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Member Since: December 8, 2014



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What would you do to change the world?

I think something we could all do for each other a bit more is make space for one another. When G-d created(s) the world He had to make space within Himself, so to speak, to make room for our existence, our reality, "down here". We need to be space makers, for each other, and for G-d.

This is a place to sing your song and let your voice be heard. Define Coo

coo - verb

  1. To make a soft murmuring sound, as a pigeon.
  2. Speak softly or lovingly;
    The mother who held her baby was cooing softly
  3. To speak in an admiring fashion, to be enthusiastic about.
  4. To show affection; to act in a loving way.

coo - noun

  1. The murmuring sound made by a dove or pigeon.

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Gedaliah Aronson Project Concierge and Ambassador

Gedaliah Aronson
Hi My name is Gedaliah Aronson and I am a Project Ambassador and Concierge for Blupela, The One World Blue Network. We are working to create Social Harmony and Planetary Healing through the use of social media and networking. I am eager to work with you and your businesses, organizations, crafts, trades and arts of all kinds, etc. and to help you achieve your online media goals.
I am a musician and initially came out to Pittsburgh,Pa to attend Duqusene University studying music therapy, however I did not stay at the university more than the 1st year. At the time I was also beginning to thirst for more knowledge and connection with my Jewish heritage and found a home in the Jewish Community here in Pittsburgh which is where I met Joel Pirchesky, founder of Blupela and the One World Blue Network. I've been very fortunate to be involved in music here in the city helping to run open stages and jam nights playing in the house bands at times as well as playing in different bands and projects. Currently my musical focus has been with my band Chillent, we are essentially an Americana roots type band with much Jewish over and undertones. I'm very blessed to be a part of it and we can be found here on Blupela and elsewhere online (some links below); we released our first album Jewish Soul Stew in June of 2017.
What brought me to Blupela was my relationship with my good friend Joel and his belief that I could make a positive contribution to this network through my music and writing and my desire to be involved in positive work and bringing people together. I'm very grateful to be here and help the vision and goals of this site come to fruition with G-d's help!
I think something we could all do for each other a bit more is make space for one another. When G-d created(s) the world He had to make space within Himself, so to speak, to make room for our existence, our reality, "down here". We need to be space makers for each other, and for G-d.

Votes5 DateJan 29, 2018

Funded: 43 $3,055.00

Created Light on the World Spotlights

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Breaking Through

Gedaliah Aronson
The Transition
By Gedaliah Aronson
I am a person. You are a person. Without you I am not a person, for only through you is language made possible and only through language is thought made possible, and only through thought is humanness made possible. You have made me important. Therefore, I am important and you are important. If I devalue you, I devalue myself. This is the rationale of the position I’m Ok-You’re Ok. Through this position only are we persons instead of things . Returning man to his rightful place of person-hood is the theme of redemption, or reconciliation, or enlightenment, central to all the great world religions. The requirement of this position is that we are responsible to and for one another, and this is the ultimate claim imposed on all men alike!
-Thomas A. Harris, M.D. From his classic book on transactional analysis I’M OK-YOU’RE OK
We find ourselves today in times that we all recognize as unprecedented and of cosmic importance. Certainly, every moment in time is of infinite significance to the totality of the universe. Still, there are times we collectively sense that we stand at the threshold of something new. We can look back and see the world as it was, and we can look forward and see the world as it is becoming.
It is an understatement to say that whatever certainty we thought we had has been uncovered to expose the fact that 100% certainty does not exist. We have no guarantees in life, and there is nothing we can take for granted, we only have themoment, the now.
Today, we legitimately have become a global village. We can communicate worldwide to anyone, in any place and time zone, and in real-time. We can transfer information instantly to the far reaches of the globe with the touch of a button. We can travel around the world in less than a day. We can order a product from a foreign country and have it on our doorstep no matter where we may be in the US in a week or less, and vice versa. A small unforeseeable virus can directly affect and impact the entire world population, economy, schooling, governmental functionality, healthcare systems, farming, production methods, etc. The brutal killing of one man in Minnesota by law enforcement officers in cold blood all caught on camera can go viral and almost instantly stir up the entire world.
We are standing at the height of the musical crescendo just before the chord is resolved. We have an opportunity to break through the status quos of yesteryear and form a truly moral and just global society. We can see the world with new eyes, if we are looking. We can all identify ills in the world that need fixing, and they absolutely do need repair, and we must work together to mend them. Perhaps the most profound message of being quarantined is that we each have something to work on at home, changing the world starts with ourselves
We can recognize that one single act can unequivocally affect the entire planet and, by extension, the universe's totality. If this is true of an act of evil, how much more so for pure goodness. Evil makes much noise; it is haughty and arrogant, boastful of its existence and desires endless attention. The deeds that maintain and change the world forever will rarely be reported in the news, and more than often, we will not even know we are doing anything of much significance.
Goodness is modest yet eternal; evil is obnoxiously loud and will forever fade away. This is not to say that evil is not real and that we must not confront and transform it. Instead, the question is, what is our most effective means to usher in the new dawn?
Divisiveness, the "winning team" mentality, is the biggest threat to our crossing the finish line. Are we always seeking to identify external enemies, or will we have the courage to recognize the enemies within that seek to divide us all? We must challenge our preconceived notions, unexamined beliefs, prejudices, and need to be right at the expense of learning anything new.
We need to seek out the good in each other and ourselves, and we must cultivate unconditional love for humanity. There will be plenty of people we disagree with, and there will be dogmatic worldviews that we cannot tolerate. Still, we must separate the ideologies from the ideologues.
We cannot stand in judgment over our fellow man, nor should we desire to be judge and jury over another. Our job here on earth is to nurture it and the vast multiplicity of creation that calls it home. We must look at our human family with affection and a desire to connect. Everyone we meet is someone's child, and indeed we are all the children of our Creator. We must develop the view that everyone we encounter has a divine essence, and though this may be thoroughly concealed, it is at the core of each individual. At that essence, we are all one entity. "Out of many, one.
There is, no doubt, a lot of ignorance in the world today. None of us can claim to be above ignorance. If we do claim such, we are lying to ourselves. We all have something more to learn, and it is up to us to put ourselves in the position to be students. We must be willing to forgive each other's ignorance, just as we forgive our own.
To truly listen, we must have empathy for the plight of the other who is not me, not like me, nor an extension of myself. We must go far beyond breaking into groups, camps, teams, or sides and start seeing individual souls.
A soul is not a color; it is not a democrat or a republican, it's not a man or woman, it is not gay or straight, it's a "portion" of the Creator. A soul is, at its essence, an eternal expression of the one source of all. The path to mutual respect is to focus on souls first and see beyond the bodies that divide us. Focus not on the strict definitions of ourselves and others that we make up or embrace, but on the wonder that is each individual soul.
What if we could have a more transcendent perspective of it all? What if some astronauts could take us into outer space and show us.....the earth?
The Overview Effect is something we can all contemplate and bring into practice with all the implications it suggests. We are one organism. At once, we are entirely nullified in the transcendent perspective and yet completely crucial and of infinite unquestionable value in the imminent view. "If I devalue you, I devalue myself." We are each other, and we are One World Blue!

Votes2 DateJul 1, 2020

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Mr. Roger Humphries

Gedaliah Aronson
Roger Humphries is a living jazz legend. He is the bearer of the torch of the music, and a long-standing pillar of Pittsburgh’s illustrious and continuous contribution to America's art form.
"People have all kinds of ideas about what others should do or not do with their lives. You can do whatever you wanna do in life; you just gotta go for it. Often, this takes the strength of the mind not to be discouraged by other people's opinions."
- Roger Humphries
Roger grew up in a large and extremely musical family. At the age of 3-1/2, his family already recognized his talent and aptitude for the drums. Roger's uncle Frank Humphries, a multi-instrumentalist and veteran jazz recording artist, was undoubtedly a significant influence on Roger.
At the age of just 4-1/2, Roger sat in with the Tab Smith Big Band, who Frank Humphries was working with at the time. Roger was encouraged by his older brothers to hone his craft and harness his gift.
By the age of 14, Roger was playing professionally, and at just 16 years old, he led his own band at Carnegie Music Hall in Pittsburgh. His drumming was strongly recognized by his elders, who kept a close and exciting eye on his development.
At 16 as well, Roger had already met and sat in with two of his biggest influences, and two of the most celebrated drummers in jazz history, Max Roach and Art Blakey.
"My early concept of what my sound would be was to combine the elements that I loved of three of my biggest drumming influences, Max Roach, Buddy Rich, and Art Blakey. I've had a love of music for as long as I can remember, and I listen to and learn from everything."
In 1962 at the age of 18, Roger was recruited by the great Tenor Saxophonist and fellow Pittsburgh native, Stanley Turrentine. Turrentine was married to organist Shirley Scott, and it was in this context that Roger joined their group.
From there, in 1964, Roger went to New York to audition for the legendary Horace Silver and landed the job with Horace's quintet. Also auditioning for Silver at that time was another drummer who would also rise to international acclaim, Billy Cobham. Cobham would go on to play with Miles Davis and was later recruited by another Davis disciple, John McLaughlin, for his new fusion concept called The Mahavishnu Orchestra.
"Horace heard in me the sound he was looking for at that time. It's not important to be preoccupied with being "the best in the world," which is a very subjective thing. I was given a gift, and I honed my craft, and I'm extremely grateful for the blessing of music."
While with Silver, Roger toured Europe twice and appeared at the Monterey Jazz Festival. There, Humphries was interviewed by renowned jazz writer Leonard Feather. A summary of that interview is included in the Encyclopedia of Jazz in the Sixties.
Roger recorded three albums while working with Horace Silver. They were "Song For My Father," "Cape Verdean Blues," and "Jody Grind." The Song For My Father Album is one of the most legendary of our time, still being played by most jazz radio station as a popular hit. His tenure with the great Horace Silver lasted a little over three years from 1964 through 1967.
During the recording of these albums, he played with such giants as Joe Henderson, James Spalding, and Tyrone Washington (saxophone), Teddy Smith, and Larry Ridley (bass), Woody Shaw, and Carmell Jones (trumpeters) and J.J. Johnson (trombone).
In 1965, Roger recorded with the great trumpeter Carmell Jones, for the album called "Jay Hawk Talk." He has also recorded with such artists as Geri Alan, Herbie Mann/Phil Woods, Richard Groove Holmes, Kenny Blake, Frank Cunimondo, Dwayne Dolphin, and Nancy Wilson (2004 Christmas CD.) He also appeared on Oprah Winfrey and Bryant Gumbel's TV show with Nancy Wilson.
Roger is widely considered as one of the most exciting percussionists in the business. He has provided the rhythmic beat for such greats as: Ray Charles, Horace Silver, Richard "Groove" Holmes, Stanley Turrentine, James Moody, Lee Morgan, Dr. Billy Taylor, Benny Green, Lionel Hampton, Coleman Hawkins, Clark Terry, J.J. Johnson, Dizzy Gillespie, George Benson, Jon Faddis, Slide Hampton, Randy Brecker, Joe Williams, Milton Jackson, Jimmy Smith, Jimmy Witherspoon, Nathan Davis, Pete Henderson, Don Patterson, Gene Harris, Grant Green, George Harris, Freddie Hubbard, Bill Doggett, Jack McDuff, and a long list of great musicians that seems endless.
After playing with various groups around the country, ace drummer Roger Humphries decided to organize his own group. in 1972 he formed RH Factor and in 1996 he assembled Roger Humphries' Big Band. Roger gives special thanks to Dr. Harry Clark, principal of The Pittsburgh High School for the Creative and Performing Arts (CAPA) who has allowed him to have such a beautiful experience teaching the kids at the school.
The late Dr. Nathan Davis also gave Roger an opportunity to teach and share with the students at the University of Pittsburgh. Roger has influenced the careers of a number of his students and musicians also through participation in a number of clinics such as the, Slippery Rock University Summer Jazz workshop, Mellon Jazz Masters Class and Concerts and the teaching goes on especially on the stage.
Roger Humphries continues to be a beacon of light in the world of music, and education. He is not only one of the most celebrated drummers in jazz history till today, he is a tower of strength, inspiration, generosity, and kindness to all who know him and know of him.
May the Almighty bless Roger with great health, happiness, strength, long life and endless music. If you are a music fan, make your way to Pittsburgh and catch Roger wherever and whenever you can.

