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Member Since: December 17, 2014


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My name is Attila Domos and I live in Pittsburgh, PA. I'm a T11/12 paraplegic and have been this way since a falling accident on September 22, 1993.

I do many things in life. I'm a musician, writer, athlete, talk-show host and many other things. You can see all that I do at my website, www.attiladomos.com

I like to think I'm an agent for good, and do what I can to help others in any way I can. This is why I joined Blupela, to be associated with like-minded people. Looking forward to getting to know as many good people who're looking to make the world a better place, as possible.

What would you do to change the world?

I see way too many people in this world, lost... without self-confidence, feeling like they have to settle in life. Well.... I'm here to show that you do NOT. I'm leading by example, in doing my "Around the World" trip. It is exactly what it's about, to show that no matter how big the obstacle, it CAN be overcome, with a solid plan, hard work and determination. :)

This is a place to sing your song and let your voice be heard. Define Coo

coo - verb

  1. To make a soft murmuring sound, as a pigeon.
  2. Speak softly or lovingly;
    The mother who held her baby was cooing softly
  3. To speak in an admiring fashion, to be enthusiastic about.
  4. To show affection; to act in a loving way.

coo - noun

  1. The murmuring sound made by a dove or pigeon.

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Excited that Blupela has officially launched!! HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone, and may 2015 be totally awesome! :)

Dec 31, 2014 @ 10:55am

Well... I think I'm going to get this puppy started. Hello world... Attila's in da house! :)

Dec 17, 2014 @ 07:35pm

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[image for Initiative 36.jpg]

Attila Domos - Let's Do Something Amazing!!

Attila Domos
My name is Attila Domos, and I'm a T11/T12 paraplegic, since September 22, of 1993. I had my falling accident the same night my former band and I signed a recording contract. You could say it was a Yin/Yang kind of an evening. I was always an ambitious person, and very goal driven. While I was born into a musician family, I was also, and still am an athlete. Most recently I've been competing in hand-cycling events.
I've competed in many sports both in my youth and adult life. Some include water polo, soccer, baseball, American football, Martial Arts, power lifting and as I said earlier... hand-cycling. I was always drawn to physical challenges. I'm the type of person who was always driven by a desire to make a difference, to be a force for good. I've used whatever talents I was born with to make a difference in the lives of others, and what I'm working towards now, will be by far my biggest challenge ever, but it will also allow me to do a lot of good around the world.
As many of you know, I’m on a mission this weekend (October 6th and 7th), to once and for all OFFICIALLY break the handcycling world record of 403.8 miles traveled in 24 hours. But this incredibly difficult task is only the beginning of even bigger things to come.
Once the record is mine, my next goal is to handcycle across America, in the TransAmerican Bike Race, which is a self-supported race across America, from Oregon to Maryland, a total of 4,6oo miles, winding through the Rocky mountains, the Midwest plains and the Appalachian mountains, all without being allowed a support team.
While this is a rough test for even a seasoned bicyclist, in a handcycle it’s incredibly rough, since without the aid of a support crew, I’ll have to tie my wheelchair to the back of my handcycle, put all of my day to day supplies I’ll need, and pull it all behind me… making me pull an extra 50 to 60 lbs. To top it off… my goal is to get from the Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean in 80 days (yes… inspired by Jules Verne).
In order for me to accomplish this task, I’ll have to ride an average distance of 65 miles per day… which doesn’t sound like that much, till you consider the fact that a handcycle is not only heavier than a bike, but it’s drive is in the front (very little weight to support the mountain climbs) I’m using my arms (as opposed to the legs, which are WAY easier), and as I mentioned before… I’m pulling an extra 50 to 60 lbs behind me, adding even more challenge to the front wheel drive.
My goal for this challenge is to create a reality show out of it, and challenge America to workout with me. Folks don’t have to work out for 8 hours or more each day, like I’ll be doing, but I ask people to come along with me, by promising to exercise each day I ride. They are asked to go outside, and play with their kids, go for a run, hit the gym, jump rope… whatever they want to do… just do it for at least 1 hour each day that I ride. I want them to weigh themselves or do a BMI (however they want to measure themselves) on day one… and then again on day eighty. I guarantee they’ll see results, which will make them happy.
But this task has another beneficial effect, and that’s to show people… especially kids, that no matter how big the goal is… if they take that first step, and continue with the second, third and on and on… all the while they keep their eyes on that finish line… they too can accomplish any goal, no matter how insurmountable it seems. I want people to understand that they’re more, than whom they think they are. MUCH… MORE!
But... in order to make this happen, we’ll have to raise at least $25k, which I’ll need for nightly lodging, food, bike repairs, and any other emergencies which will likely pop up in such an undertaking. It’s why we’re taking pre-orders for Gift Package items to commemorate this historic world record breaking event!
We will be selling Gift Package items from T-shirts and hats, to coffee mugs, koozies, tote bags and cooler bags, and all will have “Lets Do Something Amazing'… IT’S A BURGH THING!!”, along with my name, the distance traveled and the date. All of the proceeds will go toward making my journey in the Trans-American Bike Race a reality.
Get your collectables today, and show your Pittsburgh pride. Don’t let this historic event pass you by. Grab your swag, and help a fellow Pittsburgher continue to make history… one inspirational mission at a time.
GIFT PACKAGE (1) $60: Complete with
"Attila Domos Let's Do Something Amazing'... It's a BURGH THING!!"
"It's a Burgh Thing!!" Drink Cooler Bag
"It's a Burgh Thing!!" Beach Bag
"It's a Burgh Thing!!" Drink Koozie
Gift Package (2) $75: Complete with
T-Shirt and Hat together!
"Attila Domos 'Let's Do Something Amazing'... It's a BURGH THING!!"
"It's a Burgh Thing!!" Drink Cooler Bag
"It's a Burgh Thing!!" Beach Bag
"It's a Burgh Thing!!" Drink Koozie
(Shipping not included. Individual shipping charges will apply depending on location. Pick up also available. Please allow 4-6 weeks from the time the $25K goal is reached, for your "non-electronic" rewards to arrive.)
Thank you,
Attila Domos
For more information about Attila, please visit
Here you will find much more information about Attila and his many accomplishments and life inspirational achievments

Votes12 DateMay 15, 2015

Funded: 16 $1,005.00 / $25,000.00

Created Light on the World Spotlights

[image for World Spotlight Tony Moreno 5.JPG]


