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One World Blue Media wishes Patrick a very happy Birthday and successful year. May all your dreams come true Patrick ????️

May 30, 2020 @ 12:45pm

All fans of Patrick's please show support for Patrick by Standing with him today. Stand and Unite Feature is at the right side of the Spotlight page here. Click on the Stand link. When you do all of your updates will show up in your Nest. Please also Lift his Spotlight. The Lift feature is in the upper Left hand corner. Thank you for showing your support to this very talented man.

Apr 18, 2020 @ 09:03am

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Music Patrick McGregor



Hello, my name is Patrick McGregor


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I'm a simple man who loves being home, the practice of martial arts and of course, writing and performing music.




I've been passionate about music since the age of 5. While I wasn't formally trained, what I do comes from the heart.



I consider music a gift, and what I like most about this gift is that it also becomes a gift to the listener, bringing joy, happiness and the ability to lift ones spirits!


Here is what the One World Blue Singer Songwriter Review by Talent Director Russell Johnson has to say:

"Patrick McGregor is a strange, but familiar, bird - the kind of bird you expect to see on your back porch everyday and hear familiar melodies. When he is not there you miss him. When he is, he calms you."

"Patrick's music cannot be confined to one genre. Pop bounces out, while country slides underneath, all laying in the comfort of a confident Singer/Songwriter. It sounds like a simple configuration, doesn't it?"

"It is not - not by any means. The smooth influx of the horns on "Tonight is the Night" to the elegant use of the mandolin on "Just Can't Walk Away", Patrick's expertise of orchestration and mood is subtle and wonderful; a true marriage of music and lyrics."


"A proud member of the ISSA (International Singer Songwriters Association), Patrick McGregor's influences can be found everywhere from The Box Tops to the Eagles and so many more. A Pop Star with a Rock and Roll heart, and the guts to show it."


"Do yourself a favor and check out his tracks here on his EPK and also visit his site at www.pmcgregormusic.com. You won't be wasting your time."

Russell Johnson - Talent and Production Director One World Blue Media


A view of the bridge from Patrick's backyard.




The Bay viewed from Patrick's backyard.

Check out Patrick's Original Album Hits on His Debut Album "Living Easy"

Download Patrick's Songs Here:




Contact Patrick By Clicking Here

Phone: (631) 276 - 2672

Checkout Patrick's Facebook

Patrick is Proud to be a Long Standing Member of ASCAP and ISSA




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