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Profile for Dream Catchers Films Inc.

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Member Since: November 9, 2015




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This is a place to sing your song and let your voice be heard. Define Coo

coo - verb

  1. To make a soft murmuring sound, as a pigeon.
  2. Speak softly or lovingly;
    The mother who held her baby was cooing softly
  3. To speak in an admiring fashion, to be enthusiastic about.
  4. To show affection; to act in a loving way.

coo - noun

  1. The murmuring sound made by a dove or pigeon.

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Created Initiatives

[image for Initiative GOADMAY282016web.n.jpg]

Votes3 DateApr 10, 2016 ClockEnded

Funded: 1 $30.00 / $10,000.00

[image for Initiative GOADMAY282016web.n.jpg]


Dream Catchers Films Inc.
Innovation Through Inspiration Campaign
With the theory that everyone has creativity deep within, ready to develop, and that nurturing and releasing the imagination allows for greater abilities to visualize solutions and new ideas, the Get Out And Draw project aims to promote those beliefs through a three-step program suited for all ages and all levels of involvement.**
First, events are held where participants can express themselves freely through drawing games, perfect for any skill level. Leonard A. Lies, CEO of Dream Catchers Films, Inc. and Alex Strang of Cybergecko Games have teamed up to provide a very interactive and fun experience. Our flagship character, Mr. Buckethead, the superhero of fun, who represents imagination, will be featured at the events. With the help of our artists "you", we will plan a new adventure for the Fabulous Adventures of Mr. Buckethead.
Mr. Buckethead will inspire participants to design their own characters. Secondly, the created works will be exhibited in special 'art openings'. In this way, everyone can sense the reality of making creative work publicly accessible.
Lastly, The exhibits will include sales of the works and a portion of the sales will be forwarded to philanthropic causes. Depending on venue, these exhibits may also include other aspects, such as musical performance, films or other interactive activities.
Our plan:
To produce a few starter Get Out and Draw events, with scholastic groups.
To arrange an exhibition of the works created from those first groups.
To align with a local/community cause for the philanthropic element.
1. The area is arranged with photos and artwork showing Mr. Buckethead and his world (various villains, gadgets, etc) Comment: So we need a couple of banquet tables to spread Mr. B. photos, drawings, action figures, games, books, etc.
2. The host will show a Mr. Buckethead video clip
3. The host passes out some fun Mr. Buckethead items (trading cards, comic games)
4. Mr. Buckethead himself appears to entertain the group.
5. The group plays a few rounds of a Mr. Buckethead Game.
6. The group is challenged to draw their own original pictures of Mr. Buckethead and/or monsters.
Creators' work is displayed and available for sale (perhaps w/ silent auction)
Refreshments in Red cups with Simple drawing of Mr. B. face on them.
Display of Mr. Buckethead items.
Presentation by charity spokesperson.
Presentation by Blupela.
Mr. Buckethead himself appears for photo opps.
Incentives From the Heart
T-shirts [Small to 3X][Black, Red]
Post Card Game Series
Activity book
Game Books
Trading cards