Attila Domos
In case you don't know, there is a mayoral option to Bill Peduto in the May 2021 Democratic primary, and his name is Tony Moreno, a retired Pittsburgh police detective. He's not the big budget candidate, and doesn't come from a long line of blue blood democrat money, but his message is strong and his ideas to fix the many problems facing today's Pittsburgh are solid.
I decided to do an email interview with Mr. Moreno to help introduce him to the general public. This was a fairly soft interview because the intent is just that, to introduce the opposition to the current mayor and his administration.
Anyone who's had the pleasure of meeting Tony could quickly see that he's a larger than life character with a genuinely kind heart. As a long time police officer he's seen the good, bad and the ugly our city has to offer, and now that he's retired and with his wife Patty by his side, he's taken on his next challenge... to unite our city and help uplift the many struggling neighborhoods left behind by current Mayor Peduto.
I emailed Mayoral candidate Tony Moreno 5 questions, and here was his response:
Q) Tell us a little about your background, both career and lifestyle. Were you born in Pittsburgh, or did you move here... and if so... how did you end up in this city?
A) I was born in Stanton, California and raised in Whittier (near L A). I joined the Army when I was 17 and after several years I met my first wife and got married. After my time in the military, she wouldn’t move back to California with me and she was from Youngstown, OH where we moved to. I applied to the Pittsburgh Police department and got hired which is what brought me here.
(I attached my bio for more detailed info on me)
Q) *I know you're running as a Democrat, but how would you describe your political views/stance?
A) I have always been a union member in my adult life like my father. In Pittsburgh, to have a voice in the primary elections, you must be a Democrat. I am union first and I believe every voice matters. I believe in freedom and I do not judge how people live their lives. We are a country of laws and the constitution is our guide. I have live a-politicly because politics have no place in Law enforcement.
Q) Did you always have political ambitions? If not... what made you decide to run for mayor of Pittsburgh?
A) I have always followed politics being in the local government as an employee and having been in the United States Military we fight for all rights to include the right to vote. However, I never had any aspirations to be a politician. I had planned to retire and move to Florida but the state of affairs in the City of Pittsburgh under Bill Peduto and these career politicians is unacceptable and abusive. I cannot leave it the way it is now without trying to make it better.
Q) What do you think is the biggest problem facing our city, today?
A) Race. The racial divide, the opportunities for the minority population in Pittsburgh are structurally different than the opportunities for everyone else. These problems are generational and have spurred systemic racism. These issues aren’t racism in the way of burning crosses and donning white sheets. It is a political corruption in controlling communities for the politicians desired outcome. Shutting out minorities and preventing these citizens from reaching their full potential in our city is an abhorrent travesty.
This has led to the destruction of harmony throughout our neighborhoods causing a never-ending strife. These problems can be positively addressed with a commitment to true equity in opportunity and a dedication to the human condition. We all want the same thing. Financial freedom, mobility and ownership. These things bring families together, reduce crime and create positive growth and cohesion in our neighborhoods.
Q) You seem like a very approachable candidate. What's the best way for people to get in touch with you?
A) I answer my cell phone for anyone, I have email, and the campaign has a website.
The best way to connect with me is to talk to me in person. The written word does not convey my passion for the success of Pittsburgh as a community in concert. My fight for the community is why I am in this. I do not stand for bullies, abusers or weak leaders and that is all we have in our local political system.
Candidate for Mayor of Pittsburgh, Tony Moreno's resume:
Tony Moreno is married to Dr. Patty Poloka who is a retired Army Major, Police Detective and Polygraph Examiner. Tony has 2 adult children and 2 grandchildren. He is also step-father to his wife’s 3 children where they currently live in their North Side home. Tony Crawford Moreno grew up in Whittier, California as the oldest of 3 children. Deceased father Joe (Jose) Louis Moreno, retired as a satellite technician at Boeing. Mother Joann Isaacs Moreno, was a travel agent and is currently an office manager in Southern California. Tony’s two siblings (Marla and Mark) still reside in California. Both mother and father were Deacons in their church providing a strong biblical foundation for Tony.
Tony volunteered enthusiastically for his youth group to provide young and old alike with faith-based ministry. He helped build housing shelters in Mexico as a youth and collected and distributed food, clothing, and medicine for the impoverished residents of Tijuana, Rosarita, and Ensenada Mexico. At the age of 16, Tony volunteered for environmental clean-up after an oil spill off the Southern California Coast.
Tony graduated from California High School in Los Angeles. During his time at “Cal High”, he participated in football, baseball, track, debate club, year book, and student council. Tony enjoyed spending time at the beach surfing, body surfing, boogie boarding, playing volleyball, skateboarding and riding his bicycle. When Tony was 17, his mother signed for him to enlist in the United States Army as an Airborne Military Police Paratrooper. He proudly served at the height of the invasion of Panama where he was deployed twice. Active duty took him to Fort Bragg, North Carolina for 3 years and Germany for 2 years. After completion of his military contract, he worked as a plumber apprentice until he attended the police academy in Ohio. He was offered employment by several Ohio Police agencies in addition to the Pittsburgh Bureau of Police (PBP). He chose Pittsburgh Police in 1994 where he proudly served for 24 years.
Tony worked hard and lead the city in arrests during the Federal Justice Department Consent Decree as a uniformed police officer (L.A. Times, Oct 15, 2000). He earned his way into the Narcotics Unit where, again, he led the city in arrests with the lowest complaint to arrest ratio (>1% complaints to arrests), while the Consent Decree was still in place. In the final years of his law enforcement career he volunteered to work downtown to restore a positive business climate, public safety, and enjoyable visitor experience while addressing the needs of the homeless and citizens with mental illness in the business and cultural districts. Tony gained the respect of the Cultural Trust and Downtown Pittsburgh Partnership as he met with the leaders to assist them with issues. As a Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Officer, he was able to recognize at-risk individuals and used necessary diversion resources as outlined in the data-driven Sequential Intercept Model (SIM). The SIM is a critical tool in CIT for the diversion of individuals from incarceration and into programs and/or mental health treatment. Tony attended all CIT supplemental courses to learn specific concerns affecting veterans, youth, and the LGBTQIA+ population, in the City of Pittsburgh to equally serve the community in the most effective and respectful way possible. Today Tony is a verbal de-escalation trainer for police officers in Allegheny County.
Tony is an animal lover and advocate. He volunteered at the East Liberty animal shelter walking dogs which were classified as aggressive to save them from being euthanized. Some of these dogs were rescued from dog fighting rings by Tony in the course of his police work. Tony enjoys hunting, fishing, and is extremely environmentally conscious.
Tony took advantage of many opportunities to learn while he was a Pittsburgh Police Officer. Outside of mandatory training, he graduated “Top Gun” (national narcotics school). Additionally, he attended “Identifying armed suspects” course, “Interview and Interrogation 1-4”, “Identifying Heavy Equipment Theft”, “Street Survival”, “Tactical Entry” school, “Tactical Communications” course, Mental Health First Aid, Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) training, “Instructor Development”, “Field Training Officer” course, and criminal justice courses at Community College of Allegheny County. Tony shared the knowledge he obtained by teaching at the police training academy, local elementary and high schools, and as a Field Training Officer for new police officers.
Since retirement, Tony volunteered for the Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program by sorting produce weekly to bring health food to law enforcement in 2018. He currently volunteers quarterly at wellness fairs since 2018. He has been an assistant coach in youth baseball in Brighton Heights and also helped with youth basketball. Tony and his wife volunteered many hours to a local Cub Scouts Den. Tony volunteers his time 2 days per week delivering for Meals on Wheels to support elderly members of the community.
Tony participates in his local union (Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #1) where he is an active member in good standing. Tony completed the rigorous process of obtaining the distinction of Private Detective in Allegheny County in 2018. Over 2017-2018, Tony absorbed the majority of household responsibilities while his wife completed her Doctorate in Management and Organizational Leadership, attended polygraph certification school, and subsequently established her own polygraph business.
Tony is a member of the following organizations: Allegheny Country Rifle Club, The Greater Pittsburgh Police Emerald Society, Veteran Police Association, Local Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), and Locking Army Men’s Fellowship.
![Tony Moreno 2.JPG]
Story by: Attila Domos

Votes3 DateNov 30, 2020

[image for World Spotlight George Noory.jpg]

George Noory

Attila Domos
BY Attila Domos
I remember the first time I listened to Coast to Cost AM, a 4 four hour late-night syndicated radio show. It blew my mind! I "never thought talk radio could be this exciting"! At the time the show's host was still the original Art Bell, but Art was on his way to retirement and George Noory became the regular weekday host. The show's topics range from government cover-ups, UFOs, ghosts and anything paranormal, and helps to open your mind to other ways of thinking. Coast to Coast AM was literally the first radio show I came across which could actually raise a person's IQ.
Up to then, every radio talk-show I ever heard was pretty much either sports or politics. But not this show! And the best part is that no matter how "crazy" the topic, they always managed to have on experts, who had inside knowledge of the show's topic. To me, George Noory WAS Coast to Coast AM. But who is this man?
He was born George Ralph Noory, on June 4th (same day as my mother) of 1950.
The portion below is from Wikipedia
Noory grew up in Detroit with two younger sisters, the son of a Lebanese Egyptian who worked at Ford Motor Company and a Lebanese American mother. He became interested with the paranormal and ufology as a child and joined the UFO organization NICAP as a teenager. He attended the University of Detroit, spending two years in the pre-dental program before switching his major to Communications. He graduated with a bachelor's degree in 1972. Noory served nine years in the United States Naval Reserve as a Lieutenant.
He began his radio career as a newscaster with Detroit station WCAR-AM. From 1974–1978 he worked as a news producer and executive news producer at WJBK-TV in Detroit. He would later serve as news director for KMSP-TV in Minneapolis and as news director at KSDK-TV in St. Louis. He won three local Emmy Awards for his work in TV news.
In St. Louis, Noory formed Norcom Entertainment, Inc., a company that developed and marketed video training films to law enforcement and security agencies. In 1987, Noory and his partners in Norcom Restaurants, Inc. opened the Café Marrakesh and Oasis Bar in Brentwood, Missouri. The restaurant's theme revolved around a fictional English soldier, Col. William Berry, who opened the establishment following an exciting secret mission to Marrakesh.
In 1996, Noory hosted a late-night radio program called Nighthawk on KTRS in St. Louis, which caught the attention of executives at Premiere Radio Networks, syndicators of Coast to Coast AM. In April of 2001, Noory became a guest host for Coast to Coast AM before replacing Ian Punnett as the Sunday night host. In January 2003, following Bell's retirement, Noory took over as weeknight host of Coast to Coast AM.
End of Wikipedia
I owe much to my way of critical thinking, to George and Coast to Coast AM. Although in the past few years I haven't been able to be a regular listener, the show has touched my life on many levels. I hope for a future where more folks listen to talk shows like this, and fewer political nonsense and gibberish. The world needs more George Noorys and fewer flavor of the month teen pop-stars.

Votes2 DateJul 15, 2015

[image for World Spotlight cover photo.jpg]