Votes3 DateNov 3, 2019

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UNITY - Chassidic Philosophy

Gedaliah Aronson
G-d is ONE. In other words, ONLY G-d truly exists, G-d IS. G-d wants this to be revealed in this physical world, a world where G-d is so concealed we can come to question G-d's existence, when in actuality, G-d is all that exists. To understand one thing is vital when it comes to discussing how G-d manifests Himself in this "world" "down here"; anything that sounds like a hierarchy of value or worth amongst creation must be truly sized up against the FACT that there is ONLY G-d, and nothing else. At the essence and root of all creation is G-d Himself, period, the one and only; needing to feel superior to another has to do with a human self-esteem/self-worth issue, it has nothing to do with G-d. We are all nullified to the one above, yes we have different roles "down here", but any interpretation that this implies some kind of real superiority is not understanding that we are all truly nullified to our maker. He is all, He is being all, He is making us anew right now, as I type this, G-d is being me for me and you for you.
G-d chose(s) to create this world through a process where He "lessens" the revelation of Himself, gradually, in a chaining down system of "worlds", each world defined by the degree of concealment of G-d's infinite revelation to each world. This physical world is at the bottom of that chain, in other words, G-d is most concealed here, to the point that we do not see G-dliness, we see an actual physical world, that is our vantage point.
G-d desired(s) to create an "other", who would choose to partner with G-d on his/her own terms. G-d desired a true relationship with an "other" who could choose that relationship from their own volition. The human being is this partner, every single one of us.
Because of all this concealment "down here" G-d needed, so to speak, an anchor in this world, that the world would not completely "forget" where it comes from, that humanity should not destroy itself. This anchor is the Jewish soul. The Jewish people, collectively, make up a consciousness that has its roots in G-d "before" He concealed His infinite revelation. Now, this does not mean that the Jewish people are automatically in touch with this consciousness, and most of us nowadays are not too in touch with this consciousness naturally; we must apply our minds, hearts, and hands, with great toil, in the study of Torah and the performance of Mitzvot (G-ds commandments). In fact, the Jewish soul, referred to as the “G-dly soul” in Chassidic philosophy, is the Torah, it is one with the Torah, which is one with G-d. In other words, this soul itself has a revealed connection to its source, to G-d, the soul itself knows from where it comes, it perceives that though there is a world it does not contradict that only G-d exists, that is this soul’s reality. Most of us (Jews) today are not readily conscious of this soul, it is there, but it must be accessed through the study of Torah, and contemplation of G-d through the study of Chassidic philosophy, and performing good deeds, working on our character traits, etc.
Jews and non-Jews are meant to be a team, partners in the service of G-d; making for Him a dwelling place here in the physical world. In truth, humankind is really one complete person, one soul, splintered into 7 billion fragments and manifestations. When Adam and Eve ate the fruit, a consciousness came to them and to the world, a self consciousness, an ego, a separateness. G’d’s simple “I Am”, splintered, so to speak, into billions of “Me’s” and “I’s. Jews and non-Jews are a team in repairing, and returning this universal consciousness of G-d, back to all of creation. We have different roles and many great analogies have been made to explain the partnership. One analogy I personally like is the band and the instrument technicians, the lighting crew, the sound engineers, the security teams, the stage engineers, etc. For a great concert to be pulled off well, with the greatest possible performance, all of these people must work together collectively, cooperatively, and with great respect for the contributions and crafts of each team and team member. The band cannot pull off the show that they need too without all of these teams of craftsman, technicians, managers, stage hands, lighting crew, medical staff on hand, the audience, etc. The band seemingly has the spotlight, but any humble band will tell they couldn’t do what they do without everybody’s involvement and they know that this “show” is not really about or for them, it’s for the audience’s delight. By way of analogy, the audience in this case would be G-d Himself.
Human beings must be united in a common purpose to bring goodness and light/revelation into this world, until the point that we eradicate evil, as we smother it with goodness and light, and transform the darkness to light. Good deeds, selfless deeds of kindness are a revelation of G-d in this world, we reveal G-d in this world, now, with positive action.
The More Jews will unite, the less any anti-Jewish sentiment will exist (which is at root a contempt for humanity at large). When Jews will unite completely, external anti semitism will completely fade away. When humankind unites with one purpose, to reveal G-d “down here” , we complete our mission of partnering with G-d in the creation of this world. On that day “we will be as dreamers” and “laughter will be in our mouths”, we will SEE (with our physical eyes) that G-d is speaking! May it be today, immediately!

Votes1 DateFeb 20, 2019

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The Flow Band

Gedaliah Aronson
The Flow Band, a long time mainstay of Pittsburgh, PA's diverse music scene, came together in 1982. The roots of the band were planted some years before, as founding members of what would become The Flow Band, were asked to form a band to back a Jamaican artist from Montego Bay named Leroy Hall. This band would be known as RASTAFARI.
Out of RASTAFARI, The Flow Band came to be in 1982, and though roots Reggae is a focus and certainly a driving force behind their sound, they've always played diverse styles of music and are known for fusing them together.
The Flow Band has undergone several personnel changes over the years and featured different line ups, but the core of the group, the nucleus, is the longtime partnership of Guitarist/Vocalist Uzell Finney, Jr., and Bassist Joe "Spliff" Smith.
"Our job, as musicians, is to bring light into the world." - Uzell Finney, Jr.
"Everything is an inspiration in my writing , I am inspired by life, and I write about those things. I take from what I'm going through, what I'm thinking about. We're definitely about bringing a positive message and positive experience to all."

In its long and ever active career, the band has opened for such artists as Third World, Dennis Brown, Ziggy Marley, Lady Smith Black Mambazo, & twice for Jimmy Buffet. The Flow band has always played a wide array of cover songs and originals and are quite adaptive stylistically; roots Reggae is the backbone but the band's influences are diverse, so the music is diverse and embracing of all kinds of musical expression. The Flow Band has put out 3 EP's of original music and are in the process of recording a new release, date TBA.
The group's current lineup features Uzell and Joe along with vocalist
Deborah Starling
Sam Darkins
and Drummer
Douglas Lane
"We like to take the music to the people, we reach out to our community and truly enjoy playing for the youth, going to public schools, and for seniors as well. We've done that for a long time and it's important to us."
This spirit of service goes along with Uzell's long time career as a city of Pittsburgh Firefighter for over 30 years. He has since retired from firefighting, but he and The Flow Band fight the spiritual fires of the world by lighting candles in the darkness, making the darkness dissipate.

The Flow Band plays frequently in Pittsburgh in all kinds of settings from favorite local music venues, to public schools, to family gatherings, and to The University Of Pittsburgh in celebration of Black History Month, which they will do again this year (2019) on February 13 for the annual Black History Dinner. The band's long history and continued presence in the Pittsburgh music scene is beloved by many listeners and friends whom they continue to gather together for the sake of unity, peace, goodness, kindness and music. Many Pittsburgh music fans and musicians can reminisce with joy, and yet still take in new Flow Band experiences as the band forges on in this, its 37 year. They are a staple of the Pittsburgh music community, whom many musicians have played with over the years, and from its ranks, went out and spread forth that light to other musical projects as well.