Art Exhibit book
Mr. Buckethead Face Mask - Durable Red Plastic Mask for you [Molds being created]
One of a Kind Mr. Buckethead Action Figures [12 inches high]
What? A Movie?
By Supporting the Get Out and Draw Program you will also be helping other Mr. Buckethead Projects, such as the exciting Live Action Mr. Buckethead Film and TV Series! WATCH the video below to learn more!
Mr. Buckethead is a Live Action "Super Hero of Fun" Movie and TV Series being produced through Dream Catchers Films, Inc.,
in Pittsburgh
Mr. Buckethead creator, manga artist and game designer Alex Strang, and Director/Editor Leonard A. Lies will team up to bring Mr. Buckethead, the infinitely cosmic and fabulous continuous savior of the Universe to life. In this trailer, Alex and Leonard discuss the evolution of the Mr. Buckethead character and the new Film and TV series.
Join the fan base now and get involved! Visit us here at Blupela.com and support the cause of imagination and excitement that is Mr. Buckethead!
About Our Work
Dream Catcher's Films, Inc. represents a corporation that is committed to producing high quality films with a positive message. Dream Catcher's vision is to return people's dreams to them, their dreams of hope and triumph.
Piloted by Producer and owner Leonard A. Lies, Dream Catchers Films, Inc. has been an active member of the film industry since 1981. Since that time Leonard has established himself as a dedicated and inspired director, producer, writer and editor. Leonard’s background experience includes work on theatrical films, commercials, documentaries and educational productions.
Leonard’s eclectic interest in significantly different film genres reflect his passion for his craft, as well as the subject matter he chooses.
Leonard and associate Alex Strang are currently in pre-production on a high-end kids show for television entitled The Fabulous Adventures of Mr. Buckethead.
Mr. Buckethead is a live action super hero who can travel through time and space, and has a bucket for a head that contains the mysteries of the universe inside. During each episode Mr. Buckethead battles strange and funny monsters to uphold the peace and tranquility of the human race.
Our Film is perfect for the Blupela community because of our shared values for Justice, Righteousness, Peace and Tranquility and most importantly our Shared Beliefs to uphold Integrity and Equality for All.
Let's help change the world One Good Deed At A Time....
For questions and to learn more about this fascinating Film and TV Series, please email us at:
Mr. Buckethead Produced by:
Yours Truly,
Leonard A Lies and Alex Strang
And of Course Most of All,
Mr. Buckethead

Votes2 DateMar 12, 2016 ClockEnded

Funded: 0 $0.00 / $10,000.00

[image for Initiative getoutanddraw3.jpg]


Dream Catchers Films Inc.
Innovation Through Inspiration Campaign
With the theory that everyone has creativity deep within, ready to develop, and that nurturing and releasing the imagination allows for greater abilities to visualize solutions and new ideas, the Get Out And Draw project aims to promote those beliefs through a three-step program suited for all ages and all levels of involvement.
First, events are held where participants can express themselves freely through drawing games, perfect for any skill level. Leonard A. Lies, CEO of Dream Catchers Films, Inc. and Alex Strang of Cybergecko Games have teamed up to provide a very interactive and fun experience. Our flagship character, Mr. Buckethead, the superhero of fun, who represents imagination, will be featured at the events. With the help of our artists "you", we will plan a new adventure for the Fabulous Adventures of Mr. Buckethead.
Mr. Buckethead will inspire participants to design their own characters. Secondly, the created works will be exhibited in special 'art openings'. In this way, everyone can sense the reality of making creative work publicly accessible.
Lastly, The exhibits will include sales of the works and a portion of the sales will be forwarded to philanthropic causes. Depending on venue, these exhibits may also include other aspects, such as musical performance, films or other interactive activities.
Our plan:
To produce a few starter Get Out and Draw events, with scholastic groups.
To arrange an exhibition of the works created from those first groups.
To align with a local/community cause for the philanthropic element.
1. The area is arranged with photos and artwork showing Mr. Buckethead and his world (various villains, gadgets, etc) Comment: So we need a couple of banquet tables to spread Mr. B. photos, drawings, action figures, games, books, etc.
2. The host will show a Mr. Buckethead video clip
3. The host passes out some fun Mr. Buckethead items (trading cards, comic games)
4. Mr. Buckethead himself appears to entertain the group.
5. The group plays a few rounds of a Mr. Buckethead Game.
6. The group is challenged to draw their own original pictures of Mr. Buckethead and/or monsters.
Creators' work is displayed and available for sale (perhaps w/ silent auction)
Refreshments in Red cups with Simple drawing of Mr. B. face on them.
Display of Mr. Buckethead items.
Presentation by charity spokesperson.
Presentation by Blupela.
Mr. Buckethead himself appears for photo opps.
Incentives From the Heart
T-shirts [Small to 3X][Black, Red]
Post Card Game Series
Activity book
Game Books
Trading cards