Attila Domos
By: Attila Domos
Sounds like the plot to a movie about World War 2 Nazis. I can't believe that I have to write about this in the year 2015. As beautiful as our planet Earth is, she hides many dark and disturbing secrets, and unfortunately most of them have to do with immoral human behavior.
Human trafficking (modern term from slavery) is nothing new. It's been a part of man's history since pretty much the beginning. Due to our insecurity, fear or greed, or even all of the above, we human apes seem to feel the need to give in to these horrible weaknesses, and justify taking advantage of those who're either born, or find themselves less fortunate through some kind of misfortune. While many of us are sickened to learn that human trafficking is still "a thing", most of us turn a blind eye, unless it ends up directly affecting us. But the sad reality is that it still is very much "a thing", right here, today, from the United States to China, Nigeria to Brazil, and even in many of your so called "developed nations" through out the Western world. What is so brutal about today's slavery compared to the ones from the past?
Believe it or not, human slaves have never been cheaper. I was shocked to learn of this. Where as in the past slaves were expensive, so owners treated them well (for the most part), because of their lack of value, today's slaves are disposable, and the disabled ones even more so.
While no country is safe from it's citizens being abducted, taken across borders and sold into slavery, poverty levels of a country has a direct affect to the treatment of its disabled population. In some cases families will give up a child who is born with a disability, because they either can't or won't take on the financial burden that may come with raising a child with special needs. In other cases they may sell the child to people, who will then take said disabled child to another city or country, and force him or her to panhandle for them or do even worse.
While forced begging makes up a large percentage of the exploitation the disabled face around the world, sex-trafficking is also a very deeply disturbing reality for persons with disabilities. There are more and more cases where disabled girls and young women are sold into brothels, where they fetch a high price because of their believed virginity, and are often sold to men who have HIV.
The deeper you dig, the more disturbing the stories get. There are may reports of the abuse of deaf domestic workers in the United Kingdom, addicts forced to labor in fields in the United States, people with mental illnesses and developmental disabilities enslaved in Chinese kilns, and persons with developmental disabilities forced to work as peddlers on the streets of India.
Societal barriers in most countries limit the access of persons with disabilities to systems of justice. Lack of training of police, prosecutors, and judges on how to accommodate persons with disabilities (through, for example, sign language interpreters, plain language, and physical access) can leave victims with disabilities unable to provide effective statements and report the abuse they have endured. Laws expressly prohibiting people with disabilities from being witnesses, especially those who are blind, deaf, or have mental or developmental disabilities, leave such victims excluded from processes that should provide them with redress.
The International Labor Organization estimates that 2.4 million people were trafficked between 1995 and 2005. The 2010 Trafficking in Persons Report reports that 12.3 million adults and children were trafficked in 2009, at a rate of 1.8 people per 1,000 worldwide. In 2007, the Trafficking in Persons Report stated that 800,000 people are trafficked across borders every year, of which about 80% are women and girls and up to 50% are children. In the U.S. State Department’s “The Facts About Child Sex Tourism: 2005” it is reported that approximately 1 million children are sexually exploited every year throughout the world.
This statistic, as are most, if not all, is broken down into specifications of age and gender, but there is no specific information as to how many of these individuals have a disability. As defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act, a disability is; “a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities; a record of such an impairment; or a person regarded as having such an impairment”.
Human trafficking and disabilities is a severely under addressed topic in the discussion of human slavery. There are very few reports on its incidence. In 2009, Stop Violence Against Women wrote an article called “Violence Against Women with Disabilities”. They report that children in orphanages are at a higher risk for violence. Human Trafficking & Modern-day Slavery – Belgium reports that gangs throughout Belgium’s major cities organize begging rings using children and individuals with disabilities, typically from Romania (Patt, 2010). Due to the lack of understanding, financial means and cultural stigmas, discussed further below, children with disabilities are a source of shame to their families.
Research indicates that violence against children with disabilities occurs at least 1.7 times greater annually than for their peers without disabilities (disabledworld). There are many reasons as to why these families give up their children, such as not having the knowledge or financial resources to care for these children. Other reasons are extensions of cultural beliefs. UNICEF reports, “social beliefs about disability include the fear that disability is associated with evil, witchcraft or infidelity, which serve to entrench the marginalization of disabled people” (2008) . As a result, these children wind up in orphanages where they are much more susceptible to violence. Women and girls with disabilities are especially vulnerable to physical and sexual violence which puts them in danger of unplanned pregnancies due to sexual exploitation.
In today's world, where we're over a century removed from the industrial revolution, to know that human beings are still used for slave labor, is very disturbing. To know that the same species that created such beautiful things like the works of Mozart, DaVinci, Tesla and Einstein, is the same species that will mistreat and take advantage of its disabled, should be alarming. In fact, there's so little attention being paid to those born into these horrible situations, that I couldn't find a video to help illustrate it's severity. I did, however, find plenty of news articles on the subject, and attached the links to a couple. It doesn't take much effort to find more stories, simply search Google for stories involving human trafficking, and the disabled.
I am personally going to make this one of my issues in my trip around the world, as I will shine a light on this topic, and make an attempt to enlighten man-kind. There is no reason for any human being to own another. It is out dated, barbaric and an evil practice. Let's put an end to such shameful behavior.
For direct assistance with a potential trafficking situation please contact the National Human Trafficking Resource Center at 1-888-373-7888.
Sources for this story: "The Human Trafficking Project" and "Conspiracy of Hope: a voice for the voiceless victims of human trafficking".

Votes1 DateJun 29, 2015

[image for World Spotlight Bruce Lee 1972.jpg]

Bruce Lee

Attila Domos
Mention the name BRUCE LEE, and images of Kung-Fu on the silver screen come to mind. However, Bruce was much more than an action film star ahead of his time. He was a husband, father, philosopher, actor, film maker, excellent dancer, teacher, marshal arts innovator aka founder of Jeet Kune Do, a fitness freak, a writer of philosophy and martial arts books, and much more.
While Bruce lived most of his young life in Hong-Kong, where he was in and out of trouble, and involved in gang fights on roof tops (which was "the thing" for the young gang banger of the city, at that time), he was actually born on November 27, 1940 in San Francisco, to a Cantonese opera star named Lee Hoi-Chuen. In fact Bruce's real (or Chinese) name is Lee Jun-fan. He got his English name (Bruce) by the physician at the hospital where he was born. Story goes that she (the physician) thought he "looked like a Bruce".
When Lee turned 18, his father gave him money and a one way ticket to America, so he can pursue higher education at the University of Washington, Seattle. While attending college, Young Bruce started teaching marshal arts to anyone who wanted to learn, which did not sit well within the Chinese community. The elders felt that their way of fighting was not meant to be taught to outsiders. The Chinese have always kept a closed community, and their disagreement eventually came down to a show of fists, where Bruce prevailed. Unfortunately Lee came away from the fight temporarily paralyzed, when his opponent hit him with a dirty blow, as Bruce was walking away from a fight he had won.
Bruce had to deal with many challenges in his short life, all because he was the wrong skin color. Even though he was born in America, he was never truly seen as an equal by many of the whites he had to deal with. While he was the reason people tuned in to watch "The Green Hornet", he was forced to wear a mask to hide his Oriental appearance. Even though Lee created the TV Show "Kung-Fu", the lead role was given to David Carradine by the studios, because Bruce looked "too Chinese".
One little known fact about Lee is that he was one of the first people to create liquefied meals, what we today refer to as "protein shakes". Though, the varieties Bruce made weren't powder with a chocolate, vanilla or strawberry flavor. No, these early versions combined things like eggs, meat and other sources of protein thrown into a blender, and blended into a liquid form. I'm fairly certain they must have tasted awful, but who could argue with their success? They worked and these quick meals were way before their time.
Another interesting little known fact is that Lee wrote poetry.
He was able to do one handed two finger push-ups. Now THAT'S SICK!
Bruce was a very generous man, who helped anyone in need. One such story was told by the great Jackie Chan. At that time, young Jackie was an extra in a movie which starred Bruce. It wasn't unusual for extras to take some real punches and kicks from the film's stars. After all... this is live action, and misfires happen. However, the stars rarely ever cared if they injured a lowly extra. Bruce Lee wasn't your average film star, and when in a scene he accidentally injured Jackie, he stopped, helped Chan to his feet and made sure he was alright, before continuing with the shoot. Chan never forgot the kindness Lee showed him on that day, and it's very likely that he walked away with a lesson in humility, which surely played a part in Chan turning into one of the most beloved action stars of our time.
Lee is best known as a martial artist, but he also studied drama and philosophy while a student at the University of Washington. He was well-read and had an extensive library. His own books on martial arts and fighting philosophy are known for their philosophical assertions, both inside and outside of martial arts circles. His eclectic philosophy often mirrored his fighting beliefs, though he was quick to claim that his martial arts were solely a metaphor for such teachings. He believed that any knowledge ultimately led to self-knowledge, and said that his chosen method of self-expression was martial arts. His influences include Taoism, Jiddu Krishnamurti, and Buddhism. On the other hand, Lee's philosophy was very much in opposition to the conservative worldview advocated by Confucianism. John Little states that Lee was an atheist. When asked in 1972 about his religious affiliation, he replied, "none whatsoever". In 1972, he was asked if he believed in God, and responded, "To be perfectly frank, I really do not".
*Source: Wikipedia
Unfortunately Bruce Lee died on July 20th, 1973 at the young age of 32 of a cerebral edema. He truly was a remarkable human being, who inspired people of all races and color around the world. There's even a statue of Bruce in Bulgaria!
His famous saying was "Walk On"... in other words... what ever happens in life, just walk on. Thousands of people showed up for his funeral, from actors, actresses, athletes, other martial artists and even Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, the 7' 2" center of the Los Angeles Lakers, who was a student of Bruce's.
There's way more to this mighty mouse giant, this "dragon" than I could ever put into words, so I suggest going to the official Bruce Lee site, which is run by his daughter Shannon, and/or search his name at YouTube for many incredible videos of Bruce doing incredible things.
Story by: Attila Domos

Votes2 DateApr 15, 2015

[image for World Spotlight Gabriel McNeal.jpg]

