Profile for Oneg Shemesh
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Latitude: 40.696301
Longitude: -73.620697
![[Profile picture Oneg Shemesh.png]](files.php/users/1313023076)
Member Since: January 29, 2015
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Oneg Shemesh's music represents a fresh and innovative new sound in indie Folk/Rock music. His engaging and interactive style is sure to invigorate your soul and your feet!
Oneg Shemesh, whose first name means “utmost joy”, is an Israeli-born guitarist and singer known for positive, well-crafted songs, and genre-blending, innovative work that blends the spiritual aspects of the Modern Orthodox culture in which he was raised with a folk rock sensibility. Whether singing about “shining the light forward” or one’s personal responsibilities in “Only I”, Oneg Shemesh’s music is at times evocative, inspirational, and powerful while always remaining upbeat.
Oneg was raised in Israel on Moshav Modi’im near Tel Aviv. After completing his army service, he joined The Moshav Band as a founding member, an Israeli American-Jewish folk rock band, they combine Jewish music with elements of alternative rock, folk, and reggae. Shemesh toured with them throughout Israel, the United States and Canada.
Having shared the stage with countless great Jewish music stars, among them reggae star Matisyahu, as well as Soul Farm, and Moshav Band and building a strong fan base in the Jewish music scene, Shemesh brings his unique voice to the secular world for the first time with his new album, “Shine Forward”.
When he is not creating and performing music, he likes to spend time with his 3 beautiful children, hike, Rollerblade, bike & workout at the gym. He currently resides in West Hempstead, NY.
His latest release “Shine Forward” is available on iTunes and all other digital music streaming and purchasing sites.
What would you do to change the world?
Music is a language that unites us & I'm using it as a means to bring us together! changing the world one song at a time!!
This is a place to sing your song and let your voice be heard. Define Coo
coo - verb
- To make a soft murmuring sound, as a pigeon.
- Speak softly or lovingly;
The mother who held her baby was cooing softly
- To speak in an admiring fashion, to be enthusiastic about.
- To show affection; to act in a loving way.
coo - noun
- The murmuring sound made by a dove or pigeon.
Created Initiatives

Having shared the stage with countless great Jewish music stars, among them hassidic reggae star Matisyahu, as well as Soul Farm, and Moshav band, Oneg produces music with an edge, combining contemporary musical concepts, styles and sounds with classic midrashic, kabbalistic and scriptural inspiration.
Among his musical mentors is the Father of modern Jewish music, the legendary Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach, and those early days together were some good and very special spiritual and musical times.
In his own words: “I grew up in Israel on Moshav Mevo Modiim founded by the late Rebbe Shlomo Carlebach, Z"L. I had the great privilege of spending much of my time with the Rebbe, accompanying him on guitar and drawing from his wealth of knowledge. After finishing my army career and service, I joined The Moshav Band (as a founding member) and toured with them throughout Israel, the United States and Canada.”
He is presently living in New York, and does concert performances wherever Jews are found (or lost...). In addition, he leads Shabbatonim and Holiday Davening using, among other styles, the chazanut nusach of Reb Carlebach, bringing joy and happiness to communities around the world while trying (and succeeding!) to live up to his name ONEG which means utmost joy. Among his biggest admirers are his 3, beautiful children.
“My music is not just a melody with words, my music is prayer. Our sages teach us that singing the words is like praying twice; the first time for the words themselves, and the second time for the song. This is the highest form of prayer. I hope that my music finds you wherever you are and reminds you how beautiful is our Judaism, how beautiful is our tradition, and how beautiful is our love for Hashem.
Feb 2, 2015
Funded: 1
$44.00 / $5,000.00
Created Light on the World Spotlights

Oneg Shemesh Band ~ Indie Folk/Rock Music
Oneg Shemesh's music represents a fresh and innovative new sound in Jewish music. His engaging and interactive style is sure to invigorate your soul and your feet!
Oneg Shemesh, whose first name means “utmost joy”, is an Israeli-born guitarist and singer known for positive, well-crafted songs, and genre-blending, innovative work that blends the spiritual aspects of the Modern Orthodox culture in which he was raised with a folk rock sensibility.
Whether singing about “shining the light forward” or one’s personal responsibilities in “Only I”, Oneg Shemesh’s music is at times evocative, inspirational, and powerful while always remaining upbeat.
Oneg was raised in Israel on Moshav Modi’im near Tel Aviv. After completing his army service, he joined The Moshav Band as a founding member, an Israeli American-Jewish folk rock band, they combine Jewish music with elements of alternative rock, folk, and reggae. Shemesh toured with them throughout Israel, the United States and Canada.
When he is not creating and performing music, he likes to spend time with his 3 beautiful children, hike, rollerblade, bike & workout at the gym. He currently resides in West Hempstead, NY.
I'm so grateful to my amazing fans! With your help the song & music video called SOME DAYS in memory of my Mom O.B.M. has been completed & released! Check it out below!
Check out his live shows
This song is dedicated to my Mom A”H ברכה בת חונה יואל הכהן וזלטא
I had the privilege of writing this song & performing it for my Mom before she passed on FEB 5, 2017.
Here is the clip she took on her phone & this is what she wrote about the experience.
This is a beautiful song that my son Oneg Shemesh wrote with me in mind. He really nailed it perfectly. He totally captured in the simple lyrics, exactly how I’m feeling these days. Every time I hear him singing this, I am moved to tears and at the same time filled with joy!
Please share this song with anyone you know who is fighting cancer or who needs to hear this message of HOPE!
To buy the song go to
Oneg Shemesh Programs
Check out my merchandise page! With your support we are able to continue releasing music & spreading the joy!!
Check out my store !
Every purchase you make helps me to raise the funds to cover the costs of marking & promoting my music.
Sep 16, 2018

