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Profile for VanGo Media Group

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Member Since: June 22, 2016



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VanGo Media Group is equipped with state -of- the-art production equipment and a professional staff to provide you with a professional Commercial for TV Commercial Production
If your company needs Broadcast TV Commercials produced to air on our show, VanGo Media Group can provide you with the following at an affordable price: Includes: filming, editing and script writing of a :30 sec broadcast commercial showcasing your business. Graphics and company logo included. For Scheduling Call 412-477-7743
VanGo Media Group is a highly skilled team of professionals dedicated to creating quality Pre and Post Digital Video Production for a multitude of professional clients. Our staff will create a tailor-made production package to fit the needs of every client. Our team of professionals work with you on a personal basis throughout the production to guarantee that your script and conceptual ideas meet your expectations and will also schedule a convenient time for you to film your production.

OUR PRODUCTION TEAM will arrive at your selected location to allocate the appropriate video footage for your production.

THE POST PRODUCTION EDITORS will fine-tune your production which includes high-end graphics and animations to ensure a professional, quality product.

THE PRODUCTION MANAGER focuses on quality of service to be certain that your experience with us is a positive one. Before your production is utilized for your needs, we preview the final product with you. This will ensure you that VanGo TV Productions has completely honored your request.

Innovative... Forward-thinking... Daring... Dedicated... Aspiring... words one might associate with an entertainment company, but certainly a driving force behind the success of VanGo Media Group.

20 years ago, Charles Vandergrift (Owner VanGo Media Group) has strived to become the most diversified person you will ever get to know, Producing/Directing/Editing (4) four successful local television series; one nationally syndicated TV show. Over the past fifteen years, the company has produced, written, and edited literally hundreds of commercial spots for both radio and television. They have been the sub-contacted Video Marketing Director for SFX & Clear Channel Entertainment and DiCesare Engler Productions for three years; Production Manager And Director of Marketing for Showtime Entertainment, a multi- media serviced based organization with a wide variety of responsibilities including graphic and web design layouts, aerial advertising, video producing, and directing, writing, video editing, sales. DJ and Karaoke Entertainment and marketing for over 1500 clients State - Wide.
VanGo Media Groups success is the result of his extraordinary ability to Move forward, we continue to shape and change the entertainment landscape and lead the evolution of entertainment, programming, promotion, marketing, and sales. Currently, we have forged new partnerships with Internet and television, never wavering in the belief that these new associations will set a path for a great future for our company and our customers.

To ensure that great future, VanGo Media Group continues to believe each of their new ideas is an important aspect of the communities in which we work and live. We are, quite simply, the Entertainment of Choice in the entertainment industry.
We believe our employees have the knowledge, the dedication, and the ingenuity to lead us to newer heights, to break through the barriers to success, and to continue to build upon our already celebrated tradition.

What would you do to change the world?

The purpose of moving our work forward is to strengthen the communities in which we work and live. The StarQuest TV Challenge is a primary vehicle to help communities grow financially through our multi level marketing infrastructure. We give local businesses the opportunity to get recognized and promote them at a fraction of the cost of regular advertising campaigns. Most network Reality Singing competition shows, cattle call thousands of people to a stadium and less than half the people get a true opportunity to audition or be seen by producers and get the opportunity to compete. It’s demoralizing and at your inconvenience and to the networks financial gain. StarQuest TV Challenge is more politically correct because we have trademarked a way to add value to the people and businesses in the Pittsburgh Marketplace, giving everyone more opportunity to compete as artists by having thousands of places to compete for a chance to be on TV and Win while experiencing more opportunity to be recognized by professionals in the music industry and allow local businesses to experience more influx of growth in sales at an a alarming rate, and at a price that’s affordable!

This is a place to sing your song and let your voice be heard. Define Coo

coo - verb

  1. To make a soft murmuring sound, as a pigeon.
  2. Speak softly or lovingly;
    The mother who held her baby was cooing softly
  3. To speak in an admiring fashion, to be enthusiastic about.
  4. To show affection; to act in a loving way.

coo - noun

  1. The murmuring sound made by a dove or pigeon.

Public Coo Define

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Created Initiatives

[image for Initiative vango1.png]

