and the traditional way of life was completely suppressed in the Soviet Union. The traditional nomadic lifestyle was only preserved in the undeveloped steppes and mountain ranges of Mongolia. About half of the Kazakhs in Mongolia moved to Kazakhstan after independence in the 1990s. Though many came back, the Kazakhs maintain close ties to family in either country.
Nomad Herder
Today, many Kazakhs in Bayan-Olgii maintain traditional semi-nomadic herding by moving with their animals several times a year, and living in a Kazakh style ger (larger and taller than a Mongolian ger) during the summer. All Kazakhs keep close ties to extended families. Tradition requires that one must not marry anyone related within 9 generations. As a result, upon meeting each other, Kazakhs always tell if and how they are related. This is not their only tradition, though.
The most visible expression of tradition one will notice is the world famous art work of these nomadic people of the steppe. Kazakhs are famous around the world for their intricately embroidered wall hangings (tuskies) used on ger (yurt) walls. A typical ger may have 5 to 7 wall hangings that can take 200 hours to hand stitch each. The curving designs of the wall hangings are patterned after goat horns which symbolize the primary source of wealth of the nomadic herder. This design is used for a wide variety of traditional clothes, home furnishings, and accessories. The Kazakhs are not only known for their artwork, but also for their incredible friendliness.
After meeting a Kazakh, you will be impressed by the generous hospitality expressed through expansive meals with many dishes and countless cups of milk tea and sweets. Like other tribes of the steppe, Kazakhs love to sing and play music. After dinner or while travelling, one will pull out a dombra, the national instrument of the Kazakhs, and play a traditional folk songs that reminds one of the time of the great warriors of Central Asia. Living is such a sparse land; they make the most of celebrations, with music, dancing, and horse games. The biggest celebration is Nauryz, the Kazakh New Years, which is celebrated in March.
But whatever time of year you visit Bayan-Olgii, you should go see a family. Go inside, have tea, and enjoy a delicious meal, including their favorites of kuz (a horse meat sausage) and bisbarmak (literally “five fingers”), and have fun. Kazakhs love to laugh and enjoy company. Listen to Kazakh music, and maybe sing a song for them. By the time you leave, both of you will call each other brothers, and you will never forget the incredible hospitality and spirit of the Kazakhs.

Votes1 DateAug 24, 2016

[image for Culture Spotlight maasai1.jpg]


One World Blue, LLC
Retrieved from:
The Maasai people of East Africa live in southern Kenya and northern Tanzania along the Great Rift Valley on semi-arid and arid lands. The Maasai occupy a total land area of 160,000 square kilometers with a population of approximately one half million people. However, many Maasai see the national census as government meddling and often miscount their numbers to census takers.
The Maasai society is comprised of sixteen sections (known in Maasai as Iloshon): Ildamat, Ilpurko, Ilkeekonyokie, Iloitai, Ilkaputiei, Ilkankere, Isiria, Ilmoitanik, Iloodokilani, Iloitokitoki, Ilarusa, Ilmatatapato, Ilwuasinkishu, Kore, Parakuyu, and Ilkisonko, also known as Isikirari (Tanzania's Maasai). There was also once Iltorobo section but was assimilated by other sections. A majority of the Maasai population lives in Kenya. Sections such as Isikirari, Parakuyu, Kore and Ilarusa lives in Tanganyika.
Homestead and labor
The Maasai live in Kraals arranged in a circular fashion. The fence around the kraal is made of acacia thorns, which prevent lions from attacking the cattle. It is a man's responsibility to fence the kraal. While women construct the houses. Traditionally, kraals are shared by an extended family. However, due to the new land management system in the Maasai region, it is not uncommon to see a kraal occupied by a single family.
The Inkajijik (maasai word for a house) are loaf-shaped and made of mud, sticks, grass, cow dung and cow's urine. Women are responsible for making the houses as well as supplying water, collecting firewood, milking cattle and cooking for the family. Warriors are in charge security while boys are responsible for herding livestock. During the drought season, both warriors and boys assume the responsibility for herding livestock. The elders are directors and advisors for day-to-day activities. Every morning before livestock leave to graze, an elder who is the head of the inkang sits on his chair and announces the schedule for everyone to follow.
The Maasai are a semi-nomadic people who lived under a communal land management system. The movement of livestock is based on seasonal rotation. Contrary to many claims made by outsiders, particularly the Hardinian school of thought, this communal land management system allows us to utilize resources in a sustainable manner. Each section manages its own territory. Under normal conditions, reserve pastures are fallowed and guarded by the warriors. However, if the dry season becomes especially harsh, sections boundaries are ignored and people graze animals throughout the land until the rainy season arrives. According to Maasai traditional land agreement, no one should be denied access to natural resources such as water and land.
Subsistence economy
Livestock such as cattle, goats and sheep are the primary source of income for the Maasai. Livestock serves as a social utility and plays an important role in the Maasai economy. Livestock are traded for other livestock, cash or livestock products such as milk and siege. Individual, families, and clans established close ties through giving or exchange of cattle. "Meishoo iyiook enkai inkishu o-nkera"- so goes a Maasai prayer. The English translation of this praye is: "May Creator give us cattle and children. Cattle and children are the most important aspect of the Maasai people.
Maasai economy with outsiders
The Maasai economy is increasingly dependent on the market economy. Livestock products are sold to other groups in Kenya for the purchase of beads, clothing and grains. Cows and goats are also sold for uniform and school fees for children. It is now common to see young Maasai men and women in major towns and cities of Kenya selling, not just goats and cows, but also beads, cell phones, chacoal, grain among other items. The entrepreneurial spirit is something new in our society.
It was not until the early 1980s with the Group Ranch project that we became much more entrenched in a market economy and, hence, more impoverished generally speaking.
Maasai diet
Traditionally, the Maasai rely on meat, milk and blood from cattle for protein and caloric needs. People drink blood on special occasions. It is given to a circumcised person (o/esipolioi), a woman who has given birth (entomononi) and the sick (oltamueyiai). Also, on a regular basis drunk elders, ilamerak, use the blood to alleviate intoxication and hangovers. Blood is very rich in protein and is good for the immune system. However, its use in the traditional diet is waning due to the reduction of livestock numbers.
More recently, the Maasai have grown dependent on food produced in other areas such as maize meal (unga wa mahindi), rice, potatoes, cabbage (known to the Maasai as goat leaves), etc. The Maasai who live near crop farmers have engaged in cultivation as their primary mode of subsistence. In these areas, plot sizes are generally not large enough to accommodate herds of animals; thus the Maasai are forced to farm. Our people traditionally frown upon this. Maasai believe that tilizing the land for crop farming is a crime against nature. Once you cultivate the land, it is no longer suitable for grazing.
Private ownership
The concept of private ownership was, until recently, a foreign concept to the Maasai. However, in the 1960s and 1980s, a program of commercializing livestock and land was forced on us initially by the British and later by the government of Kenya. Since then, our land has been subdivided into group and individual ranches. In other parts of Maasailand people subdivided their individual ranches into small plots, which are sold to private developers.
The new land management system of individual ranches has economically polarized our people; some Maasais, as well as outside wealthy individuals, have substantially increased their wealth at the expense of others. The largest loss of land, however, has been to national parks and reserves, in which the Maasai people are restricted from accessing critical water sources, pasture, and salt lick. Subdivision of Maasailand reduced land size for cattle herding, reduced the number of cows per household, and reduced food production. As a result, the Maasai society, which once was a proud and self-sufficient society, is now facing many social-economic and political challenges. The level of poverty among the Maasai people is beyond conceivable height. It is sad to see a society that had a long tradition of pride being a beggar for relief food because of imposed foreign concepts of development.
The future of the Maasai is uncertain at this point. One thing, however, is certain that the Maasai culture is quickly eroding at the expense of civilization.

Votes1 DateJul 26, 2016

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Votes1 DateJul 8, 2016

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Votes4 DateJul 7, 2016

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Votes1 DateJul 7, 2016

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Indigenous peoples of Siberia

One World Blue, LLC
Including the Russian Far East, the population of Siberia numbers just above 40 million people. As a result of the 17th to 19th century Russian conquest of Siberia and the subsequent population movements during the Soviet era, the demographics of Siberia today is dominated by native speakers of Russian. There remain a considerable number of indigenous groups, between them accounting for below 10% of total Siberian population.
Koryak men at the ceremony of starting the New Fire
In Kamchatka the Itelmens uprisings against Russian rule in 1706, 1731, and 1741, were crushed. During the first uprising the Itelmen were armed with only stone weapons, but in later uprisings they used gunpowder weapons. The Russian Cossacks faced tougher resistance from the Koryaks, who revolted with bows and guns from 1745 to 1756, and were even forced to give up in their attempts to wipe out the Chukchi in 1729, 1730-1, and 1744-7.[1] After the Russian defeat in 1729 at Chukchi hands, the Russian commander Major Pavlutskiy was responsible for the Russian war against the Chukchi and the mass slaughters and enslavement of Chukchi women and children in 1730-31, but his cruelty only made the Chukchis fight more fiercely.[2] A genocide of the Chukchis and Koraks was ordered by Empress Elizabeth in 1742 to totally expel them from their native lands and erase their culture through war. The command was that the natives be "totally extirpated" with Pavlutskiy leading again in this war from 1744-47 in which he led to the Cossacks "with the help of Almighty God and to the good fortune of Her Imperial Highness", to slaughter the Chukchi men and enslave their women and children as booty. However the Chukchi ended this campaign and forced them to give up by killing Pavlitskiy and decapitating him.[3]
The Russians were also launching wars and slaughters against the Koraks in 1744 and 1753-4. After the Russians tried to force the natives to convert to Christianity, the different native peoples like the Koraks, Chukchis, Itelmens, and Yukagirs all united to drive the Russians out of their land in the 1740s, culminating in the assault on Nizhnekamchatsk fort in 1746.[4] Kamchatka today is European in demographics and culture with only 2.5% of it being native, around 10,000 from a previous number of 150,000, due to the mass slaughters by the Cossacks after its annexation in 1697 of the Itelmen and Koryaks throughout the first decades of Russian rule.[5] The genocide by the Russian Cossacks devastated the native peoples of Kamchatka and exterminated much of their population.[6][7] In addition to committing genocide the Cossacks also devastated the wildlife by slaughtering massive amounts of animals for fur.[8] 90% of the Kamchadals and half of the Vogules were killed from the eighteenth to nineteenth centuries and the rapid genocide of the indigenous population led to entire ethnic groups being entirely wiped out, with around 12 exterminated groups which could be named by Nikolai Iadrintsev as of 1882. Much of the slaughter was brought on by the fur trade.[9]
In the 17th century, indigenous peoples of the Amur region were attacked by Russians who came to be known as "red-beards".[10] The Russian Cossacks were named luocha (羅剎), rakshasa, after demons found in Buddhist mythology, by the Amur natives because of their cruelty towards the Amur tribes people, who were subjects of the Qing dynasty during the Sino–Russian border conflicts.[11]
The Aleuts in the Aleutians were subjected to genocide and slavery by the Russians for the first 20 years of Russian rule, with the Aleut women and children captured by the Russians and Aleut men slaughtered.[12]
The regionalist oblastniki in the 19th century among the Russians in Siberia acknowledged that the natives were subjected to immense genocidal cruelty by the Russian colonization, and claimed that they would rectify the situation with their proposed regionalist polices.[13] The Russians used "slaughter, alcoholism and disease" to bring the natives under their control, who were soon left in misery, and much of the evidence of their extermination has itself been destroyed by the Russians, with only a few artifacts documenting their presence remaining in Russian museums and collections.[14]
In 1918-1921 there was a violent revolutionary upheaval in Siberia leading to the Russian conquest of Siberia as Russian Cossacks under Captain Grigori Semionov established themselves as warlords by crushing the indigenous peoples who resisted colonization.[15] The Russian colonization of Siberia and conquest of its indigenous peoples has been compared to European colonization in the United States and its natives, with similar negative impacts on the natives and the appropriation of their land.[16] The Slavic Russians outnumber all of the native peoples in Siberia and its cities except in the Republic of Tuva, with the Slavic Russians making up the majority in the Buriat Republic, Sakha Republic, and Altai Republics, outnumbering the Buriat, Sakha, and Altai natives. The Buriat make up only 25% of their own Republic, and the Sakha and Altai each are only one-third, and the Chukchi, Evenk, Khanti, Mansi, and Nenets are outnumbered by non-natives by 90% of the population. The natives were targeted by the Czars and Soviets policies to change their way of life and ethnic Russians were given the native's reindeer herds and wild game which were confiscated by the Czars and Soviets. The reindeer herds have been mismanaged to the point of extinction. In just the American state of Arizona, the Native American population outnumbers the total northern Siberian native population of 180,000.[17]