Uzell and Joe are the mainstays of the Flow family, the patriarchs, who continue to guide the band and it's music, and intend to do so for a long time to come!
BELOW: The Flow Band in concert at Hollywood Lanes in Dormont, Pa

Votes1 DateFeb 9, 2019

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Michael Manna, The Pittsburgh Bull

Gedaliah Aronson
"God gave me the opportunity to do something bigger with the stage I've been given." - Michael "The Bull" Manna
Life is a journey. Each of us is on an individual quest, and as a human family, we all have a shared story and destiny. To seek, search, question, and wonder is to be human, and to be human is to be perfectly imperfect. The difference between a fake diamond and a real one is that a real diamond has flaws.
"I do not have it all figured out, I am not a saint by any means. I have made countless mistakes. Bad things that happen are not of God. If we allow him to, he can turn them into good 200 times over."
Michael "The Bull" Manna, 36, from Pittsburgh, PA made his boxing debut in 2011 at the age of 28. Mike took to his stage at a point when many others in his field are approaching, or have reached their prime. As Manna likes to say, "I'm 36 years old, that's 137 in boxing years." Boxing for Manna has become a spiritual path; a means to access his deepest inner self, to access his creator in a very personal way.
Michael's childhood was a very turbulent one, he came to boxing through street fighting. Mike's heart was burned, and psyche severely scared at a young age, facing both physical and sexual abuse, and the betrayal of friends. Fighting and boxing became an outlet for Mike, sometimes in very healthy ways, and at others, not as healthy.
Listen to Michael's story below:
Michael had come to a place in his life, the tension of the crescendo of feeling stuck with what to do to calm the storm inside. He turned back to boxing, trained harder and more focused than ever before, and started his amateur career in 2011. Mike had 50 fights in his amateur years winning only 19 of them, but always by knock out, he always lost on points, though never lost by knock out. He cites the legendary Rocky Marciano as a pivotal boxing influence, because like Marciano, Michael just does not quit.
It was for this style of fighting he was chosen by team Pittsburgh to fight against team Ireland in an international tournament in 2015, which he won. Team Ireland wanted a rematch in 2016, and this time they threw their big guns at Mike, a very seasoned and well-trained fighter; and though this time Michael lost, again like Marciano he did not relent, and even landed quite a shocking knock out. These matches launched Michael's career in the sense of some name recognition in Pittsburgh and in the larger boxing world.
On a run in North Park in Pittsburgh,on August 15, 2017, Mike prayed for guidance, he was thinking of going professional but was seeking a spiritual muse for doing so.
"God told me on that run, the distinct thought and calling was, "if you do more with the stage I've given you, all will be given to you and then some." I decided I was going to donate any earnings I made in boxing, all of them, to charity. I had enough of doing it my way and I decided to make myself a vessel and do it God's way."
"Looking back on things now, there are some choices I wouldn't have made, and certainly no child deserves abuse; but I wouldn't change my story, because ultimately it's all part of what makes me who I am."
"If my story can touch one other person it's all been worth it. To me, it's not about me, my name, my persona, or anything like that, I'm just a knucklehead, I'm doing this for God; I'm doing this to touch other souls, and give them hope, strength, and support."
Mike is a loving father, and by day he sells insurance, boxing he has set aside in his covenant with God; each match, whatever he earns is and will be donated to a charity of his choice. His first two fight purses went to Children's Hospital Cancer Center, having a close connection to children fighting cancer, Michael's cousin was diagnosed with Leukaemia at the age of 4. Michael also donates his time training and mentoring youth between the ages of 8-14 years old at Jack's Boxing Gym in the North Hills, in Pittsburgh, PA.
"I believe part of really giving, is giving of what one doesn't have. I hope that my story, and my choices, and the use of the gifts God has given me for good, will inspire and encourage others to do the same, each in their own way, everyone has their path in adding goodness to the world."

Votes1 DateDec 24, 2018

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Gedaliah Aronson
FYAH WYAH, standing for Fresh, Youthful, Aware, and Happy – With You At Heart, has been creating and performing conscious music with reggae roots for nearly three decades. As an Afro-Caribbean man, born on the North Coast of Jamaica to Cuban-born parents, FYAH WYAH lives to the ideal that global music can unite races and nations in peace and positivity.
Website: https://www.reverbnation.com/1fyahwyah
Believing in the revival power of the overflow of GOOD words, FYAH practices an art form that unites music with a mission to enCOURAGE, upLIFT, restore HOPE, and nurture the spirit of expectancy in all people.
FYAH WYAH is a Good Word Artist™ who shares his message through concerts, motivational music workshops, international festivals, school, university, and church functions, talks shows, media interviews, and writing.
FYAH’s Love in the Air cd is in its second press with singles like Good Words, Believe, and Beg U a Chance Boss, it is listened to worldwide. His next cd The Spirit of Expectancy™ showcasing a next level of conscious music that draws on the spiritual legacy of musical buffet united with the pulsating rhythm of reggae.
Suggested topics for FYAH WYAH presentations and media interviews include: Restoration of Hope, Finding the Keys to Peace and Purpose, Loving Inspirations, Universal Peace through Global Music, Giving Thanks in the Every Day Way, and Cultivating a Spirit of Expectancy for the Breeding Ground of the Miraculous. FYAH interviews and appearances are impacting -- rich with stories, laughter, inspiration, and spiritual vibrancy.
"As a youngster I always heard singing and music in the home, my family sang all the time. I found my avenue for self expression in words and poetry, and I was always singing."
"I used to sing with my youth soccer team, we would make up songs, cheers, chants, and calls of encouragement; and we would always sing our messages. In high school, with my deep love and interest in music, I was able to advocate for local bands to come play at the school. I was a keen observer of bands and musicians, and I was a deep listener, I studied. Though I had many musical ideas, I was first and foremost interested in helping the musicians and groups around me succeed in what ever way that I could."
"When I moved to Kingston a bit later I continued my advocacy for musicians and my studying of their work . I got connected with Ras Records, I became friendly with many, many great artists, and was mainly concerned with their success. I drove them around where they needed to go, I helped make things come together for them, and all the time I was continually studying, observing, and writing. I was not shy to share some of my musical ideas, or suggestions and often they may say "ya know Fyah you got something there, or yeah, you're right!" But at that time my main concern was their music and seeing them succeed, I was not in it for myself, or to promote my own music."
"When I emigrated to the US in 1986 I was very fortunate to meet legendary producer Karl Pitterson at Gong Studios in Miami. He's worked with Bob Marley and the Wailers, Peter Tosh, Steel Pulse, Burning Spear, and Sly & Robbie to name just a few. He heard some of what I was doing with my singing, my lyrics, my philosophy of having a redeeming and positive message, and he really encouraged me, he liked what I was doing. This encouragement set me out on the path to really developing my music, and pursuing it."
"Another pivotal time in my ever continuing musical and spiritual journey was meeting the great song writer Al Cleveland in Pittsburgh. Al Cleveland wrote music for the Motown label and wrote such beloved tunes as "What's goin' On" performed by Marvin Gaye and "I Second That Emotion" performed by Smokey Robinson. Cleveland liked my sound, and my spirit, my vibe, and I was very blessed that he wanted to and did write some music for me including two songs "We Need Love", and "Every Ego" that we would end up recording in Miami with none other than producer Karl Pitterson!"
"Between the years of 1996-2006, many big developments in my spiritual and musical journey would continue to evolve. In addition to founding a production/promotion company called Spices Entertainment, I studied much scripture and reflected a lot on my spirituality. I utilized my God given gifts of words, of delivering positive messages with inspiring song, and I became a pastor/preacher at a church called Covenant Church in Pittsburgh. I kept writing lyrics, writing songs, and recording music, including collaborating on a song with Marty Dread that would blow up, especially in the surfing world, called "On The Beach" in 2000. This was a period of much growth spiritually, musically, philosophically, and certainly the journey continues always!"
"In 2006 I began my still current booking and production company called Don Hines Bookings, and I continue to write and record music. I'm currently working on my 3rd album which will be called "Spirit of Expectancy" cause that's where everything comes from!"

Votes1 DateNov 30, 2018

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Louson Drums

Gedaliah Aronson
Louson Drums is a custom drum company in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. We create custom drum kits, cajóns, and percussion instruments
Our goal is to fit musician to instrument. As a small company, we can devote individual attention to your custom drum building requests, whether you want a full drum kit, bass drum or custom cajón.

"Louson Drums is an LLC with three current members: myself, my father Ed Cashman, and my friend Louis Maione. We were founded in May of 2015. we started in Pittsburgh." - Carson Cashman
"Our workshop is located in Turtle Creek just outside Pittsburgh, but it isn't open to the public. We are beginning to think about moving into a retail store location and hope to take the plunge sometime in 2019."
"We make both the small CajonTab as well as full size cajon drums. We also make foot tambourines, which can go over the end of your shoe to give your foot tap a cymbal sound. We also make small wooden shakers and wooden click castanets. These can either go onto our snare bar to create an extra click sound, or another hard bodied instrument like a guitar."
Like many musical instruments, the cajon drum has a rich history. Although there are no definitive documents stating when the first actual cajon drum was played, historians typically point to the African people from Central and Western Africa living under slavery in18th century Peru as the drums originators. There is some controversy over whether the first new world cajon drums were adaptations of African box drums or an instrument of necessity to evade colonial bans on slaves owning musical instruments. In fact the word "cajon" simply means "box" or "drawer".
Cajon drums grew in popularity throughout South America and the Caribbean through the 19th century. In the 20th century, cajon drums were introduced to Spanish Flamenco music and have thrived as a natural complement to the style.
"I think the instrument is becoming popular in America due to increased awareness thanks to our connected internet culture. Many people I see at craft shows have seen or heard of a cajon drum, even if they don't know what its called yet. I think this wasn't the case 20 or 30 years ago in America."
"We believe a more mobile life is an enriched life. Our instruments are meant to be enjoyed wherever you are, not left behind in a studio.The CajonTab represents freedom of movement and expression."
"We make custom CajonTabs. We can customize the wood, the size, the tapa material (face of the drum), etc. "
"In 2015 we made a few full drum kits but switched to building cajon drums, mostly because they were accessible instruments to make in a small home workshop. The cajon drums were a hit at local craft shows around Pittsburgh, so we started experimenting with cajon designs and thought it would be fun to make a super portable variation. Our first "CajonTab" drums were selling in the summer of 2015."
"There are a million benefits to drumming. Its crazy! In particular, hand drumming and drum circles are incredibly therapeutic. They build community and solidarity as we work together to build the rhythm. The act of hand drumming can be like a meditation, as the space between beats can clear the mind of its racing thoughts and allow the participant to exist in the moment. I often will begin my day with a 10-20 minute solo hand drumming session. There are tons of studies out there, especially in the music therapy space, about how drumming can be useful for treating PTSD and other stress related ailments."