Gabriel McNeal

Attila Domos
Meet Gabriel McNeal... a pleasant, seemingly "happy go lucky" fellow, with a nice smile and out going personality. A young man who could have taken the "easy way" in life, and cashed in on his basketball talents overseas, in a few different countries, among them Germany. He could have been just another professional athlete, making money by doing what he's physically born to do, but this 24-year old chose a different path.
"I realized that my life was bigger than the basketball court," said McNeal. "I want to be remembered as a person who inspired others."
As things stand today, he will graduate in December from Point Park University (in Downtown Pittsburgh, PA) with a bachelor's degree in communications. But... what's his game plan? What tugged at him hard enough to pull him away from the game he loves? Perhaps having a beautiful 4-year old daughter who lives in Texas had something to do with it. Becoming a father can change a man... can often give him a different perspective.
McNeal was born in Richmond, Virginia, and never really knew his mother, who has been in and out of prison his entire life. So, he was raised by his aunt and grandmother. Even though his father was also fairly translucent, and he too was incarcerated a few years ago, in the time he did spend with his son, he left a positive influence on young Gabriel.
"I love my father. He instilled in me a strong reading foundation. This eventually inspired me to create my foundation." McNeal explained.
So... how did this kid from Richmond end up at Point Park University, in Pittsburgh?
He spent his freshman year of college at Cecil Community College, in Maryland, where he made "All tournament Team", by averaging 13 pts and 4 assists per game. They also won the Maryland "Juco Tournament", where the team made it to the nationals in Illinois and was ranked #10 in the nation.
His outstanding play at Cecil earned him a scholarship to Shaw University, in Raleigh, North Carolina (NCAA-2). "This wasn't a good fit for me," proclaimed McNeal... "not academically, and not socially."
So, the following year, he transferred to Point Park University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where he continued with basketball, but there he also excelled academically. Being happy and in an environment that allowed him to be able to focus on his studies, he started putting together his ideas for his "Go Pro in the Game of Life Foundation".
"I created this foundation to inspire the youth to be greater than they think they can be." McNeal went on to say, "I can relate to them and they can relate to me. I've been there, I've lived through much of what they're living with, now... and I want to help them to understand what my father taught me. The importance of learning to read, so they can make good life choices. Don't just become another statistic."
As of now, McNeal has partnered with 6 low income elementary middle schools in Pittsburgh, where he works his program once a month. His goal is to grow the foundation to the point where this grows city, state and perhaps even nation wide.
"Kids need to understand that they are in charge of their destiny, but to maximize their result, they need to know how to think, and learning to read will allow them to do just that."
He also has 3 legs to help kids achieve success.
T.E.A.M.H.O.O.P. (Together Everyone Achieves More Helping Others Overcome Pressure)
Our program develops relationships with local inner-city elementary schools with low-performing reading scores; we have our student-athletes perform story-time reading. The student-athletes will act as role models for the young kids and will look to set a good example for academic success. While this program is emotionally fulfilling for the mentors, it will also provide a valuable opportunity for service that will look exemplary on any résumé.
Kool Kat in the Hat Man Entertainment
The Kool Kat in the Hat Man will perform the following three motivational reading songs: “I Will Succeed, I Believe, I Read,” “The Reading Motivator,” and “The Best Rapper In The World.” The songs are a fun way to get kids motivated to read.
Founder and President Public Speaking Message
President and founder Gabriel McNeal will share his testimony with the children and explain how his reading background helped him progress through elementary school, high school and now college. He will go over the importance of setting goals, making the right choices and devising a game plan for life. The talks will stress that these steps are especially important for those children facing difficult circumstances outside of school.
For now, McNeal has been paying for these programs out of his own pocket, but he's looking for investors, donors, and any available grants. If you have any new or even used books you wish to donate to the Go Pro in the Game of Life Foundation, for now there are two (2) "drop-off zones".
PO Box 23181 - Pittsburgh, PA 15222
Hazelwood YMCA - 4713 Chatsworth St. - Pittsurgh PA 15207
"Basketball is still a big part of my life, but we all can't go pro in sports, so I want to help kids figure out what THEIR game-plan in life is. My motto 'Game plan for Life' is my belief that every child with a solid reading background can achieve success in life, even when facing challenging circumstances."
That is a very positive attitude from a young man who's seen his share of hardship.
Story by: Attila Domos
For more information about Go Pro in the Game of Life Foundation, an/or to get involved, please visit the website: www.goprointhegameoflife.org
Below is a video of Gabe McNeal interviewed on April 24th, 2015, on THE ABC SHOW podcast.

Votes3 DateMar 16, 2015

[image for World Spotlight BassReeves.jpg]


Attila Domos
I'm sure you are familiar with the legend of the Lone Ranger, his sidekick "Tonto", and his horse "Silver", but what if I told you that the Lone Ranger you know, was created from, and based on a man by the name of Bass Reeves, a true life Deputy U.S. Marshall in Arkansas and the Indian Territory?
What if I told you, that said deputy was a free black man, who headed West, to escape the racist structure of the established Eastern and Southern states?
The fact that I never learned about Bass Reeves in any of my many history classes doesn't surprise me. The longer I live, the more I've come to learn that most of the things we've been taught in our dozen or so years of schooling are lies, half truths, and misrepresentations of historical facts.
For example... we've all been taught that Benedict Arnold was a traitor to our founding fathers, but we've never been told why. When you take the time to research what really happened, it's much easier to understand why he made the choice to go against his fellow colonists, and side with the ruling British crown. But... Arnold is a topic for another day. Let's keep our focus on this very remarkable man, Bass Reeves, who... while having died and buried a hero, was quietly left out from our school system's history books.
This is probably the shortest "Spotlight" I've written, to date, but it's by design. I don't want to give away all of the goodies of this story. Micah Naziri's article did a fine job explaining the details. It's a short read, but very informative an well put together.
Click on the link below for Naziri's article. In it you can find a list of books that have been written and published about Bass Reeves over the years, Since his death in 1910. I also attached a short YouTube video. Enjoy!
Written by: Attila Domos
Bass Reeves (July 1838 – 12 January 1910), one of the first African American Deputy U.S. Marshals west of the Mississippi River, arrested over 3,000 felons and shot and killed fourteen outlaws in self-defense. (Wikipedia)

Votes4 DateFeb 18, 2015

[image for World Spotlight BassReeves.jpg]


Attila Domos
I'm sure you are familiar with the legend of the Lone Ranger, his sidekick "Tonto", and his horse "Silver", but what if I told you that the Lone Ranger you know, was created from, and based on a man by the name of Bass Reeves, a true life Deputy U.S. Marshall in Arkansas and the Indian Territory?
What if I told you, that said deputy was a free black man, who headed West, to escape the racist structure of the established Eastern and Southern states?
The fact that I never learned about Bass Reeves in any of my many history classes doesn't surprise me. The longer I live, the more I've come to learn that most of the things we've been taught in our dozen or so years of schooling are mostly lies, half truths, and misrepresentations of historical facts.
For example... we've all been taught that Benedict Arnold was a traitor to our founding fathers, but we've never been told why. When you take the time to research what really happened, it's much easier to understand why he made the choice to go against his fellow colonists, and side with the ruling British crown. But... Arnold is a topic for another day. Let's keep our focus on this very remarkable man, Bass Reeves, who... while having died and buried a hero, was quietly left out from our school system's history books.
This is probably the shortest "Spotlight" I've written, to date, but it's by design. I don't want to give away all of the goodies of this story. Micah Naziri's article did a fine job explaining the details. It's a short read, but very informative an well put together.
Click on the link below for Naziri's article. In it you can find a list of books that have been written and published about Bass Reeves over the years, Since his death in 1910. I also attached a short YouTube video. Enjoy!
Written by: Attila Domos
Bass Reeves (July 1838 – 12 January 1910), one of the first African American Deputy U.S. Marshals west of the Mississippi River, arrested over 3,000 felons and shot and killed fourteen outlaws in self-defense. (Wikipedia)

Votes1 DateFeb 18, 2015

[image for World Spotlight Heron of Alexandria.jpg]

Heron of Alexandria

Attila Domos
Heron of Alexandria, also called Hero (flourished c. ad 62, Alexandria, Egypt), Greek geometer and inventor whose writings preserved for posterity a knowledge of the mathematics and engineering of Babylonia, ancient Egypt, and the Greco-Roman world.
(source: britannica.com)
It is almost certain that Hero taught at the Musaeum which included the famous Library of Alexandria, because most of his writings appear as lecture notes for courses in mathematics, mechanics, physics, and pneumatics. Although the field was not formalized until the twentieth century, it is thought that the work of Hero, his automated devices in particular, represents some of the first formal research into cybernetics.
(Source: Wikipedia)
Heron was a brilliant man, well ahead of his time. He was Da Vinci, way before Leonardo Da Vinci. He's a bit of a mystery, in the way of Nikola Tesla, but not due to his being an introvert, but because he lived so long ago that many of his inventions were lost to time, war, fire and other disasters which destroy great creations.
While he first was a brilliant mathematician, many of his inventions must have seemed like magic, to the commoners of the time. He worked primarily with air, steam, water pressure, ropes, levers and pulleys, but the magic he created was absolute genius. It wasn't long before two groups came calling for Heron's work. One was the Roman military, and the other, the Greek church.
For the military, he created war machines, like the early form of the modern Gatling gun, which gave the Romans a huge military advantage. However, for the flailing Greek church, he created magic.
Many Greeks have turned away from the notion of gods, and membership size had dwindled through out the Greek states. But once Heron got to working his "magic", the people turned back in droves. Some of his magic creations were the weeping statue, the large floating statue of Helios and the automatic doors to Athena's temple. But, there were many more.
A wind-wheel operating a pipe organ—the first instance of wind powering a machine.
The first automatic vending machine. When a coin was introduced through a slot on the top of the machine, a set amount of holy water was dispensed. When the coin was deposited, it fell upon a pan attached to a lever. The lever opened up a valve which let some water flow out. The pan continued to tilt with the weight of the coin until the coin fell off, at which point a counter-weight would snap the lever back up and turn off the valve.
Mechanisms for the Greek theater, including an entirely mechanical puppet play almost ten minutes in length, powered by a binary-like system of ropes, knots, and simple machines operated by a rotating cylindrical cogwheel. The sound of thunder was produced by the mechanically-timed dropping of metal balls onto a hidden drum.
(Source: historyofinformation.com)
What very few people know, thanks to the omission of important facts from our history books, is that Heron was the first inventor of the steam engine, a steam powered device that was called aeolipile or the ‘Heron engine’. The name comes from the Greek word ‘Aiolos’ who was the Greek God of the winds.
Although a few others have talked about devices similar to aeolipiles before Heron, Heron was the first one to describe them in detail and give instructions for manufacturing them in his book Pneumatica, where more than 78 devices are described. Many of Heron’s ideas were extensions and improvements of another Greek inventor who lived in Alexandria 300 years before him, known as Ktesibios, the first to write about the science of compressed air.
Hero's works include descriptions of machines working on air, steam or water pressure, architectural devices for lifting heavy objects, methods of calculating surfaces and volumes – including a method of calculating the square root, war machines, and manipulation of light using reflection and mirrors.
(Source: ancient-origins.net)
Unfortunately man-kind wasn't ready for some of his creations, and they were reinvented a thousand or more years later. Imagine for a moment, if the "Heron Engine" would have been taken seriously? Picture a world where the Roman war machine could have crossed the Oceans thanks to their steam powered ships, or moved their troops from place to place much faster, using a train? Like with all inventions, no matter how great the idea and creation, it will only be used in the practical world when financial visionaries come along and want to change the world... for better or worse.
By: Attila Domos

Votes1 DateFeb 3, 2015

[image for World Spotlight Mel Brooks.jpg]

