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coo - verb

  1. To make a soft murmuring sound, as a pigeon.
  2. Speak softly or lovingly;
    The mother who held her baby was cooing softly
  3. To speak in an admiring fashion, to be enthusiastic about.
  4. To show affection; to act in a loving way.

coo - noun

  1. The murmuring sound made by a dove or pigeon.

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Justice for Victims of Abuse

Dr. Jim Singer
Uncovering child abuse and protecting our young is a very important issue that we hear little about in the press. One man has made it his life's mission to help bring attention cover-ups and lack of proper protection of the abused to the awareness of state and federal officials. This hero has endured a rocky road for the last 25 years in his pursuit to right this wrong in society.
Dr. James Singer has been a psychologist for over 20 years. His practice and life was very normal and prosperous in Central Pennsylvania until one night in 1986.
Singer was working as a psychologist at the DuBois Regional Medical Center in DuBois, Pa. After a family therapy session with the family of patient, Singer said the patient's sister revealed to him that she was being sexually abused by her father.
After the victim also revealed the abuse to the attending physician, Singer said that he reported the abuse to the state’s Child Protective Services agency.
Dr. Singer, as a required mandated reporter, advised the appropriate authorities. Not only was his report ignored, but soon after, in retaliation, the Pennsylvania Psychology Board prosecuted Singer, put him on probation, but eventually suspended his license to practice psychology, to retaliate after he filed an appeal to expose crimes, later confirmed by a state police lieutenant.
And according to a letter written by the alleged victim to Singer, she credits him with saving her life.
“I told her [the CPS case worker] that I went to Dr. Singer three weeks ago and asked him for help. I told her that if it weren’t for him, I’d be dead right now. She asked why and I told her I’d run away or commit suicide or both.”
Singer said he wasn’t merely duty bound by medical ethics and humanity to report the abuse, but by the law.
“I would have been prosecuted if I didn’t report the abuse,” Singer said.
Instead, Singer said his name was leaked not only to the abuser but some of his other patients. In 1991, speaking anonymously to a local investigative reporter about Singer’s case, here’s what an individual that also reported child abuse recalled CPS agents saying to her:
“They [CPS officials] kept pressuring me to say something against him [Singer] and I kept telling them I didn’t know him. They then proceeded to tell me that Dr. Singer had reported child abuse.
In the same report, a female patient, also given anonymity, also claimed that CPS officials attempted to pressure her into saying bad things against Singer.
As a psychologist and medical professional, Singer was mandated to report the abuse. By law, a failure to report would result in criminal and civil penalties. As a mandated reporter, he was also due protections like anonymity.
In an April 12, 1994 letter from then Congressman Tom Ridge to U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno, Ridge cited Singer’s case, noting that: “Mandated reporters fear retaliation, and their fear is legitimate enough that they are willing to risk children’s lives by ignoring the abuse.”
Last year, a news story pointed to Singer’s case as one reason why Pennsylvania has the lowest rate of reported child abuse in the nation. “Pennsylvania remains a statistical outlier in when it determines a child has been a victim of child abuse — 1.2 per 1,000 Pennsylvania children were victims of child abuse in 2011 whereas nationally 9.1 per 1,000 children were victims,” according to a letter written by a child advocacy group to state legislators.
For more than 20 years James Singer has sought for federal or state officials to investigate his allegation that Pennsylvania child welfare officials retaliated against him for making the report as well as ignore other alleged cases. Pennsylvania state police Lt. Ivan Hoover wrote a 33-page report in 1997 that outlined possible criminal violations by state officials against Singer.
Many national organizations have worked with Singer to uncover unreported sexual and physical abuse, human trafficking and mistreatment of minor children. Described as a hero and honored accordingly by one national agency, Singer has devoted himself to protecting children by helping to promote legislation to expose government cover-ups and lack of proper handling of various horrendous abuse cases.

Votes6 DateJul 16, 2015

Funded: 0 $0.00

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Child abuse Continues, So Why Won't Law Enforcement & Legislature Fix Pa.'s child sexual abuse problem?

