2 Lifted
Jun 20, 2016 @ 06:07pm
Stand together to condemn hate and violence! Join us for an evening of solidarity with the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) community in response to the tragedy in Orlando. Hear from leaders in the LGBT community, Jewish community, Muslim community, and others.
Jewish Community Center, Squirrel Hill
Levinson Hall
Thursday, June 23
7:00-8:00 p.m.
Registration not required
We are pleased share another opportunity to support the LGBT community as well:
Saturday, June 18th, 2016
12:45 pm
Samuel & Minnie Hyman Ballroom
Congregation Beth Shalom
A Conversation with Evan Wolfson,
Director of Freedom to Marry
Mr. Wolfson is a Pittsburgh native and graduate of Alderdice High School.
Shiur sponsored by:
Beth Shalom’s Adult Education Committee
This is a free event! Call 412.421.2288 x114 for more information.
This World Spotlight was created on Jun 20, 2016 @ 05:51:28 pm
Project by
One World Blue, LLC
So why the name Blupela? Actually it is just a cool name we came up with. But it also means Blue Bird of Paradise in Papua New Guinea. It is a bird that is endangered and protected and it serves thus to show you our values here at One World Blue, LLC. Blupela is the brand name and One World Blue is the corporation. We work for good things in and around the world. Protecting the environment is one thing we believe in. So why One World Blue? Well what do you see when looking from the moon at the Earth? Does that answer your question? Originally founded in 2005, One World Blue, LLC, has been building something online that is different from all the rest because we care and we are bringing goodness to the Earth with the quality projects and profiles you will see on our network. is the Social Network for Social Change of The One World Blue Good Network. We are a revolutionary social media and crowdfunding platform that promotes initiatives and profiles for changing and healing the world one good deed at a time. We also serve as a global, moderated forum to promote the sharing of ideas related to peace in our world, the betterment of our planet and its ecosystems, and the celebration and appreciation of cultural diversity. One World Blue will become the go to destination for anyone wanting to do good online and in the marketplace. is a site where users can put their Good Initiatives and Profiles online and accept funding, time, and goods as well as allow people the ability to communicate and chat about the initiatives, projects and profiles. One World Blue is committed to social harmony, the support and education of wholesome and healthy ecosystems, protection of wildlife and the Earth's resources, and the appreciation and celebration of diversity. One World Blue believes in equality for all human beings and we may be branded The One World Blue Good Network, the Social Network for Social Change.
Visit profile page for more!
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