Profile for Leaders of Transformation
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Latitude: 37.750999
Longitude: -97.821999
![[Profile picture 20170321_222517 final2.jpg]](files.php/users/3658507206)
Member Since: February 16, 2021
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The Leaders of Transformation is a podcast, a community, and a movement. Want to make a positive impact in the world? Build a mission-based business? Transform people's lives with your ideas, strengths and passion? Every week our host Nicole Jansen interviews conscious business leaders and difference makers who are changing the world one conversation at a time.
Tune in to hear inspiring stories of leadership, transformation, overcoming obstacles, and global impact. From transforming the way we do business and relate with others, to freeing women and children from human trafficking, and protecting our planet, these leaders of transformation will inspire and equip you to be the difference maker and world changer you are capable of being.
What would you do to change the world?
Help every person realize they are loved, valuable, and capable of doing great things.
This is a place to sing your song and let your voice be heard. Define Coo
coo - verb
- To make a soft murmuring sound, as a pigeon.
- Speak softly or lovingly;
The mother who held her baby was cooing softly
- To speak in an admiring fashion, to be enthusiastic about.
- To show affection; to act in a loving way.
coo - noun
- The murmuring sound made by a dove or pigeon.
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Created Light on the World Spotlights

Nicole Jansen is a Certified Human Behavior Specialist, Business Breakthrough Coach, Strategic Intervention Coach, and Master Facilitator, Nicole Jansen has developed her own special brand of transformational coaching and mentorship, which focuses on tapping into your strengths and true purpose, integrating business and life mastery principles for lasting success and she coached and trained leaders, helping them achieve extraordinary results in business and in life.
Read More About What She Does
Are you successful but unfulfilled? Want to create a greater impact in the world but ‘life’ keeps getting in the way?
If the answer is YES, then let’s talk.
Her clients are mission-driven and range from start-up entrepreneurs to large franchise organizations to non-profit organizations, covering a wide range of industries including everything from finance, real estate, insurance, and digital media to health and wellness, training and development, humanitarian initiatives, and space exploration.
Her passion for transformation and growth extends to the next generation of leaders, where she teaches and empowers aspiring leaders through conferences, webinars, courses, guest podcasting and mentoring.
Leaders Of Transformation is a podcast that is not only inspiring but also practical and insightful. Nicole is a leader who walks the talk and is committed to helping leaders prepare for and succeed in an era of global transformation. Thank you Nicole for giving leaders the information they need to innovate their way to true success!
Ask Dr Connie
When you listen to Nicole Jansen you get the best of both worlds – the experience, wisdom and intellect of a sharp business mind coupled with the sincerity, care and empathy of a priest. Nicole doesn’t simply give business advice, but seeks the true and thorough renewal of your character and mindset in order to make that advice useful. This show is for you if your business is not simply an exercise in logic, but also an investment and adventure for your spirit.
Impact Circle
Leaders of Transformation are generous. They prioritize people and planet over profit, understanding that what really matters is not how much we earn, but rather how much we contribute to people’s lives and the betterment of society as a whole.
Are you a difference maker? World changer? Do you want to be?
The truth is, we all have the ability to lead and make a positive difference in the world. Whether it’s in your local community, within a global audience, or at your workplace—like the ripple effect in water—who you are and what you do impacts others. The question is… what kind of impact are you making?
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Mar 9, 2021
Created Planet Sanctuary Spotlights
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Created Light of Culture Spotlights
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*Initiatives sponsored privately, if any, will not be shown.
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