Dr. Jim Singer
Child Abuse Continues, So Why Won't Law Enforcement & Legislature Fix Pa.'s Child Sexual Abuse Problem?
By Jan Murphy | jmurphy@pennlive.com ##
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on March 02, 2016 at 9:40 AM, updated March 02, 2016 at 11:41 AM
There was the Archdiocese of Philadelphia cases of child sexual abuse. Then came Jerry Sandusky. Then the Boy Scouts. And now, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown.
Rep. Mark Rozzi, a Berks County Democrat, said he believes if prosecutors looked they likely would find similar accounts of abuse in other diocese around the state.
Rep. Mark Rozzi, D-Berks County, is hoping this latest investigation into child sexual abuse inside the Roman Catholic Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown will be the catalyst for amending the statute of limitation laws in these types of cases.
File photo/Mark Pynes | mpynes@pennlive.com
"They get away with it and their victims are made to suffer," said Rozzi, who has shared his story publicly of being abused by a priest when he was boy.
Two recommendations made by the statewide grand jury in a report issued on Tuesday about widespread child sexual abuse involving priests in the Altoona-Johnstown diocese addressed the state laws that impose time restrictions on filing criminal and civil charges in child sexual abuse cases.
The report recommended abolishing the criminal statute of limitations for sexual offenses against minors, and opening a window to allow child sexual abuse victims to have their civil actions heard.
To elaborate on its reason for making these changes to the statutes of limitations, the report's recommendations section mentions a 70-year-old victim who testified before the grand jury.
"The victims of child sexual abuse never escape their victimization; it is inequitable and unjust to allow their victimizers to escape accountability," the report states.
No more victims - lawmakers must abolish the statute of limitations for child-sex crimes: Editorial
No more victims - lawmakers must abolish the statute of limitations for child-sex crimes: Editorial
State lawmakers, church officials have work to do in wake of heinous allegations of ongoing child abuse in a Pennsylvania diocese.
Attorneys who have battled for sexual abuse survivors note another benefit to strong statute of limitation provisions is that simply assuring a victim entry into court, many times, helps force the church or other institutions into fuller disclosure of all such abusers in its files. That, in turn, can help ensure that those abusers don't get the chance to prey on a next victim.
"If you're not in court, you can't force information out to the public," said attorney Marci Hamilton, who has represented many child sexual abuse victims.
Changing the law
Rozzi grows angry quickly as he discusses how legislation that he and others have sponsored to make these recommended changes only to have them stonewalled by legislative leaders.
His latest bill – identical to one sponsored in the Senate by Sen. Rob Teplitz, D-Dauphin County – would give abuse victims up to age 50 to file a civil action against their abuser. Currently, that age limit is 30; the age limit for criminal prosecutions in these cases is 50.
Rozzi and Teplitz's bills also would allow previously time-barred victims up to age 50 to bring suit for several years. Other lawmakers have offered other proposals – one, sponsored by Rep. Tom Murt, R-Montgomery, would open a two-year window for past abuse victims to file civil actions and two others, sponsored by Sen. Lisa Boscola, D-Lehigh County, remove the civil and criminal statute of limitations entirely in these types of cases.
All of those bills have sat idle in their respective chamber's judiciary committee.
Calls placed on Tuesday to the chairmen of those committees – Rep. Ronald Marsico, R-Lower Paxton Twp., and Sen. Stewart Greenleaf, R-Montgomery County – were not returned.
This graphic compiled by Philadelphia area attorney Marci Hamilton, who has handled many child sexual abuse cases, reflects her findings from a survey of civil statute of limitation laws across the country.
In the past Marsico said opening a window to allow victims who aged out of the opportunity to file a civil claim would be declared unconstitutional by the courts.
However, other states have done it without that result, Rozzi said. He's tired of the excuses.
