Current location:
Latitude: 6.000000
Longitude: 12.000000
Member Since: March 9, 2016
Birthdate, or Organization founding date
Organization type
Non Profit
Tax ID
No G38/C64/V8/A2/SSC
Greenlife conservation Group is a conservation civil society organisation founded on 7th February 2012 by a group of individuals interested in the conservation of biodiversity in the South West Region of Cameroon. It was approved by the Minister of Territorial Administration and Decentralisation through an order of the Senior Division Officer in decision No G38/C64/V8/A2/SSCA/986 2013. The civil society has a team of dedicated staff working to realise the objectives of the organisation.
Why create Greenlife Conservation Group
The loss of biodiversity is a growing trend in all communities even in remote parts of the world. Many animal and plant populations have declined in numbers, due to habitat loss, illegal logging, poaching, unsustainable hunting practices, unsustainable exploitation of forests and water resources.
The people living in and around protected areas are still poor despite the abundance of the natural resources in the area. Widespread of bush fires, the use of artificial fertilizers in agriculture further degrades the environment. Shifting cultivation is still widely practiced in many parts of the South West Region.
Human wildlife conflicts keep growing despite government efforts to enforce the law on trade in endangered species.
Human rights abuses are prevalent in the society as the women and youths do not have equal rights to economic resources. School pupils are exploited and abused by their head teachers by subjecting them to work on peoples farms while the teachers take the money without compensating the children. There exist a catalogue of problems that need to be solved. All these problems necessitated the creation of G.C.G.
Our Vision: We crave to preserve nature and equality of rights.
Mission of the Organisation: Inspiring People to Preserve Nature in all its forms; defending rights for the advancement of humanity.
• The primary objective of G.C.G is to preserve, protect and conserve wildlife and natural ecosystems sound soil management practice, land use planning defending the lives of people and assisting them to create investment opportunities that will reduce their dependence and pressure on natural habitats.
• The purchase of degraded land and the restoration of such land with both animal and tree species
• We encourage climate change mitigation through the restoration of degraded ecosystems.
• Spreading awareness on the relationship between forests and biodiversity and our food and water security.
• Investing in conservation research and using the results to drive policy change
I am training women and youths on organic vegetable farming and sound soil management practices in Buea, Mt Cameroon Region Our project descourages the use of chemical fertilisers and pesticides and encourage organic methods of cultivation vegetables.
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