Mel Brooks

Attila Domos
While he doesn't know it, and in fact... he doesn't even know I exist, Mel Brooks' comedy got me through one of the darkest times of my life, and for that I can't thank him enough.
I had a falling accident in September of 1993, that left me paralyzed from the waist down. While it's not in my nature to wallow in self pity, when finding out that I will never walk again did have me in the gutter, emotionally. I'm not sure if it was because of all the drugs the doctors had me on, having my life completely flipped upside down (just as things were seemingly coming together), or a combination of both, but I found myself depressed and wondering about my future.
The unknown can always be a scary thing, especially at age 25, when most people are just starting to take jabs and body blows from life. Here I was, feeling like I took a knock out punch in the first round. Dazed and confused I desperately wanted to get back on my feet, back to my old life, but no matter how hard I worked and physically trained, that wasn't going to happen. You see... recovery from paralysis is like a crap-shoot. There's no such thing as "I worked really hard and made a recovery from my paralyzing accident." No... the media is the worst disseminator of this false information. Only one thing determines if you can recover from a paralyzing accident. Either the damage is serious, or it's not.
The days in rehab weren't so bad, because we were kept busy with the different therapies. The nights though... that's where things could get lonely. That's when your mind became your worst enemy. To help combat this, I had my brother record two songs for me, and I listened to them over and over. These songs always made me laugh, and reminded me not only of happy times, but (to quote every coach in existence) that "it is what it is". Yes... Life is, and there's nothing we can do about it. Listening to these songs over and over when I felt depressed, got me through some of the dark nights.
What were the two songs, you ask? They were both from movies. The first was "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life" (Monty Python's "Life of Brian") and the other was "The Spanish Inquisition" (Mel Brooks' "History of the Word Part 1").
We all heard the saying... "laughter is the best medicine"? I'm here as proof that if you can laugh at yourself, you can get through anything. Thank you Mel for using your sense of humor and comic genius to bring joy and laughter to a world in desperate need for more of it.
With that... here's a spotlight about one of my favorite comic geniuses... Mel Brooks.
(The below information is from Wikipedia)
Mel Brooks (born Melvin James Kaminsky, June 28, 1926) is an American film director, screenwriter, comedian, actor, producer, composer and songwriter. He is best known as a creator of broad film farces and comic parodies. He began his career as a comic and a writer for the early TV variety show Your Show of Shows. He became well known as part of the comedy duo with Carl Reiner, The 2000 Year Old Man. In middle age he became one of the most successful film directors of the 1970s, with many of his films being among the top ten money makers of the year that they were released. His best known films include The Producers, The Twelve Chairs, Blazing Saddles, Young Frankenstein, Silent Movie, High Anxiety, History of the World, Part I, Spaceballs and Robin Hood: Men in Tights. More recently, he had a smash hit on Broadway with the musical adaptation of his first film, The Producers. He was married to the actress Anne Bancroft from 1964 until her death in 2005.
Brooks is on the short list of entertainers who have won an Emmy, a Grammy, an Oscar and a Tony award. He received the 41st AFI Life Achievement Award in June 2013. Three of his films ranked in the American Film Institute's list of the top 100 comedy films of all-time, all of which ranked in the top 20 of the list: Blazing Saddles at number 6, The Producers at number 11, and Young Frankenstein at number 13.
By: Attila Domos
(Editor's note: Even though this particular article spotlight's the one and only comic genius that is Mel Brooks, I've also decided to add Monty Python's clip from "The Life of Brian". These were 2 among my favorite comedies, and always put a smile on my face. Enjoy them for what they are... comedy.)
Mel's personal website: http://www.melbrooks.com/

Votes2 DateJan 30, 2015

[image for World Spotlight Brenda Vance athlete photo.jpg]

Brenda Vance

Attila Domos
Brenda Vance was the typical American kid growing up in Illinois. In her youth she played and enjoyed sports, then as she got into her teen years she found herself doing more drinking, partying, eating lots of junk food, well... basically behaved like a typical rebellious teen. By the time she was 18, she gave birth to her son, and went on about her life as a single mom.
Fast forward to 2011. While watching TV, the now more mature 28-year old Brenda Vance came across a Fitness America competition, which ignited some kind of a spark in her.
"I saw this competition, and decided that I want to be like that." said the 31 year old full-time student with a masters in holistic nutrition. She then went on a mission.
"I found a trainer with whom I worked very hard, for four months. We got my body fat from 25% down to 10%, and I competed in my first Figure Competition, where I placed second."
What's a "Figure Competition" you ask? It's like a bodybuilding competition, but maintains a focus on still looking feminine.
"In fact, I entered three of them" she went on, "and finished 2nd in all three."
One would think that's pretty darned good, an most would be perfectly happy and proud with that excellent accomplishment, but not Brenda. Her next challenge was to enter Tough Mudder.
Tough Mudder is an endurance event series in which participants attempt 10–12-mile-long (16–19 km) military-style obstacle courses. It was designed and created by two British Harvard Business School post graduates and tests mental as well as physical strength. (source Wikipedia)
She did well enough to qualify World's Toughest Mudder, a brutal competition that has challengers running and doing an obstacle course for 24 hours. This is where Brenda learned a very valuable lesson. - "I was unprepared. I did this coming off training for the Figure Competitions, where the concept is all different. Those were about low body fat, so while I looked very fit, my body started to shut down and eventually the judges forced me to stop."
In 2012, through the ACE (American Council on Exercise), Brenda was certified as a personal trainer.
"That was exciting, but as I did an insurance company blood test, the results showed a potential problem with my kidneys, most likely due to the very high protein diet I was on. So, I changed my eating habits, and adopted a straight vegan diet."
Things seemed to be moving along just fine, until Brenda collapsed in 2013. "My body completely shut down on me from a lack of nutrients and over training. I went through 2 weeks of anxiety, fear, confusion... I had no idea what was going on. I was eating right, taking my supplements, thought I was doing everything right, and my body still shut down."
During her recovery, she did a lot of research, and decided to study at IIN (Institute of Integrated Nutrition), where Brenda earned a health coaching certificate and at about the same time she enrolled at the College of Natural Health, where she earned her masters of holistic nutrition.
In 2014, Brenda enrolled at Northern Illinois University, where she's working on her bachelors in sports nutrition, and looks to eventually earn a masters in that as well.
Today, when not making hard-core workout videos for viewers of YouTube, videos referred to as "Immortal Stair Training" , Brenda is the owner of B Crazy Fit studio, and she in-home and on-line training. But ask her and she'll tell you... "Nutrition is my favorite. I love the inner workings of the human body, and all of the little things that go into making it work just right. I Switched to an 80/10/10 diet (80% carbs, 10% fat & 10% protein), and I've never felt more healthy and full of energy."
Do not let the fact that she's a woman fool you. Brenda's workouts are very demanding. When asked about how men react to her training methods, she laughingly said "They hate me (during the workouts). They yell all sorts of obscenities at me, but in the end they love me because they see results."
So, what's Brenda's mission in life?
"To help others live healthy, so they can do the things they want to, with out physical limitations. To help them achieve a mind, body and soul connection."
All of these life altering and empowering changes, from one televised event. TV is often referred to as the "idiot box", but for Brenda Vance... it helped to change her into the inspiring woman, that this once rebellious teen-aged girl has become.
Story by: Attila Domos
Visit Brenda's website: http://www.b-naturallyzen.com/my-approach-brenda-vance
Follow Brenda at Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/brenda.vance.16

Votes4 DateJan 20, 2015

[image for World Spotlight Bryan McCormick.jpg]

Bryan McCormick

Attila Domos
Bryan McCormick is a 32-year old T8 complete paraplegic who lives in Pittsburgh, PA. At 6 feet 8 inches tall, he is a pretty unusual sight. One doesn't come across too many people in a wheelchair, who are tall enough to play in the NBA. With his size, he could be a menacing figure, but McCormick is anything but! He is much more of a gentle giant with a great sense of humor.
"Being my size definitely comes with pros and cons," says McCormick. "The pros are that I can reach things on high shelves, and see better in a crowd. As far as cons... I have a difficult time fitting under normal tables, and finding pants that fit. I have to special order pants online, at places like St. John's Bey and Big & Tall stores."
McCormick grew up an only child, who became paralyzed in 2001 from a skiing accident.
"I was skiing at Hidden Valley (a Pennsylvania resort) when I over shot the landing ramp, and landed on my back."
When asked how he responded to the news of his permanent paralysis, he said "I've always been a pretty easy going guy, and took things as they came along. I probably get it from my parents. I was instilled with those qualities. We've always been very close."
He also credits his upbeat attitude to all the sports he played growing up. Some of which include soccer, football and horseback riding.
HORSEBACK RIDING, at 6'8"? "Well... I did that when I was young" he said with a chuckle.
Keeping with the tradition of those who were athletic before their accident, Bryan is just as active since, if not more so. Even though it was the cause of his paralysis, skiing is still his first love, but he also hand-cycles, and more recently got involved with kayaking at the Three Rivers Rowing Association, through the mentoring program at Mercy hospital.
"Just this summer I was able to get on the water and compete in Philadelphia." McCormick went on... "They have a weight room with rowing machines, which allow you to get a great workout. The fee is only $90 annually, and it's on Washington's Landing, under the 31st Street Bridge."
About 4 years ago, McCormick became one of the mentors of the Spinal Cord Injury Support Group at Mercy hospital (in Pittsburgh, PA) - aka Peer Mentoring Group at Mercy. He credits Patty Mikosky with getting him involved. "It (the support group) really has the potential to change someone's life. The group can change someone's perspective of his/her injury."
The support group meets twice a month at Mercy Hospital, where Bryan and a few fellow mentors talk with "wheelchair newbies", and share some of their experiences. But the group isn't just for those in a wheelchair.
"It's a great place for spouses, parents and other loved ones to learn what type of things they can expect after a life altering injury."
So... how has paralysis changed McCormick's life?
"It's definitely a challenge. But... overall it had a positive affect on my life. Prior to my injury I wasn't very focused on life. After my injury I decided that I'm going to take the opportunity to do everything I wanted to do, because you never know what life brings. So ... I went online and learned how to play the guitar. Even took some music theory classes at Pitt (Greensburg). I love classic rock... Phish, Hendrix, Zeppelin, Sabbath... pretty much all the big guitar-bands."
While he's still only 32 years of age, one can see how McCormick's smile and attitude can be contagious. Anyone who sits and talks with him even for a few minutes, will almost immediately be inspired to be and do better. While no one wishes spinal cord injury on anyone, the community is better off having Bryan McCormick as one of its representatives.
For anyone who'd like to join the Peer Mentoring Group at Mercy, the Facebook link is provided below. Bryan and the gang welcome all comers with open arms. In his words... "You never know who is inspired by whose story."
Like they say in street slang... "Tru dat Bryan... tru dat!"
Story by Attila Domos