Votes3 DateJun 23, 2016

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Sangram Lama Plays Theme from Bollywood

One World Blue, LLC
Main Rahoon Ya Na Rahoon
Hindi Song and
Theme from Bollywood Production
Played by Sangram Lama

Votes1 DateJun 3, 2016

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North America

Lincoln's Jewish Generals

One World Blue, LLC
http://www.jewishworldreview.com -- AT the beginning of the Civil War in 1861, the United States Army was pitifully small.
It consisted of 1,108 officers and 15,269 enlisted men. Of the thousand-odd officers, more than a third resigned their posts to join the Confederacy. To lead the millions of men who ultimately fought in the Civil War would take a lot of generals, and ultimately more than 1000 were appointed by the Union alone. Of these, at least seven were Jewish.
The Civil War produced the most renowned generals in American history. No other war before or since then has even come close. Apart from Teddy Roosevelt - and he was only a colonel - do we remember even one general of the Spanish-American War? Besides Pershing and, perhaps, MacArthur, most Americans are hard-pressed to name another American general of WWI fame.
The Civil War, on the other hand, produced Ulysses S. Grant, William Tecumseh Sherman, Philip Sheridan, George Custer, George McClellan, and Ambrose Burnside, to name just a few well-known Union commanders.
The Jewish generals in the Union Army were not well-known and almost have been lost from the history books. The highest ranking Jewish officer in the Union Army was Hungarian-born Major General Frederick Knefler. He was commander of the 79th Indiana regiment. Knefler was promoted to brigadier general for his performance at the Battle of Chickamauga and then to major general during his service with Sherman on his march through Georgia.
Leopold Blumenberg was a lieutenant in the Prussian Army in 1848. Because of antisemitism he immigrated to the United States in 1854. An avowed abolitionist, he narrowly escaped lynching by a secessionist mob in Baltimore in early April 1861. With the start of the war, Blumenberg helped organize the Maryland Volunteer Regiment and fought with it in the Peninsular campaign.
He was severely wounded in the Battle of Antietam in 1862, and subsequently was appointed a brevet brigadier general. A brevet military appointment is a commission usually granted as an honor, carrying the rank of the new office but without an increase in pay or authority. Many officers were given brevet commissions during the Civil War.
There were actually two ways of being appointed a general during this period. The first was through politics, where men were appointed because of their political influence rather than their military ability. Most of these "generals" proved to be costly misfits for the Union forces. The second method of assuming a general's office was through winning their stars on the battlefield by superior performance. Fortunately, all the Jewish generals described here attained their high rank through the latter procedure.
One Jewish officer who only made it to general's rank posthumously was Lieutenant Colonel Leopold Newman of New York. He distinguished himself at the First Battle of Bull Run, which was a defeat for the Union. Newman was subsequently severely wounded at the Battle of Chancellorsville in 1863, and he died in a Washington hospital before President Abraham Lincoln could present him with a commission to brigadier general.
Perhaps the most notable of the Jewish generals was Edward S. Salomon of Illinois. Salomon emigrated from Germany to Chicago in 1854, where he became a law clerk and a minor functionary in the newly formed Republican Party. He was elected to the Chicago City Council at the age of 24, the youngest member of that body.
With the outbreak of the Civil War, Salomon enlisted in the 25th Illinois Infantry as a second lieutenant and won quick promotions for battlefield bravery. At Gettysburg in 1863, he was colonel in command of the 82nd Illinois Volunteer Infantry, which had over 100 Jewish personnel. His unit fought at Cemetery Ridge and was one of the principal Union forces which successfully repulsed Pickett's charge. Salomon received a commendation for bravery and was breveted a brigadier general.
Salomon served with General Sherman in the Battle for Atlanta and was cited as "one of the most deserving officers." After the war he led his men in a six-hour victory parade in Washington D.C., a commanding general at the age of 29.
President Ulysses S. Grant recognized Salomon's administrative capabilities and, in 1869, appointed him as governor of the Territory of Washington, where he served with distinction for four years. After leaving his post, Salomon settled in San Francisco. He was the district attorney of San Francisco County and twice served in the California legislature, devoting most of his life to public service.
Brigadier General Alfred Mordechai graduated from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point in 1861, following in his father's footsteps. He joined the Army of Northeastern Virginia and received high commendations for his conduct at the Battle of Bull Run. He became the chief ordnance officer in several Union regiments and, in 1865, was appointed instructor of ordnance at West Point.
Among the other Jewish generals in the Union forces were Phineas Horowitz of Baltimore, who was appointed surgeon general of the Navy during the war, and General William Meyer of New York, who received a letter of thanks from President Lincoln for his efforts during the New York draft riots. There were no Jewish generals with the Confederate forces during the Civil War, but that's another tale.
Jewish historian, cultural maven, and JWR contributor Herb Geduld lives in Cleveland.

Votes2 DateMay 24, 2016

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Southeast Asia

The Beauty of Thailand

One World Blue, LLC
Thai Society & Culture
Excerpts retrieved from:
If you are planning to travel to Thailand, visit this above link to learn more
The Wai
The wai is the common form of greeting and adheres to strict rules of protocol.
Raising both hands, palms joined with the fingers pointing upwards as if in prayer, lightly touching the body somewhere between the chest and the forehead, is the standard form.
The wai is both a sign of respect as well as a greeting. Respect and courtesy are demonstrated by the height at which the hands are held and how low the head comes down to meet the thumbs of both hands.
The wai may be made while sitting, walking, or standing.
The person who is junior in age or status is the first one to offer the wai.
The senior person returns the wai, generally with their hands raised to somewhere around their chest.
If a junior person is standing and wants to wai a senior person who is seated, the junior person will stoop or bow their head while making the wai.
If there is a great social distance between two people, the wai will not be returned.
Buddhism in Thailand
Thailand is a stronghold of Buddhism.
Buddhists believe that life does not begin with birth and end with death, but rather that every person has several lives based upon the lessons of life not yet learned and acts committed (karma) in previous lives.
Buddhists believe that selfishness and craving result in suffering and that compassion and love bring happiness and well-being.
The true path to peace is to eliminate all desire, a condition which Buddhists define as 'nirvana', an indescribable state free of desire, suffering, or further rebirth, in which a person simply is, and is completely at one with his surroundings.
Buddhism is practised in Thailand by over 90% of the population.
Hierarchical Society
Thais respect hierarchical relationships.
Social relationships are defined as one person being superior to the other.
Parents are superior to their children, teachers to their students, and bosses to their subordinates.
When Thais meet a stranger, they will immediately try to place you within a hierarchy so they know how you should be treated.
This is often done by asking what might be seen as very personal questions in other cultures.
Status can be determined by clothing and general appearance, age, job, education, family name, and social connections.
Thai Family Values
The family is the cornerstone of Thai society.
Family life is often more closely knit than in western cultures.
The Thai family is a form of hierarchy with the parents at the top.
Children are taught to honour their parents.
Thai Demeanour
Thais place great emphasis and value on outward forms of courtesy such as politeness, respect, genial demeanour and self-control in order to maintain harmonious relations.
Many of their rules of etiquette are by-products of the Buddhist religion.
It is a non-confrontational society, in which public dispute or criticism is to be avoided at all costs.
To be openly angry with someone might attract the wrath of the spirits, which in turn could cause violence and tragedy.
Openly criticizing a person is a form of violence as it hurts the person and is viewed as a conscious attempt to offend the person being rebuked
Loss of face is a disgrace to a Thai so they try to avoid confrontations and look for compromises in difficult situations.
If two parties disagree, one will need to have an outlet to retreat without losing face.

Votes1 DateAug 26, 2015

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Japan: Tradition And Modernity

One World Blue, LLC
Japan: A Journey Between Tradition And Modernity
How do you handle your life between your traditions and Modernity? What do you hold fast to, what do you keep, what do you preserve? How do you live the balance of Life and stay true to who you are? We all must come to our own understanding and yet see the traditions and culture of our life passed down from family to family are so precious and dear. Walk the balance of life and hold on to what you believe in. Hold on to YOU!!
1st Video by AmnesiArt http://amnesiart.com

Votes6 DateJul 26, 2015

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Baka, The People of the Forest

One World Blue, LLC
The Baka people, known in the Congo as Bayaka (Bebayaka, Bebayaga, Bibaya), are an ethnic group inhabiting the southeastern rain forests of Cameroon, northern Republic of Congo, northern Gabon, and southwestern Central African Republic. They are sometimes called a subgroup of the Twa, but the two peoples are not closely related. Likewise, the name "Baka" is sometimes mistakenly applied to other peoples of the area who, like the Baka and Twa, have been historically called pygmies, a term that is no longer considered respectful.
The Baka people are hunter-gatherers, formerly called Pygmies, located in the Central African rain forest. Having heights of 1.52 meters (5 feet) in average as well as a semi-nomadic lifestyles, the Baka are often discriminated against and marginalized from society.
The tropical rain forest in Gabon, Central Africa where some of the Baka reside
They reside in south-eastern Cameroon, northern Gabon and in the northern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo. In Congo, the Baka people are otherwise known as the Bayaka. Some Baka are also found in the Southwestern African Republic. Although, the Baka people are located throughout the Central African rain forest, they are mainly concentrated in Cameroon as the Baka community of Cameroon represents roughly 30 000 individuals.
The Baka are a semi-nomadic people, like other hunter-gatherers such as the Bagyeli and the Twa. However, they are slowly becoming a more sedentary people due to the intensive deforestation of the Central African Rainforest. Pressures from their taller and more dominant neighbors, the Bantu, have also slowed the Baka people’s mobility.
The Baka have successfully maintained their language, also called Baka. Unlike their neighbors’ languages (Koozime, Bakoum and Bangandou) which have Bantu roots, Baka comes from a different language family, Ubangian.

