A place to see good, share good, and do good.

Social Network for Social Change

The Situation

The world is in turmoil. People are in need direction. People need to have better livelihoods and many are without any employment at all. The World Bank reports that in 2010, 2.4 billion people lived on less than $2 a day.1 Approximately one billion lived on less than $1.25 a day. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations reports a total of 842 million people in 2011–13, approximately one in eight people in the world, are suffering from chronic hunger regularly and do not consume enough food to live an active, healthy life.2 World Food Programme, WFP.org report, “A third of all deaths in children under the age of five in developing countries are linked to undernutrition.”3 Children and adults are dying of starvation despite the fact that there is enough food on this planet to feed everyone! Governments also destroy crops to keep prices in check.

War and conflict is a global issue even more now than in years past and it does not look like it will get better in the immediate future. Ethnic cleansing is still happening in our days. Genocide Watch reports, “The Sudanese North-South civil war lasted over 20 years, killed more than 2.5 million people and displaced more than 5 million human beings. In the wake of independence, South Sudan was almost immediately engulfed in tribal conflict.”4 My good friend Tempa Lama said to me in our discussions one day, “Joel, do you realize that right now, as we speak, someone has a gun pointed at another’s head?” And as I reflected I thought, yes, someone will pull the trigger. Someone right now is being put to their death.

A global, moderated forum is desperately needed to bring people together, unite, stand for projects of the common good, and work diligently for a better and more peaceful world. Blupela, The One World Blue Good Network, Social Network for Social Change and Place for Unity and Peace, aims to do just that.

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