Vango Media Group

VanGo Media Group
The success of VanGo Media Group is the result of our intense passion and God given ability to Move Forward. We strive to continue to shape and change the entertainment landscape and lead the evolution of entertainment, programming, promotion, marketing, and sales.
Currently, we have forged new partnerships with Internet and television, never wavering in the belief that these new associations will set a path for a great future for our company and our clients.
VanGo Media Group continues to believe each of our new ideas is an important aspect of the communities in which we work and live. We believe our employees have the knowledge, the dedication, and the ingenuity to lead us to newer heights, to break through the barriers to success, and to continue to build upon our already celebrated tradition.
In that “tradition” of successful ventures, we hope that all of you, enjoy the Starquest TV Challenge, and we welcome any comments, suggestions, and critiques. Our goal is to provide you with QUALITY entertainment…..and as you should also know by now, we want, through this program, to be able to bring POSITIVE CHANGE to anyone out there who NEEDS and DESIRES POSITIVE change in their life whether it be spiritual growth, Ill health, addictions or simply helping to get your life on the DESIRED path.
There is NO BETTER FEELING…than to know that you had a part in bringing positive change to the life of another.
How INCREDIBLY COOL is it…that you can have the SAME experience….BUT….the only difference is….the COMPETITION and the POTENTIAL STARS….are YOUR FRIENDS and NEIGHBORS….or…..
What IS the StarQuest TV Challenge ?
Well…simply put……..Thousands of singers will be competing throughout The Greater Pittsburgh area, and over the next 12 months, will SING THEIR HEARTS out at Universities, Churches, Restaurants, Lounges, Bars, and Nightclubs, for the chance to appear on the show. If they win on their week, they go to the finals where they can win $25,000.00 worth of cash & prizes !!
Yes, we are a talent-based show. However, our show format will produce and implement POSITIVE messages to those who really want and NEED help, changing their way of thinking, and we will get them to the next desired level in life so that they and their families can live a more productive and prosperous life. The people involved with this venture are PASSIONATE about helping people DISCOVER Faith… STRENGTHEN their FAITH… and their entire outlook on life! Do you or someone you know or love, have an addiction problem? StarQuest TV CHALLENGE WANTS TO HELP! If we save or bring POSITIVE change in only ONE life, then we have completed our mission. You can learn more about our passion, our goals…and what motivates us, in different areas of this site. This site will answer ALL questions and will keep all visitors regularly informed of ALL things related to the STARQUEST TV CHALLENGE! Take the time to visit all of the informative links…so that you can keep current and informed about this EXCITING EVENT happening in YOUR CITY!
“A MAJOR priority of ours, is to build STRENGTH in our business communities and promote good service announcements on our show, which give people in our communities who may be suffering from addictions and ill health, the opportunity to get the help they need and the motivation to help them make better choices and help the people grow spiritually.. with the assistance of state and local agencies that will be working with us throughout this campaign. Yes….we’re looking for talent, but more importantly…we’re looking to CHANGE LIVES in MANY ways !”

Votes9 DateOct 22, 2017

Funded: 32 $1,475.00

Created Light on the World Spotlights

[image for World Spotlight 3660497170.png]

Charles William Vandergrift III

VanGo Media Group
Charles William Vandergrift III
I am a Christian man, with a strong faith. I thank God every day, for all that I have, all that has been put in front of me, and for the privilege of FATHERHOOD. I’m a Pittsburgh native, and I guess you could say I got my start in “entertainment” when I began performing in theatre at age 5 . Little did I know then, that I would actually go on to fulfill a dream of being a film and television actor in Los Angeles !
Yes…I actually made it to Hollywood, and performed as an actor on ABC’S Daytime Soap Opera, General Hospital for 4 seasons as a reoccurring character. I also have several film credits to my name and have worked as a high fashion model doing both print and runway modeling. However, my career was quickly and unexpectedly relinquished in 1989 as a result of a traumatic auto accident.
Since my fight back, I have chosen to remain in the Pittsburgh Area working on the other side of the camera. I feel I have a unique creative presence which I utilize with state of the art computer technology. I have worked on literally hundreds of commercial campaigns for both television and radio. I have worked on several nationally syndicated TV shows and have worked with some large and reputable names. I’m proud to have helped over 5000 clients with tasks ranging from Graphics and video production, writing and editing, aerial advertising, and all aspects of music and entertainment marketing.
While working on multiple projects with multiple clients over the years through my company VanGo Media Group, I always had this “vision” of creating an entity whereby I could seek out and expose Local Talent, while at the same time…bring POSITIVE CHANGE to the lives of those who would become aware of the program. Through much hard work, dedication, sacrifice, coffee, Aleve, and seeking out talented individuals who could assist me………………………the Starquest TV Challenge was born.
I am the Producer of Pittsburgh’s newest nationally produced TV show “StarQuest TV Challenge”, a weekly television show which showcases show-stopping performing vocal artists from not only Pittsburgh but from around the United States. The performers compete for $25,000.00 in cash & prizes. The show airs every Saturday at Midnight on WPGH FOX 53 TELEVISION NETWORK which holds a viewing audience of over 2.6 million people.
The success of VanGo Media Group is the result of my intense passion and God given ability to Move Forward. I strive to continue to shape and change the entertainment landscape and lead the evolution of entertainment, programming, promotion, marketing, and sales. Currently, we have forged new partnerships with Internet and television, never wavering in the belief that these new associations will set a path for a great future for our company and our clients.
To ensure that great future, VanGo Media Group continues to believe each of our new ideas is an important aspect of the communities in which we work and live. We believe our employees have the knowledge, the dedication, and the ingenuity to lead us to newer heights, to break through the barriers to success, and to continue to build upon our already celebrated tradition.
In that “tradition” of successful ventures, I hope that all of you, enjoy the Starquest TV Challenge, and I welcome any comments, suggestions, and critiques. My goal is to provide you with QUALITY entertainment…..and as you should also know by now, I want, through this program, to be able to bring POSITIVE CHANGE to anyone out there who NEEDS and DESIRES POSITIVE change in their life whether it be spiritual growth, Ill health, addictions or simply helping to get your life on the DESIRED path.
There is NO BETTER FEELING…than to know that you had a part in bringing positive change to the life of another.
THAT…my friends…..is the Starquest TV Challenge!
ENJOY !!!!
Charles Vandergrift