Votes2 DateJun 18, 2015

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South America

Nomads of the Rainforest

One World Blue, LLC
WARANI: The Saga of Ecuador's Secret People: A Historical Perspective
retrieved on 5/30/15
"How can the Indians assume goodwill when we ferret them out so relentlessly? ... We approach them from the sky, the sphere which they do not control ... We are offering them unknown territory for known, a foreign land instead of home, dependency for self sufficiency, subjection to outside powers instead of resistance, and hunger where once there was plenty. (Quote from a Missionary, reflecting on his life.
For most of us, as individuals, life is defined by family and village; but on a grander scale, human migration, trade and the interpenetration of cultures are as old as the human experience. Globalization is not a phenomenon of the last decade, it is the human condition; as population increases, we need more room; the powerful relentlessly subdue the weak. Mankind has followed this universal pattern throughout history - whether in Europe, Asia, Africa, or the Americas. It is happening even now, in Amazonia; outsiders arrive, engulf, overwhelm, and consume, leaving a trail of irreversible destruction behind. It is a natural evolutionary process; it seems inevitable, and unstoppable.
The history of the Waorani of eastern Ecuador, and for that matter all of the Amazonian tribes, is sketchy, but first contacts with outsiders were often both tragic and violent. Records show that explorers arrived in the Amazon in the sixteenth Century, when Gonzalo Pizarro, brother of Francisco Pizarro who conquered the Incas, allowed some of his lieutenants to follow the river Amazon to its mouth. Of the hundreds of soldiers who set out on this perilous journey, only a few survived the debilitating diseases and hostile tribes they encountered on the way. For Indians who had never seen white people before it must have been a terrifying encounter, and they defended themselves against the unwelcome intrusion. For the soldiers, fierce looking Indians who could move silently through the undergrowth and strike without warning, usually at night, became formidable adversaries.
In spite of the hostility of the environment and the Indians, more and more outsiders ventured into the Amazon; among the first were rubber gatherers, gold prospectors, and enterprising merchants. These men, eking out a hard life far from familiar home surroundings, often became unscrupulous, plundering villages, raping Indian women, enslaving young men, and murdering others. Many Indians died from diseases brought in by the strangers against which they had no resistance. It is no wonder that, for the Indians, outsiders were bad news.
The traditional lands of the Waorani lie in Ecuadorian Amazonia, where the foothills of the Andean Cordilleras flatten out to meet eight thousand square miles of tropical rain forest lying between the Napo and Curaray rivers. In the isolation of this remote territory, the Waorani have lived as semi-nomadic hunter gardeners for many centuries. But in the course of just one generation, their lives and their homeland have changed irrevocably.
Exploration for oil began on the fringes of Waorani territory in the early 1940's, but the companies soon encountered great difficulties because of Waorani violence and hostility. In January 1942, at Arajuno, a Shell Oil Company foreman and two Ecuadorian workers were speared to death by a band of Waorani Indians, led by a man called Moipa. It made news headlines for a shocked outside world, but was only the first of many such raids by these uncontacted Indians. By 1949, a total of twelve Shell employees had been killed by Waorani, forcing Shell to abandon their operations. The Waorani had earned a reputation as a tribe of hostile 'savages', or in the Quichua language, 'Aucas'. It would be almost another decade before any peaceful contact would be made; only then would the outside world begin to understand the extraordinary and unique nature of the Waorani. It would be revealed that they were a desperate people living in fear, not just the threat from outsiders, but with a culture so embedded in violence that they were afraid of themselves.
Soon after the Shell company killings, at the end of the forties, yet more tales of violence emerged. Two Waorani girls, Dayuma and Ome, chose to come out of the forest of their own accord, in order to escape a spate of vengeful spearing attacks and killings on their families by Moipa, the same man who had killed the oil workers. The girls fled the violence, throwing themselves at the mercy of the first outsider they came across. That outsider, Don Carlos, was the owner of a tea plantation, Hacienda Ila, and he took the girls to live as his slaves. Meanwhile, in the forest, the deadly vendettas continued, with killings and revenge killings. Moipa himself was eventually speared to death by other Waorani. Once accepted at Ila, Dayuma and Ome started doing manual work. Some time later, Rachel Saint, an American missionary from Wycliffe Bible translators, befriended them at the hacienda and started to learn their language. Little did Rachel know at the time that the consequences of her action would trigger a series of events that would change the lives of the Waorani forever.
To Read More See :
Published on Aug 7, 2013
NOVA visits the Waorani Indians of Eastern Ecuador less than 30 years after their first contact with Western civilization. Left largely undisturbed because of their traditional hostility toward outsiders, a few families remain deep in the rainforest hunting game with blowguns and spears. They also cultivate gardens, make weapons and tools and maintain traditions that date back to the Stone Age.

Votes1 DateMay 30, 2015

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North America

Native America Dancers on American Prarie Reserve

One World Blue, LLC
Native American Dancers on American Prairie Reserve

Votes1 DateMay 12, 2015

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COBRA GYPSIES - full documentary

One World Blue, LLC
COBRA GYPSIES - full documentary

Votes1 DateMay 6, 2015

Sponsored Initiatives*

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One World Blue Spotlight Program

Jul 13, 2021 @ 02:01:19 pm

Funded: $149.00

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Social Media Spotlight EPKs for Musicians and Artists

Jul 13, 2021 @ 01:56:28 pm

Funded: $149.00

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One World Blue Spotlight Program

Jul 12, 2021 @ 04:36:31 pm

Funded: $149.00

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David Gumble Project Sales Leader One World Blue Media

Jul 7, 2020 @ 08:44:16 pm

Funded: $28.50

[image for culture spotlight Gedaliah.jpg]

Gedaliah Aronson Project Concierge and Ambassador

Jul 6, 2020 @ 10:19:05 am

Funded: $170.00

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Bernard Asper

Jul 6, 2020 @ 08:22:39 am

Funded: $106.00

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David Gumble Project Sales Leader One World Blue Media

Jul 6, 2020 @ 08:20:41 am

Funded: $86.00

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Bernard Asper

Jun 26, 2020 @ 09:37:00 am

Funded: $20.00

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Bernard Asper

Jun 26, 2020 @ 09:35:46 am

Funded: $25.00

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Bernard Asper

Jun 23, 2020 @ 06:01:02 pm

Funded: $20.00

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Russell Johnson Talent and Production Director One World Blue Media

Jun 23, 2020 @ 05:57:01 pm

Funded: $200.00

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Bernard Asper

Jun 22, 2020 @ 07:26:48 pm

Funded: $10.00

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Russell Johnson Talent and Production Director One World Blue Media

Jun 16, 2020 @ 04:25:07 pm

Funded: $104.00

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Bernard Asper

Jun 16, 2020 @ 11:17:10 am

Funded: $23.00

[image for culture spotlight Leibel1.jpg]

Len Estrin - Professional Senior Writer for One World Blue

Jun 16, 2020 @ 11:12:21 am

Funded: $53.00

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Bernard Asper

Jun 15, 2020 @ 10:51:04 am

Funded: $80.00

[image for culture spotlight Gedaliah.jpg]

Gedaliah Aronson Project Concierge and Ambassador

Jun 1, 2020 @ 09:18:14 am

Funded: $40.00

[image for culture spotlight Gedaliah.jpg]

Gedaliah Aronson Project Concierge and Ambassador

May 22, 2020 @ 02:50:54 pm

Funded: $120.00

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Gedaliah Aronson Project Concierge and Ambassador

May 21, 2020 @ 11:16:56 am

Funded: $25.00

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Bernard Asper

May 16, 2020 @ 09:40:16 pm

Funded: $68.00

[image for culture spotlight Gedaliah.jpg]

Gedaliah Aronson Project Concierge and Ambassador

May 16, 2020 @ 09:39:00 pm

Funded: $65.00

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Gedaliah Aronson Project Concierge and Ambassador

May 13, 2020 @ 06:57:52 am

Funded: $25.00

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Gedaliah Aronson Project Concierge and Ambassador

May 7, 2020 @ 11:31:25 am

Funded: $70.00

[image for culture spotlight davidg.jpeg]

David Gumble Project Sales Leader One World Blue Media

Apr 29, 2020 @ 11:49:52 am

Funded: $46.00

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Gedaliah Aronson Project Concierge and Ambassador

Apr 28, 2020 @ 05:28:36 pm

Funded: $20.00

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Ohr Simcha Children's Home

Apr 28, 2020 @ 09:15:27 am

Funded: $18.00

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Bernard Asper

Apr 27, 2020 @ 06:36:06 am

Funded: $53.00

[image for culture spotlight davidg.jpeg]

David Gumble Project Sales Leader One World Blue Media

Apr 27, 2020 @ 06:34:36 am

Funded: $118.00

[image for culture spotlight olmo.png]

Olmo Ling Institute

Apr 22, 2020 @ 03:48:17 pm

Funded: $26.00

[image for culture spotlight Gedaliah.jpg]

Gedaliah Aronson Project Concierge and Ambassador

Apr 22, 2020 @ 12:39:51 pm

Funded: $78.00

[image for culture spotlight olmo.png]

Olmo Ling Institute

Apr 18, 2020 @ 08:57:56 am

Funded: $18.00

[image for culture spotlight 2.jpg]

Bernard Asper

Apr 17, 2020 @ 08:56:02 am

Funded: $20.00

[image for culture spotlight Russellmountain.jpg]

Russell Johnson Talent and Production Director One World Blue Media

Apr 17, 2020 @ 08:53:12 am

Funded: $104.00

[image for culture spotlight davidg.jpeg]

David Gumble Project Sales Leader One World Blue Media

Apr 17, 2020 @ 08:50:32 am

Funded: $76.00

[image for culture spotlight 2.jpg]

Bernard Asper

Apr 3, 2020 @ 07:09:30 pm

Funded: $33.00

[image for culture spotlight Leibel1.jpg]

Len Estrin - Professional Senior Writer for One World Blue

Mar 25, 2020 @ 09:57:23 am

Funded: $30.00

[image for culture spotlight Gedaliah.jpg]

Gedaliah Aronson Project Concierge and Ambassador

Mar 25, 2020 @ 09:51:25 am

Funded: $80.00

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Bernard Asper

Mar 25, 2020 @ 09:49:46 am

Funded: $106.00

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Advisory Fund 1

Mar 22, 2020 @ 08:26:32 pm

Funded: $200.00

[image for culture spotlight davidg.jpeg]

David Gumble Project Sales Leader One World Blue Media

Mar 18, 2020 @ 08:53:54 am

Funded: $62.00

[image for culture spotlight olmo.png]

Olmo Ling Institute

Mar 15, 2020 @ 03:34:40 pm

Funded: $26.00

[image for culture spotlight 2.jpg]

Bernard Asper

Mar 4, 2020 @ 02:45:18 pm

Funded: $33.00

[image for culture spotlight davidg.jpeg]

David Gumble Project Sales Leader One World Blue Media

Mar 4, 2020 @ 09:31:35 am

Funded: $62.00

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Olmo Ling Institute

Mar 3, 2020 @ 09:43:44 am

Funded: $10.00

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Bnai Emunah Chabad

Mar 2, 2020 @ 05:53:17 pm

Funded: $26.00

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Bnai Emunah Chabad

Feb 25, 2020 @ 08:39:22 pm

Funded: $5.00

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Olmo Ling Institute

Feb 24, 2020 @ 09:50:34 pm

Funded: $10.00

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Bnai Emunah Chabad

Feb 24, 2020 @ 09:49:43 pm

Funded: $10.00

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Bernard Asper

Feb 24, 2020 @ 09:48:45 pm

Funded: $53.00

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Bnai Emunah Chabad

Feb 23, 2020 @ 08:16:15 pm

Funded: $10.00

[image for culture spotlight Gedaliah.jpg]

Gedaliah Aronson Project Concierge and Ambassador

Feb 23, 2020 @ 10:01:25 am

Funded: $10.00

[image for culture spotlight Gedaliah.jpg]

Gedaliah Aronson Project Concierge and Ambassador

Feb 23, 2020 @ 09:55:42 am

Funded: $35.00

[image for culture spotlight BnaiEmunah1.jpg]

Bnai Emunah Chabad

Feb 20, 2020 @ 09:30:30 pm

Funded: $10.00

[image for culture spotlight Leibel1.jpg]

Len Estrin - Professional Senior Writer for One World Blue

Feb 20, 2020 @ 02:13:02 pm

Funded: $75.00

[image for culture spotlight Leibel1.jpg]

Len Estrin - Professional Senior Writer for One World Blue

Feb 20, 2020 @ 10:15:38 am

Funded: $75.00

[image for culture spotlight Gedaliah.jpg]

Gedaliah Aronson Project Concierge and Ambassador

Feb 20, 2020 @ 10:14:52 am

Funded: $45.00

[image for culture spotlight 2.jpg]

Bernard Asper

Feb 20, 2020 @ 10:14:01 am

Funded: $35.00

[image for culture spotlight 2.jpg]

Bernard Asper

Feb 20, 2020 @ 10:13:13 am

Funded: $53.00

[image for culture spotlight header_pic_new.jpg]

Ohr Simcha Children's Home

Feb 19, 2020 @ 10:09:46 pm

Funded: $26.00

[image for culture spotlight Habi2.jpg]

Blue World Water Project Uganda - One World Blue Sponsored Project

Feb 19, 2020 @ 10:07:38 pm

Funded: $60.00

[image for culture spotlight olmo.png]

Olmo Ling Institute

Feb 19, 2020 @ 10:06:25 pm

Funded: $26.00

[image for culture spotlight BnaiEmunah1.jpg]

Bnai Emunah Chabad

Feb 19, 2020 @ 10:05:40 pm

Funded: $26.00

[image for culture spotlight davidg.jpeg]

David Gumble Project Sales Leader One World Blue Media

Feb 17, 2020 @ 11:00:07 pm

Funded: $25.00

[image for culture spotlight davidg.jpeg]

David Gumble Project Sales Leader One World Blue Media

Feb 14, 2020 @ 11:33:36 am

Funded: $50.00

[image for culture spotlight 2.jpg]

Bernard Asper

Feb 14, 2020 @ 08:18:32 am

Funded: $25.00

[image for culture spotlight Gedaliah.jpg]