"We first learned about Music Therapy from a customer at a craft show in the summer of 2016. We went to the American Music Therapy Associations national convention at that customers recommendation, which was in Sandusky Ohio that year. We sold a ton of drums and the MT-BC's (music therapist, board certified) there were extremely positive and encouraging to us. They told us our drums were really great options for them, since they often need to travel with instruments and the small size was very convenient. They also liked that the drums are intuitive and easy to play without training. And no sticks to worry about!"
"Through starting the business and interacting with hundreds of customers of our drums, I've learned a lot about how people use percussion instruments. Some people use a hand drum to jam with friends. Some use it for public performance. Others might use it in a clinical practice like Music Therapy. The thing they all have in common is that they are using musical instruments and music to enrich their lives or the lives of those around them".
"I didn't realize when we set out to create a percussion company in 2015 that we were putting so much good into the world. I get fan mail fairly regularly and its really pretty touching! People share with me how much they love the drum and how they're using it".
"Often it's a product being sent as a gift to someone far, far away. Sometimes they want to tell me about how they couldn't play drums anymore because of a physical disability and our drums are small enough for them to play again. Each time I read one of these letters, I'm reminded that building drums is more than just a business. Its a contribution to the health and happiness of our fellow human beings".
The catalog of products Louson Drums makes and sells can be found by clicking on the link below:
Contact Us:
Interested in a custom CajonTab? No problem! Contact us today and tell us your drum idea. We'll work with you to design the drum for you. If you are a retailer or wholesaler, please fill out the contact form to request a price sheet. You may also reach us by phone at 412-501-3786. Thank you for your interest in Louson Drums!
Find us online at:
and at our Facebook page:
Instagram too

Votes1 DateJul 24, 2018

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5th Ave Store, Crystal, Porcelain,Ceramic, Murano Glass Teal, and White Bone China Candy Dishes

Gedaliah Aronson
5thavestore.com has enjoyed a reputation for integrity and superiority in the world of Italian Wedding, party favors and gifts for all occasions for many years. We carry the finest brands including the classic Debora Carlucci, Sima Argento, as well as a huge selection of the ever popular Cucina Italiana Kitchen ware line. We strive to make your purchase of that unique and exclusive party favor or gift as simple and as hassle free as possible.
Product Spotlight:
Italian Crystal Decorative Covered Candy Dish and Colored Amber Stonesh and Swarovski Accents Flower:
By Debora Carlucci
Finely detailed Italian craftsmanship 24% Crystal
Crafted and finished with a decorative swarovski accent
Comes with a certificate of authenticity and origin
Great gift for a person with a lot of jewelry
Product Dimensions:3.5 x 3.5 x 5 inches!
Italian Crystal Decorative Covered Candy Dish and Colored Amber Stones:
By Debora Carlucci
Italian designed and manufactured this beautiful Jewelry box Keeps track of all those pesky things that seem to get lost so often and never lose them again with this trinket box. The box is especially great for small costume or fancy jewelry.
Italian Crystal Decorative Scalloped Candy Dish with Swarovski Flower:
Handcrafted Italian 24% crystal scalloped candy dish with Swarovski brooch flower is perfect for your desk at work or your table at home Fill it with your favorite treat and snack as you please Beautiful to look at 5 "Tall.
White Bone China Candy Dish with Swarovski Crystal:
Put out your candy in style with this elegant candy dish from the Debra Carlucci collection. The rectangular dish is studded by diamond shaped gems set diagonally across from each other, and is great for any occasion, including as a wedding party gift, Wedding Anniversary Gift, or even Bridal Shower. Perfect ornament for a home decor. The shallow bowl is the perfect depth for small candies, and will elevate any buffet with class and grace.
Italian Decorative Murano Glass Candy Dish Teal, with Swarovski Crystal Accents:
By Debora Carlucci
Decorated with alluring Swarovski crystals
Uplift your most elegant dining experience by displaying salads, fruits, or just about any delicacy
Makes a great gift for wedding, holidays, and other occasions, beautifully gift wrapped+
Comes in a favor box with certificate of origin included
Care instructions: Dishwasher safe
Dimensions:8.5 x 8.5 x 2" inches
This Italian collection exemplifies decorative glass tabletop, reflecting Swarovski’s strength in continuous innovation. Its contemporary and versatile products incorporate rich colors and intriguing accents. Present as a wedding party gift, or bridal shower gift idea. Rely on these alluring crystals for a lavish upgrade.
Italian Gold Covered Candy Dish Ceramic Decorative with Swarovski Accents:
By Debora Carlucci
5th Avenue Collection Gold ceramic candy dish,bowl add sparkle and light to your event with fashionable gold party favors. Your guests will gleam with delight. These Handcrafted Italian gold ceramic and Swarovski® Crystal accents Candy Dish designed boxes add a sleek elegance and are available in a variety of styles.
Italian Porcelain Candy Dish,with Lid Pierced Embossed Daisy Ivory:
Lenox Look Bone China with cover Daisy Décor Ivory with this covered Bone china candy dish. Fill This enchanting Box With Just About Anything And IT Will Look Charming! Give Yourself OR Someone Special IN Your Life This Beautiful And Functional Candy Box. Makes a perfect wedding shower or bridal shower gift idea.
A timeless piece of gift ware and serve ware, the 5th Avenue Collection Italian Porcelain Candy Dish features an elegant pattern and texture. The Italian-made fine Porcelain is adorned with Silver Rose Trim, design that results in a classic, sophisticated look creates a naturally striking accent that will glam up your table, mantel and beyond, Would make a perfect gift or wedding favor.
Our items are exclusive, unique and durable, that can be passed on generation to generation. We stock many different Italian direct and exclusive imported brands of Party Favors and Gifts. We supply that perfect favor or gift for life cycle events such as Weddings, Birthdays, Baby Showers, Baby Shower Centerpieces, Children's Party Favors, Bridal Showers, or Anniversary Favors. We also carry the perfect souvenir Icon for a First Communion, Christening, Baptism, and other religious events.
Toll Free - (888) 617 - 4077

Votes1 DateJun 26, 2018

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Life Leadership.com: Financial Fitness and Life Leadership

Gedaliah Aronson
Everyone will be called upon to lead at some point (and truly several points) in their lives, the only question is: Will they be ready?
Life Leadership launched with the purpose of providing world-class leadership materials to business executives, entrepreneurs, corporate climbers, pastors, church leaders, administrators, community service leaders, public servants, teachers, parents, and anybody who will find themselves in a position to lead. When it gets right down to it, leadership is for everyone. Nobody will be able to make their way through life without needing to draw upon the toolbox of leadership. Sadly, many people lack these tools and therefore get to live with the consequences of being ill-equipped. These consequences include missed opportunities, unfulfilled career aspirations, financial woes, and broken relationships.
Life is for those who earnestly seek a better life, are interested in the strenuous process of personal growth, are driven to succeed in significant ways, and are committed to a life of excellence for a higher purpose.
Our Purpose: Life seeks to provide the information, encouragement, opportunity, and community necessary to individuals who are hungry to live a life that counts!
We offer products in three categories, each designed to help you improve your personal lifestyle. Explore our products and experience the change for yourself.
For the large percentage of people who struggle with debt and credit problems, we offer debt freedom through our Financial Fitness products and services.
At Life, our mission is to help people live 'The Life They’ve Always Wanted' by providing world class, life-changing products and services to our customers and an industry-leading compensation plan to our sales force in the field. Our products and services are informational and educational products offered in three divisions: Financial Development, Professional Development, and Personal Development. These include audios, videos, and books in both physical and digital formats. Additionally, we offer services designed to help people track their expenses, save money on their spending, protect their identity, monitor their credit, and legally get their affairs in order. Life seeks to provide the information, encouragement, opportunity, and community necessary to individuals who are hungry to live a life to their highest potential and purpose.
And for those who are underpriveleged, disenfranchised, or victims of disaster, we offer functional freedom through our Life on Life Initiative and charitable outreaches.
To learn more, please visit our website at

Votes1 DateMay 15, 2018

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The wonderful Pittsburgh Music Scene!

Gedaliah Aronson
These are all bands, and artists out of Pittsburgh; there is so much music to see/hear in PGH! Enjoy!
Rusted Root:
Liz Berlin:
Drowning Clowns:
Phat Mandee
The Billy Price Band
Billy Pilgrim
Legendary Jazz Drummer Roger Humphries
Dave and Pappy of Pittsburgh's "The Cause"
Wayside Exchange
Bleil Brothers
Nameless In August
Stationary Pebbles
The Fabulous MR. B
Gene Stovall
Ken Karsh
Chrome Moses
The Flow Band
Jessica Lee
Beauty Slap
The Funky Fly Project
Lyndsey Smith and Soul Distribution
The Shelf Life String Band
Billy the Kid and The Regulators

Votes3 DateJul 13, 2017

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Gedaliah Aronson
On Feb. 12, 2017 we entered Tonic Studios in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania with engineer Doug Kasper and crew, with an 8 hour block of time to work. We had been talking about this recording for a while and we had been having the opportunity to play the material a lot live. Zamir Zahavi, owner of The Park House, a pub on the north side of the city, has been so gracious to us to give us a slot on the calendar each month. We played, and continue to play there one Tuesday a month. We had complete musical freedom to explore this material and get it real tight and in front of an audience as well, and these gigs along with a hand full of other shows got us in shape for the studio.
We wanted this album to be live as much as possible, meaning that there would be as few overdubs as possible; just straight raw playing. I should say that we weren't even sure if we'd get an albums worth of material recorded and certainly not in one session; there was some talk of making this a "solid EP" .
The set up took 3 hours, getting all the instruments mic'd and sound checked, setting up room mic's, checking various levels of volume and tone, etc. We then had 5 solid hours to play, and thank G-d we just went for it and got down 10 tunes in 40 takes total. It was a very cool feeling, kind of like running a marathon and having an endorphin rush, but from playing music! All vocals were added in later sessions; but the music was all captured live with no overdubs, we picked our favorite takes of the 40 we captured that sunday.
We're so proud, happy, grateful, and blessed to be able to share with you our first album JEWISH SOUL STEW
Our CD Release show is June, 8th which is also the online release date

Our first single can be found there, at the band camp site as well for free streaming or purchase; it was mixed and mastered by our good friend, multi/instrumentalist and producer Brian Fitzy who also added hammond organ to the track "Universe in Miniature"

Votes4 DateMay 15, 2017

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More on Transactional Analysis

Gedaliah Aronson
Further thoughts on Transactional Analysis based on a personal studying of Thomas A. Harris' "I'm Okay, You're ok"
We are not hearing each other out enough with the input/in take of our minds. Listening takes patience, it takes effort, and it doesn't end with our ear canals, it begins there. Making a distinction and separating our emotional minds from our intellectual minds might be one of the biggest challenges we face today. We need to discover ourselves and view it as a process of self discovery rather than of digging up dirt, and that helps to engage our intellectual minds with our emotional mind (child). The intellectual mind (the adult) expresses itself in curiosity and imagination and in maintaining an awareness, at least, that we are complex creatures with conflicting emotions and thoughts and that anything is possible. The intellectual mind (adult) expresses itself in words with questions, who? what? when? where? why? how? ,etc. It's interested in an objective understanding of things. An aspect of the Parent (recordings of external/recieved data) are the enforced rules both familial and societal on what we should think, how we should act, and what we are "allowed" to feel etc., often has a strong hold on our child (emotions). The adult (intellect) can step in and be there for the child, giving us the strength and courage to challenge these "rules". Harris speaks about how the EMANCIPATION of the adult (intellect) in its true objective state is key in understanding ourselves and others so much better.

