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Profile for Coachedwin

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[Profile picture inbound6483011415207816872.png]
Member Since: April 30, 2020



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I am coachedwin.I help people to upscale thier communication, emoyability skills and help them deal with problems and over come.
I coach people to live better life and I work with youth for better future .My aim is unleash the best out of them.

What would you do to change the world?

I am a good listener and have heart to support individual and society to over come the issues.

This is a place to sing your song and let your voice be heard. Define Coo

coo - verb

  1. To make a soft murmuring sound, as a pigeon.
  2. Speak softly or lovingly;
    The mother who held her baby was cooing softly
  3. To speak in an admiring fashion, to be enthusiastic about.
  4. To show affection; to act in a loving way.

coo - noun

  1. The murmuring sound made by a dove or pigeon.

Public Coo Define

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Created Initiatives


Break the silence

Today we living in the society where everything is volatile and uncontrolled.
I present the session BREAK THE SILENCE.
I have observed in animals women has more power and respect in thier tribe or herds.
I see women are already empowered and I personally feel that they don't need this campaign or program.
The thought itself of empowering is wrong.
I do not support women empowerment. Its men who need to be empowered not women. I will prove it.
Men are like Old box TV with 3 channels. My father works, earn money and provide provisions.
My mother works almost 14 to 16 hrs back to back every day without any pay or off. She is like Smart TV 309 channels, internet surfing, use as monitor , can watch movies , usb OTG etc.
As mentioned in bible God made man first and then created women to support him. It means man are dependent on women to live his life.
In real life. When ever new product is launched upcoming products are always expensive,delecate and has more features.
Let's secure our comming generations.I want you to support this Break the Silence
Let's empower the men to support, respect and elevate women.
Click the link below to check my video
Break the Silence
You can write to me on coachedwin@outlook.com
Whatsapp me on +91-7028997687

Votes1 DateOct 19, 2020

Funded: 0 $0.00


Break the silence

oday we living in the society where everything is volatile and uncontrolled.
I present the session BREAK THE SILENCE.
I have observed in animals female has more power and respect in thier tribe or herds.
I see women are already empowered and I personally feel that they don't need this campaign or program.
The thought itself of empowering is wrong.
I do not support women empowerment. Its men who need to be empowered not women. I will prove it.
Men are like Old box TV with 3 channels. My father works, earn money and provide provisions.
My mother works almost 14 to 16 hrs back to back every day without any pay or off. She is like Smart TV 309 channels, internet surfing, use as monitor , can watch movies , usb OTG etc.
As mentioned in bible God made man first and then created women to support him. It means man are dependent on women to live his life.
In real life. When ever new product is launched upcoming products are always expensive,delecate and has more features.
Let's secure our comming generations.
Click here for Video I want you to support this Break the Silence
Let's empower the men to support, respect and elevate women.
Let's BREAK THE SILENCE together and bring the change in society
Click the link below to check my video
You can write to me on coachedwin@outlook.com
Whatsapp me on ±91-7028997687

Votes1 DateOct 19, 2020

Funded: 0 $0.00

Created Light on the World Spotlights

[image for World Spotlight Screenshot_2020-09-19-09-14-03-28.jpg]

Mom u r not just a mom You are super Hero

You are not Just a mom you are super mom
I come across lot of women who just say I am just a mom, I am just a women , I am just a wife I am just a lady.
I want you to know your worth mom.
Please listen my youtube video for your reference.
Where ever you are today please go and encourage your mother say thank you for everything. say thank you for everything thing she had done in your life from the time you are born.
Recognise her and her efforts.
Don't see her talent see her effort and that is true Recognition

Votes1 DateOct 28, 2020

[image for World Spotlight IMG_20201015_163733.jpg]