Gedaliah Aronson Project Concierge and Ambassador

Feb 12, 2020 @ 05:41:58 pm

Funded: $18.00

[image for culture spotlight One World Blue Logo.jpg]

One World Blue Spotlight Program

Feb 10, 2020 @ 06:24:51 pm

Funded: $18.00

[image for culture spotlight 2.jpg]

Bernard Asper

Feb 5, 2020 @ 08:10:17 am

Funded: $33.00

[image for culture spotlight Gedaliah.jpg]

Gedaliah Aronson Project Concierge and Ambassador

Feb 5, 2020 @ 08:09:22 am

Funded: $60.00

[image for culture spotlight Ira.jpg]

Ira Caplan

Dec 23, 2019 @ 11:30:02 am

Funded: $20.00

[image for culture spotlight Leibel1.jpg]

Len Estrin - Professional Senior Writer for One World Blue

Dec 3, 2019 @ 07:19:59 pm

Funded: $50.00

[image for culture spotlight DC MEDIA BLACK.jpg]

Devon Colebank Media

Dec 3, 2019 @ 07:14:53 pm

Funded: $275.00

[image for culture spotlight 2.jpg]

Bernard Asper

Nov 24, 2019 @ 10:34:54 am

Funded: $50.00

[image for culture spotlight Gedaliah.jpg]

Gedaliah Aronson Project Concierge and Ambassador

Nov 24, 2019 @ 10:33:25 am

Funded: $45.00

[image for culture spotlight Ira.jpg]

Ira Caplan

Nov 18, 2019 @ 10:10:32 pm

Funded: $51.00

[image for culture spotlight Gedaliah.jpg]

Gedaliah Aronson Project Concierge and Ambassador

Nov 18, 2019 @ 09:09:42 am

Funded: $45.00

[image for culture spotlight 2.jpg]

Bernard Asper

Nov 18, 2019 @ 09:08:04 am

Funded: $33.00

[image for culture spotlight Ira.jpg]

Ira Caplan

Nov 15, 2019 @ 04:32:44 pm

Funded: $80.00

[image for culture spotlight 2.jpg]

Bernard Asper

Nov 15, 2019 @ 12:58:52 pm

Funded: $53.00

[image for culture spotlight DC MEDIA BLACK.jpg]

Devon Colebank Media

Oct 31, 2019 @ 02:31:23 pm

Funded: $200.00

[image for culture spotlight 2.jpg]

Bernard Asper

Oct 30, 2019 @ 05:34:34 pm

Funded: $63.00

[image for culture spotlight Leibel1.jpg]

Len Estrin - Professional Senior Writer for One World Blue

Oct 30, 2019 @ 05:33:10 pm

Funded: $125.00

[image for culture spotlight 2.jpg]

Bernard Asper

Oct 28, 2019 @ 04:51:02 pm

Funded: $25.00

[image for culture spotlight Leibel1.jpg]

Len Estrin - Professional Senior Writer for One World Blue

Oct 24, 2019 @ 01:31:04 pm

Funded: $75.00

[image for culture spotlight 2.jpg]

Bernard Asper

Oct 22, 2019 @ 09:00:05 pm

Funded: $33.00

[image for culture spotlight 2.jpg]

Bernard Asper

Sep 27, 2019 @ 07:45:09 am

Funded: $48.00

[image for culture spotlight Gedaliah.jpg]

Gedaliah Aronson Project Concierge and Ambassador

Sep 27, 2019 @ 07:43:43 am

Funded: $110.00

[image for culture spotlight Exodus1.png]

Advisory Fund 138

Sep 23, 2019 @ 09:12:29 am

Funded: $36.00

[image for culture spotlight 2.jpg]

Bernard Asper

Sep 23, 2019 @ 09:11:35 am

Funded: $48.00

[image for culture spotlight Leibel1.jpg]

Len Estrin - Professional Senior Writer for One World Blue

Sep 23, 2019 @ 09:10:33 am

Funded: $45.00

[image for culture spotlight DC MEDIA BLACK.jpg]

Devon Colebank Media

Sep 12, 2019 @ 10:36:29 am

Funded: $297.00

[image for culture spotlight -WendyBell_color-216.jpg]

Positively Wendy Bell

Sep 12, 2019 @ 10:35:20 am

Funded: $130.00

[image for culture spotlight Russellmountain.jpg]

Russell Johnson Talent and Production Director One World Blue Media

Sep 12, 2019 @ 10:33:59 am

Funded: $100.00

[image for culture spotlight Leibel1.jpg]

Len Estrin - Professional Senior Writer for One World Blue

Sep 12, 2019 @ 10:32:09 am

Funded: $64.00

[image for culture spotlight 2.jpg]

Bernard Asper

Sep 12, 2019 @ 10:31:05 am

Funded: $103.00

[image for culture spotlight 2.jpg]

Bernard Asper

Aug 30, 2019 @ 04:49:12 pm

Funded: $65.00

[image for culture spotlight Russellmountain.jpg]

Russell Johnson Talent and Production Director One World Blue Media

Aug 30, 2019 @ 04:44:57 pm

Funded: $215.00

[image for culture spotlight -WendyBell_color-216.jpg]

Positively Wendy Bell

Aug 28, 2019 @ 05:16:22 pm

Funded: $110.00

[image for culture spotlight Gedaliah.jpg]

Gedaliah Aronson Project Concierge and Ambassador

Aug 28, 2019 @ 02:21:44 pm

Funded: $170.00

[image for culture spotlight 2.jpg]

Bernard Asper

Aug 28, 2019 @ 02:20:40 pm

Funded: $250.00

[image for culture spotlight DC MEDIA BLACK.jpg]

Devon Colebank Media

Aug 28, 2019 @ 02:18:44 pm

Funded: $275.00

[image for culture spotlight Leibel1.jpg]

Len Estrin - Professional Senior Writer for One World Blue

Aug 2, 2019 @ 05:10:28 pm

Funded: $55.00

[image for culture spotlight Exodus1.png]

Advisory Fund 138

Jul 29, 2019 @ 10:30:44 pm

Funded: $18.00

[image for culture spotlight header_pic_new.jpg]

Ohr Simcha Children's Home

Jul 29, 2019 @ 10:29:10 pm

Funded: $18.00

[image for culture spotlight Bridges18.jpg]

Miracles of Love

Jul 29, 2019 @ 10:26:18 pm

Funded: $18.00

[image for culture spotlight -WendyBell_color-216.jpg]

Positively Wendy Bell

Jul 28, 2019 @ 01:52:48 pm

Funded: $50.00

[image for culture spotlight header_pic_new.jpg]

Ohr Simcha Children's Home

Jul 26, 2019 @ 02:28:04 pm

Funded: $26.00

[image for culture spotlight -WendyBell_color-216.jpg]

Positively Wendy Bell

Jul 26, 2019 @ 02:25:56 pm

Funded: $150.00

[image for culture spotlight DC MEDIA BLACK.jpg]

Devon Colebank Media

Jul 26, 2019 @ 02:24:20 pm

Funded: $78.00

[image for culture spotlight DC MEDIA BLACK.jpg]

Devon Colebank Media

Jul 26, 2019 @ 02:20:48 pm

Funded: $104.00

[image for culture spotlight Exodus1.png]

Advisory Fund 138

Jul 23, 2019 @ 01:21:42 pm

Funded: $26.00

[image for culture spotlight Exodus1.png]

Advisory Fund 138

Jul 16, 2019 @ 11:49:17 pm

Funded: $26.00

[image for culture spotlight 2.jpg]

Bernard Asper

Jul 15, 2019 @ 03:25:03 pm

Funded: $3.00

[image for culture spotlight 2.jpg]

Bernard Asper

Jul 15, 2019 @ 03:23:37 pm

Funded: $20.00

[image for culture spotlight Leibel1.jpg]

Len Estrin - Professional Senior Writer for One World Blue

Jul 15, 2019 @ 03:21:35 pm

Funded: $6.00

[image for culture spotlight Leibel1.jpg]

Len Estrin - Professional Senior Writer for One World Blue

Jul 1, 2019 @ 02:47:30 pm

Funded: $84.00

[image for culture spotlight Bridges18.jpg]

Miracles of Love

Jun 28, 2019 @ 05:08:57 pm

Funded: $36.00

[image for culture spotlight Leibel1.jpg]

Len Estrin - Professional Senior Writer for One World Blue

Jun 28, 2019 @ 02:02:32 pm

Funded: $104.00

[image for culture spotlight DC MEDIA BLACK.jpg]

Devon Colebank Media

Jun 28, 2019 @ 01:46:56 pm

Funded: $104.00

[image for culture spotlight DC MEDIA BLACK.jpg]

Devon Colebank Media

Jun 28, 2019 @ 01:44:20 pm

Funded: $104.00

[image for culture spotlight 2.jpg]

Bernard Asper

Jun 28, 2019 @ 11:57:25 am

Funded: $65.00

[image for culture spotlight 2.jpg]

Bernard Asper

Jun 26, 2019 @ 02:34:12 pm

Funded: $12.00

[image for culture spotlight DC MEDIA BLACK.jpg]

Devon Colebank Media

Jun 26, 2019 @ 02:10:45 pm

Funded: $11.00

[image for culture spotlight DC MEDIA BLACK.jpg]

Devon Colebank Media

Jun 26, 2019 @ 11:57:50 am

Funded: $75.00

[image for culture spotlight -WendyBell_color-216.jpg]

Positively Wendy Bell

Jun 21, 2019 @ 01:47:25 pm

Funded: $65.00

[image for culture spotlight 2.jpg]

Bernard Asper

Jun 21, 2019 @ 01:46:28 pm

Funded: $30.00

[image for culture spotlight JamaicanFace.jpg]

The Global Youth Trust Cambridge Times Project

Jun 14, 2019 @ 01:54:29 pm

Funded: $50.00
Incentive: Business Card

[image for culture spotlight -WendyBell_color-216.jpg]

Positively Wendy Bell

Jun 13, 2019 @ 05:18:12 pm

Funded: $30.00

[image for culture spotlight 2.jpg]

Bernard Asper

Jun 13, 2019 @ 05:17:08 pm

Funded: $20.00

[image for culture spotlight Exodus1.png]

Advisory Fund 138

Jun 12, 2019 @ 09:49:50 am

Funded: $36.00

[image for culture spotlight 2.jpg]

Bernard Asper

Jun 11, 2019 @ 10:07:19 pm

Funded: $25.00

[image for culture spotlight Russellmountain.jpg]

Russell Johnson Talent and Production Director One World Blue Media

Jun 11, 2019 @ 03:31:10 pm

Funded: $220.00

[image for culture spotlight header_pic_new.jpg]

Ohr Simcha Children's Home

Jun 4, 2019 @ 10:00:01 pm

Funded: $10.00

[image for culture spotlight Exodus1.png]

Advisory Fund 138

Jun 4, 2019 @ 09:45:57 pm

Funded: $26.00

[image for culture spotlight DC MEDIA BLACK.jpg]

Devon Colebank Media

May 30, 2019 @ 06:41:05 pm

Funded: $100.00

[image for culture spotlight TOP_Cover_REVISED-page-009.jpg]

Taste of VIP Pittsburgh

May 23, 2019 @ 11:24:50 pm

Funded: $250.00

[image for culture spotlight 2.jpg]

Bernard Asper

May 23, 2019 @ 11:34:19 am

Funded: $64.00

[image for culture spotlight -WendyBell_color-216.jpg]

Positively Wendy Bell

May 23, 2019 @ 11:32:32 am

Funded: $60.00

[image for culture spotlight DC MEDIA BLACK.jpg]

Devon Colebank Media

May 23, 2019 @ 11:30:52 am

Funded: $100.00

[image for culture spotlight Exodus1.png]

Advisory Fund 138

May 15, 2019 @ 05:47:41 pm

Funded: $50.00

[image for culture spotlight BKU logo.jpg]

Bright Kids Uganda

May 10, 2019 @ 07:24:23 pm

Funded: $50.00

[image for culture spotlight -WendyBell_color-216.jpg]

Positively Wendy Bell

May 6, 2019 @ 09:37:08 am

Funded: $65.00

[image for culture spotlight Gedaliah.jpg]