Votes1 DateFeb 20, 2017

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Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 2nd post

Gedaliah Aronson
By Gedaliah Aronson
There is a difference between standing up with dignity and being proud of who you are (and most especially when your people are in a situation of relentless subjugation)..... and being racist. Race is first and foremost a social construct; however because the construct has been used so viciously and oppressively it must be addressed . We are the Human race, and the human race has so many beautiful shades of skin and different cultures. To HATE someone due to the color of their skin is to hate one's own humanity, just as I would say vile anti-Semitism is a hatred of humanity. But there is nothing wrong with being proud of who you are, where you come from, your heritage, etc. and most especially in the face of oppression/ subjugation. This must be proclaimed! The reason this may sound as though i'm defending this video as if there could be something wrong with it, is because an argument could be made: "what about "white pride?" It's the construction of race that would lead someone to this question. If "White Pride" means "everyone else is lower and inferior" than that is not pride, it's arrogance and a symptom of thinking there are different teams in the world and wanting to be on the "winning one". If you wanna be proud of the shade of your skin cause that's the way G-d made you than no harm done, however i think it would be more proper perhaps to be proud to be of such and such ancestry, heritage and culture, just as being proud to be black refers to more than just skin color, however due to subjugation and oppression and degradation, there becomes a strong reason to be very proud to be black (in it's own right) and to stand tall the way G-d made you!

Votes3 DateJan 21, 2017

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Transactional Analysis Thoughts

Gedaliah Aronson
Some refections on the "Adult" and "Child" of Transactional Analysis.....
Our intellect and our emotions are different spheres, they are meant to work together and be a team. The emotions are the felt concept of life, how we experience things on an emotional and physiological level. The intellect can help the emotions identify and sort out the feelings. The part of the intellect that is focused on receiving new information and deciphering it is the curious and inquisitive space, the words that this will be revealed and expressed in are what?, Why?, How?, When?, where?, Who?, etc. This is the "Adult" of TA, it's mostly questions and the effort to gain insight and understanding. The imagination can also greatly help the emotions (Child) find ways to see beyond the immediate feelings and see a greater picture, because the heart tends to be an extremist without the guidance of the mind.
What is the "Parent" of PAC?
The "Parent" is a massive amount of data that exists within the mind that consists of straight un-edited recordings that the brain has been recording since birth. The human brain is absolutely astonishing in it's capabilities and does function as a high fidelity recorder from the beginning. This storehouse of information includes so much, it's the external things that were imposed upon us, including all the admonitions, praises, ideas, "truths", rules, do's and don'ts, and on and on that we're given to us by those most involved in our care taking most distinctively between the ages of 1-5. It is called "parent" because so much of the data comes from what we witnessed and heard our parents or parental substitutes do and say. The recordings of the Parent were taken in straight and without editing because there was not yet developed the capabilities of the intellect (Adult) to reason through what was being said and/or done.

Votes1 DateJan 21, 2017

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Gedaliah Aronson
We'd like to share some videos from one of our Chanukah Shows, this was the 6th night of Chanukah 2016, 5777 on the Jewish Calendar. Our very dear friend Joe Badaczewski joined us for the evening on Trumpet which was a huge treat for us! This was at James St. Gastropub and Speakeasy in Pittsburgh PA, Thurs Dec. 29th. We wish a very happy, healthy, and very very positive new calendar year to all, please enjoy the music below!

Votes1 DateJan 5, 2017

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Chillent 3

Gedaliah Aronson
This is a short set of our original and traditional Jewish music played with our own set of spices. This was last night 9/22/16 at Club Cafe in Pittsburgh opening for Stationary Pebbles, another pittsburgh area really great band, as well as Israel's own Funktronica ensemble The G-nome Project. We hope you enjoy!!!

Votes1 DateSep 23, 2016

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Contemplations on Chasidic Philosophy

Gedaliah Aronson
The only thing that exists at all is G-d. Within Himself, He created a paradigm where there will be the existence of an "other", this being creation, us. G-d desired that he would "dwell in the lowly realms", in this physical world. He wants a home down here amongst us, who perceive ourselves as independent existences . Only in a "place" where G-d conceals Himself almost entirely can a sense of existence be perceived amongst His creation. We experience an "I am", an "I", a definitive "me" but it truly comes from G-ds "I am" "I" and that "I am" is truly the ONE and ONLY. The concealment, us perceiving ourselves as separate from G-d and each other is for us to put the pieces back together so that we build a world down here fitting for G-d to dwell amongst us, a world of true eternal peace. G-d gives us the chance to make this physical world, a spiritual world; to nullify it to it's maker! Each act of good reveals G-d more and more......

Votes1 DateAug 1, 2016

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Mind and Heart

Gedaliah Aronson
Thank G-d, for a bunch of years now i've been blessed to be in touch, extensively, with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (and specifically Exposure Response Prevention), as well as Transactional Analysis (PAC), and Chabad Chassisdus (Chasidic Philosophy) https://www.blupela.com/lotw.php?id=503/Chassidus-Chassidic-Philosophy .
I have been learning and will continue to learn and re-learn the importance of separating your intellect from your emotions, and, or at least understanding the difference and how they influence each other. The guiding factor in Chabad Chassidus is that "the mind must rule the heart." Our intellects must guide our emotions, at least, that is the ideal. This is a crucial element in creating peaceful environments for ourselves and for those around us,and for creating a peaceful world. Our hearts, our emotions are fiery and totalitarian, our hearts are extremists by nature. Our hearts live in THIS world and experience THIS world, they experience it intensely and directly, whereas the mind can be aloof and have distance, it can speak to our hearts from a broader perspective. In order to understand the concept of "otherness", or "those who are not me and not like me", we must use our imaginations and be willing to drift in thought for a moment into the "what if", can I imagine what it's like for him/her? Can I separate my own thoughts and experience for a moment to understand this other, who is not me, not like me, and not an extension of me? This takes place by utilizing our imaginations and being willing to suspend our own realities to try and experience another reality.
Certainly the imagination can be used against us, and no doubt those with OCD and/or other anxiety issues know well the unpleasantness of negative "what If-ing?"; but our imaginations are key in understanding both ourselves and each other; and the separation of mind and heart as a concept is so important for the same. If you have more interest in this topic I definitely recommend Dr. Thomas A. Harris' classic on Transactional Analysis "I'm Ok, You're OK" which I've spotlighted here at https://www.blupela.com/lotw.php?id=166/I-m-Okay-You-re-Okay as well. More to come on this topic.......!

Votes1 DateJul 29, 2016

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Gedaliah Aronson
I'm saddened to say that I really discovered Prince for myself after he passed away this year in May. It's a bitter sweetness as the bitterness is in the loss of him physically on earth, and the joy is in the discovery of this man and his music for myself since then. Being born in 1981 I was certainly familiar with some of the most recognizable HITS he had through those years, including Purple Rain, Red Corvette, Let's go Crazy, and 1999, as well as the fact the he was a great guitarist who i needed hear much more of; but I was really ignorant of what he was up too. His passing in May sparked my interest in his music and in him as a person and of course with the internet and access to incredible amounts of information at our finger tips, there was so much to be heard and seen. First of all, what an incredible musician and I wish I was more aware to what extent of a naturally gifted all around musician he was. He played so many instruments and all of them well, a prodigious and inventive musician and artist. What I also got really into doing was going back and watching many interviews with him over a number of years and I was very touched by his humility, kindness, caring nature, and modesty which is a bit at odds seemingly with his early stage persona. He was a very spiritual person, honest and open about his chosen religious views as he became a jehovah's witness post 2000, but as I understand always was very religious. A thoughtful and generous person, concerned for the world, concerned for his audience, concerned about having a positive influence, a fascinating person to watch and listen too. So with this spotlight I pay tribute to Prince Rogers Nelson may his soul be at peace and may his memory be for a blessing. Below are some performances and interviews, enjoy!:

Votes2 DateJun 20, 2016

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Chillent (part 2)

Gedaliah Aronson
We are "Chillent", please check out our earlier spotlight on this sight! We've brought in our dear friend Ryan Kantner to hold down the Bass for us since the last time we posted. This is a very recent video of ours taken at a BBQ celebrating the Jewish holiday of Lag B'omer featuring our now 6 piece band; we hope you enjoy! Spread goodness, love, and music all around you!