"Case after case, grand jury after grand jury, at what point are you finally outraged enough to act," Rozzi said. "Is this one going to be enough?"
He is asking his House colleagues to contact Marsico and the House Judiciary Committee's ranking Democratic member, Rep. Joseph Petrarca of Westmoreland County, to urge them to allow his bill and Murt's bill to advance.
The state's Victim Advocate Jennifer Storm issued a statement Tuesday afternoon expressing strong support for the "outright elimination of any statute of limitations for sexual abuse cases. Victims must be supported and given all legal remedies that the courts can offer so that they may heal and find justice against the perpetrators who have harmed them."
Victims groups, including the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape and Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, also endorsed the amending the statute of limitations laws.
Teplitz said he hopes this mounting public pressure leads to a law change.
"Representative Rozzi and I and others working on this, we've shown a willingness to compromise and try to address any legitimate concerns," he said. "But we need to get to a point where we stop talking and we actually start protecting victims and preventing future victims."
What's the holdup?
While Teplitz is careful not to cast blame on a particular religion or organization as being the ones responsible for blocking legislation, Rozzi doesn't hold back.
"There's one thing in between legislators getting outraged enough to say no more and something actually happening and that's the Catholic conference," Rozzi said. "They are the ones in control of these chairmen and things better change. They have to change."
The Pennsylvania Catholic Conference responded to requests for reaction to Rozzi's claims with a statement that reiterated the church's commitment to ending child sexual abuse "by aggressively responding to allegations and education adults and children about the signs of abuse."
The statement goes on to say: "The Pennsylvania Catholic Conference holds the same position as the Task Force for Child Protection, which closely examined Pennsylvania's statute of limitations and recommended that it not be changed."
Child advocate Cathleen Palm disagrees with that interpretation of what the task force did and said.
"It would be inaccurate, if not a troubling affront to child victims to suggest the task force ever invited testimony about how many child victims have been denied their day in court and perpetrators left to abuse more children, because of arbitrary [statute of limitations]," Palm said.
While she said the task force did recommend some important reforms and lawmakers acted on many of them, "the time has come to acknowledge the task force didn't get it all right." When it comes to child sexual abuse, Palm said, "there is no guidebook, no timetable on how a victim begins to unravel a web of pain and betrayal that is so deep and lasting."
Opposition to amending the statute of limitations also comes from the Insurance Federation of Pennsylvania.
Its President and CEO Sam Marshall said the insurance industry takes steps to make sure anybody it insures has a good program in place to identify any possibility of child abuse. But when it comes opening a window for past abuse victims to file civil claims, that's where it has a problem.
"We are allowed to reserve only for claims that are possible. Once a statute of limitations has passed, we can't hold or reserve money for that because claims are no longer possible," Marshall said. He questioned whether the grand jury in making its recommendations gave any consideration of the insurance regulation aspect of it.
"I realize that's not the driving concern in any of this but it is from an insurance perspective," he said. "It's a question of how can you be liable for something they claim for which by law you weren't allowed to reserve money for. That's the challenge here."
Rozzi said he's done with hearing the arguments against changing statute of limitation laws for child sexual abuse victims. He said his colleagues talk about bishops and nuns calling their legislative offices urging them not to support legislation that would do that.
"The time has come. We have to take action now," he said. "I don't know what else it's going to take. If this report doesn't move it, I don't know what will."
Staff writer Charles Thompson contributed to this story.

