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[Profile picture P1010212ccdr.jpg]
Member Since: October 12, 2016



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Centre for Child Development and Research is a youth-led child and youth-focused local Non-Governmental Organization registered under the Trustees Incorporation Act in 2013 with a registration No. TR/INC 6007 and a member of CONGOMA in principal. CCDR was set up in 2013 by university graduates from the University of Malawi with the belief that children and youths are the seed of society and that their well-being is essential for sustainable development of citizenry.
CCDR is a member of Council of Non Governmental Organizations in Malawi in principal and working towards affiliation to NGO Board and other civil society networks.
“CCDR envision a Malawi where children have the opportunity to grow and develop to their full potential in a caring, supportive, and protective environment that facilitates a well-rounded development of citizenry essential for sustainable development”.
Mission Statement:
CCDR works with families, communities, and other partners to create a caring, protective, and supportive environment for children and youth through research and practice for sustainable socio-economic progress.

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Programming: CCDR uses the CSP Enviro Programme Model where C-Caring, S-Supportvive, and P-Protection interventions across all the domains of child and youth development to achieve its goals. CCDR also mainstreams gender, HIV and AIDS, climate change, and human rights in all its programmes. Partnerships: CCDR has partnership as one of its core values. So far, CCDR is working with stakeholders at local, national , and international levels such as VDCs, ADCs, District Councils, YODEP, Embassies, POSIVO Malawi, MACRO, Charitable Foundations, Plan, NYNCC, Africycle, Christian Aid and others. Our Geographical Coverage We are working in the 3 regions of Malawi, Southern, Central and Northern Malawi Central: Lilongwe, Kasungu, Dowa, Ntchisi, Salima,Nkhotakota, Ntcheu and Mchinji districts. We are currently working close to 60,000 people across Malawi with hope to scale our projects.

This is a place to sing your song and let your voice be heard. Define Coo

coo - verb

  1. To make a soft murmuring sound, as a pigeon.
  2. Speak softly or lovingly;
    The mother who held her baby was cooing softly
  3. To speak in an admiring fashion, to be enthusiastic about.
  4. To show affection; to act in a loving way.

coo - noun

  1. The murmuring sound made by a dove or pigeon.

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[image for World Spotlight drought photo in Malawi.jpg]

Food relief for 6.5 million people hit by drought in Malawi

Centre for Child Development and Research
With 6.5 million people in need of humanitarian aid, this year’s El Nino–induced drought constitutes the largest humanitarian emergency that Malawi has ever confronted. It also brings the second consecutive harvest failure to this small, landlocked country, which has yet to recover from last year’s severe flooding. Inadequate governance has amplified the negative impacts of both, compounding natural disasters with political and economic malfeasance. White maize, used to prepare a thick paste called nsima, is the country’s staple cereal. But maize output this year has fallen 42 percent from production levels two years ago and is even 12 percent lower than last year’s failed harvest. The price of maize, creeping upward for months, increased by about 18 percent between May and June, according to the Famine Early Warning Systems Network. It reached nearly three times the five-year average at a time of year that should coincide with the harvest and lower prices. Malawi faces a maize deficit of 790,000 metric tons.
The strategic grain reserve has recently fallen to as low as 6,000 metric tons, according to some estimates; it is nearly empty. Children in Malawi are particularly vulnerable to food shortages, given widespread malnutrition even in times of relative plenty—the most recent Demographic and Health Survey in 2010 found that 47 percent of children under five years of age were stunted. By this past May, rates of global acute malnutrition in Chikwawa and Nsanje Districts, the two hardest hit, had already climbed to 6.6 percent, over double last year’s levels more than six months before the anticipated peak of the crisis. In these districts, over 90 percent of the rural population will require humanitarian assistance for up to nine months. Between this past June and next March, over 400,000 children and pregnant and lactating women are projected to experience moderate or severe acute malnutrition, leading to irreversible physical and cognitive deficits, which will impact their health and economic prospects for decades to come. Centre for Child Development and Research in collaboration with the government of Malawi has launched a humanitarian projects targeting 5000 people in the capital of Lilongwe. The funds requested will be for purchase of stable food maize, handouts for economic resilience and basic household items.

Votes3 DateOct 12, 2016

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Food relief for 6.5 million people hit by drought in Malawi Oct 12, 2016 @ 03:39:34 pm

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