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Profile for John E Tremba

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Current location:   Latitude: 40.404999   Longitude: -79.974098
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[Profile picture 12003205_884162084964501_351180317328168386_n.jpg]
Member Since: March 15, 2018



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This is a place to sing your song and let your voice be heard. Define Coo

coo - verb

  1. To make a soft murmuring sound, as a pigeon.
  2. Speak softly or lovingly;
    The mother who held her baby was cooing softly
  3. To speak in an admiring fashion, to be enthusiastic about.
  4. To show affection; to act in a loving way.

coo - noun

  1. The murmuring sound made by a dove or pigeon.

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Created Light on the World Spotlights

[image for World Spotlight Tremba1.jpg]

Straight Up Photography

John E Tremba
- Straight up Photography was born out of the fire of high stress environment of Hollywood film making. Each job done is carefully planned and plotted to achieve the highest quality footage . Planning around weather patterns, seasonal look, and time of day are all just the tip of the iceberg. Flying legally under the FAA guidelines is a huge part of being a legit business. At no time, will I fly in a situation that will jeopardize the client, air space, or laws.
In real estate, we have all heard the buzzwords: curb appeal, neighborhood, first impression, potential, solidity, bang for the buck, and the famous three words, location, location, location. Advertising of real estate has evolved from want ads to pictures to video walk-throughs to the present forms of social media: Facebook, blogs, twitter, etc. My company, Straight Up Photography (SUP) is now offering you the newest approach, the holistic approach of seeing the property from the sky, both micro and macro views.

My remote piloted aerial vehicles are equipped with the state of the art cameras that can show the buyer every aspect of the property in question and save a lot of time trudging through spring rain muddied backyards and extended property lines. My photographs and videos expose the surrounding neighborhoods to provide the potential buyer a chance to survey the location from all cardinal directions.

The seller benefits as well when he or she is selling a quality property. Businesses also find it a boon to be able to provide potential clients a complete look at the buildings for sale. A new quality roof can be hyped along with basic building structural integrity.
-Member, in good standing, of Pittsburghs local film union I.A.T.S.E 489 since 2007.
-I've worked on multiple major motion pictures such as,
Batman Dark Knight Rise
Captain America Winter Soldier
Jack Reacher
The Next Three Days
The Road
Outsiders Season 2
-Used to working in a high stress environment with long hours and big budgets on the line.
-BFA Edinboro University, Computer Animation/ Graphic design
-(UAV) Unmanned Aerial Vehicle University, Basic pilot
-Million dollar Liability Insured
-(AMA) American Modelers Assn. Member and insured
-Registered Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
-Advanced A/V editing
-Coldwell Banker, Howard Hannah, Nexus Realators
-Faypen Business development land plotting
-Wind turbine damage inspection
-Connellsville Rec Board festival videos
-Connellsville City Chamber of Commerse welcome signs
-Car lot commercial videos
-Fox Castle B&B
-Pittsburgh Highrise and Condo Promo videos
-Pittsburgh Social Exchange Promo Videos
-Roofing inspection
-​Pipeline inspection
-Property assesment
-Commercial footage
-Sporting event coverage
-Each Drone is a state-of-the art DJIplatform. Phantom3 advancedInspire1GPS lock to avoid flyaways. Return to home setting, HD video quality. First Person Veiw (FPV) to ensure best framming of subject matter. Second display to show client what is being seen by the drone.
Check us out elsewhere on the WEB:
You Tube
Contact Me for a Quote

Votes1 DateApr 30, 2020

[image for World Spotlight hqdefault.jpg]

Straight Up Photography

John E Tremba
- Straight up Photography was born out of the fire of high stress environment of Hollywood film making. Each job done is carefully planned and plotted to achieve the highest quality footage . Planning around weather patterns, seasonal look, and time of day are all just the tip of the iceberg. Flying legally under the FAA guidelines is a huge part of being a legit business. At no time, will I fly in a situation that will jeopardize the client, air space, or laws.
In real estate, we have all heard the buzzwords: curb appeal, neighborhood, first impression, potential, solidity, bang for the buck, and the famous three words, location, location, location. Advertising of real estate has evolved from want ads to pictures to video walk-throughs to the present forms of social media: Facebook, blogs, twitter, etc. My company, Straight Up Photography (SUP) is now offering you the newest approach, the holistic approach of seeing the property from the sky, both micro and macro views.

My remote piloted aerial vehicles are equipped with the state of the art cameras that can show the buyer every aspect of the property in question and save a lot of time trudging through spring rain muddied backyards and extended property lines. My photographs and videos expose the surrounding neighborhoods to provide the potential buyer a chance to survey the location from all cardinal directions.

The seller benefits as well when he or she is selling a quality property. Businesses also find it a boon to be able to provide potential clients a complete look at the buildings for sale. A new quality roof can be hyped along with basic building structural integrity.
-Member, in good standing, of Pittsburghs local film union I.A.T.S.E 489 since 2007.
-I've worked on multiple major motion pictures such as,
Batman Dark Knight Rise
Captain America Winter Soldier
Jack Reacher
The Next Three Days
The Road
Outsiders Season 2
-Used to working in a high stress environment with long hours and big budgets on the line.
-BFA Edinboro University, Computer Animation/ Graphic design
-(UAV) Unmanned Aerial Vehicle University, Basic pilot
-Million dollar Liability Insured
-(AMA) American Modelers Assn. Member and insured
-Registered Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
-Advanced A/V editing
-Coldwell Banker, Howard Hannah, Nexus Realators
-Faypen Business development land plotting
-Wind turbine damage inspection
-Connellsville Rec Board festival videos
-Connellsville City Chamber of Commerse welcome signs
-Car lot commercial videos
-Fox Castle B&B
-Pittsburgh Highrise and Condo Promo videos
-Pittsburgh Social Exchange Promo Videos
-Roofing inspection
-​Pipeline inspection
-Property assesment
-Commercial footage
-Sporting event coverage
-Each Drone is a state-of-the art DJIplatform. Phantom3 advancedInspire1GPS lock to avoid flyaways. Return to home setting, HD video quality. First Person Veiw (FPV) to ensure best framming of subject matter. Second display to show client what is being seen by the drone.
Check us out elsewhere on the WEB:
You Tube
Contact Me for a Quote

Votes3 DateApr 3, 2018

Created Planet Sanctuary Spotlights

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Created Light of Culture Spotlights

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Sponsored Initiatives*

[image for culture spotlight logo_square_background.png]

One World Blue Network

Mar 15, 2018 @ 11:26:53 am

Funded: $175.00
Incentive: Personal Spotlight created professionally by One World Blue

*Initiatives sponsored privately, if any, will not be shown.

Lifts (Votes)*

Name Vote Date
Straight Up Photography Apr 30, 2020 @ 01:59:37 pm
Straight Up Photography Apr 3, 2018 @ 12:06:06 pm

*Private Lifts, if any, will not be shown.

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