Votes3 DateMay 31, 2016

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Chassidus/Chassidic Philosophy

Gedaliah Aronson
Chassidus or Chassidic Philosophy was revealed to the world by the great Jewish Sage Rabbi Yisroel Ben Eliezer better known as the Baal Shem Tov in the mid-1700's. The Baal Shem Tov never wrote anything himself but his teachings were recorded, studied, and transmitted by his students, who after his successor The Maggid of Mezritch; branched off to form different chassidic "courts", these were different approaches to transmitting and disseminating the Baal Shem Tov's teachings. Chassidus get's into the very depths and essence of the Torah (the Jewish Bible). It is a study that can enrich the lives of everybody Jewish or non-Jewish; certain subjects will pertain very heavily to Jews in particular, but it is not an exclusive subject. Many themes in Chassidus are extremely applicable to all of our lives and the links I will post below are open to all who seek this wisdom! The links I will post are coming from the "Chabad" school of Chassidic Philosophy developed by The "Alter Rebbe" Rabbi Schuer Zalman of Liadi, a student of the Maggid of Mezritch in the 1800's and transmitted and disseminated by his successors and their students. Chabad emphasizes an intellectual approach, very analytical approach, as well it is a common theme in Chabad Chassidus that the mind should rule/guide the heart.
Below is something I wrote recently based on some Chassidic themes i've been learning about the last few years, as well as some links, hope you enjoy!
We are one human being in a battle with ourself. The struggle is that once we ate from the fruit of the tree of knowledge, we became self aware. We can say "we" with regards to Adam because we were all contained "in there"; yes Adam ate from the fruit which means, so did we. We are the splintered remains of Adam's fractured psyche. Adam and Eve both ate, but prior to separation they were one human being, one form; Adam prior to separation was a composite of masculine and feminine, so just to clarify Adam includes all humanity, male and female. The self awareness that became our reality presents us with the struggle of ego and how to deal with it. According to Chassidus, the ego is not essentially evil and not something to rid ourselves of, rather it is a creation of G-d and can be utilized for the holiest and selfless of purposes and for the opposite (G-d forbid). The ego is the root and source of potential evil, yet it comes from the absolute highest place. Only one being truly can claim "I am", there is only one being, and He created a world "down here" that screams "I AM" . This physical world is connected with G-d's essence, G-d's "I AM" ; He put His "I am" down here so we could connect with His essence. We believe it to be our own "I am", each of us, and that is our struggle. When we reappropriate the " I am" back to its source we can use it for incredible deeds that reveal the ONE true "I Am " in this world!

Votes1 DateMay 17, 2016

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Communication: Space Making

Gedaliah Aronson
perhaps the most important part of communication is making space, space for the other person to exist as they are, space for yourself to exist as you are. Sometimes I just enjoy noticing how at a super market half of the shopping time is spent just making room for each other. This mirrors the Tzimtzum (the lessening of the divine light) that G-d does for us so that our world can exist; G-d makes space within Himself, so to speak, to make room for our existence.

Votes11 DateFeb 2, 2016

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Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Gedaliah Aronson
A short belated tribute to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
We are the human race, the colors and variances are for us to appreciate and revel in and be thankful to our creator for; we are in G-ds image, and G-d has no image! We must see the image of G-d in each other first, we must see humanity in each other first and foremost! Thanks Dr. Martin Luther King and all the brave men and woman who stood with you in being the true "rebels" the world needed to challenge head on,such an awful and intolerable status quo. May we be the rebels of our time and challenge all the status qou's and falsehoods in the world, may we do good deeds without reason and light up the world with truth and usher in finally,the redemption of humankind and all of creation!

Votes2 DateFeb 1, 2016

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Dr. Steven Phillipson

Gedaliah Aronson
Dr. Steven Phillipson is someone who I found when his website was listed amongst a few others as resources for OCD information in a handout passed around in a group OCD meeting I attended. His website is http://www.ocdonline.com and truly is a fantastic resource for OCD in general as well something that has been particularly helpful for me, which he refers to as "Pure-O" or the Pure Obsessional thinker. The term Pure-O is not universally accepted by all those in the field of OCD treatment, however it truly is an issue of semantics. The pure obsessional thinker is someone who's compulsions are cognitive and therefore not overtly shown to the outside world too much at all. OCD is most commonly shown in the media in it's overt physical manifestations with obsessions usually dealing with contamination. This is, most likely, simply because it's the easiest to show what is happening ; however they so often do not explain what the process is in the person's mind. OCD, no matter it's manifestation centers around doubt, and uncertainty, and the power of suggestion, of possibility, it's a creative mind's ability to delve into the question "what if" and to terrify oneself with the vividness of his/her imagination. I am spotlighting Dr. Phillipson and his website as a great resource for OCD information and consultation; Dr/ Phillipson will do Skype appointments as far as I understand!
Below is a Vimeo link to a presentation Dr. Phillipson gave in 1991 regarding Pure-O, OCD in general, and other matters
here it is on Youtube as well starting with Part 1

Votes3 DateDec 15, 2015

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Allman Guitars

Gedaliah Aronson
Jay Allman of Allman Guitars, I'm grateful to say, is a friend and jamming mate of mine. In addition, he is an extremely talented guitar and bass guitar builder, repairer, customizer, modifier, detailer, as well as a creator and builder of custom guitar and bass effects pedals and processors. It should also be mentioned that he plays a mean and funky bass, and is blessed with great singing pipes too! Jay has his own shop in his home garage in Pittsburgh, Pa. where he currently does all of his guitar, bass, and pedal work.
He is an enthusiastic worker, and this work is greatly enjoyable to him as with any craftsman. It is his vehicle for self-expression and expertise. He is, in my opinion, someone you've got to reach out to if you’re looking to have a custom instrument or pedal built, and certainly for any modifications you may want to make to your instrument. Jay is easy to speak with and definitely does quality work. He can also do routine instrument set ups, and detail work including body work as well as pick-up replacements, knob and jack replacements, and upgrades, etc. His website is currently under construction, but please check out Allman Guitars at Facebook https://www.facebook.com/allmanguitars/info/?tab=overview !!

Votes3 DateNov 3, 2015

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Communication via Musical Improvisation

Gedaliah Aronson
I've been thinking a good bit over the years about what i've learned, to this point, about communication through improvising with others musically. To be truthful, this does not only exist in improvisation focused music. but as well within orchestras, and symphonies playing highly arranged and structured music. In other words anything I will say here regarding improvising can be applied in it's own way to heavily orchestrated music and what it takes to be part of an orchestra, symphony, or what have you....
When it really works, that is improvising with others , it works because there is a collective sense that you are all there to be space makers. You're all looking out for each other, looking for each other's voices to be incorporated into the sound. So there is a willingness to forgo an idea of your own, in order to join onto and enhance the idea of another; you become given over to the music and you appreciate the role you "fell" into.
It really is about connecting, and a good verbal conversation is about connecting as well. Often we call it "being on the same page," and there are so many other metophorical terms for it. When there is a genuine striving to understand another to the best of one's ability there is a great joy when you actually get there
So to when playing music with others, there is nothing like creating something with a group of people, all making a compromise, all striving to listen and include each other in the process.
Below are some great videos of wonderful improvisers and group dynamics, hope you enjoy the music! Much Bobby Mcferrin in this mix, what a beautiful improviser and person!

Votes6 DateOct 19, 2015

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Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Jacobson

Gedaliah Aronson
A close friend of mine shared this with me recently. The person speaking is Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak jacobson who is a world renowned speaker, author,and teacher. Please check out TheYeshiva.net, a site that was launched several years ago by Rabbi Jacobson which features many of his classes (video), and articles, as well as other great speakers and teachers of Judaism, and Jewish Law, and Chassidic philosophy. This video and so many more of Rabbi jacobson's talks are very relevant to both Jews and non-Jews equally.

Votes1 DateOct 4, 2015

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Gedaliah Aronson
Forgive me for spotlighting something i'm also very blessed to be a part of, but it is a musical project i'm very excited about. Chillent is Shua Hoexter on alto Saxophone and Wind Synth, Sruli Broocker on Harmonica, Alan Meyers on Keys, jules Coulson on drums, and myself on guitar. Chillent, which is a play on the word Chullent (a hearty stew eaten by Jews on Sabbath), stewed for a while in our minds before we finally came together as a group. We talked about getting something together for several years and finally I believe it was Sruli who really helped us solidify the plans to actually all get together and play; and since then it really has been a blast. We play a big chullent of music both originals and covers including traditional Jewish melodies often arranged in our own way, as well as some of our favorite funk and jazz covers. Below our a few samplings of Chillent, we certainly hope you enjoy! We hope to be recording very soon, G-d willing, we can be found at http://www.Chillentband.com

Votes2 DateSep 16, 2015

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Hal Galper

Gedaliah Aronson
The truth is I don't know so much about the biography of the person/video i'm spotlighting, but his words have had an impact on me for several years now. I know Mr. Galper is a music educator and that he played with the great alto saxophonist Julian "Cannonball" Adderly for a time, as he speaks about briefly in this video. I found out about his videos online through a close friend of mine who sent me a few and I fell in love with several of them, the one I am posting impacted(s) me the most. This video is dedicated to all musicians and to all the people i've been so very blessed to play music with in my life. May this video and Hal Galper's words help free us from the impositions this world can place on our individual creativity, and may we seek to always have fun above all else when we PLAY!

Votes2 DateAug 31, 2015

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Mark Freeman

Gedaliah Aronson
I found Mark Freeman on Youtube a little over a year ago and it was right when I was in need of some extra help and encouragement in my personal battles with OCD. Mark Freeman is someone who has suffered from OCD , is diagnosed with OCD, but has worked very hard and over much time to get to a point in his recovery where he has been compulsion-free for a number of years now. Just a word for everyone's understanding, compulsions are actions or even cognitive activities that an OCD sufferer uses to attempt to control the anxiety that occurs with an obsession (bothersome, repetitive, and/or noxious thought). The truth is that it is the compulsion, the response to an unwanted or disturbing thought which causes the obsession, the repetitive occurrence of the unwanted thought or other trigger of anxiety. So the significance of Mark Freeman being compulsion free for years is quite remarkable, as he has, through much cognitive-behavioral work on his part recovered from OCD. I'm sure the tendency and possibility for relapsing back into OCD activity do remain, but he has retrained his mind and his reactions and relationship with his thoughts and feelings that his norm now is to be free of compulsions, in other words OCD free. He now shares his helpful tools and insights into recovering from OCD via Youtube as well as in writing. His videos are also very helpful for anyone really whether diagnosed with an anxiety disorder or not. I'm very grateful to Mark for sharing his first hand wisdom and insight so generously, may G-d bless him to continue this work and all the endeavors he's involved with! Below is a sample video useful to anyone, and i refer back to this one very frequently!