Art Exhibit book
Mr. Buckethead Face Mask - Durable Red Plastic Mask for you [Molds being created]
One of a Kind Mr. Buckethead Action Figures [12 inches high]
What? A Movie?
By Supporting the Get Out and Draw Program you will also be helping other Mr. Buckethead Projects, such as the exciting Live Action Mr. Buckethead Film and TV Series! WATCH the video below to learn more!
Mr. Buckethead is a Live Action "Super Hero of Fun" Movie and TV Series being produced through Dream Catchers Films, Inc.,
in Pittsburgh
Mr. Buckethead creator, manga artist and game designer Alex Strang, and Director/Editor Leonard A. Lies will team up to bring Mr. Buckethead, the infinitely cosmic and fabulous continuous savior of the Universe to life. In this trailer, Alex and Leonard discuss the evolution of the Mr. Buckethead character and the new Film and TV series.
Join the fan base now and get involved! Visit us here at Blupela.com and support the cause of imagination and excitement that is Mr. Buckethead!
About Our Work
Dream Catcher's Films, Inc. represents a corporation that is committed to producing high quality films with a positive message. Dream Catcher's vision is to return people's dreams to them, their dreams of hope and triumph.
Piloted by Producer and owner Leonard A. Lies, Dream Catchers Films, Inc. has been an active member of the film industry since 1981. Since that time Leonard has established himself as a dedicated and inspired director, producer, writer and editor. Leonard’s background experience includes work on theatrical films, commercials, documentaries and educational productions.
Leonard’s eclectic interest in significantly different film genres reflect his passion for his craft, as well as the subject matter he chooses.
Leonard and associate Alex Strang are currently in pre-production on a high-end kids show for television entitled The Fabulous Adventures of Mr. Buckethead.
Mr. Buckethead is a live action super hero who can travel through time and space, and has a bucket for a head that contains the mysteries of the universe inside. During each episode Mr. Buckethead battles strange and funny monsters to uphold the peace and tranquility of the human race.
Our Film is perfect for the Blupela community because of our shared values for Justice, Righteousness, Peace and Tranquility and most importantly our Shared Beliefs to uphold Integrity and Equality for All.
Let's help change the world One Good Deed At A Time....
For questions and to learn more about this fascinating Film and TV Series, please email us at:
Mr. Buckethead Produced by:
Yours Truly,
Leonard A Lies and Alex Strang
And of Course Most of All,
Mr. Buckethead

Votes1 DateMar 1, 2016 ClockEnded

Funded: 0 $0.00 / $10,000.00

Created Light on the World Spotlights

[image for World Spotlight BHposter.1.jpg]