Votes2 DateDec 31, 2014

[image for World Spotlight Nikola Tesla.jpg]

Nikola Tesla

Attila Domos
Nikola Tesla was a Serbian American inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, and futurist best known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current (AC) electricity supply system.
His father, Milutin Tesla, was an Orthodox priest. Tesla's mother, Đuka Tesla, whose father was also an Orthodox priest, had a talent for making home craft tools, mechanical appliances, and the ability to memorize Serbian epic poems. Đuka had never received a formal education. Nikola credited his eidetic memory and creative abilities to his mother's genetics and influence. Tesla's progenitors were from western Serbia, near Montenegro.
(Source Wikipedia)
He was a gentle soul who invented for the betterment of humanity. He could easily have made millions of dollars, but instead... like many other geniuses before him... he died (on January 7th, 1943), alone and penniless.
This brilliant man was so ahead of his time, that during his day he was practically a wizard. There were many things he was rumored to have done... (caused the "Tunguska Explosion" while working in Colorado, laid the ground works to the alleged "Philadelphia Experiment" and nearly destroyed a Manhattan City Block with his "Death Ray", among others... but here are 10 inventions of his which we still use today!
Alternating Current
Remote Control
Electric Motor
Wireless Communications
Limitless Free Energy
Interesting facts about one of the greatest geniuses to have ever lived...
Tesla was born around midnight, between July 9 and July 10, 1856 during a fierce lightning storm. According to family legend, midway through the birth, the midwife wrung her hands and declared the lightning a bad omen. This child will be a child of darkness, she said, to which his mother replied: “No. He will be a child of light.”
Many have characterized Tesla and inventor Thomas Edison as enemies, but this relationship has been misrepresented. Early in his career, Tesla worked for Edison, designing direct current generators, but famously quit to pursue his own project: the alternating current induction motor. Sure, they were on different sides of the so-called “Current Wars,” with Edison pushing for direct current and Tesla for alternating current. But Carlson considers them the Steve Jobs and Bill Gates of their time: one the brilliant marketer and businessman and the other a visionary and “tech guy.”
On a rare occasion, Edison attended a conference where Tesla was speaking. Edison, hard of hearing and not wanting to be spotted, slipped into the back of the auditorium to listen to the lecture. But Tesla spotted Edison in the crowd, called attention to him and led the audience in giving him a standing ovation.
The two had a love/hate relationship. At first Edison dismissed Tesla, but came to eventually respect.
In the race to develop transatlantic radio, Tesla described to his funder and business partner, J.P. Morgan, a new means of instant communication that involved gathering stock quotes and telegram messages, funneling them to his laboratory, where he would encode them and assign them each a new frequency. That frequency would be broadcast to a device that would fit in your hand, he explained. In other words, Tesla had envisioned the smart phone and wireless internet. Of all of his ideas, that was the one that stopped him in his tracks.
Tesla was the first to be thinking about the information revolution in the sense of delivering information for each individual user.
He also conceived of, but never developed technology for radar, X-rays, a particle beam “death ray” and radio astronomy.
Tesla could not stand the sight of pearls, to the extent that he refused to speak to women wearing them. When his secretary wore pearl jewelry, he sent her home for the day. No one knows why he had such an aversion, but Tesla had a very particular sense of style and aesthetics, and believed that in order to be successful, one needed to look successful. He wore white gloves to dinner every night and prided himself on being a “dapper dresser.”
Tesla had what’s known as a photographic memory. He was known to memorize books and images and stockpile visions for inventions in his head. He also had a powerful imagination and the ability to visualize in three dimensions, which he used to control the terrifying vivid nightmares he suffered from as a child. It’s in part what makes him such a mystical and eccentric character in popular culture. He was also known for having excessive hygiene habits, born out of a near-fatal bout of cholera as a teenager.
Jenny Marder contributed to this report.
From the article "8 Things You Didn’t Know About Nikola Tesla"
Watch this fantastic illusion style presentation of Nikola Tesla's life by illusionist Marco Tempest.

Votes5 DateDec 18, 2014

[image for World Spotlight Elon Musk.jpg]

Elon Musk

Attila Domos
Elon Reeve Musk (born June 28, 1971) is a South Africa-born, Canadian American business magnate, engineer and investor. He is the CEO and CTO of SpaceX, CEO and chief product architect of Tesla Motors, and chairman of SolarCity. He is the founder of SpaceX and a cofounder of PayPal, Tesla Motors, and Zip2. He has also envisioned a conceptual high-speed transportation system known as the Hyperloop.
Musk was born in Pretoria, South Africa, to a Canadian-English mother and prominent model Maye Musk and a South African-born British father and electrical/mechanical engineer Errol Musk. After his parents divorced in 1980, Musk lived mostly with his father in locations in South Africa.
He attended Waterkloof House Preparatory School before graduating from Pretoria Boys High School and moving to Canada in 1988 at age 17, after obtaining Canadian citizenship through his mother. He did so before his South African military service, reasoning that it would be easier to emigrate to the United States from Canada than from South Africa.
At age 19, Musk was accepted into Queens University in Kingston, Ontario for undergraduate study, and in 1992, after spending two years at Queen's University, Musk transferred to the University of Pennsylvania where he eventually received a bachelor's of science degree in economics from the Wharton School. Musk stayed on a year to finish his second bachelor's degree, a bachelor's of arts degree in physics.
He taught himself computer programming and at age 12 sold the computer code for a video game called Blastar for $500.
In 1995, aged 24, Musk moved to California to begin a PhD in applied physics at Stanford, but left the program after two days to pursue his entrepreneurial aspirations in the areas of the Internet, renewable energy and outer space.
Musk became an American citizen in 2002.
In 1995, Musk started Zip2, a web software company, with his brother, Kimbal. Compaq acquired Zip2 for US$307 million in cash and US$34 million in stock options in 1999. Musk received 7% or $22 million from the sale.
In March 1999, Musk co-founded X.com, an online financial services and e-mail payment company. One year later, the company merged with Confinity, which operated a subsidiary called PayPal. In October 2002, PayPal was acquired by eBay for US$1.5 billion in stock, of which $165 million was given to Musk. Before its sale, Musk, the company's largest shareholder, owned 11.7% of PayPal's shares.
With $100 million of his early fortune,[citation needed] Musk founded his third company, Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX), in June 2002.
In 2014, NASA has awarded the highly-anticipated space taxi contract to Boeing and SpaceX, a move which will end the agency’s reliance on Russian technology to transport U.S. astronauts to the International Space Station. During the press conference, Lueders explained that NASA's deals with Boeing and SpaceX are worth $4.2 billion and $2.6 billion, respectively.
The company was co-founded by Martin Eberhard, Marc Tarpenning, JB Straubel, Ian Wright, and Musk. Tesla arose from a chance meeting between Straubel and Musk in 2004, a year after the company's initial incorporation in 2003. In this meeting Musk learned about the electric sports car demo from AC Propulsion. He tried to get them to develop it into a commercial electric car, but they weren't interested, so he and JB Straubel joined the other cofounders to create Tesla Motors. Musk provided most of the Series A funding necessary to turn Tesla from a business plan to a reality and service as Chairman and head of product design and engineering for the Roadster and later the Model S. Straubel led powertrain engineering Other Series A investments groups included SDL Ventures and Compass Technology Partners. Following the financial crisis in 2008, Musk assumed leadership of the company as CEO and product architect, positions he still holds today.
In a press release and conference call and blog on June 12, 2014 that the company will allow its technology patents for use by anyone in good faith, in a bid to entice automobile manufacturers to speed up development of electric cars. "The unfortunate reality is electric car programs (or programs for any vehicle that doesn't burn hydrocarbons) at the major manufacturers are small to non-existent, constituting an average of far less than 1% of their total vehicle sales," he said at the time.
Musk provided the initial concept for SolarCity, which was then co-founded in 2006 by his cousins Lyndon and Peter Rive.[61][62] Musk remains the largest shareholder. The underlying motivation for funding both SolarCity and Tesla is to help combat global warming.
On August 12, 2013, Musk unveiled a proposal for a new form of transportation between the Greater Los Angeles area and the San Francisco Bay Area, after being disappointed with the approved California High-Speed Rail system. After envisioning Hyperloop, Musk assigned a dozen engineers from Tesla Motors and SpaceX who worked for nine months, establishing the conceptual foundations and creating the designs for the transportation system.
Musk is chairman of the Musk Foundation, which focuses its philanthropic efforts on science education, paediatric health, and clean energy. In 2010, the foundation created a program focused on donating solar-power systems for critical needs in disaster areas. The first such solar-power installation was donated to a hurricane response center in Alabama that had been neglected by state and federal aid. To make it clear that this program was not serving Musk's own commercial interests, SolarCity noted that it had no presence or planned business activity in that state.
Musk had plans for a "Mars Oasis" project in 2001, which would land a miniature experimental greenhouse on Mars, containing food crops growing on Martian regolith. Ultimately Musk ended up founding SpaceX with the long-term goal of creating a true spacefaring civilization.
In April 2012, Musk joined The Giving Pledge, offering an ethical commitment to donate the majority of his fortune to philanthropic causes. Musk became a member of the campaign first popularised by Warren Buffett and Bill Gates with a class of 12 of America's wealthiest families and individuals.
(references: Wikipedia and FOX NEWS online)
*Elon Musk Speaks About Tesla and SpaceX at Vanity Fair’s New Establishment Summit *

