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Animals One World Blue Advisory Fund Director of Animal Welfare Iris Ziff Pirchesky

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The One World Blue Corporation is honored to have many diversified advisors that have helped throughout the many years of bringing this network to life, give guidance, support and encouragement and also most importantly their very much needed heartfelt prayers for the success of the corporation to move forward.

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Iris Pirchesky, mother and respected counsel of the founder of One World Blue, Joel Pirchesky, has been an advocate and teacher of the special needs for over 25 years working with art therapy and counseling.

Iris, Thank you so very very much for everything. May you be forever blessed and may the Almighty Grant you all of your wishes for Good. May you continue to inspire others and have the blessings to continue your work in doing good deeds for others and being one of Heaven's Helpers here as well on Earth.

Iris has a degree in psychology and art therapy and completed an internship at the Western Pennsylvania school for the deaf and school for the blind. Iris has worked with many types of disabilities, among them have been cerebral palsy, traumatic brain injured, the vision and hearing impaired, mental health clients, intellectually challenged individuals, and her specialty being individuals on the Autism spectrum. She has helped countless individuals with her warmth and caring. She currently works with special needs at teen center at the JCC of Pittsburgh.

Iris provides with her skills, art therapy, music therapy, expressive therapy, movement therapy and meditation and guided imagery. She has created a CD for meditation and healing which is available for purchase. It is entitled A Mediation of Prayers and Healing and is available by contact with her at


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