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Profile for Leibel Estrin

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[Profile picture Leibel1.jpg]
Member Since: January 3, 2019



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What would you do to change the world?

Encourage everyone to follow the Seven Universal Laws that G-d gave to Noah. These were then presented to the entire world by Moses when he Received the 10 Commandments at Mount Sinai. The Seven Universal (Noahide) Laws are: Knowledge/Believe in One G-d Respect G-d’s Holy Name Respect the Sanctity of Human Life Respect the Traditional Family Respect the Property of Others Respect All Creatures Establish a Righteous Judicial System

This is a place to sing your song and let your voice be heard. Define Coo

coo - verb

  1. To make a soft murmuring sound, as a pigeon.
  2. Speak softly or lovingly;
    The mother who held her baby was cooing softly
  3. To speak in an admiring fashion, to be enthusiastic about.
  4. To show affection; to act in a loving way.

coo - noun

  1. The murmuring sound made by a dove or pigeon.

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Created Initiatives

[image for Initiative Leibel1.jpg]

Len Estrin - Professional Senior Writer for One World Blue

Leibel Estrin
Len (Leibel) Estrin has been working in communications since before the turn of the century—way before! His writing career began with a Cleveland ad agency in the early 70’s. After stints with two more agencies, he began freelancing. Over the years, he’s written everything from articles to web pages. He specializes in writing that’s clear, concise, and convincing.
Over the past three decades, I've helped organizations, institutions and corporations present their messages in a way clear, consistent and convincing. Whether you need an ad, article, blog, book, brochure, case study, flyer, editorial, e-mail, newsletter, product bulletin, technical paper, web page or any other type of communications, just say the word.
I'll write it.

Votes3 DateJun 28, 2019

Funded: 13 $841.00

[image for Initiative 36999230_662137567477184_15562470399672320_n.jpg]
*Humanitarian Aid

Kidney for Michelle Tarczy

Leibel Estrin
Michelle Tarczy with her daughter Meredith, son Jake and husband Matt.
Michelle Tarczy desperately needs a KIDNEY DONOR blood type A or O.
For more information, email
Or visit: https://www.facebook.com/akidney4michelle
Information can be also be obtained from her kidney donor contact, Audrey Caplin, kidney donor coordinator at Cleveland Clinic, at 216-445-3150. Donors must be in good general health, have blood type A or O and be between the ages of 21 and 60.
You can spread the word on Twitter .
If you or someone you know would like to donate, you can also
message Michelle on KidneyBuzz .
If you are interested in learning more about being a live kidney donor, you can visit Renewal should you decide that you want to move forward using the organization, rather than contacting Michelle through her email or webpage. Michelle is listed with them.
An email blast from Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple in Beachwood sent out to its congregants on November 19, 2014 urged them to help save the life of Michelle Tarczy at the time 37, and daughter of their congregants, Robin and Ray Elsoffer.
Robin Elsoffer was 39 when she found out she had PKD, polycystic kidney disease. Two years later, at age 16, Michelle learned she had inherited the genetically based disorder as well. There is no cure for the illness, in which cysts develop on the kidneys and kidney function declines, causing need for either a transplant or dialysis.
Michelle Tarczy, left, with her mother, Robin Elsoffer, in 2005
“Six-hundred thousand Americans have this disease, and nobody talks about it,” Robin said, “I never even heard about it.” Robin received a kidney from her sister-in-law, and then two years later, from her son. “I was not doing well at all,” said Robin. “He saved my life.” With the help of Fairmount Temple, her daughter Michelle now is looking for a donor.
After Michelle had her own daughter her kidneys started failing. Michelle said that since then “It’s been a gradual decline.” In March of 2014, she was told she needed to start looking for a donor. So her mother decided to turn to Fairmount Temple for assistance.
"We were in a position where Michelle didn’t have a donor, and I was trying to think of everything I could do,” she said. “I wanted her to receive a live donor because that’s the best thing to do. I didn’t know what to do. I was really searching.”
Robin Elsoffer spoke with Wendy Jacobson, the temple’s caring community coordinator, as well as Cantor Sarah Sager and Rabbi Robert Nosanchuk, to determine a plan of action. She provided them with information about Michelle and her medical situation, as well as a contact at Cleveland Clinic, which the temple then forwarded to its members via email and Facebook. “It’s so wonderful that the temple is willing to do something like this,” Robin said.
Some members of the congregation – including Robin – are still alive today due to someone’s decision to donate a kidney or another organ. The email the temple sent out urged those who did not meet the physical requirements to become a donor to spread the word by sharing its contents with friends and family.
“If this is something that you can do to help someone else, then why not?” Robin said. “Let’s help each other. If this was you, and nobody could help you from your family, wouldn’t you want someone to help?”
Partially taken from the Cleveland Jewish News

