A place to see good, share good, and do good.

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This Initiative was created on Mar 4, 2018 @ 11:30:58 pm

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Technology and Innovation Management Fund 1

Blupela in Nepal.jpg

The One World Blue Corporation wants to thank its management team for the diligent work they are doing to move this network forward. We are grateful!

Blupela is working hard to continue improving its look and service and bring you the highest quality possible in your social media and crowdfunding experience. These images you see here will be the new Blupela Version 2.0. We know you are as excited to see them as we are!

homepage (2).png

Blupela is working hard to continue improving its look and service and bring you the highest quality possible in your social media and crowdfunding experience. These images you see here will be the new Blupela Version 2.0. We know you are as excited to see them as we are!

We are grateful for your encouragement to bring Blupela to levels not seen before and continue our work for the revolutionary platform that is Blupela.com, The One World Blue Good Network, The Social Network for Social and Planetary Healing and Change. Since the launch of the network January of 2015, Blupela has already begun to build a strong foundation of Global Communities Standing Together as One, United in strong Faith and Friendship to bring much needed Social and Planetary Healing to our Earth. We collectively are raising the needed awareness and attention to work together and solve Planetary and Global Challenges we and our future generations now face.

Blupela in the Himalyas.jpg

Blupela in Nepal.jpg

Blupela Himalayas2.jpg

Our crowdfunding fee is the lowest in the market space online. ONLY 1 % FEES. No one can beat this. Payment processing is 2.9% + .30 a transaction thru Wepay.com, integrated with Blupela. Please see our terms and conditions at bottom of network for further details.

Watch an interview of the Founder and CEO Joel Pirchesky on the Pittsburgh Sportsline Here (at 11:41 seconds mark of video):


Blupela Sponsors Freedom From Fracking Concert with Rusted Root

Rusted Root and Blupela.jpg

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