Gedaliah Aronson Project Concierge and Ambassador

May 6, 2019 @ 09:35:34 am

Funded: $84.00

[image for culture spotlight 2.jpg]

Bernard Asper

May 6, 2019 @ 09:33:47 am

Funded: $25.00

[image for culture spotlight One World Blue Logo.jpg]

One World Blue Spotlight Program

Apr 24, 2019 @ 08:16:49 pm

Funded: $5.00

[image for culture spotlight -WendyBell_color-216.jpg]

Positively Wendy Bell

Apr 15, 2019 @ 08:46:19 pm

Funded: $50.00

[image for culture spotlight Gedaliah.jpg]

Gedaliah Aronson Project Concierge and Ambassador

Apr 15, 2019 @ 08:18:13 pm

Funded: $64.00

[image for culture spotlight 2.jpg]

Bernard Asper

Apr 15, 2019 @ 08:15:24 pm

Funded: $32.00

[image for culture spotlight 2.jpg]

Bernard Asper

Mar 25, 2019 @ 11:11:18 am

Funded: $32.00

[image for culture spotlight 2.jpg]

Bernard Asper

Mar 11, 2019 @ 09:25:52 am

Funded: $10.00

[image for culture spotlight 2.jpg]

Bernard Asper

Mar 4, 2019 @ 09:09:23 am

Funded: $64.00

[image for culture spotlight Gedaliah.jpg]

Gedaliah Aronson Project Concierge and Ambassador

Feb 22, 2019 @ 02:35:57 pm

Funded: $94.00

[image for culture spotlight humla_poster (1).jpg]

One World Blue Graphic Designs and Marketing

Feb 5, 2019 @ 08:02:56 pm

Funded: $18.00

[image for culture spotlight Gedaliah.jpg]

Gedaliah Aronson Project Concierge and Ambassador

Jan 19, 2019 @ 08:01:28 pm

Funded: $34.00

[image for culture spotlight 2.jpg]

Bernard Asper

Jan 19, 2019 @ 07:58:21 pm

Funded: $53.00

[image for culture spotlight Gedaliah.jpg]

Gedaliah Aronson Project Concierge and Ambassador

Jan 17, 2019 @ 01:23:30 pm

Funded: $64.00

[image for culture spotlight 2.jpg]

Bernard Asper

Jan 14, 2019 @ 08:40:34 am

Funded: $64.00

[image for culture spotlight browsepage.png]

One World Blue Graphic Design Project Manager 1

Jan 4, 2019 @ 10:24:18 am

Funded: $50.00

[image for culture spotlight Gedaliah.jpg]

Gedaliah Aronson Project Concierge and Ambassador

Dec 24, 2018 @ 09:38:19 am

Funded: $53.00

[image for culture spotlight Gedaliah.jpg]

Gedaliah Aronson Project Concierge and Ambassador

Dec 11, 2018 @ 09:54:39 pm

Funded: $64.00

[image for culture spotlight Heather me jim horse kyle Adios day 08012015.jpg]

Pittsburgh Sportsline

Dec 10, 2018 @ 04:18:28 pm

Funded: $26.25

[image for culture spotlight logo_square_background.png]

One World Blue Network

Dec 7, 2018 @ 02:25:17 pm

Funded: $272.50

[image for culture spotlight Gedaliah.jpg]

Gedaliah Aronson Project Concierge and Ambassador

Nov 29, 2018 @ 10:23:28 am

Funded: $33.00

[image for culture spotlight 2.jpg]

Bernard Asper

Nov 29, 2018 @ 10:21:57 am

Funded: $64.00

[image for culture spotlight Exodus1.png]

Advisory Fund 138

Nov 23, 2018 @ 03:44:39 pm

Funded: $50.00

[image for culture spotlight 2.jpg]

Bernard Asper

Nov 23, 2018 @ 03:41:27 pm

Funded: $55.72

[image for culture spotlight browsepage.png]

One World Blue Graphic Design Project Manager 1

Nov 21, 2018 @ 11:41:27 am

Funded: $10.00

[image for culture spotlight Gedaliah.jpg]

Gedaliah Aronson Project Concierge and Ambassador

Nov 21, 2018 @ 11:40:06 am

Funded: $33.00

[image for culture spotlight browsepage.png]

One World Blue Graphic Design Project Manager 1

Nov 21, 2018 @ 11:38:46 am

Funded: $75.00

[image for culture spotlight browsepage.png]

One World Blue Graphic Design Project Manager 1

Nov 16, 2018 @ 06:36:40 pm

Funded: $80.00

[image for culture spotlight browsepage.png]

One World Blue Graphic Design Project Manager 1

Nov 10, 2018 @ 06:56:25 pm

Funded: $100.00

[image for culture spotlight Exodus1.png]

Advisory Fund 138

Nov 6, 2018 @ 08:10:56 pm

Funded: $26.00

[image for culture spotlight 2.jpg]

Bernard Asper

Nov 5, 2018 @ 11:20:53 am

Funded: $265.00

[image for culture spotlight browsepage.png]

One World Blue Graphic Design Project Manager 1

Oct 15, 2018 @ 12:24:56 pm

Funded: $55.00

[image for culture spotlight 2.jpg]

Bernard Asper

Oct 15, 2018 @ 12:23:51 pm

Funded: $139.00

[image for culture spotlight Gedaliah.jpg]

Gedaliah Aronson Project Concierge and Ambassador

Oct 15, 2018 @ 12:22:03 pm

Funded: $159.00

[image for culture spotlight Exodus1.png]

Advisory Fund 138

Oct 11, 2018 @ 11:59:55 am

Funded: $26.00

[image for culture spotlight Gedaliah.jpg]

Gedaliah Aronson Project Concierge and Ambassador

Oct 3, 2018 @ 10:26:32 am

Funded: $64.00

[image for culture spotlight Gedaliah.jpg]

Gedaliah Aronson Project Concierge and Ambassador

Aug 17, 2018 @ 03:26:43 pm

Funded: $159.00

[image for culture spotlight 2.jpg]

Bernard Asper

Jul 26, 2018 @ 07:59:47 pm

[image for culture spotlight Dolphins.jpg]

Advisory Fund 1

Jul 26, 2018 @ 03:32:39 pm

Funded: $54.00

[image for culture spotlight Gedaliah.jpg]

Gedaliah Aronson Project Concierge and Ambassador

Jul 26, 2018 @ 03:30:42 pm

Funded: $167.00

[image for culture spotlight Gedaliah.jpg]

Gedaliah Aronson Project Concierge and Ambassador

Jul 16, 2018 @ 10:13:29 pm

Funded: $53.00

[image for culture spotlight Bridges18.jpg]

Miracles of Love

Jul 12, 2018 @ 10:06:01 pm

Funded: $54.00

[image for culture spotlight Peace in the World.1.jpg]

Peace in the World Campaign

May 4, 2018 @ 07:32:55 pm

Funded: $65.00
Incentive: Peace in the World Essay mounted on Filmboard with Photo Paper (10" x 10") Shipping included in the USA

[image for culture spotlight Peace in the World.1.jpg]

Peace in the World Campaign

May 2, 2018 @ 02:48:01 pm

Funded: $65.00
Incentive: Peace in the World Essay mounted on Filmboard with Photo Paper (10" x 10") Shipping included in the USA

[image for culture spotlight musicians7.jpg]

Musicians Mission of Mercy

Apr 30, 2018 @ 08:31:42 pm

Funded: $30.00
Incentive: Musicians Mission of Mercy T-shirt

[image for culture spotlight IMG_3365.JPG]

William Lewis Massey

Apr 30, 2018 @ 08:28:50 pm

Funded: $25.00

[image for culture spotlight Gedaliah.jpg]

Gedaliah Aronson Project Concierge and Ambassador

Apr 27, 2018 @ 02:26:05 pm

Funded: $128.00

[image for culture spotlight 2.jpg]

Bernard Asper

Apr 27, 2018 @ 02:23:32 pm

Funded: $128.00

[image for culture spotlight Peace in the World.1.jpg]

Peace in the World Campaign

Apr 26, 2018 @ 05:53:29 pm

Funded: $65.00
Incentive: Peace in the World Essay mounted on Filmboard with Photo Paper (10" x 10") Shipping included in the USA

[image for culture spotlight 2.jpg]

Bernard Asper

Apr 11, 2018 @ 11:39:09 pm

Funded: $64.00

[image for culture spotlight Gedaliah.jpg]

Gedaliah Aronson Project Concierge and Ambassador

Apr 11, 2018 @ 11:37:26 pm

Funded: $64.00

[image for culture spotlight BKU logo.jpg]

Bright Kids Uganda

Apr 10, 2018 @ 04:16:35 am

Funded: $25.00

[image for culture spotlight Dolphins.jpg]

Advisory Fund 1

Apr 10, 2018 @ 04:14:35 am

Funded: $30.00

[image for culture spotlight Dolphins.jpg]

Advisory Fund 1

Apr 3, 2018 @ 09:19:33 pm

Funded: $50.00

[image for culture spotlight 2.jpg]

Bernard Asper

Mar 30, 2018 @ 02:58:05 am

Funded: $45.00

[image for culture spotlight Roscher1.jpg]


Mar 27, 2018 @ 01:34:40 pm

Funded: $36.00

[image for culture spotlight vango1.png]

Vango Media Group

Mar 27, 2018 @ 01:31:41 pm

Funded: $90.00

[image for culture spotlight 2.jpg]

Bernard Asper

Mar 27, 2018 @ 01:29:28 pm

Funded: $75.00

[image for culture spotlight header_pic_new.jpg]

Ohr Simcha Children's Home

Mar 25, 2018 @ 12:05:53 pm

Funded: $36.00

[image for culture spotlight musicians7.jpg]

Musicians Mission of Mercy

Mar 24, 2018 @ 09:32:23 pm

Funded: $36.00

[image for culture spotlight Blupela in Nepal.jpg]

Management Fund 1

Mar 18, 2018 @ 05:01:11 pm

[image for culture spotlight 2.jpg]

Bernard Asper

Mar 18, 2018 @ 04:58:16 pm

[image for culture spotlight tzfat10.jpg]

Tzfat Charity Fund of Nadvorna

Mar 1, 2018 @ 06:08:52 pm

Funded: $40.00

[image for culture spotlight 2.jpg]

Bernard Asper

Feb 28, 2018 @ 01:47:46 pm

Funded: $94.00

[image for culture spotlight 2.jpg]

Bernard Asper

Feb 21, 2018 @ 06:14:33 pm

[image for culture spotlight Tanzania1.jpg]

Hope Orphans Home

Apr 19, 2016 @ 09:37:03 pm

[image for culture spotlight Radio Taboo.jpg]

Radio Taboo

Apr 19, 2016 @ 09:34:07 pm

Funded: $60.00
Incentive: Soft copy of the color cartoon's book "Art Stronger Than Hate" by Issa Nyaphaga

[image for culture spotlight GOADMAY282016web.n.jpg]


Apr 19, 2016 @ 09:23:24 pm

Funded: $30.00
Incentive: Mr. Buckethead Trading Cards

[image for culture spotlight Chiro8.jpg]

Chiropractic The Documentary

Jan 29, 2016 @ 12:05:50 am

Funded: $19.95
Incentive: 1 DVD

[image for culture spotlight Chiro8.jpg]

Chiropractic The Documentary

Jan 28, 2016 @ 10:15:33 pm

Funded: $19.95
Incentive: 1 DVD

[image for culture spotlight Tanzania1.jpg]

Hope Orphans Home

Jan 16, 2016 @ 11:38:50 pm

[image for culture spotlight Heather me jim horse kyle Adios day 08012015.jpg]

Pittsburgh Sportsline

Jan 11, 2016 @ 08:51:15 pm

Incentive: Monthly Advertising Sponsorship for Pittsburgh Sportsline

[image for culture spotlight 1413488788.png]


Nov 25, 2015 @ 12:50:18 pm

[image for culture spotlight Yamoussa2.jpg]

Camara Drum and Dance

Apr 1, 2015 @ 10:45:10 pm

Funded: $5.00

[image for culture spotlight Yamoussa2.jpg]

Camara Drum and Dance

Apr 1, 2015 @ 10:43:21 pm

Funded: $30.00

[image for culture spotlight CERESAV logo.png]


Mar 13, 2015 @ 01:16:26 pm

Funded: $50.00
Incentive: Ceresav Book Unveiling the Scars

*Initiatives sponsored privately, if any, will not be shown.