Votes1 DateJan 4, 2019

Funded: 0 $0.00

Created Light on the World Spotlights

[image for World Spotlight Leibel1.jpg]

How the Rainbow Got Its Stripes

Leibel Estrin
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Len Estrin January 20, 2020
Writer/retired prison chaplain collaborates with death row inmate on a children’s book for the times.
Almost everyone knows the story of Noah’s Ark, and how Noah saved two of every animal from the Great Flood. In How the Rainbow got its Stripes, Noah protects his pets, as well. To thank Noah for saving their lives, they look for rules to help everyone live in peace after the Flood.
Eventually, they find seven basic laws which form the basis for the seven colors and stripes of the rainbow.
The story was created by writer and retired chaplain Len Estrin, who previously visited several PA correctional facilities for the Aleph Institute, Northeast Region.
“Today’s society is torn by strife,” Estrin said. “My book emphases the values we have in common; rather than the opinions that drive us apart.”
Estrin could have picked any illustrator, why did he choose one on death row? “I asked several artists, but none worked out. An inmate suggested Kevin Marinelli to show how people with vastly different backgrounds could unite for a better world.”
Mr. Marinelli was convicted of a murder that occurred during a 1994 robbery. His sentence is currently under appeal. How the Rainbow Got its Stripes represents Marinelli’s first effort as an illustrator. (A self-taught artist, his drawing of former U.S. President Barack Obama accompanies this release.)
Says Mr. Marinelli, “The project was very rewarding and I feel a great sense of accomplishment. I'd love for some kid to see my illustrations and realize no matter where you are, no matter how far gone you feel you are, there's always hope for a better life, to be a better person and to do something positive with yourself.”
Mr. Estrin echoes Mr. Marinelli’s opinion. “These seven laws can help hit the reset button on society by stressing the moral foundation we all have in common. Even the U.S. Congress has recognized their importance.”
In 1991, the 102nd Congress passed Joint Resolution 104 which declared “ethical values and principles have been the bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization, when they were known as the Seven Noahide Laws.”
( https://www.congress.gov/bill/102nd-congress/house-joint-resolution/104/text/enr )
According to Mr. Estrin, the laws of Noah apply to Jews and Gentiles alike, and should not interfere with personal religious practice. Rather, he claims, the laws enhance it. “The laws help people live peaceful and happy lives. For that reason, How the Rainbow Got its Stripes is a fable for our times.”
How the Rainbow Got its Stripes is available on Amazon.com

Votes1 DateFeb 5, 2020

[image for World Spotlight Leibel1.jpg]

Len Estrin - Professional Senior Writer One World Blue

Leibel Estrin
Len (Leibel) Estrin has been working in communications since before the turn of the century—way before! His writing career began with a Cleveland ad agency in the early 70’s. After stints with two more agencies, he began freelancing. Over the years, he’s written everything from articles to web pages. He specializes in writing that’s clear, concise, and convincing.
Over the past three decades, I've helped organizations, institutions and corporations present their messages in a way clear, consistent and convincing. Whether you need an ad, article, blog, book, brochure, case study, flyer, editorial, e-mail, newsletter, product bulletin, technical paper, web page or any other type of communications, just say the word.
I'll write it.

