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The Buzz

Nov 19, 2017 @ 04:10pm

Tickets will be released tomorrow for the StarQuest Finals Night at Sunny Jims right here on Blupela. $20 General Admission. $30 VIP. Stay Tuned for the Ticket release tomorrow. Seats are limited. Finals will be held at Sunny Jims on December 16th, 2017.

This Initiative was created on Oct 22, 2017 @ 08:32:22 pm

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From the Heart


Incentives: 10 / 181

StarQuest Finals at Sunny Jims General Admission


Incentives: 0 / Unlimited

Meal Package (Serves Two) For The StarQuest TV Challenge Finals


Incentives: 18 / 156

StarQuest Finals at Sunny Jims VIP TICKETS


Incentives: 1 / Unlimited

StarQuest T-shirt


Incentives: 0 / Unlimited

StarQuest Hat

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Music Vango Media Group




The success of VanGo Media Group is the result of our intense passion and God given ability to Move Forward. We strive to continue to shape and change the entertainment landscape and lead the evolution of entertainment, programming, promotion, marketing, and sales.

Currently, we have forged new partnerships with Internet and television, never wavering in the belief that these new associations will set a path for a great future for our company and our clients.

VanGo Media Group continues to believe each of our new ideas is an important aspect of the communities in which we work and live. We believe our employees have the knowledge, the dedication, and the ingenuity to lead us to newer heights, to break through the barriers to success, and to continue to build upon our already celebrated tradition.

In that “tradition” of successful ventures, we hope that all of you, enjoy the Starquest TV Challenge, and we welcome any comments, suggestions, and critiques. Our goal is to provide you with QUALITY entertainment…..and as you should also know by now, we want, through this program, to be able to bring POSITIVE CHANGE to anyone out there who NEEDS and DESIRES POSITIVE change in their life whether it be spiritual growth, Ill health, addictions or simply helping to get your life on the DESIRED path.

There is NO BETTER FEELING…than to know that you had a part in bringing positive change to the life of another.

How INCREDIBLY COOL is it…that you can have the SAME experience….BUT….the only difference is….the COMPETITION and the POTENTIAL STARS….are YOUR FRIENDS and NEIGHBORS….or…..







What IS the StarQuest TV Challenge ?

Well…simply put……..Thousands of singers will be competing throughout The Greater Pittsburgh area, and over the next 12 months, will SING THEIR HEARTS out at Universities, Churches, Restaurants, Lounges, Bars, and Nightclubs, for the chance to appear on the show. If they win on their week, they go to the finals where they can win $25,000.00 worth of cash & prizes !!

Yes, we are a talent-based show. However, our show format will produce and implement POSITIVE messages to those who really want and NEED help, changing their way of thinking, and we will get them to the next desired level in life so that they and their families can live a more productive and prosperous life. The people involved with this venture are PASSIONATE about helping people DISCOVER Faith… STRENGTHEN their FAITH… and their entire outlook on life! Do you or someone you know or love, have an addiction problem? StarQuest TV CHALLENGE WANTS TO HELP! If we save or bring POSITIVE change in only ONE life, then we have completed our mission. You can learn more about our passion, our goals…and what motivates us, in different areas of this site. This site will answer ALL questions and will keep all visitors regularly informed of ALL things related to the STARQUEST TV CHALLENGE! Take the time to visit all of the informative links…so that you can keep current and informed about this EXCITING EVENT happening in YOUR CITY!

“A MAJOR priority of ours, is to build STRENGTH in our business communities and promote good service announcements on our show, which give people in our communities who may be suffering from addictions and ill health, the opportunity to get the help they need and the motivation to help them make better choices and help the people grow spiritually.. with the assistance of state and local agencies that will be working with us throughout this campaign. Yes….we’re looking for talent, but more importantly…we’re looking to CHANGE LIVES in MANY ways !”



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