Votes2 DateAug 20, 2015

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Butler St. Sessions open stage/Jam night

Gedaliah Aronson
The Butler St. Sessions (at the Thunderbird Cafe in Lawrenceville) , which I'm very grateful and fortunate to be a part of, is an open stage which grew out of friendships made at another local open stage, no longer in existence, called "Purple Tuesday's" in Squirrel Hill. The Pittsburgh music scene is something really special. The Butler St. Sessions are a great place to see, hear, and experience this. My very dear friends and musical comrades, Dave Busch (Bass), Shawn McGregor (Drums), and Buddy Rieger (Keys) began the Butler St. Sessions in the fall of 2013. For two years Shawn, Buddy, Dave, and myself hosted the sessions each Monday night, but we recently opened it up for different local bands to come in and host each week (the four of us still host 1 monday out of the month). If you live in Pittsburgh and you play, and or love to listen to great and diverse live local music I strongly suggest you check out the Butler St. Sessions. If you play/sing, and for whatever reason are nervous or have some stage fright, the environment at this open stage is very non-competitive and supportive. The sessions are each Monday night from 9:00pm till 1:00am at the Thunderbird Cafe. Below are a few videos of some Jams that took place at the Butler St. Sessions, Enjoy! (The facebook links are also Jams from the Butler St. Sessions)

Votes2 DateJul 16, 2015

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Ruby Bridges

Gedaliah Aronson
I learned yesterday evening that it was Ruby Bridges 60th birthday, consequently I also learned who Ruby Bridges is. I am young still, 33, born in 1981 and did not grow up in the civil rights era; I grew up, thank G-d, quite ignorant of experiencing or seeing racism very much at all and was blessed to be amongst incredible diversity as a kid and through high school. I was not ignorant of racism or that it existed of course, but I was very blessed to have a truly multicultural childhood where racism was not the norm nor close to it. I mention all of this because I am shocked that I had not learned of Ruby or somehow don't remember learning of her in school. I certainly learned of the civil rights movement and of the many heroic figures who were a part of it; but I am shocked that as an American her name was not part of my everyday vocabulary. I don't know if this is anyone else's experience, which is also why I mentioned my youth,but I feel that Ruby and her story should be given far more attention when learning the history of the courageous heros who turned over centuries of injustice; the aftermath of which we are still struggling with in this country to this day. Happy Birthday Ruby and G-d bless you! May the time come when humanity learns that we are really one person!
"In spring of 1960, Bridges was one of six black children in New Orleans to pass the test that determined whether they could go to the all-white school. Two of the six decided to stay at their old school, three were transferred to McDonogh, and Bridges went to a school by herself.
William Frantz Elementary School building in 2010
Ruby was the only one assigned to William Frantz. Her father was initially reluctant, but her mother felt strongly that the move was needed not only to give her own daughter a better education, but to "take this step forward ... for all African-American children." Her mother finally convinced her father to let her go to the school.[4]"
Please read more here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ruby_Bridges

Votes2 DateJul 1, 2015

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Yisroel (Sruli) Broocker

Gedaliah Aronson
It's a great pleasure to spotlight a very close personal friend of mine, Srui Broocker ( http://srulibroocker.squarespace.com/ ). Sruli is someone who I feel really lives with and embodies what it means to develop and utilize his personal talents and skills to bring goodness into the world; to make the world a better and more complete place. Sruli is a very talented animator, producer, musician, film maker, manager, story teller, not to mention a wonderful husband and father of 3. I believe it's important to mention, as I know that he would, that Sruli is a Chassid; a disciple and emissary of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson (OBM) and a dedicated lifelong student of the Chabad school of Chassidic Philosophy and of the Torah in general. As Chassidic thought teaches that we must develop and utilize all of our G-d given abilities and talents to bring goodness into and reveal G-dliness in the world, I feel that this at the heart of all of Srulis endeavors. Sruli is part of the Shmideo team at http://www.Shmideo.com who were coined by the Huffington Post as "The Jewish Monty Python." Here is an animation done by Sruli to the voice of Rabbi Shais Taub. I am very fortunate to have played music and jammed with Sruli for many years now and we recently formed a band together called Chillent, we can be found at http://www.Chillentband.com . Sruli is a talented harmonica player and improviser and I'm grateful to get to call him one of my true musical brethren and for the opportunity to play in this group together with him. Sruli brings his positive, passionate, and soulful disposition to the music. Sruli is now managing blues guitar master Jimmy D. Lane and has launched a campaign with Jimmy to crowd source a new album Sruli always has something he's thinking about and or working on and I admire him for going after his ideas and goals for the sake of doing good, for being willing to go out there and pursue meaningful projects and take risks, and try new things always for good causes and no matter how successful each project may appear to be or not be. Grateful and delighted to spotlight my dear friend Sruli Broocker.
Here's another example of Sruli's animation work, again with audio from Rabbi Shais Taub as part of Shmideo's "Shais Time" segment

Votes2 DateJun 17, 2015

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Dr. Jonathan Grayson Ph.D.

Gedaliah Aronson
This is a bit more of a very "close to home" type of spotlight for me. Through my own experiences with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and specifically Exposure Response Prevention therapy (ERP) I came to know of Dr. jonathan Grayson. I was recommended a book of his called Freedom from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (A personalized recovery program for living with uncertainty), and I still refer to this book probably on a weekly basis. I personally am open about my OCD because I feel that perhaps this can be helpful for others out there who are less forthright (and have every right to be so), so they know they are not alone; as well as getting the word out about proper treatment and also helping to clarify what OCD is and clear up misconceptions about it.
Jonathan Grayson has been working with OCD sufferers for over 30 years and has written extensively about OCD and it's treatment. A key factor in being an OCD therapist is that there is a generally accepted rule of thumb, that the therapist must be willing to do anything he/she asks the client to do. The video below is an extreme example of Jonathan Grayson doing this as this was basically a 3 day intensive OCD "boot camp" like experience and certainly edited the way the Oprah show wanted and needed to for timing reasons and so forth. To be a therapist specializing in ERP takes dedication, you must be willing to leave the office, to meet clients where they need you. I'm grateful to these people, Thank G-d for them, and this is a spotlight of one of the many doing this work!

Votes1 DateMay 31, 2015

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I'm Okay, You're Okay

Gedaliah Aronson
I've decided to spotlight a book that is very close to my heart and something I continually go back to and utilize the tools within to the best of my ability. By putting the spotlight on the book I'm also intending to put a spotlight on it's author Dr. Thomas A. Harris and his mentor Eric Berne, as well as their development of an extremely useful tool to navigate through communication with yourself and others called Transactional Analysis. Thomas A Harris' book "I'm Okay, You're Okay" presents Transactional Analysis in a very systematic way, a very understandable and user- friendly way, geared toward personal practical application. This book, which was written in 1969 and was a NY TIMES best seller for sometime, is still so relevant today; and the cognitive tool which it teaches, as well as the main subject it addresses, the "not-okay" position and how we deal with it is so screamingly current. This book has been and continues to be a help for me and a very good "friend" to have around; of course by saying so again I acknowledge the author and his efforts to help people understand themselves and others better, as well as helping people to communicate in a non-aggressive manner. He was also addressing and identifying a very real and hot topic still to this day, what is low self esteem and how can we approach it? How can we heal and help others heal from something that is not an uncommon phenomenon and can and does affect all of our relationships and communications with ourselves and others? A great book and tool in my opinion and one that deserves more attention today, perhaps more than ever.

Votes1 DateApr 28, 2015

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Maajid Nawaz

Gedaliah Aronson
I find that browsing youtube videos has become a regular practice for me throughout the week. It's difficult not to spend a great deal of time there, there is just so much accessible media right at your fingertips. Through watching videos there that were somehow related to him, I recently discovered someone who interested me greatly. Maajid Nawaz is a former Islamist radical who now speaks out against extremism; he is the co-founder of the Quillium Foundation http://www.quilliamfoundation.org/about/staff/ a counter extremism think tank based in London. Maajid speaks from experience and with great clarity about what he defines as Islamism, Muslim extremism; as opposed to Islam, the Islamic religion, which is a crucial distinction he says. They seek to create a counter narrative amongst Muslim youth world-wide; that to oppose the extremist narrative which he further defines as an imposition of old European Fascism onto the Islamic religion. To me he is a fresh voice who provides great insight into issues that beg for clarification, and also need brave people like Nawaz to speak out about their experiences and against the extremism they once embraced. Find out more about him here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maajid_Nawaz . Here is a video clip of Maajid Nawaz speaking at a forum in 2013

Votes3 DateMar 27, 2015

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Louis Armstrong

Gedaliah Aronson
Louis Armstrong:
About three years ago, I read a Louis Armstrong biography and while I was reading I began to listen to suggested recordings offered by the author (Thank G-d it was all available on youtube, incredible!) I fell in love with the sound of his horn and his phrasing, and his singing, and the child like joy he expressed when he played and sang. I've been listening to a lot of Louis since then and learned a good bit about him. Louis believed strongly that the audience was very much a part of the show, in this regard he is sometimes viewed more as an "entertainer" but i've gotten the sense that in many ways he felt that this is what he was put on this earth to do, to bring others happiness and joy through his music!
Below is a wiki bio as well as a beautiful story about Louis

Votes3 DateJan 19, 2015

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Bobby Mcferrin

Gedaliah Aronson
Bobby Mcferrin has been a musical hero of mine ever since I watched a recording of a concert he gave in 1986 called Spontaneous Inventions. I had heard of him of course because of his 1988 hit "Don't Worry Be Happy" , but at the time I found this video I had most likely only heard that one tune. I fell in love with this artist through that concert and further more through the help of a close friend who introduced me to much more of his music. I am choosing Bobby Mcferrin for a spotlight because he stands out out to me as a musician, artist, and performer who seeks to use his craft to bring goodness, kindness, and positivity into the world. Thank G-d, I've been blessed to see Bobby Mcferrin live and it certainly was a beautiful and uplifting experience. Music has the ability to tap into our underlying unity and I feel that Bobby brings people together through his music and his music and performances give us an opportunity to delve into our simplicity, innocence, and joy!
Here is a link to his wiki Bio and a link to a great interview with Bobby Mcferrin
"Music is so powerful it needs to be used for some type of redeeming work"

Votes2 DateDec 8, 2014

Created Planet Sanctuary Spotlights

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Natural wonders

The Overview Effect

Gedaliah Aronson
I had seen this video many months ago, this post is a follow up on Gary's post "Earth from Space". This video is about what astronauts experience when they look back at Earth from space. This experience was dubbed "The Overview Effect" by author Frank White who is featured in the video below. the Astronauts speak of the experience of seeing ourselves from outside of ourselves, and seeing the unity of the planet as a single whole organism. We really are one world blue, enjoy!