Break the silence

Today we living in the society where everything is volatile and uncontrolled.
I present the session BREAK THE SILENCE.
I have observed in animals women has more power and respect in thier tribe or herds.
I see women are already empowered and I personally feel that they don't need this campaign or program.
The thought itself of empowering is wrong.
I do not support women empowerment. Its men who need to be empowered not women. I will prove it.
Men are like Old box TV with 3 channels. My father works, earn money and provide provisions.
My mother works almost 14 to 16 hrs back to back every day without any pay or off. She is like Smart TV 309 channels, internet surfing, use as monitor , can watch movies , usb OTG etc.
As mentioned in bible God made man first and then created women to support him. It means man are dependent on women to live his life.
In real life. When ever new product is launched upcoming products are always expensive,delecate and has more features.
Let's secure our comming generations.I want you to support this Break the Silence
Let's empower the men to support, respect and elevate women.
Click the link below to check my video
Break the Silence )
You can write to me on coachedwin@outlook.com
Whatsapp me on +91-7028997687

Votes1 DateOct 19, 2020

[image for World Spotlight BM_IMG_1584282207021.jpg]

Unleash the champion

Visit my website www.jacsempowerment.com
What's app me +91-7028997687.
My name is Coachedwin from India.
Distance is a myth I am just a phone call away from you.
Call me to discover the champion in you. I have been doing reading from few years.Helped youth to over come daily fear, inferiority complex,self motivation and personal goal setting.
Email me thejacsempowerment@gmail.com

Votes1 DateMay 2, 2020

[image for World Spotlight Screenshot_2020-04-29-21-38-26-68.png]

What goes in any relationship.

In relation you connect, you love , most important you share your portion of life , your precious time, you share your sorrows, your joy, you happiness, your anger, your dreams, your goals, and one day you become starnger again.
Someone asked what is thr longest distance you travelled. I said when you see your loved one and they just ignore you that is the longest distance I travelled.
Life is beautiful but short and unpredictable.Share more smiles and spread love.
Coachedwin Hyderabad India.

Votes2 DateMay 2, 2020

[image for World Spotlight sketch1587537938429.jpg]

Switch for better

Switch your life for better.
You are not happy change.
You upset take a break.
You been trying hard and it's not working, change the technique. Ask for some outside help. Do not get stagnant. Switch and bring the change in you.

Votes1 DateMay 1, 2020

[image for World Spotlight inbound6510041286523350320.png]

Spread happiness and encouragement

Life is beautiful. Lets make this world beautiful. I am on a mission to unleash the champion in every individual. Are you with me. During this crisis time. I want to encourage people sto spread love, spread encouragement, be a miracle to others and someone will be u r miracle.Lets help each other I playing these beats on over head tank, music can be created anywhere. It means love can alao be shared anywhere.Coachedwin from Hyderabad India.

Votes3 DateMay 1, 2020

[image for World Spotlight inbound236082826777456851.png]

Spread love with music

Life is beautiful. Lets make this world beautiful. I am on a mission to unleash the champion in every individual. Are you with me. During this crisis time. I want to encourage people sto spread love, spread encouragement, be a miracle to others and someone will be u r miracle.Lets help each other I playing these beats on over head tank, music can be created anywhere. It means love can alao be shared anywhere.Coachedwin from Hyderabad India.

Votes1 DateApr 30, 2020

Created Planet Sanctuary Spotlights

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Created Light of Culture Spotlights

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*Initiatives sponsored privately, if any, will not be shown.

Lifts (Votes)*

Name Vote Date
2021 is year of Jesus Grace Jan 2, 2021 @ 01:12:15 am
Mom u r not just a mom You are super Hero Oct 28, 2020 @ 09:15:13 pm
Break the silence Oct 19, 2020 @ 01:32:53 pm
Break the silence Oct 19, 2020 @ 01:32:42 pm
Break the silence Oct 19, 2020 @ 01:32:35 pm
Break the silence Oct 19, 2020 @ 08:25:56 am
Break the silence Oct 19, 2020 @ 08:07:59 am
Unleash the champion May 2, 2020 @ 02:03:58 am
What goes in any relationship. May 2, 2020 @ 12:08:14 am
Switch for better May 1, 2020 @ 10:16:27 am
Spread happiness and encouragement May 1, 2020 @ 09:48:05 am
Spread love with music Apr 30, 2020 @ 11:17:22 pm

*Private Lifts, if any, will not be shown.

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