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This World Spotlight was created on May 2, 2020 @ 12:08:13 am
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I am coachedwin.I help people to upscale thier communication, emoyability skills and help them deal with problems and over come. I coach people to live better life and I work with youth for better future .My aim is unleash the best out of them.
Visit profile page for more!
In relation you connect, you love , most important you share your portion of life , your precious time, you share your sorrows, your joy, you happiness, your anger, your dreams, your goals, and one day you become starnger again.
Someone asked what is thr longest distance you travelled. I said when you see your loved one and they just ignore you that is the longest distance I travelled.
Life is beautiful but short and unpredictable.Share more smiles and spread love.
Coachedwin Hyderabad India.
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