The Infinitely Cosmic and Fabulous Adventures of Mr. Buckethead

Dream Catchers Films Inc.
Mr. Buckethead is a Live Action "Super Hero of Fun" Movie and TV Series being produced through Dream Catchers Films, Inc.,
in Pittsburgh
Mr. Buckethead creator, manga artist and game designer Alex Strang, and Director/Editor Leonard A. Lies will team up to bring Mr. Buckethead, the infinitely cosmic and fabulous continuous savior of the Universe to life. In this trailer, Alex and Leonard discuss the evolution of the Mr. Buckethead character and the new Film and TV series.
Join the fan base now and get involved! Visit us here at Blupela.com and support the cause of imagination and excitement that is Mr. Buckethead!
About Our Work
Dream Catcher's Films, Inc. represents a corporation that is committed to producing high quality films with a positive message. Dream Catcher's vision is to return people's dreams to them, their dreams of hope and triumph.
Piloted by Producer and owner Leonard A. Lies, Dream Catchers Films, Inc. has been an active member of the film industry since 1981. Since that time Leonard has established himself as a dedicated and inspired director, producer, writer and editor. Leonard’s background experience includes work on theatrical films, commercials, documentaries and educational productions.
Leonard’s eclectic interest in significantly different film genres reflect his passion for his craft as well as the subject matter he chooses to make films about.
Leonard and associate Alex Strang are currently in pre-production on a high-end kids show for television entitled The Fabulous Adventures of Mr. Buckethead.
Mr. Buckethead is a live action super hero who can travel through time and space, and has a bucket for a head that contains the mysteries of the universe inside. During each episode Mr. Buckethead battles strange and funny monsters to uphold the peace and tranquility of the human race.
Our Film is perfect for the Blupela community because of our shared values for Justice, Righteousness, Peace and Tranquility and most importantly our Shared Beliefs to uphold Integrity and Equality for All.
Let's help change the world One Good Deed At A Time....
For questions and to learn more about this fascinating Film and TV Series, please email us at:
Kindly stay tuned for our up and coming crowdfunding campaign to be released here on Blupela to offer you quality rewards, From the Heart, in appreciation for your sponsorship of this revolutionary Super Hero of Fun Film and TV Series.
Yours Truly,
Leonard A Lies and Alex Strang
And of Course Most of All,
Mr. Buckethead

Votes6 DateJan 29, 2016

[image for World Spotlight Brown Bear.jpg]

Council of Three Rivers American Indian Center 2015 Annual Pow Wow Celebration

Dream Catchers Films Inc.
Council of Three Rivers American Indian Center
37th ANNUAL POW WOW held on September 26th & 27th, 2015
Thank you for making our Pow-Wow's a great success, as this aids in giving a true perspective of the native american culture that has been previously and is now. !!!!
We wish to Thank you all very much for spending your time with us.
We here at the Council of Three Rivers American Indian Center, Inc. are honored to count you as our friends.
There are many of you that from year to year we look forward to seeing and spending time with one and all.
HISTORY AND PURPOSE The Council of Three Rivers American Indian Center was initially conceived in 1969 when members of two Native American families in Pittsburgh sought to overcome the feeling of "floating" in the mainstream. They felt the need to maintain a sense of Indian-ness, recapture roots and become more conscious of their rights as Native Americans. In February 1972 after several years of planning the Council was incorporated as a non-profit organization under the laws of Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and Internal Revenue Service regulations. The Council was to operate from offices in the Homewood section of Pittsburgh until July ,1976 when it moved to its present headquarters in Dorseyville, Indiana Township
Produced by:
Dream Catcher's Films, Inc
Overview of Dream Catcher Films, Inc:
Dream Catcher's Films, Inc. represents a corporation that is committed to producing high quality films with a positive message. Dream Catcher's vision is to return people's dreams to them, their dreams of hope and triumph.
Piloted by Producer and owner Leonard A. Lies, Dream Catchers Films, Inc. has been an active member of the film industry since 1981. Since that time Leonard has established himself as a dedicated and inspired director, producer, writer and editor. Leonard’s background experience includes work on theatrical films, commercials, documentaries and educational productions.
Leonard’s eclectic interest in significantly different film genres reflect his passion for his craft as well as the subject matter he chooses to make films about.
To Learn More about Dream Catcher's Films please visit:
Leonard A. Lies
Contact Us At
Dream Catchers Films, Inc
3041 West Liberty Ave.
Pittsburgh, PA 15216
Tel (412) 531-3363
Fax (412) 343-1874
Email Dreamcatchers@dcfi.co

Votes5 DateJan 19, 2016

Created Planet Sanctuary Spotlights

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Name Vote Date
The Infinitely Cosmic and Fabulous Adventures of Mr. Buckethead Feb 16, 2016 @ 10:22:05 am
Council of Three Rivers American Indian Center 2015 Annual Pow Wow Celebration Jan 19, 2016 @ 01:16:12 am

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