Lifts (Votes)*

Name Vote Date
One World Blue Launches Blupela.Net Oct 13, 2021 @ 10:39:00 am
Coaches of One World Blue Jun 11, 2021 @ 04:07:10 pm
Ebonie Paris Jun 10, 2021 @ 02:42:10 pm
Crow Apr 27, 2021 @ 05:59:03 pm
Omni Dental Apr 26, 2021 @ 05:14:31 pm
AJ Jansen Apr 26, 2021 @ 05:12:25 pm
AJ Jansen Feb 24, 2021 @ 01:39:27 pm
Music Feb 24, 2021 @ 01:24:42 pm
Patton Pad Session - An Evening with William Massey Jan 19, 2021 @ 02:08:32 pm
Why I Serve: The True Joy In Life Jan 12, 2021 @ 10:34:08 am
"THIS IS JUST A TEST!" Jan 12, 2021 @ 02:25:15 am
Shine with Lakesh McNair Jan 7, 2021 @ 09:48:13 pm
Michelle Kaye Jan 4, 2021 @ 06:22:38 pm
An Evening of Celebration and Dedication with The Flow Band Dec 28, 2020 @ 11:26:52 am
An Evening of Wave and Song with Ira Caplan December 27 2020 Dec 27, 2020 @ 08:32:24 pm
AJ Jansen's New Year's Eve Special Dec 27, 2020 @ 03:56:12 pm
Tabitha Fair Dec 2, 2020 @ 05:35:42 pm
Anthony Aquarius Dec 2, 2020 @ 02:55:47 pm
Static in the Attic Nov 6, 2020 @ 02:34:31 pm
#EndSars Nov 6, 2020 @ 01:03:27 pm
Blupela Illuminations Speaker Series in Support of the Blue World Water Project Oct 28, 2020 @ 05:06:28 pm
Bodies Into Balance Oct 28, 2020 @ 12:52:32 pm
Kevin Dolan Music Oct 1, 2020 @ 02:32:19 pm
Blupela Concert Series in Benefit of Sounds of Saving Sep 21, 2020 @ 10:39:07 am
Breaking Through Jul 20, 2020 @ 03:37:36 pm
Care Foundation Malawi Jul 12, 2020 @ 12:39:40 pm
Peace in the World Essay of One World Blue Jun 1, 2020 @ 01:47:59 pm
Kerry Holyoak May 28, 2020 @ 08:04:57 am
Sounds of Saving May 17, 2020 @ 04:45:19 pm
Divincemoore Music May 13, 2020 @ 02:22:27 pm
Social Media Spotlight EPKs for Musicians and Artists May 12, 2020 @ 10:11:15 am
Jeff Hames May 7, 2020 @ 08:04:39 am
One World Blue Media Marketing and Management May 6, 2020 @ 06:29:12 pm
Spread happiness and encouragement May 1, 2020 @ 09:33:53 am
Dany Vavrek Acoustic Apr 28, 2020 @ 09:30:01 pm
A Mother's Promise Apr 24, 2020 @ 05:22:02 pm
Aaron Katsof’s Struggle to Rescue The Last Jews in Sudan Apr 24, 2020 @ 05:15:08 pm
Aaron Katsof’s Struggle to Rescue The Last Jews in Sudan Apr 24, 2020 @ 05:09:37 pm
Pittsburgh Covid-19 Emergency Equipment Campaign Apr 24, 2020 @ 04:33:16 pm
Justice for R Kelly Apr 15, 2020 @ 07:38:42 pm
Patrick McGregor Apr 13, 2020 @ 02:26:23 pm
Crawdad Joe Apr 8, 2020 @ 04:50:58 pm
David Hipchen Mar 13, 2020 @ 02:51:53 pm
Anthony Aquarius Mar 13, 2020 @ 11:21:03 am
One World Blue Videography Mar 11, 2020 @ 08:33:28 pm
One World Blue Videography Feb 17, 2020 @ 02:35:53 pm
David Gumble Project Sales Leader One World Blue Media Feb 14, 2020 @ 11:33:16 am
David Gumble Feb 11, 2020 @ 02:08:29 pm
A ReLook at our Criminal Justice System Feb 4, 2020 @ 03:32:11 pm
Trees Are Way More than What Meets the Eye Feb 4, 2020 @ 03:23:30 pm
8 Billion Trees Feb 4, 2020 @ 02:35:52 pm
4 Ocean Feb 4, 2020 @ 02:01:28 pm
Wine to Water Feb 4, 2020 @ 12:33:23 pm
Great Attitude Feb 3, 2020 @ 07:17:12 pm
One World Blue Tribute to Blue Miller Feb 3, 2020 @ 01:09:45 pm
A Tribute to Blue Miller Jan 30, 2020 @ 07:09:28 pm
A Tribute to Blue Miller Jan 30, 2020 @ 06:42:26 pm
8 Billion Trees Jan 29, 2020 @ 02:55:30 pm
One of the Greatest Speeches Ever - Les Brown Jan 28, 2020 @ 02:51:00 pm
Malawi Empowerment for Girls Education Jan 24, 2020 @ 04:14:42 pm
The Music of Alan Blade Jan 24, 2020 @ 01:44:46 pm
Social Media Spotlight EPKs for Musicians and Artists Jan 24, 2020 @ 12:50:44 pm
4Ocean Jan 22, 2020 @ 05:18:11 pm
Publication in the One World Blue Spotlights and Taste of VIP Package Jan 21, 2020 @ 12:10:17 pm
Publication in the One World Blue Spotlights and Taste of VIP Package Jan 21, 2020 @ 11:46:22 am
Wine to Water Jan 19, 2020 @ 05:09:49 pm
Natural Chi Movement Jan 13, 2020 @ 04:28:23 pm
Soul Kitchen Jan 9, 2020 @ 12:53:38 pm
Finding Chika Dec 31, 2019 @ 03:21:45 pm
Avett Ray Dec 13, 2019 @ 06:23:46 am
Avett Ray Dec 12, 2019 @ 11:25:30 pm
The One World Blue Professional Spotlight Program Nov 28, 2019 @ 12:47:49 am
Publication in the One World Blue Spotlights and Taste of VIP Package Nov 27, 2019 @ 03:09:59 pm
One World Blue Videography Nov 26, 2019 @ 03:04:24 pm
Ira Caplan Nov 15, 2019 @ 04:34:24 pm
National Children's Campaign Nov 6, 2019 @ 01:12:52 pm
Music teacher Nov 1, 2019 @ 11:49:31 am
J&D Waterproofing Oct 31, 2019 @ 02:51:40 pm
Olmo Ling Institute Oct 27, 2019 @ 08:32:26 pm
Bnai Emunah Chabad Oct 27, 2019 @ 08:32:17 pm
Ira Caplan Oct 26, 2019 @ 09:19:51 am
Aspect Life Coaching Oct 26, 2019 @ 09:19:35 am
The Fence Fan Oct 18, 2019 @ 07:30:25 am
Seeking justice within the Justice System Oct 17, 2019 @ 11:35:50 am
Michael Fratangelo Visionary Artist Oct 4, 2019 @ 12:26:27 pm
Michael Fratangelo Visionary Artist Oct 3, 2019 @ 10:38:01 am
Smooke Chiropractic Aug 22, 2019 @ 10:29:02 am
Wendy Bell Aug 6, 2019 @ 08:39:41 pm
JAB JEWELRY DESIGNS Aug 6, 2019 @ 06:20:34 pm
Len Estrin - Professional Senior Writer One World Blue Aug 6, 2019 @ 06:20:21 pm
Blue World Water Project Uganda - One World Blue Sponsored Project Aug 6, 2019 @ 04:34:26 pm
Blue World Water Project Uganda - One World Blue Sponsored Project Aug 6, 2019 @ 03:55:32 pm
Michael Fratangelo Visionary Artist Aug 2, 2019 @ 06:19:33 pm
REDEFINED & CO Jul 16, 2019 @ 04:40:50 pm
Miracles of Love Jun 28, 2019 @ 05:08:43 pm
Linda Dibucci Piatt Sotheby's International Realty Jun 28, 2019 @ 04:26:39 pm
Len Estrin - Professional Senior Writer for One World Blue Jun 28, 2019 @ 02:02:21 pm
Pittsburgh Chinese Acupuncture and Herb Center Jun 20, 2019 @ 12:32:25 pm
The Global Youth Trust Cambridge Times Project Jun 14, 2019 @ 01:54:12 pm
Devon Colebank Media May 30, 2019 @ 06:40:54 pm
Surgicorps International May 30, 2019 @ 06:37:39 pm
Taste of VIP Pittsburgh May 23, 2019 @ 11:24:37 pm
Christine Frechard Gallery May 6, 2019 @ 11:54:43 am
Positively Wendy Bell Apr 15, 2019 @ 08:45:10 pm
Dick's Sporting Goods Apr 5, 2019 @ 02:26:04 am
Nemacolin Mar 31, 2019 @ 02:01:54 pm
Nemacolin Mar 29, 2019 @ 06:43:00 pm
The One World Blue Spotlight and Infomercial Program Mar 29, 2019 @ 01:49:57 pm
Join the One World Blue Sales Team - Project Sales Leader Mar 26, 2019 @ 12:50:24 pm
One World Blue Spotlight Program Feb 12, 2019 @ 02:24:22 pm
One World Blue Software Licensing Services Feb 12, 2019 @ 12:47:19 pm
One World Blue Legends and Legacy Exclusive Spotlight Program Feb 6, 2019 @ 03:24:47 pm
One World Blue Legends and Legacy Exclusive Spotlight Program Feb 6, 2019 @ 01:27:02 pm
Global Market Retail Jan 19, 2019 @ 07:57:15 pm
FYAH WYAH Dec 15, 2018 @ 05:04:31 am
Nissim Black Nov 27, 2018 @ 12:30:07 pm
Millvale Yoga Collective Nov 23, 2018 @ 05:45:24 pm
John Lennon Stands for Peace Nov 14, 2018 @ 11:58:42 pm
Wizdom Campaign for Album Release Nov 10, 2018 @ 06:41:47 pm
Chassidic Music Nov 3, 2018 @ 05:42:59 pm
Russell Johnson Talent and Production Director One World Blue Media Oct 22, 2018 @ 09:23:39 pm
The Farm WKSK 580 Am 93.5 FM Oct 22, 2018 @ 02:16:12 pm
Russell Johnson - COO Chief Operating Officer of One World Blue LLC - Talent and Production Director for One World Blue Media and Consultant for Media, Marketing and Management Oct 22, 2018 @ 02:16:04 pm
Gary Germany Oct 19, 2018 @ 05:02:26 pm
One World Blue Graphic Designs and Marketing Oct 15, 2018 @ 12:43:40 pm
One World Blue Graphic Design Project Manager 1 Oct 15, 2018 @ 12:24:44 pm
One World Blue Media Marketing and Management Oct 11, 2018 @ 02:06:22 pm
One World Blue Media Oct 11, 2018 @ 01:02:24 pm
Wizdom World Beat Reggae Band Aug 30, 2018 @ 11:09:45 am
Injustice Alert Aug 28, 2018 @ 03:52:53 pm
INJUSTICE ALERT!! Honest Family Man being Accused of a Crime he did Not Commit Aug 12, 2018 @ 12:24:09 pm
Cantor Victor Roth Aug 1, 2018 @ 08:20:48 pm
Saluda Shoals Jul 26, 2018 @ 10:30:59 am
Jerry Garcia Jul 18, 2018 @ 10:00:55 pm
Cantor Victor Roth Jul 18, 2018 @ 07:26:40 pm
Social Justice Disco CD Release Party Jul 2, 2018 @ 10:27:29 am
msannegirl Jun 27, 2018 @ 06:10:01 pm
Lion Adventure Travels Jun 11, 2018 @ 02:18:26 pm
Hope and Happiness Institute Jun 7, 2018 @ 01:57:23 pm
Musicians Mission of Mercy Apr 30, 2018 @ 08:33:47 pm
Peace in the World Campaign Apr 23, 2018 @ 03:50:27 pm
Crown Antiques Apr 18, 2018 @ 07:48:14 pm
