I have a dream that the world would be better and a safe place to live.
Children should not be afraid to be without their parents. They should not be worried about being kidnapped. People should realize that they should not hurt anyone and try to understand what they are doing.
I think it is very meaningless to have war. It is senseless to fight and kill one another. God did not put people on Earth to fight, argue, or hurt each other.
Poverty is very harmful and cruel to people. It can sometimes kill a person. It would be nice if poor people did not have to go to bed hungry.
Robbery scares me a whole lot, and I am sure it scares alot of other people too. People are sometimes shot and killed because they protect their belongings. Probably if people had the things they needed, there would be no more robberies.
It is a shame people are so terrified about highjacks on a plane that they don't even go on them. I hope in the future people will be able to go on a plane without worrying about a highjack.
If people try and work together they can make this world a better one. I am willing to try, are you?
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