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Latitude: 6.000000
Longitude: 12.000000
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I am the CEO and fundraiser for Geo-Environmental Resource Association
(GERAS) which is a Cameroonian Geo-Environmental and Ecological Association that is non-profit making, non denominational, charitable, development orientated and apolitical in nature. GERAS, specifically referred to as GERAS CAMEROON was founded in 2011, obtained its non-profit making status and went operational in 2013. check our website at
I want to change the world through the mission of my organization GERAS CAMEROON whose mission is to ensure that humankind lives in harmony with the other living and non-living components of the environment. GERAS CAMEROON works in carrying out massive sensitization on the need for environmental protection, and partnering with like-minded organizations to share ideas. GERAS CAMEROON envisages a World in general, and Cameroon in particular where every human being is conscious about his or her role in environmental protection.
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