Votes5 DateNov 19, 2017

[image for World Spotlight vango1.png]

Vango Media Group

VanGo Media Group
The success of VanGo Media Group is the result of our intense passion and God given ability to Move Forward. We strive to continue to shape and change the entertainment landscape and lead the evolution of entertainment, programming, promotion, marketing, and sales.
Currently, we have forged new partnerships with Internet and television, never wavering in the belief that these new associations will set a path for a great future for our company and our clients.
VanGo Media Group continues to believe each of our new ideas is an important aspect of the communities in which we work and live. We believe our employees have the knowledge, the dedication, and the ingenuity to lead us to newer heights, to break through the barriers to success, and to continue to build upon our already celebrated tradition.
In that “tradition” of successful ventures, we hope that all of you, enjoy the Starquest TV Challenge, and we welcome any comments, suggestions, and critiques. Our goal is to provide you with QUALITY entertainment…..and as you should also know by now, we want, through this program, to be able to bring POSITIVE CHANGE to anyone out there who NEEDS and DESIRES POSITIVE change in their life whether it be spiritual growth, Ill health, addictions or simply helping to get your life on the DESIRED path.
There is NO BETTER FEELING…than to know that you had a part in bringing positive change to the life of another.
How INCREDIBLY COOL is it…that you can have the SAME experience….BUT….the only difference is….the COMPETITION and the POTENTIAL STARS….are YOUR FRIENDS and NEIGHBORS….or…..
What IS the StarQuest TV Challenge ?
Well…simply put……..Thousands of singers will be competing throughout The Greater Pittsburgh area, and over the next 12 months, will SING THEIR HEARTS out at Universities, Churches, Restaurants, Lounges, Bars, and Nightclubs, for the chance to appear on the show. If they win on their week, they go to the finals where they can win $25,000.00 worth of cash & prizes !!
Yes, we are a talent-based show. However, our show format will produce and implement POSITIVE messages to those who really want and NEED help, changing their way of thinking, and we will get them to the next desired level in life so that they and their families can live a more productive and prosperous life. The people involved with this venture are PASSIONATE about helping people DISCOVER Faith… STRENGTHEN their FAITH… and their entire outlook on life! Do you or someone you know or love, have an addiction problem? StarQuest TV CHALLENGE WANTS TO HELP! If we save or bring POSITIVE change in only ONE life, then we have completed our mission. You can learn more about our passion, our goals…and what motivates us, in different areas of this site. This site will answer ALL questions and will keep all visitors regularly informed of ALL things related to the STARQUEST TV CHALLENGE! Take the time to visit all of the informative links…so that you can keep current and informed about this EXCITING EVENT happening in YOUR CITY!
“A MAJOR priority of ours, is to build STRENGTH in our business communities and promote good service announcements on our show, which give people in our communities who may be suffering from addictions and ill health, the opportunity to get the help they need and the motivation to help them make better choices and help the people grow spiritually.. with the assistance of state and local agencies that will be working with us throughout this campaign. Yes….we’re looking for talent, but more importantly…we’re looking to CHANGE LIVES in MANY ways !”