Votes3 DateDec 18, 2014


Votes1 DateDec 18, 2014

Created Planet Sanctuary Spotlights

[image for Planet Spotlight Monkey-Island-chimp-caretakers-2.jpg]

THE REAL Planet of the Apes

Attila Domos
THE REAL Planet of the Apes
Story by: Attila Domos
Generally speaking, I'm not a "sappy" kind of guy. I've lived on this Earth long enough to know that life is hard and rarely ever "fair". That said, it bothers me when anyone makes a promise to do something and doesn't follow through. It's even worse when corporations exhume this type of behavior, considering the amount of tax breaks and government welfare they often receive. Case in point... what is happening on a chain of small islands just off the coast of Liberia.
Our story starts in 1974, in Monrovia (Liberia),with a research company named The NY Blood Center (NYBC). This company launched a research program at the (by then) defunct Liberian Institute of Biomedical Research. The place was selected because of the deal NYBC had worked out with the Liberian government, and the availability to a large number of chimps, who could no longer be kept as pets by the locals. Apparently once a chimp reaches the age of five, he/she become very difficult to control. For the next 32 years (1974-2006) the NYBC conducted an entire array of studies, mostly related to Hepatitis A, B, and C.
The research wasn't always easy. Not because of the chimps, but because of West Africa's turbulent period, especially from the late 80's through the first decade of the 21st century. This part of the continent is especially rich in diamonds, and where there's wealth & natural resources to be had, war is sure to follow. It's exactly what happened to this West African nation in 1989.
Liberia fell into a bloody civil war, when Charles Taylor returned with the Libyan-backed resistance group, the National Patriotic Front of Liberia, to overthrow the Doe regime. Once Charles Taylor was successful in his over throwing of the previous regime, he allowed the scientists to continue with their work. Things went back to normal and NYBC continued to rake in the patent related profits, to the tune of over $500 million, via their research on the local chimps.
In 2006, after years of pressure from anti-animal testing groups like PETA, NYBC decided it was becoming too costly to continue with the unpopular research, so they closed this project's doors for good. Before doing so, they worked out a deal with Betsy Brotman, who directed the program, where they would relocate the chimps, and allow them to live out their lives in peace.
Under Ms. Brotman’s leadership, the New York Blood Center released the chimps onto six islands near Monrovia where they would be safe from human predators and where employees from the research facility who knew them, could provide them with lifelong care. “That’s what we agreed upon doing, and we did it,” said Brotman in the documentary... "The Real Planet of the Apes".
However, since then, NYBC has reneged on their $30,000/year commitment to help feed these chimps, and instead left the very creatures that made them millions of dollars, to die from dehydration and starvation on these small isolated islands. After decades of confinement, the chimpanzees do not have the skills to survive in the wild. They are completely reliant on humans for survival, but despite previously committing to the lifetime care of these animals, NYBC withdrew all funding for their care.
Lucky for these chimps, longtime caretakers have taken it on to themselves to voluntarily care for them. They have been collecting and delivering food to these islands using what ever means they could find. What NYBC has done is a disgrace, and unfortunately has become all too common in the corporate world. But because something has become common place, doesn't make it right.
Watch the excellent short documentary below, "The Real Planet of the Apes. I would also urge you to get involved. At the very least sign the petition and let NYBC know that their treatment of these chimps is unacceptable.
Source of the story: http://theirturn.net/2015/05/28/new-york-blood-center-leaves-chimps-to-die

Votes2 DateJun 11, 2015

Created Light of Culture Spotlights

[image for Culture Spotlight Vienna Boys Choir.jpg]


Attila Domos
The Wiener Sängerknaben (Vienna Boys' Choir or Vienna Choir Boys) is a choir of trebles and altos based in Vienna. It is one of the best known boys' choirs in the world. The boys are selected mainly from Austria, but also from many other countries.
The choir is a private, not-for-profit organization. There are approximately 100 choristers between the ages of ten and fourteen. The boys are divided into four touring choirs, named after Austrian composers Bruckner, Haydn, Mozart and Schubert, which combined perform about 300 concerts each year before almost 500,000 people. Each group tours for about nine to eleven weeks.
The choir is the modern-day descendant of the boys' choirs of the Viennese Court, dating back to the late Middle Ages. The choir was, for practical purposes, established by a letter from Emperor Maximilian I of Habsburg on 7 July 1498, instructing court officials to employ a singing master, two basses and six boys. Jurij Slatkonja became the director of the ensemble. The role of the choir (numbering between 14 and 20) was to provide musical accompaniment for the church mass Additionally, the Haydn brothers were members of the St. Stephen's Cathedral choir, directed at the time by Georg Reutter II who used this choir in his duties for the imperial court which at the time had no boy choristers of its own.
Over the centuries, the choir has worked with many composers, including Heinrich Isaac, Hofhaimer, Biber, Fux, Caldara, Gluck, Salieri, Mozart, Franz Schubert and Bruckner.
The above content from Wikipedia.
Now that that's out of the way, I'll tell you about my personal experience as a member of the world famous boys choir.
It was in 1978 when my family and I left our home in Romania to escape the tyranny of Nicolae Ceausescu. Being a Hungarian minority in Romania was not advantageous in any way, in fact it was quite the opposite. The Ceausescu regime did everything it could to make life as difficult as possible for any of the ethnic minority groups, especially the Hungarians.
Even though life was difficult in the communist regime, we had a decent life. Both of my parents were musicians in the Oradea Symphony Orchestra, my father was principle flute and my mother was 2nd viola 1st chair. As a result, I spent most of my Monday evenings in Oradea's concert hall, watching the orchestra perform. My parents submerged me into the world of music since I could remember. We often had foreigners at our house for parties... Italians, Russians, Germans, etc... what ever orchestra or ballet was in town, members often ended up at our house for get-togethers. I was always surrounded by artists, but as much as I loved the company, I never really wanted to be a musician. I wanted to be an athlete. I was drawn to sports like a fish to water, and I spent much of my single numbered years either playing soccer or roller skating. Sometimes I even did both. It might sound silly, but I became such a good skater, that anything I could do on foot, I was able to do wearing skates.
When we moved to Austria, we spent our first year inside a refugee camp, about 30 minute drive outside of Vienna, in a quiet little town called Traiskirchen. The camp was a culture shock to this 10-year old boy. My little brother was fortunate, he was only 4, and no one messed with kids that young, but a 10-year old, that was another story. All of a sudden we were living inside a gated community of people from all over the Eastern world. We were surrounded by people from India, Iran, Turkey, Russia, Armenia, Bulgaria, Nigeria and many other places. Some of these folks were nice, others weren't. You had to watch your step in the camp, and stick with your own kind, for there was strength in numbers. It wasn't unusual for a rumble to break out between Turks and Armenians, Romanians and Hungarians, etc... My parents did their best to keep me away from that environment, so they had me audition for the Vienna Boys Choir.
I didn't want to. By this time I'd made friends in the camp. I had my little gang of Hungarians I ran with, and I wasn't interested in some ninny choir thing. All I wanted was to be like every other kid. I just wanted to hang out and play soccer. It was the one uniter in the camp. But seeing as how I was 10, I had no choice in the matter. I figured I'll audition, they won't take me and that'll be the end of that. Well... it was just my luck that I was accepted!
As initially scary as the refugee camp was, being in the Vienna Boys Choir was even more terrifying. As I'd mentioned, I was 10 years old, didn't speak German, and this was the first time away from my parents for extended periods of time. The choir was a boarding school, so we lived at the palace from Monday morning until Saturday at noon, when we went home for the weekend only to return on Monday, and do it all again. For a frightened 10-year old, who couldn't communicate with anyone, my family might as well have been on the other side of the planet. Six days with out them was an eternity, but... eventually things got better.
My first few days were the roughest. I got into a fight on my first day at the small soccer field (there were two of them at that time). I was a good soccer player. In Romania I always played with the older kids, so my competition was very tough. Well... a few of the boys in the choir didn't take kindly to the fact that I showed them up, so they decided to teach me a lesson. As scared as I was of the prospect of having to fight 4 of them, it was a blessing in disguise. Once I bloodied the leader of the group, the other kids left me alone and from that moment on, no one else bothered me.
To help me adjust to my strange surroundings, the choir directors brought in a tutor, a beautiful blond Hungarian woman, whose job was to help me learn German. I don't remember her name, but I remember having the biggest crush on her and very much looked forward to her visits. Not only because she was hot, but I had someone with whom I could speak using my mother tongue.
The palace was absolutely beautiful with all kinds of modern (for the time) facilities. I've never seen such a beautiful pool, and the gym? For a sports enthusiast like me, it was heaven. I also found the food to be excellent, but looking back, I'm not sure if that's true, or I remember it to be excellent because the food at the refugee camp was that awful. Either way, I enjoyed the meals. Our sleeping facilities were also pretty cool for a 10-year old. It was almost army barracks-like, in that it was a large room with marble floors, and it had two rows of beds, about a dozen beds on each side of the room. I had to use slippers because the floor got pretty cold at night, and the last thing you wanted to do if you had to get up in the middle of the night, was to step on that cold floor.
Our days were very regimented. I remember having to wake fairly early in the morning, hitting the showers (which was also a big room with at least a dozen showers in it) and then it was off for breakfast. We all ate as quickly as possible, so we could get a little game time in, before we were off to class. In the mornings we had our reading, writing arithmetic, and in the afternoons we had our music classes. Like I said, our schedules were made out to keep us busy from morning to night. Every so often we would travel somewhere in Austria, mostly not too far from Vienna, to perform. I couldn't leave the country for any performances since I wasn't an Austrian citizen. However... I'm fairly certain that the junior members never got to travel outside the country. We were limited to performances mostly around Vienna.
I was surrounded by all of this famous musical history, and any downtime I had, I spent on one of the soccer fields. I could not have been more uninterested with the prestige that surrounded me. All I cared about was the athletic competitions. I didn't matter if it was soccer, rope climbing, broad jumps... what ever we did, I excelled at. Probably because unlike with just about every other activity, when it came to sports, I didn't have to speak any language to understand what was going on.
Our music teachers were some of the best in the world. I didn't appreciate it then, but to this day I still remember some of the lessons I was taught about how to sing properly. I could not have been easy to teach, because for most of my time there, I couldn't understand what they were saying to me, so there was a lot of gesturing going on, pointing to body parts and making exaggerated movements to show what I needed to do. Naturally everything we were taught was classical, but when it came to the piano, I entertained some of the boys by playing boogie-woogie jazz. I loved the big-band era of genre and I was much more interested in Bennie Goodman and Tommy Dorsey, than I was in Chopin and Stravinsky.
Meanwhile, I still had to spend my weekends and holiday times in the refugee camp. So... I kept as quiet as possible about where I was during the week. The last thing I wanted the kids in camp to know was that I was a choir boy.
I'll never forget my last day with the Vienna Boys Choir. My father picked me up early, and we left before the other boys, so we could catch the train to Traiskirchen. I was very excited to see him, and couldn't wait to leave for Bad-Ishl for summer vacation. It's a quiet little town in the Alps, where my mother had a gig playing with the summer orchestra. As we were walking along the road leaving the choir's property, my father told me the news that I wasn't returning in the fall. It's funny because I didn't really want to be there in the first place, but now that I found I won't be returning, all I wanted was to be back in the fall!
Luckily I was 11-years old, and I had the attention span of an 11-year old. My father took me out for ice cream, which was awesome! After about a week's stay in the hospital for low blood sugar, I ended up joining my mother in Bad-Ishl for the greatest summer of my young life, and the Vienna Boys Choir became just another memory.
At my current age of 47 I still occasionally think back on my time as a member of the world's most famous choir, and even though I didn't appreciate it then, I am very thankful to have had the experience. I was incredibly fortunate to have had some of the finest music teachers in the world, even if it was often hard for me to understand them. To this day I'm still both an athlete and a musician. It's funny... I never wanted to be a musician, yet... here I am... I've written hundreds of songs, scored music for feature film, short film, and corporate videos. I've acted in musical theater, have played in many orchestras growing up (both jazz and classical), performed with marching bands, attended Duquesne University on a music scholarship as a classical piano major/voice minor, lived the life of sex/drugs/rock n roll, all while having won scoring titles in soccer, and won power-lifting competitions and marathons. I will now embark on my biggest journey of em all... a trip to circumnavigate the globe, and I can credit much of the discipline it took and still takes to excel in everything I do, to my one school year in the world famous Vienna Boys Choir. Life is funny that way.
Story by: Attila Domos
Here are the boys performing the music of Joseph Strauss, with former music director of the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra, Mariss Jansons.