Votes1 DateMay 18, 2015

Created Light of Culture Spotlights

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One World Blue Network

Nov 17, 2017 @ 04:04:48 pm

Funded: $30.00
Incentive: Project Ambassador Sales Brochure (Quantity 200)

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One World Blue Network

Nov 2, 2017 @ 08:12:04 pm

Funded: $30.00
Incentive: Project Ambassador Sales Brochure (Quantity 200)

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Lifts (Votes)*

Name Vote Date
Breaking Through Jul 1, 2020 @ 01:49:23 pm
Dany Vavrek Acoustic Apr 28, 2020 @ 05:38:52 pm
David Gumble Jan 28, 2020 @ 12:39:07 pm
Mr. Roger Humphries Nov 3, 2019 @ 08:57:15 am
Seeking justice within the Justice System Oct 25, 2019 @ 12:11:36 am
Aspect Life Coaching Oct 24, 2019 @ 04:29:07 pm
Seeking Justice within the Justice System Sep 2, 2019 @ 11:49:24 am
UNITY - Chassidic Philosophy Feb 20, 2019 @ 08:16:13 am
The Flow Band Feb 9, 2019 @ 11:24:46 pm
Michael Manna, The Pittsburgh Bull Dec 26, 2018 @ 12:37:39 pm
Michael Manna, The Pittsburgh Bull Dec 24, 2018 @ 04:12:55 pm
5th Avenue Store assorted Aroma Therapy Diffusers Dec 14, 2018 @ 09:46:08 am
FYAH WYAH Dec 14, 2018 @ 09:34:24 am
CARICS International Fine Arts Festival Dec 3, 2018 @ 01:24:07 pm
FYAH WYAH Nov 30, 2018 @ 08:13:18 am
Millvale Yoga Collective Nov 20, 2018 @ 07:47:40 pm
Gary Germany Oct 12, 2018 @ 03:58:45 pm
Animals' Angels Sep 13, 2018 @ 10:53:21 am
Wizdom World Beat Reggae Band Aug 10, 2018 @ 12:36:49 pm
Wizdom World Beat Reggae Band Aug 6, 2018 @ 12:42:09 pm
Louson Drums Jul 26, 2018 @ 08:48:26 am
Louson Drums Jul 24, 2018 @ 10:19:11 pm
Saluda Shoals Jul 24, 2018 @ 01:25:43 pm
5th Ave Store, Crystal, Porcelain,Ceramic, Murano Glass Teal, and White Bone China Candy Dishes Jun 26, 2018 @ 11:37:28 am
Ms. Annegirl Jun 20, 2018 @ 08:58:11 am
Smooke Chiropractic Jun 19, 2018 @ 07:57:31 pm
Smooke Chiropractic Jun 18, 2018 @ 10:00:07 am
Life Leadership.com: Financial Fitness and Life Leadership May 18, 2018 @ 12:12:50 am
Life Leadership.com: Financial Fitness and Life Leadership May 15, 2018 @ 05:46:10 am
William Lewis Massey Feb 23, 2018 @ 12:25:58 pm
William Lewis Massey Feb 15, 2018 @ 02:56:01 pm
The Jeweled Bird Feb 5, 2018 @ 06:10:27 am
The Jeweled Bird Feb 5, 2018 @ 06:05:09 am
Gedaliah Aronson Project Concierge and Ambassador Jan 29, 2018 @ 08:52:18 pm
The wonderful Pittsburgh Music Scene! Jul 13, 2017 @ 09:58:57 pm
CHILLENT (JEWISH SOUL STEW) May 15, 2017 @ 08:13:13 pm
More on Transactional Analysis Feb 20, 2017 @ 03:55:43 pm
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 2nd post Jan 21, 2017 @ 10:28:42 pm
Transactional Analysis Thoughts Jan 21, 2017 @ 10:12:16 pm
CHILLENT MUSIC (Part 4) Jan 5, 2017 @ 08:14:55 pm
Chillent 3 Sep 23, 2016 @ 03:09:53 pm
Contemplations on Chasidic Philosophy Aug 1, 2016 @ 02:49:47 pm
Mind and Heart Jul 29, 2016 @ 06:34:52 pm
Prince Jun 20, 2016 @ 10:57:04 pm
Chillent (part 2) May 31, 2016 @ 11:20:24 pm
Equinox Transmission of Light May 17, 2016 @ 04:34:16 pm
Chassidus/Chassidic Philosophy May 17, 2016 @ 03:51:01 pm
Communication: Space Making Feb 2, 2016 @ 02:18:19 pm
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Feb 1, 2016 @ 02:49:13 pm
Dr Martin Luther King Jr Jan 31, 2016 @ 07:36:18 pm
Dr Martin Luther King Jr Jan 31, 2016 @ 07:31:16 pm
Dr. Steven Phillipson Dec 15, 2015 @ 10:51:41 pm
Mike Stout and the Human Union Nov 12, 2015 @ 10:03:51 pm
Stop the Madness Nov 12, 2015 @ 10:03:31 pm
Allman Guitars Nov 3, 2015 @ 05:27:29 pm
Communication via Musical Improvisation Oct 19, 2015 @ 11:05:19 pm
Fela Kuti Oct 19, 2015 @ 10:59:23 pm
Chiropractic The Documentary Oct 14, 2015 @ 06:55:33 pm
Jordan Danielsen Music Oct 14, 2015 @ 06:51:08 pm
Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Jacobson Oct 4, 2015 @ 03:28:00 am
Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Jacobspn Oct 4, 2015 @ 03:22:10 am
Chillent Sep 16, 2015 @ 11:51:15 pm
Hal Galper Aug 31, 2015 @ 09:11:45 am
Mark Freeman Aug 21, 2015 @ 03:59:17 am
Dr. Georges Bwelle Aug 21, 2015 @ 03:53:56 am
Firante Treks and Expeditions Jul 21, 2015 @ 03:46:41 am
Humpback Whale Shows AMAZING Appreciation After Being Freed From Nets Jul 21, 2015 @ 03:44:04 am
Earth from space Jul 21, 2015 @ 03:43:59 am
Attenborough: Amazing Orangutans Use Tools - BBC Earth Jul 20, 2015 @ 10:45:01 pm
Removing Racism: Everyday Speech Jul 19, 2015 @ 11:45:05 pm
No More Excuses Richie Parker (Guy With No Arms) Of Hendrick Motorsports Inspirational Video Jul 19, 2015 @ 11:44:46 pm
Dr. Bishop Reginald Kelly Jul 19, 2015 @ 11:44:32 pm
Justice for Victims of Abuse Jul 17, 2015 @ 07:37:22 pm
Photography of the "Glimpses of Humla" Fundraising Event Jul 16, 2015 @ 01:59:32 am
Butler St. Sessions open stage/Jam night Jul 16, 2015 @ 12:58:33 am
One World Blue Network Jul 16, 2015 @ 12:53:19 am
Michael Fratangelo Visionary Artist Jul 13, 2015 @ 04:43:01 pm
Dr. James Singer Jul 13, 2015 @ 04:42:48 pm
Yisroel (Sruli) Broocker Jul 9, 2015 @ 11:46:10 pm
Humla Nursing Education Project Jul 9, 2015 @ 11:45:40 pm
Humla Nursing Fundraiser Jul 9, 2015 @ 11:45:01 pm
Hope Orphans Home Jul 9, 2015 @ 11:44:17 pm
Dr Martin Luther King Jul 9, 2015 @ 06:17:13 am
Baila Pirchesky Jul 9, 2015 @ 06:17:01 am
Rosa Parks Jul 9, 2015 @ 06:16:40 am
Yaacov Klein Jul 9, 2015 @ 06:16:12 am
Rabbi Moishe Mayir Vogel Jul 9, 2015 @ 06:14:54 am
Albert Goering Jul 9, 2015 @ 06:09:30 am
Yehuday Etiopia Jul 9, 2015 @ 06:01:21 am
Chassidic Music Jul 9, 2015 @ 05:59:21 am
Ruby Bridges Jul 1, 2015 @ 12:53:53 am
Reb Shlomo Jun 30, 2015 @ 11:30:42 pm
Facing Forward Jun 30, 2015 @ 11:30:26 pm
Gino the Barber Jun 30, 2015 @ 11:29:19 pm
Neon sharks Jun 30, 2015 @ 11:27:50 pm
Dr. Jonathan Grayson Ph.D. Jun 1, 2015 @ 05:57:36 am
The Overview Effect May 18, 2015 @ 05:54:50 pm
Raoul Wallenberg Apr 28, 2015 @ 09:49:05 pm
Joel Fuhrman Apr 28, 2015 @ 09:36:05 pm
I'm Okay, You're Okay Apr 28, 2015 @ 08:57:58 pm
Yerachmiel Tilles Apr 12, 2015 @ 06:44:50 pm
Maajid Nawaz Mar 27, 2015 @ 06:55:54 pm
Louis Armstrong Jan 19, 2015 @ 07:15:46 pm
Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson Dec 15, 2014 @ 05:58:03 pm
Bobby Mcferrin Dec 8, 2014 @ 06:40:00 am

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Fela Kuti
Chiropractic The Documentary
Jordan Danielsen Music
I'm Okay, You're Okay
Maajid Nawaz
Yerachmiel Tilles
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