Votes2 DateJul 1, 2019

[image for World Spotlight 36999230_662137567477184_15562470399672320_n.jpg]

Kidney for Michelle Tarczy

Leibel Estrin
Michelle Tarczy with her daughter Meredith, son Jake and husband Matt.
Michelle Tarczy desperately needs a KIDNEY DONOR blood type A or O.
For more information, email
Or visit: https://www.facebook.com/akidney4michelle
Information can be also be obtained from her kidney donor contact, Audrey Caplin, kidney donor coordinator at Cleveland Clinic, at 216-445-3150. Donors must be in good general health, have blood type A or O and be between the ages of 21 and 60.
You can spread the word on Twitter .
If you or someone you know would like to donate, you can also
message Michelle on KidneyBuzz .
If you are interested in learning more about being a live kidney donor, you can visit Renewal should you decide that you want to move forward using the organization, rather than contacting Michelle through her email or webpage. Michelle is listed with them.
An email blast from Anshe Chesed Fairmount Temple in Beachwood sent out to its congregants on November 19, 2014 urged them to help save the life of Michelle Tarczy at the time 37, and daughter of their congregants, Robin and Ray Elsoffer.
Robin Elsoffer was 39 when she found out she had PKD, polycystic kidney disease. Two years later, at age 16, Michelle learned she had inherited the genetically based disorder as well. There is no cure for the illness, in which cysts develop on the kidneys and kidney function declines, causing need for either a transplant or dialysis.
Michelle Tarczy, left, with her mother, Robin Elsoffer, in 2005
“Six-hundred thousand Americans have this disease, and nobody talks about it,” Robin said, “I never even heard about it.” Robin received a kidney from her sister-in-law, and then two years later, from her son. “I was not doing well at all,” said Robin. “He saved my life.” With the help of Fairmount Temple, her daughter Michelle now is looking for a donor.
After Michelle had her own daughter her kidneys started failing. Michelle said that since then “It’s been a gradual decline.” In March of 2014, she was told she needed to start looking for a donor. So her mother decided to turn to Fairmount Temple for assistance.
"We were in a position where Michelle didn’t have a donor, and I was trying to think of everything I could do,” she said. “I wanted her to receive a live donor because that’s the best thing to do. I didn’t know what to do. I was really searching.”
Robin Elsoffer spoke with Wendy Jacobson, the temple’s caring community coordinator, as well as Cantor Sarah Sager and Rabbi Robert Nosanchuk, to determine a plan of action. She provided them with information about Michelle and her medical situation, as well as a contact at Cleveland Clinic, which the temple then forwarded to its members via email and Facebook. “It’s so wonderful that the temple is willing to do something like this,” Robin said.
Some members of the congregation – including Robin – are still alive today due to someone’s decision to donate a kidney or another organ. The email the temple sent out urged those who did not meet the physical requirements to become a donor to spread the word by sharing its contents with friends and family.
“If this is something that you can do to help someone else, then why not?” Robin said. “Let’s help each other. If this was you, and nobody could help you from your family, wouldn’t you want someone to help?”
Partially taken from the Cleveland Jewish News

Votes1 DateJan 7, 2019

Created Planet Sanctuary Spotlights

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Created Light of Culture Spotlights

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Sponsored Initiatives*

[image for culture spotlight One World Blue Logo.jpg]

One World Blue Spotlight Program

Feb 25, 2019 @ 10:20:53 am

Funded: $200.00
Incentive: Social Media Push to 50,000 viewers

*Initiatives sponsored privately, if any, will not be shown.

Lifts (Votes)*

Name Vote Date
How the Rainbow Got Its Stripes Feb 5, 2020 @ 05:42:38 pm
Len Estrin - Professional Senior Writer One World Blue Jul 1, 2019 @ 02:46:01 pm
Len Estrin - Professional Senior Writer for One World Blue Jun 28, 2019 @ 01:57:16 pm
Kidney for Michelle Tarczy Jan 7, 2019 @ 02:39:23 pm
Kidney for Michelle Tarczy Jan 4, 2019 @ 09:24:22 am
Not good copy Jan 3, 2019 @ 11:11:44 am

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