Votes1 DateMay 29, 2015

[image for Culture Spotlight Attila little dancer.jpg]

Szekely People of Transylvania

Attila Domos
Seeing as I am a Hungarian from Transylvania, I have to make my first "Light of Culture" about the Szekely people of Transylvania. I don't exactly know if I have Szekely blood in me or not, but while growing up, I was often referred to as "egy szep Szekely fiu" (translation "a nice Szekely boy"). But Hungarians living in Transylvania are fairly often refereed to as Szekely by Hungarians living in Hungary, even if they aren't.
In case you're wondering about the current national location of Transylvania, it's the biggest part of Romania, the North West section, from the Carpathian mountains to the borders of Hungary. Think of Transylvania kind of like Sicily. These states both have a strong ethnic heritage, they're both valuable land, and both have been their own state, and part of other nations. Transylvania has very rich farming soil and is also rich in gold and has oil. It has been home to Attila the Hun and Vlad Tepes, aka Vlad the Impaler aka Dracula. If you've ever been to the Carpathian mountains, they are very steep, very beautiful and have (at least to me) a very creepy vibe about them, I even felt a this vibe when I traveled through there as a child and had no idea of the bloody history of the region.
Getting back to the Szekelys. There are about 1.5 million Hungarians living in today's Romania, and most of them in Transylvania. Roughly about half of them are Szekely. The Szekelys are kind of a "sub-culture" in the Hungarian population. They seemed to appear sometime during the 12th century and according to their own folklore, they are direct descendents of the Huns. However, to the best of my knowledge no one has yet proven this to be true. But like the Huns, they have always been excellent horsemen, and even served the Hungarian Empire as light cavalry. They were very effective against nomad invaders from the East, and at least a number of times played major roles in thwarting Turkish invasions. Like the Huns, they attacked on horseback, struck quickly and disappeared before the enemy knew what hit them. There've been a number of times through out history were they pushed for a nation of their own, but always found themselves to be a minority, and were always denied.
Since my parents were both Hungarians who grew up in separate Hungarian villages in Transylvania (my mother in Szik and my father in Korispatak), I was raised with their values, which of course included going to a Hungarian school, and learning Hungarian dancing and music. Because of the fact that my parents were both in the symphony, I started my music career at a young age by learning the masters, Kodaly, Bartok and Liszt. Though Liszt came later. I also learned about Hungarian Gypsy and Szekely music. My mother was the folk singer in the family (besides the 2nd viola 1st chair in the Nagyvarad or Oradea in its Romanian name, orchestra), and she often sang Hungarian folk songs, again... including Gypsy and Szekely ones. Here's an example of traditional SZekely music:
Though I don't remember much about my dancing days (they didn't last long before we left Romania to escape Nicolae Ceausescu's regime) I did enjoy it. The pictures are of me, and the other with my dance partner, Marika.
Unfortunately I don't have any video of myself dancing, but I did find this interesting video of Szekely dancing being used to help explain how to sort algorithms. I'm posting this because I noticed that the video was created by a university professor in the city of my birth, Marosvasarhely, or in its Romanian name Tirgu-Mures.
I hated having to learn all of these "traditional" things in my youth. All I wanted was to be like the cool neighborhood kids, and play soccer. I even found myself resenting my parents for forcing me to learn these "stupid things which didn't matter in today's world", but you know what? I'm happy they forced it on me. I know my heritage... or at least the roots. I know where I come from, and it's helped me better understand who I am, and knowing that gave me a huge advantage in life, when trying to figure out where I'm going.
Story by: Attila Domos

Votes4 DateMay 19, 2015

Sponsored Initiatives*

[image for culture spotlight Go Pro.jpg]

Go Pro in the Game of Life Foundation

Mar 16, 2015 @ 07:29:10 pm

Funded: $5.00

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Lifts (Votes)*

Name Vote Date
George Noory Jul 15, 2015 @ 10:43:04 pm
HUMAN TRAFFICKING OF THE DISABLED Jun 29, 2015 @ 07:20:37 pm
THE REAL Planet of the Apes Jun 11, 2015 @ 11:04:01 pm
attila domos Jun 4, 2015 @ 09:31:02 pm
MY TIME in the VIENNA BOYS CHOIR May 29, 2015 @ 12:14:14 am
Szekely People of Transylvania May 19, 2015 @ 02:46:12 am
Attila Domos - Let's Do Something Amazing!! May 15, 2015 @ 11:26:00 pm
Earth from space May 13, 2015 @ 12:51:00 pm
Bruce Lee Apr 15, 2015 @ 01:04:01 am
No More Excuses Richie Parker (Guy With No Arms) Of Hendrick Motorsports Inspirational Video Mar 23, 2015 @ 10:24:19 pm
No Time to Sleep Mar 23, 2015 @ 10:23:33 pm
Humla Nursing Education Project Mar 23, 2015 @ 10:22:24 pm
Albert Goering Mar 16, 2015 @ 12:49:25 am
Civics 102 Mar 16, 2015 @ 12:45:07 am
Gabriel McNeal Mar 16, 2015 @ 12:39:34 am
Go Pro in the Game of Life Foundation Mar 14, 2015 @ 05:35:09 pm
Meghan's World Race Mar 1, 2015 @ 11:57:27 pm
Hanifa Nakiryowa Feb 24, 2015 @ 03:23:51 am
BASS REEVES... THE REAL "LONE RANGER"? Feb 18, 2015 @ 08:13:39 pm
BASS REEVES... THE REAL "LONE RANGER"? Feb 18, 2015 @ 08:08:30 pm
Humla Nursing Education Project Feb 18, 2015 @ 06:28:13 pm
Bob O'Connor Feb 5, 2015 @ 05:29:56 am
Heron of Alexandria Feb 3, 2015 @ 01:01:44 am
Jennifer Aniston Feb 3, 2015 @ 12:08:58 am
Mel Brooks Jan 30, 2015 @ 03:08:37 pm
Audrey Hepburn Jan 30, 2015 @ 03:05:45 pm
Jonas Salk Jan 30, 2015 @ 02:03:41 pm
Louis Armstrong Jan 21, 2015 @ 01:08:56 am
Brenda Vance Jan 20, 2015 @ 11:43:39 pm
BringHome100 Jan 15, 2015 @ 10:47:48 pm
Bryan McCormick Dec 31, 2014 @ 11:28:13 am
Nikola Tesla Dec 18, 2014 @ 12:30:00 am
Elon Musk Dec 18, 2014 @ 12:11:15 am
Nikola Tesla Dec 18, 2014 @ 12:09:22 am

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