Straight Up Photography Apr 18, 2018 @ 07:47:57 pm
Advisory Fund 1 Apr 3, 2018 @ 09:18:59 pm
Joel Pirchesky MPPM, Chairman, Founder and CEO One World Blue, LLC - Consultant for Marketing, Media, Management and Public Policy Apr 3, 2018 @ 08:42:41 pm
Ohr Simcha Children's Home Mar 30, 2018 @ 06:55:55 pm
One World Blue Advisory Fund Director of Animal Welfare Iris Ziff Pirchesky Mar 30, 2018 @ 02:22:13 pm
Joel Pirchesky MPPM, CEO and Founder of One Word Blue, LLC and Consultant for Marketing, Media, Management and Public Policy Mar 28, 2018 @ 11:18:45 pm
5th Ave. Store Mar 25, 2018 @ 08:18:41 am
Ohr Simcha Children's Home Mar 18, 2018 @ 11:57:50 pm
Advisory Fund 138 Mar 18, 2018 @ 11:54:21 pm
Management Fund 1 Mar 5, 2018 @ 05:08:13 pm
JDOcomputers.com Mar 5, 2018 @ 11:13:59 am
A Tribute to Sholom Mar 2, 2018 @ 04:48:07 am
William Lewis Massey Feb 22, 2018 @ 10:17:53 pm
Bernard Asper Feb 21, 2018 @ 06:13:33 pm
Gedaliah Aronson Project Concierge and Ambassador Feb 6, 2018 @ 08:38:12 am
Overseer Dwight A. Davis Jan 31, 2018 @ 09:09:50 pm
Phat Man Dee Jan 31, 2018 @ 09:09:11 pm
Bridges for Peace Dec 10, 2017 @ 12:20:48 pm
Iris Pirchesky A Life of Love and Service Dec 3, 2017 @ 07:24:33 pm
Social Justice Disco Nov 27, 2017 @ 12:13:43 am
Vango Media Group Nov 19, 2017 @ 04:29:25 pm
Vango Media Group Nov 19, 2017 @ 04:28:53 pm
Grace with Paul Gray Shines a Light on Your World Nov 12, 2017 @ 04:30:59 pm
Paul Gray - God Is For Me Oct 29, 2017 @ 02:34:55 pm
Bnai Emunoh Chabad Shines a Light on Your World Oct 26, 2017 @ 04:28:03 am
Let Bnai Emunoh Chabad Shine a Light on Your World Oct 26, 2017 @ 04:14:12 am
SOAR SHINES A LIGHT ON YOUR WORLD Oct 22, 2017 @ 07:41:38 pm
Starquest TV Challenge Finals Oct 22, 2017 @ 11:38:51 am
Hatzolah Darom Shines a Light on your community, Israel and the World Oct 3, 2017 @ 12:29:33 am
HITIP Brings Light to Your World Sep 17, 2017 @ 05:24:57 pm
A Tribute to Michael Sep 17, 2017 @ 12:11:50 pm
Catherine Steele - Cofounder Musicians Mission of Mercy Sep 17, 2017 @ 11:53:43 am
Musicians Mission of Mercy Sep 17, 2017 @ 12:59:44 am
Musicians Mission of Mercy Sep 17, 2017 @ 12:24:10 am
Musicians Mission of Mercy Spotlights Your Talent Sep 12, 2017 @ 06:36:15 am
Bart Foley Sep 11, 2017 @ 12:11:18 am
Yaacov Klein and The Tzfat Charity Fund Sep 8, 2017 @ 06:42:15 pm
The Sufi Way Sep 6, 2017 @ 10:34:37 pm
Urban Forests Sep 1, 2017 @ 01:58:02 pm
Bright Kids Uganda Sep 1, 2017 @ 01:56:45 pm
AskNoah.org Sep 1, 2017 @ 01:54:29 am
The Seer of Brooklyn Aug 2, 2017 @ 11:40:24 pm
Placement of our Elders Aug 2, 2017 @ 08:22:35 pm
Acupuncture Aug 2, 2017 @ 08:22:24 pm
Yarzheit of the Arizal HaKodesh - Anniverary of the passing of the Holy Ari Mystic of Kabbalah Jul 29, 2017 @ 04:49:23 pm
John Mayer Waiting on the World to Change Jul 26, 2017 @ 10:50:44 pm
Bitty and Beau's Coffee Shop Inclusion and Acceptance of People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD), Jul 19, 2017 @ 10:31:06 pm
Troy Yocum Jul 12, 2017 @ 11:21:02 am
Campaign to end Human Trafficking Jun 22, 2017 @ 08:42:51 am
St James Global Village Ministries Jun 22, 2017 @ 08:42:21 am
The Ocean Cleanup Jun 12, 2017 @ 10:26:35 pm
Mandy Harvey Jun 6, 2017 @ 11:24:36 pm
Hello World, What's Going On? Jun 4, 2017 @ 01:32:15 pm
Elementary School Peace in the World Essay May 30, 2017 @ 06:33:05 am
Motivation Champs May 27, 2017 @ 09:05:32 pm
Music Meditation and Healing May 27, 2017 @ 12:01:37 pm
CHILLENT (JEWISH SOUL STEW) May 15, 2017 @ 09:06:42 pm
Happy Mother's Day May 14, 2017 @ 10:41:41 am
Sheikh Zayed May 13, 2017 @ 11:29:42 am
Sylvester Omeje May 8, 2017 @ 09:03:31 pm
Reverend Will D. Campbell May 7, 2017 @ 12:17:36 pm
Sunshine and Rain May 6, 2017 @ 12:59:22 pm
Shel Zahav May 6, 2017 @ 12:42:12 pm
Dr. Jason Goldfeder Apr 30, 2017 @ 03:28:35 pm
Artist Manifesto - Santa Fe Street Performance Apr 30, 2017 @ 02:16:11 pm
Steven Stalinsky Executive Director of Memri Apr 24, 2017 @ 08:39:35 pm
Yusuf Cat Stevens Apr 1, 2017 @ 07:36:17 am
Lions Back To Africa.Org Feb 26, 2017 @ 02:05:50 am
Tahitians Jan 29, 2017 @ 04:17:53 pm
Tribes of Bali Jan 22, 2017 @ 05:53:13 pm
Kyle Maynard Jan 22, 2017 @ 05:35:44 pm
Nick Vijucic Dec 18, 2016 @ 04:02:37 pm
Mr Okra of New Orleans Dec 17, 2016 @ 05:53:04 pm
Advocating for Girls Bathrooms in Rumphi Schools, Malawi Dec 4, 2016 @ 11:05:40 pm
Overture to Peace Nov 25, 2016 @ 09:17:34 pm
Overture to Peace Nov 25, 2016 @ 08:50:51 pm
Listen to yourself and bring motion in your life Nov 5, 2016 @ 07:35:11 pm
Goat Who Lost His Legs Loves To Run Oct 20, 2016 @ 03:59:38 pm
Food relief for 6.5 million people hit by drought in Malawi Oct 15, 2016 @ 01:00:39 pm
Switch for better Oct 14, 2016 @ 05:44:56 am
Unleash the Champion in you Oct 9, 2016 @ 01:39:23 pm
Martial Eagles Sep 29, 2016 @ 11:32:20 am
Funny Animals Video 2015 Aug 26, 2016 @ 04:18:48 am
The Kazakh Tribe Aug 24, 2016 @ 10:19:15 am
Age Is Only A Number: Sister Madonna Buder Aug 19, 2016 @ 05:06:38 pm
Elie Wiesel Aug 19, 2016 @ 05:06:10 pm
UTOPIA Projects Aug 19, 2016 @ 05:05:46 pm
Maasai Jul 26, 2016 @ 05:36:10 pm
UFO HOUSEBOATS Jul 26, 2016 @ 05:25:34 pm
UFO House Boats Jul 26, 2016 @ 05:11:02 pm
zeinah, age 4, originally of damascus, syria Jul 21, 2016 @ 01:54:28 pm
Football Spirit in the Jungle Jul 21, 2016 @ 01:54:11 pm
The Remaining 80% Jul 21, 2016 @ 01:35:20 pm
Mountain Monastery, Taiwan Jul 16, 2016 @ 01:09:40 pm
Marrakech Jul 16, 2016 @ 12:57:47 pm
Natural Chi Essential Seasonal Clearing Program Stomach, Spleen, Pancreas, Triple Burner, and Pericardium Jul 15, 2016 @ 06:19:30 pm
StarQuest TV Challenge Jul 15, 2016 @ 04:20:11 pm
Isaiah Bird Jul 15, 2016 @ 12:13:34 pm
al samara, age 15, of al-sawra, syria Jul 15, 2016 @ 11:39:56 am
inside the zaatari refugee camp Jul 15, 2016 @ 11:34:27 am
StarQuest TV Challenge Jul 14, 2016 @ 03:07:54 pm
Music for Menri Jul 14, 2016 @ 11:39:37 am
What If Jul 14, 2016 @ 11:39:18 am
One World Blue All Lives Matter Jul 13, 2016 @ 03:39:28 pm
The Oracle of Delphi Jul 10, 2016 @ 06:10:06 pm
Temple of Heaven Jul 9, 2016 @ 07:59:17 pm
Strength and Determination Jul 8, 2016 @ 01:08:24 pm
Kyoto Zen Rock Garden Jul 8, 2016 @ 11:30:04 am
Man with Bird Whistles Jul 7, 2016 @ 11:07:09 pm
India Jul 7, 2016 @ 10:45:14 pm
Universal Declaration of Human Rights Jul 4, 2016 @ 01:40:06 pm
In Your Palm Jun 30, 2016 @ 02:45:25 pm
Olmo Ling July Events Jun 30, 2016 @ 12:51:14 pm
Under the Starry Sky Jun 30, 2016 @ 12:50:23 pm
Ofra Haza Jun 29, 2016 @ 01:18:14 pm
Yaron Bob - Turning Rockets into Roses Jun 29, 2016 @ 12:44:09 pm
Solstice Honey Moon Opening Heaven on Earth Jun 26, 2016 @ 08:34:10 pm
Victory March Jun 26, 2016 @ 09:53:02 am
One World Blue Salutes Surendra Lama and Firante Treks and Expeditions Jun 23, 2016 @ 12:38:22 pm
Indigenous peoples of Siberia Jun 23, 2016 @ 12:03:27 pm
Salvador Dali Jun 22, 2016 @ 01:37:07 pm
The Future of Flight (Continued) Jun 22, 2016 @ 12:58:05 pm
MC ESCHER Jun 21, 2016 @ 06:10:04 pm
Jewish Pittsburgh Stands with Orlando Jun 20, 2016 @ 05:51:28 pm
Don't Give Up Jun 20, 2016 @ 01:44:46 pm
Don't Give Up Jun 20, 2016 @ 01:34:51 pm
Let Freedom Ring Jun 20, 2016 @ 12:34:48 am
Electric Planes Not Far Away Jun 19, 2016 @ 11:44:42 pm
Dolphins and Whales Jun 19, 2016 @ 11:43:46 pm
Yehuday Etiopia Jun 19, 2016 @ 11:43:11 pm
The One World Blue Global Network Jun 17, 2016 @ 05:03:25 pm
BASS REEVES... THE REAL "LONE RANGER"? Jun 9, 2016 @ 09:42:29 pm
Albert Goering Jun 9, 2016 @ 09:41:58 pm
Lev Yehudi Jun 9, 2016 @ 09:41:28 pm
Global Activation Jun 7, 2016 @ 08:00:24 pm
Chaim Ben Avigdor Jun 7, 2016 @ 06:58:02 pm
Yad Vashem Jun 4, 2016 @ 03:55:47 pm
The Amshinover Rebbe Jun 3, 2016 @ 08:04:02 pm
Sangram Lama Plays Theme from Bollywood Jun 3, 2016 @ 08:02:38 pm
Sangram Lama Plays Theme from Bollywood Jun 3, 2016 @ 07:47:28 pm
Cobra vs Lion vs Tiger vs Buffalo by Nat Geo May 31, 2016 @ 01:05:17 pm
Donovan Livingston Address to Harvard School of Education Class of 2016 May 30, 2016 @ 08:16:05 am
No More Troubles - Bob Marley Tribute for Peace May 29, 2016 @ 09:29:42 am
A Tribute to Scouting May 29, 2016 @ 01:40:29 am
Social and Planetary Healing: Arab Spring May 24, 2016 @ 03:09:01 pm
Lincoln's Jewish Generals May 24, 2016 @ 11:28:20 am