Celebrate with us the Release of my new Album
Shine Forward
Our goal is to raise $6000 to cover costs of promoting the album.
Our fans have helped me create an amazing CD
Now let's get the music out to the world! How do we do that?
Your contribution will help cover costs of promoting the album to Radio, Press, TV, Film, & Tour support.
Selling my Breedlove acoustic/electric guitar (the one in the jumping picture)
The price is $3600 or best offer! I'll SIGN it + it comes with a soft case.
Email me for details
Dec 9, 2015

Kulanu, a Hebrew word that is translated to mean “All of Us”, aptly describes our mission to provide a wide range of educational, social and advocacy services for children and young adults with special needs and their families in the most inclusive environment possible.
At inception in 2000, a group of mothers created a “wish list” of activities that would enable their children with special needs to be included in all aspects of communal life. Through the generosity of the Scharf family, our new “home”, the Kulanu Center for Special Services has enabled Kulanu Academy to become the site that provides our community with a complex and comprehensive system of services seven days a week, year-round.
Kulanu has developed a reputation for providing programs and services of excellence. It continues to be recognized for its efforts with financial support of governmental organizations, grantors and our community. To its credit and that of its lay leadership and professional faculty, Kulanu has become a beacon of hope, information and support to individuals with special needs and their families. Along with the Board of Directors, the administrators and the faculty of Kulanu Academy, I invite you to explore our website and engage any of our professional staff. We welcome your visit to our programs so you can experience how Kulanu Learns, Kulanu Serves, Kulanu Includes and Kulanu Works!
Beth Raskin, Ed.D.
Executive Director
Feb 12, 2015
Created Planet Sanctuary Spotlights
This user has not yet created any Planet Spotlights.
Created Light of Culture Spotlights
North America
Oneg Shemesh Band ~ Indie Folk/Rock Music
Oneg Shemesh's music represents a fresh and innovative new sound in Jewish music. His engaging and interactive style is sure to invigorate your soul and your feet!
Oneg Shemesh, whose first name means “utmost joy”, is an Israeli-born guitarist and singer known for positive, well-crafted songs, and genre-blending, innovative work that blends the spiritual aspects of the Modern Orthodox culture in which he was raised with a folk rock sensibility.
Whether singing about “shining the light forward” or one’s personal responsibilities in “Only I”, Oneg Shemesh’s music is at times evocative, inspirational, and powerful while always remaining upbeat.
Oneg was raised in Israel on Moshav Modi’im near Tel Aviv. After completing his army service, he joined The Moshav Band as a founding member, an Israeli American-Jewish folk rock band, they combine Jewish music with elements of alternative rock, folk, and reggae. Shemesh toured with them throughout Israel, the United States and Canada.
When he is not creating and performing music, he likes to spend time with his 3 beautiful children, hike, rollerblade, bike & workout at the gym. He currently resides in West Hempstead, NY.
I'm so grateful to my amazing fans! With your help the song & music video called SOME DAYS in memory of my Mom O.B.M. has been completed & released! Check it out below!
Check out his live shows
This song is dedicated to my Mom A”H ברכה בת חונה יואל הכהן וזלטא
I had the privilege of writing this song & performing it for my Mom before she passed on FEB 5, 2017.
Here is the clip she took on her phone & this is what she wrote about the experience.
This is a beautiful song that my son Oneg Shemesh wrote with me in mind. He really nailed it perfectly. He totally captured in the simple lyrics, exactly how I’m feeling these days. Every time I hear him singing this, I am moved to tears and at the same time filled with joy!
Please share this song with anyone you know who is fighting cancer or who needs to hear this message of HOPE!
To buy the song go to
Oneg Shemesh Programs
Check out my merchandise page! With your support we are able to continue releasing music & spreading the joy!!
Check out my store !
Every purchase you make helps me to raise the funds to cover the costs of marking & promoting my music.
Sep 5, 2018
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