Votes1 DateMar 3, 2016

[image for World Spotlight Leili 397 Jim hold Photo 2-23-16.jpg]

Scandal Rocks Pennsylvania re cover up of child abuse reported by Dr. Jim Singer

Dr. Jim Singer
Scandal Rocks State Government Related to Government Cover Up of Child Abuse Reported by Dr. Jim Singer in spite of Penn State scandal
Corrections by Jim Singer of article written by Barbara Hollingsworth | February 19, 2016 | 3:58 PM EST (CNSNews.com)
–Pennsylvania’s state government is reeling from a scandal involving the exchange of sexually explicit images and other offensive material among judges, prosecutors and other top state officials.
Former psychologist Jim Singer told CNSNews.com that he faced severe retaliation after his mandated report of suspected sexual child abuse that occurred in Clearfield County.
Singer noted that Pennsylvania state government engaged in “fraudulent concealment of criminal violations by government” in his case while prosecuting Jerry Sandusky and other Penn State officials for covering up the university’s sex abuse scandal.
District Attorney for Dauphin County requested an investigation by the Office of Pennsylvania Attorney General, where Kane has said some of the pornographic emails originated.
It also ensnared one of Pennsylvania’s ethics watchdogs: Deputy Inspector General Anthony Fiore. Robert Soop, a supervisory special agent in the attorney general’s office, allegedly emailed Fiore photos of two women engaged in sexual activity and suggested them as possible secretaries for a colleague.
“How can government officials condone sexual degradation and abuse viewed by staff of the Office of Attorney General using office computers while they are being paid to meet their obligation to stop sexual abuse?” Singer asked.
“Porngate” has already resulted in the early retirement of one state Supreme Court justice, the suspension of another, and ongoing attempts to impeach embattled state Attorney General Kathleen Kane, who exposed the misbehavior.
On Tuesday, Kane announced that she would not seek re-election as she faces criminal charges of leaking secret grand jury evidence to a Philadelphia newspaper and allegedly lying about it under oath.
The state Supreme Court suspended Kane’s law license last September. The Pennsylvania House Subcommittee on Courts has scheduled a hearing next Tuesday to determine whether she should be impeached after an attempt in the State Senate failed last week.
"If the legislature spent a fraction of the time investigating this content as it has on the one individual who exposed it, we could start to restore credibility to our judicial system and give Pennsylvanians a system of justice in which they can be proud,” a defiant Kane responded.
But fellow Democrat Gov. Tom Wolf urged her to "step down as attorney general, because I think she cannot do what she has to do as the top law enforcement officer in Pennsylvania while she's facing these serious charges."
Pennsylvania’s first female attorney general claims that she is being targeted for exposing a corrupt “old boys network,” in which the same judges and prosecutors who were supposed to be battling the sexual abuse of women and children were allegedly passing around images of it on state government computers instead.
“I told you I would fight corruption, and I'm fighting corruption, regardless of the personal cost to me," Kane said at a Tuesday press conference in Scranton.
She proclaimed her innocence during an earlier press conference on Aug. 13, 2015: “My defense will be that I broke no laws of this commonwealth. Period,” she told reporters.
“The chain of events that led to charges being filed against me did not begin with the printing of a newspaper article in the spring of 2014. It did not even begin as I was sworn in as attorney general of this great commonwealth of Pennsylvania."
“No, the chain of events that led to this moment began long before that, and it began with a group of state prosecutors and judges passing pornographic, racially offensive and religiously offensive emails amongst each other. Email traffic sent and received on government computers and on government time,” Kane said.
In December, the attorney general turned over what she called “a filthy chain” of one million emails from the Pennsylvania attorney general’s office dating back to 2008 to former Maryland Attorney General Doug Gansler, whom she appointed as a special prosecutor.
That same month, Pennsylvania Supreme Court Justice J. Michael Eakin, a Republican, was suspended by the Court of Judicial Discipline for his involvement in the “Porngate” scandal. The ethics board ruled that Eakin had “engaged in conduct so extreme that it brought the judicial office into disrepute.”
Supreme Court Justice Seamus McCaffery, a Democrat, voluntarily stepped down from the bench in October 2014 after his involvement in the pornography scandal was made public.
But the fallout was not confined to the state’s highest court. Six top aides of former Attorney General Tom Corbett were terminated and 23 others were reprimanded, Kane said. In addition, Environmental Protection Secretary Christopher Abruzzo and Glenn Parno, the agency’s deputy chief counsel, were forced to resign after being implicated in the scandal.
It also ensnared one of Pennsylvania’s ethics watchdogs: Deputy Inspector General Anthony Fiore. Robert Soop, a supervisory special agent in the attorney general’s office, allegedly emailed Fiore photos of two women engaged in sexual activity and suggested them as possible secretaries for a colleague.

Votes3 DateFeb 21, 2016

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Joel Pirchesky MPPM, Chairman, Founder and CEO One World Blue, LLC - Consultant for Marketing, Media, Management and Public Policy

Apr 3, 2018 @ 08:30:18 pm

Funded: $150.00
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Joel Pirchesky MPPM, Chairman, Founder and CEO One World Blue, LLC - Consultant for Marketing, Media, Management and Public Policy Mar 29, 2018 @ 08:10:32 pm
Justice for Victims of Abuse Mar 20, 2016 @ 04:05:09 am
Child abuse Continues, So Why Won't Law Enforcement & Legislature Fix Pa.'s child sexual abuse problem? Mar 3, 2016 @ 09:52:11 pm
Scandal Rocks Pennsylvania re cover up of child abuse reported by Dr. Jim Singer Feb 25, 2016 @ 11:34:37 pm
Dr. James Singer Dec 4, 2015 @ 08:09:00 pm
Fund Court Watch Advocacy Aug 10, 2015 @ 02:41:19 am

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