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Profile for Static in the Attic

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Current location:   Latitude: 37.750999   Longitude: -97.821999
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[Profile picture Static1.jpg]
Member Since: February 12, 2020



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Static in the Attic is a Rock & Roll power trio from Northeast Pennsylvania. Dedicated to delivering a unique live experience to every performance with blistering guitar leads, blues-driven grooves, funk-infested breakdowns, and eclectic improvisations, Static brings to the table a dynamic musical experience that has kept listeners captivated since 2010.

What would you do to change the world?

Working along side One World Blue Media we hope to use our music to spread joy to everyone across the land and beyond!

This is a place to sing your song and let your voice be heard. Define Coo

coo - verb

  1. To make a soft murmuring sound, as a pigeon.
  2. Speak softly or lovingly;
    The mother who held her baby was cooing softly
  3. To speak in an admiring fashion, to be enthusiastic about.
  4. To show affection; to act in a loving way.

coo - noun

  1. The murmuring sound made by a dove or pigeon.

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Created Light on the World Spotlights

[image for World Spotlight Static1.jpg]

Static in the Attic

Static in the Attic
Please check out "A Night with Static in the Attic". Tx info below.
Blupela Media Concert Series is in support of Sounds of Saving, www.soundsofsaving.org . Saving Lives Thru Music. Please your support is needed and crucial. Tx only $7.70.
Static in the Attic is a blues/rock power trio rooted in Carbondale, PA, that channels vibes from each other’s old-school and modern style influences of multiple rockin’ genres. The band’s origins date back to 2010, and they have since progressed to playing alongside touring acts such as Big D & The Kids Table, The Flatliners, and Badfish.
Static has also performed at multiple popular venues such as the 45th Anniversary Woodstock Reunion, and in 2014, released their first album “On The Street”, including a rendition of the Hendrix classic “Hey Joe”, along with two music videos. You don’t want to miss it, so come dig the funky riffs and bluesy grooves and feel the Static!
Static in the Attic is dedicated to delivering a unique live experience to every performance with blistering guitar leads, blues-driven grooves, funk-infested breakdowns, and eclectic improvisations, Static brings to the table a dynamic musical experience that has kept listeners captivated since 2010.
Static In The Attic -
On Social Media
Twitch TV
You Tube
Booking Info
Contact: staticintheatticband@gmail.com
Direct (570) 281 2121

One World Blue Media Review of Static in the Attic
"The name of the band is "Static in the Attic" - an interesting story in itself ; yet what is far more interesting is the band itself and its rock solid sound. An improvisational gumbo of many influences, the three piece can echo Joe Walsh and Gary Clark Jr., Duane Allman - all while remaining completely original."
"Consider yourself lucky to catch a "Static in the Attic" show; each is so unique that no two are the same. The improv interplay between lead guitarist Jesie Mower, bassist Tom Murray and drummer Jules Borosky provides an ever changing Blues, Jazz and Rock landscape that is intoxicating. To be a member of the audience that witnesses such creativity is to be privileged indeed. Every show is a unique experience and the static clears."
"Static In The Attic's third album - "Shake Your Monkey Maker" will be available online soon. The name of the album will become clear with every beat of Jules' bass drum (don't ask, just watch the groove)."
"If you are a fan of improvisational blues-rock from an incredibly tight trio, do yourself a favor and catch this Pennsylvania-based band when and wherever you can - to keep it close, be sure and check out their new release. To be sure, it will release your static in the attic and provide a fine line of inspired music."

Votes4 DateJun 2, 2020

[image for World Spotlight Static1.jpg]

Static in the Attic

Static in the Attic
Static in the Attic is a blues/rock power trio rooted in Carbondale, PA, that channels vibes from each other’s old-school and modern style influences of multiple rockin’ genres. The band’s origins date back to 2010, and they have since progressed to playing alongside touring acts such as Big D & The Kids Table, The Flatliners, and Badfish.
Static has also performed at multiple popular venues such as the 45th Anniversary Woodstock Reunion, and in 2014, released their first album “On The Street”, including a rendition of the Hendrix classic “Hey Joe”, along with two music videos. You don’t want to miss it, so come dig the funky riffs and bluesy grooves and feel the Static!
Static in the Attic is dedicated to delivering a unique live experience to every performance with blistering guitar leads, blues-driven grooves, funk-infested breakdowns, and eclectic improvisations, Static brings to the table a dynamic musical experience that has kept listeners captivated since 2010.
Static In The Attic -
On Social Media
Twitch TV
You Tube
Booking Info
Contact: staticintheatticband@gmail.com
Direct (570) 281 2121

One World Blue Media Review of Static in the Attic
"The name of the band is "Static in the Attic" - an interesting story in itself ; yet what is far more interesting is the band itself and its rock solid sound. An improvisational gumbo of many influences, the three piece can echo Joe Walsh and Gary Clark Jr., Duane Allman - all while remaining completely original."
"Consider yourself lucky to catch a "Static in the Attic" show; each is so unique that no two are the same. The improv interplay between lead guitarist Jesie Mower, bassist Tom Murray and drummer Jules Borosky provides an ever changing Blues, Jazz and Rock landscape that is intoxicating. To be a member of the audience that witnesses such creativity is to be privileged indeed. Every show is a unique experience and the static clears."
"Static In The Attic's third album - "Shake Your Monkey Maker" will be available online soon. The name of the album will become clear with every beat of Jules' bass drum (don't ask, just watch the groove)."
"If you are a fan of improvisational blues-rock from an incredibly tight trio, do yourself a favor and catch this Pennsylvania-based band when and wherever you can - to keep it close, be sure and check out their new release. To be sure, it will release your static in the attic and provide a fine line of inspired music."

Votes1 DateApr 30, 2020

Created Planet Sanctuary Spotlights

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Created Light of Culture Spotlights

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Sponsored Initiatives*

[image for culture spotlight EPK.jpg]

Social Media Spotlight EPKs for Musicians and Artists

Jan 1, 2021 @ 12:44:42 pm

Funded: $95.00

[image for culture spotlight EPK.jpg]

Social Media Spotlight EPKs for Musicians and Artists

Oct 1, 2020 @ 05:25:15 pm

Funded: $95.00

[image for culture spotlight EPK.jpg]

Social Media Spotlight EPKs for Musicians and Artists

Jul 6, 2020 @ 06:21:18 pm

Funded: $95.00

[image for culture spotlight One World Blue Logo.jpg]

One World Blue Spotlight Program

Feb 12, 2020 @ 07:14:47 pm

Funded: $235.00

*Initiatives sponsored privately, if any, will not be shown.

Lifts (Votes)*

Name Vote Date
Social Media Spotlight EPKs for Musicians and Artists Jul 6, 2020 @ 06:21:01 pm
Static in the Attic Jun 2, 2020 @ 03:59:10 pm
Static in the Attic Apr 30, 2020 @ 02:08:45 pm

*Private Lifts, if any, will not be shown.

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