Votes5 DateNov 19, 2017

[image for World Spotlight images (2).jpg]

StarQuest TV Challenge

VanGo Media Group
Our Mission
Exploring New Horizons In Creative Concepts the purpose of moving this project forward is to strengthen the communities in which we work and live. The StarQuest TV Challenge is a primary vehicle to help communities grow financially through our multi level marketing infrastructure.
We give local businesses the opportunity to get recognized and promote them at a fraction of the cost of regular advertising campaigns. Most network Reality Singing competition shows, cattle call thousands of people to a stadium and less than half the people get a true opportunity to audition or be seen by producers and get the opportunity to compete.
It’s like a slap in the face and at your inconvenience and to the networks financial gain. StarQuest TV Challenge is more politically correct because we have trademarked a way to add value to the people and businesses in the Marketplace, giving everyone more opportunity to compete as artists by having thousands of places to compete for a chance to be on TV and Win while experiencing more opportunity to be recognized by professionals in the music industry and allow local businesses to experience more influx of growth in business at an a alarming rate, so much to the point that we are requested at times to stop their advertising campaign prematurely.
How It Works
Most nightclubs and restaurants have Singing Competitions as a regularly featured weekly event. StarQuest Representatives have prevailed, helping to make Pro-Amateur singers in your area, now have a chance for fame, a little fortune, and the chance to fulfill a dream.
We have partnered Clem’s RV Sales who has provided us with a RV which will be shrink wrapped with Clem’s RV logo appearing prominently on the motor home and will appear at all 250 participating venues including fairground and Large concert venues throughout the tri-state and throughout the entire viewing area as well as the Stage A&E and Rivers Casino for Final Show taping’ The StarQuest tour bus will be appearing at every participating venue along with the radio station van broadcasting a live remote broadcast, giving out prizes Sign up to win vacation packages A Bahamas Cruise Tour Jacket, T-Shirt. A Pro Sound System: ATV; Gift Certificates for some of the areas finest restaurants; HD Wide screen Television; Weekend Getaways $500.00 Clothing Shopping Spree; A Car; and much more . . . . . . . . .
Check Back For Tour Schedule for 2016
VanGo Media Productions is a digital video post production company that has the ability to completely produce any and all of your film, audio and video editing needs, from shooting (taping or filming) to the final video presentation. Between script writing, taping, producing and editing the national television show, Living In America & JAM TV to numerous other creative productions such as TV advertising commercials, overview videos, company industrial videos, educational videos, highlight reels, trade-shows marketing tools, video presentations on interactive CD business cards, DVD productions, product demo videos, safety training video customer service videos, corporate training video productions, etc., our team of highly skilled video editors, camera operators, graphic designers, music producers and audio editors, and video special effects artists have the expertise you need.
Mr. Charles Vandergrift III
Founder and CEO/President
Past StarQuest TV Challenge Series
Rates are based on 1-:30 second commercial airing per show.
3 shows……………..$475 each ($1425)
4 shows……………..$450 each ($1800)
6 shows……………..$400 each ($2400)
12 shows……………$350 each ($4200)
Season finale: does not count towards the purchases above, but will determine the rate. Example: If you buy 3 shows @ $475 each and also want to run on the finale, that rate would be $475 for the finale. The rate you already pay will determine the rate you pay for the finale. All advertisers are also mentioned on the StarQuest web site with links.
BUSINESS SPONSORSHIP: 13 shows including the finale……$7500 per 3 month season. Title sponsorship includes “(Your Company Name) StarQuest TV Challenge” on all of the show’s promotional advertising and marketing materials including print, radio, television and internet, t-shirts, bumper stickers, posters, flyers, etc., as well as your :30 second commercial being aired on all 13 shows including the season finale.
TERMS All contracts must be paid in full at the time of signing, prior to the show’s season opener. All commercials must be provided on (HD Format) at least two weeks prior to airing. If we are running your commercial and you’d like to run a different one, we must have it no later than two weeks prior to airing of the next scheduled show.

Votes12 DateJul 14, 2016

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Name Vote Date
Charles William Vandergrift III Nov 20, 2017 @ 08:47:35 am
Vango Media Group Nov 19, 2017 @ 04:13:52 pm
Vango Media Group Oct 22, 2017 @ 08:32:22 pm
StarQuest TV Challenge Jul 14, 2016 @ 03:12:14 pm

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