Shaolin May 24, 2016 @ 12:47:47 am
Shakuhachi (Japanese Flute) with Relaxing Rain Sounds May 22, 2016 @ 10:37:57 pm
Prosthetic Arm Engineer Easton LaChappelle | Luminaries May 22, 2016 @ 09:52:23 pm
Birds Form Shapes in the Sky. May 20, 2016 @ 07:09:30 am
Szekely People of Transylvania May 20, 2016 @ 07:08:46 am
Kretchnif Dynasty May 19, 2016 @ 07:42:45 am
Equinox Transmission of Light May 15, 2016 @ 09:09:35 pm
The Light at the End of the Tunnel May 11, 2016 @ 06:41:11 am
Golda Meir, Strong Leader May 11, 2016 @ 06:39:45 am
Quiet Hour Instituted at Grocery Store is Gift for Autistic Shoppers May 10, 2016 @ 05:09:45 pm
Jonathan's Tea Moments: VIII May 6, 2016 @ 03:43:50 pm
Frankie's Friends May 6, 2016 @ 03:42:03 pm
Rabbe Elimelech of Lizensk Apr 28, 2016 @ 07:48:13 pm
Financier of Change Apr 26, 2016 @ 03:58:56 pm
Radio Taboo Apr 19, 2016 @ 09:33:31 pm
Rainer Hoss Mar 9, 2016 @ 05:14:08 pm
Saba was shot Mar 2, 2016 @ 03:08:11 am
Hollywood Lanes (Dormont) Presents the Pittsburgh Sportsline TV Show Feb 2, 2016 @ 07:56:25 pm
Communication: Space Making Feb 2, 2016 @ 07:51:06 pm
The Infinitely Cosmic and Fabulous Adventures of Mr. Buckethead Feb 1, 2016 @ 07:09:24 pm
Director of Animal Welfare and Esteemed Founding Advisor of One World Blue, LLC, Iris Ziff Pirchesky Feb 1, 2016 @ 04:36:18 pm
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Feb 1, 2016 @ 04:21:29 pm
A Salute to Lelov Jan 28, 2016 @ 12:00:32 pm
Happy New Year Jan 28, 2016 @ 11:23:16 am
Jonathan's Tea Moments: IV Jan 28, 2016 @ 11:22:56 am
Gutman’s Story Goes to Hollywood Jan 24, 2016 @ 06:12:21 pm
Three Perfect Days in Puerto Rico Jan 21, 2016 @ 11:34:11 am
The Blind Artist Jan 21, 2016 @ 11:31:18 am
Reb Shlomo Jan 21, 2016 @ 11:30:08 am
Equal Justice Initiative Jan 21, 2016 @ 02:45:00 am
Jonathan's Tea Moments: I Jan 21, 2016 @ 12:27:39 am
Patti Dobrowloski Jan 20, 2016 @ 02:14:36 pm
Jews of Djerba Jan 19, 2016 @ 09:06:59 am
Chiropractic The Documentary Jan 19, 2016 @ 09:06:04 am
Council of Three Rivers American Indian Center 2015 Annual Pow Wow Celebration Jan 19, 2016 @ 09:04:53 am
Martin Luther King Day Jan 18, 2016 @ 02:39:48 pm
The Dot Against Assassination Jan 17, 2016 @ 10:26:50 am
Special Jan 16, 2016 @ 11:32:47 pm
Union of African Communities SWPA Diversity Awards Jan 14, 2016 @ 04:24:30 pm
Positivity and Optimism Jan 13, 2016 @ 04:42:01 pm
Letter of Support from One World Blue, LLC for Conservation Project to Restore Little Rock Dam Jan 12, 2016 @ 06:43:08 am
Atrias PNC Park Presents The Pittsburgh Sportsline TV Show Jan 12, 2016 @ 06:32:09 am
Water4Social Peace Jan 11, 2016 @ 10:05:21 pm
Please Raise Your Voices With Us To StopThese Atrocities Jan 11, 2016 @ 09:33:53 pm
Pittsburgh Sportsline Jan 11, 2016 @ 08:49:51 pm
Monkey Helps Dogs to Cross River Jan 10, 2016 @ 10:25:40 am
Change the World? Jan 10, 2016 @ 10:23:20 am
Clemente Bridge Jan 9, 2016 @ 11:24:02 pm
Dr. Bishop Reginald Kelly Jan 4, 2016 @ 01:03:04 am
A Moment of Enlightenment Jan 4, 2016 @ 12:58:08 am
That Guy With The Birds!! Jan 1, 2016 @ 10:59:57 am
Chiropractic Dec 31, 2015 @ 07:06:27 pm
What’s It All About? Dec 31, 2015 @ 07:06:13 pm
Character Dec 29, 2015 @ 12:06:45 am
Ben Siemon Dec 28, 2015 @ 05:57:51 pm
Pamela Booton Dec 23, 2015 @ 05:40:02 am
Bajau - the real waterworld people Dec 20, 2015 @ 08:23:19 am
Happy Birthday Mr CEO of One World Blue from Firante Treks and Expeditions in Kathmandu Nepal Dec 17, 2015 @ 09:56:52 pm
One World Blue, LLC Salutes Madonna and Stands with Her Message to the World Dec 17, 2015 @ 06:45:10 pm
Stand with Ceresav to Sign the Acid Violence (Toxic Chemicals Prohibition and Control) Bill in to law in 2015 Dec 17, 2015 @ 05:52:39 pm
Mother files in the Supreme Court for Violating Liberties in Family Courts Dec 17, 2015 @ 05:48:48 pm
Dr. Steven Phillipson Dec 16, 2015 @ 12:34:39 pm
Stand Up with Roscher Youth Development and the Association of People with Albinism in Malawi Dec 16, 2015 @ 12:34:09 pm
The Klausenberger Rebbe and Laniado Hospital Dec 16, 2015 @ 12:33:40 pm
This Message is One Word Blue Dec 9, 2015 @ 09:10:16 am
Shine Forward Release Dec 9, 2015 @ 08:57:32 am
1Hood Dec 7, 2015 @ 11:26:29 am
Hiking the Iyon Stream and the Tanur Waterfall twice Dec 6, 2015 @ 09:45:22 am
Luke Millett Dec 4, 2015 @ 04:08:21 pm
CCChampions Nov 25, 2015 @ 11:18:18 am
Tzfat Charity Fund of Nadvorna Nov 24, 2015 @ 03:52:38 pm
Food Project Nov 24, 2015 @ 03:51:57 pm
Narcisse Sandjon Nov 23, 2015 @ 03:15:39 am
Nelson Mandela - World Leader for Human Rights Nov 22, 2015 @ 02:25:20 am
Single Family Rehab Construction Program Nov 17, 2015 @ 08:23:57 pm
Stop the Madness Nov 12, 2015 @ 07:34:27 am
Humla Nursing Education Project Nov 9, 2015 @ 10:56:18 pm
Blupela in the Himalyas Nov 9, 2015 @ 10:05:14 pm
Mike Stout and the Human Union Nov 9, 2015 @ 06:05:56 pm
Richard Kelly, Photographer Nov 9, 2015 @ 04:36:46 pm
Ceresav.org Nov 9, 2015 @ 10:32:09 am
Michael Fratangelo - Visionary Artist Nov 9, 2015 @ 10:27:29 am
Powerful Leaders Nov 9, 2015 @ 10:19:00 am
Tempa Lama Nov 9, 2015 @ 10:15:38 am
Allman Guitars Nov 4, 2015 @ 07:01:54 pm
Hope Orphans Home Nov 2, 2015 @ 12:06:23 pm
Sophie Rousmaniere Jay Minton Nov 2, 2015 @ 09:24:42 am
Hawaiii Nov 2, 2015 @ 12:04:33 am
Native Hawaii Nov 1, 2015 @ 11:52:12 pm
Jordan Danielsen Nov 1, 2015 @ 11:27:07 pm
Place Teacher’s Aides, back into the Classrooms Nov 1, 2015 @ 11:26:15 pm
Film: Gaswork Nov 1, 2015 @ 11:23:20 pm
Japanese Matcha Tea Ceremony Chanoyu Nov 1, 2015 @ 11:22:14 pm
Natural Chi Movement Oct 29, 2015 @ 02:47:58 pm
Israel "Iz" Kaʻanoʻi Kamakawiwoʻole Oct 29, 2015 @ 07:50:39 am
Oneg Shemesh Oct 27, 2015 @ 01:54:33 pm
Dr. Maya Angelou Oct 27, 2015 @ 01:52:29 pm
Pittsburgh Sportsline TV show Oct 26, 2015 @ 09:54:10 am
Communication via Musical Improvisation Oct 26, 2015 @ 07:59:30 am
The Beauty of Thailand Aug 26, 2015 @ 04:32:28 am
Corporate Positive Change for Social and Environmental Responsibility Aug 6, 2015 @ 06:48:26 pm
Japan: Tradition And Modernity Jul 26, 2015 @ 04:42:27 am
One World Blue Network Jul 14, 2015 @ 11:09:41 am
Humla Nursing Fundraiser Jul 6, 2015 @ 12:23:06 pm
Great Barrier Reef Jun 30, 2015 @ 12:12:05 pm
Iguassu Falls Jun 23, 2015 @ 03:13:00 pm
True Love Jun 23, 2015 @ 02:32:55 pm
Hanifa's Human Security Education Fund Jun 21, 2015 @ 10:07:17 pm
Young Women Leaders Program Jun 21, 2015 @ 09:41:35 pm
Animals Forming Working Friendships Jun 21, 2015 @ 09:40:33 pm
Attila Domos - Let's Do Something Amazing!! Jun 21, 2015 @ 12:21:35 am
Untying Knots Jun 19, 2015 @ 12:43:13 pm
Baka, The People of the Forest Jun 18, 2015 @ 07:14:17 pm
Facing Forward Jun 13, 2015 @ 01:04:11 pm
attila domos Jun 4, 2015 @ 02:27:42 pm
Nomads of the Rainforest May 30, 2015 @ 10:59:35 pm
The ABCs of Music May 30, 2015 @ 11:37:26 am
Human Rights in the African American Community - Dignity for Everyone May 27, 2015 @ 01:09:57 pm
Native America Dancers on American Prarie Reserve May 12, 2015 @ 07:50:25 pm
Freedom From Fracking May 11, 2015 @ 06:02:25 pm
Kaplan for Council May 11, 2015 @ 02:51:16 pm
Attenborough: Amazing Orangutans Use Tools - BBC Earth May 6, 2015 @ 01:26:59 pm
Humpback Whale Shows AMAZING Appreciation After Being Freed From Nets May 6, 2015 @ 01:12:12 pm
COBRA GYPSIES - full documentary May 6, 2015 @ 12:52:18 pm
A Lifelong Passion Apr 29, 2015 @ 05:18:50 pm
Chasing Her Dreams Apr 20, 2015 @ 09:16:05 am
Realizing Her Dreams Apr 13, 2015 @ 02:36:58 pm
More Than Just Sports Apr 2, 2015 @ 04:36:43 pm
Camara Drum and Dance Apr 1, 2015 @ 10:46:44 pm
Bright Kids Uganda Mar 30, 2015 @ 09:32:10 pm
No Time to Sleep Mar 23, 2015 @ 12:40:22 pm
We Need to Talk Mar 18, 2015 @ 02:10:12 pm
Kambale Musavuli Mar 10, 2015 @ 11:49:36 am

*Private Lifts, if any, will not be shown.

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This user has commented in the following:

Dany Vavrek Acoustic
Justice for R Kelly
Patrick McGregor
Leah' Spa & Salon
The Music of Alan Blade
The Flow Band
Michael Manna, The Pittsburgh Bull
Social Justice Disco CD Release Party
Smooke Chiropractic
Vango Media Group
Pamela Booton
Attila Domos - Let's Do Something Amazing!!
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