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16 Funded

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$1,005.00 (4%)
Goal: $25,000.00

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This Initiative was created on May 15, 2015 @ 11:26:00 pm

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Round trip plane ticket from Pittsburgh, PA to Los Angeles, CA.

Help us fill unique needs by donating these items!

From the Heart


Incentives: 0 / Unlimited

Personal thank you email


Incentives: 0 / Unlimited

Thank you email + five (5) mp3s of Attila's tunes + acknowledgement on Attila's website.


Incentives: 2 / Unlimited

Thank you email + five (5) mp3s of Attila's tunes + acknowledgement on Attila's website. + five more mp3s of Attila's tunes (total of 10) + "Shout out" (mention) on The ABC SHOW!


Incentives: 3 / Unlimited

Thank you email + five (5) mp3s of Attila's tunes + acknowledgement on Attila's website. + five more mp3s of Attila's tunes (total of 10) + "Shout out" (mention) on The ABC SHOW! + pdf of Attila's Book "Because You Shouldn't be Afraid to Chase Your Dreams"


Incentives: 6 / Unlimited

Thank you email + five (5) mp3s of Attila's tunes + acknowledgement on Attila's website. + five more mp3s of Attila's tunes (total of 10) + "Shout out" (mention) on The ABC SHOW! + pdf of Attila's Book "Because You Shouldn't be Afraid to Chase Your Dreams" + personal or via web appearance on the ABC SHOW + autographed paperback copy of Attila's above mentioned book.


Incentives: 0 / Unlimited

T-Shirt (Sizes small to extra-large available) "Attila Domos 'Let's Do Something Amazing'... It's a BURGH THING!!", "It's a Burgh Thing!!" Drink Cooler Bag, "It's a Burgh Thing!!" Beach Bag,"It's a Burgh Thing!!" Drink Koozie


Incentives: 0 / Unlimited

T-Shirt (sizes small to extra-large available) and Hat "Attila Domos 'Let's Do Something Amazing'... It's a BURGH THING!!", "It's a Burgh Thing!!" Drink Cooler Bag, "It's a Burgh Thing!!" Beach Bag,"It's a Burgh Thing!!" Drink Koozie


Incentives: 3 / Unlimited

Thank you email + five (5) mp3s of Attila's tunes + acknowledgement on Attila's website. + five more mp3s of Attila's tunes (total of 10) + "Shout out" (mention) on The ABC SHOW! + pdf of Attila's Book "Because You Shouldn't be Afraid to Chase Your Dreams" + personal or via web appearance on the ABC SHOW + autographed paperback copy of Attila's above mentioned book + advertisement on the ABC SHOW + current donation's amount will count later toward charity of donor's choice, that is involved with Attila's "Around the World".


Incentives: 1 / Unlimited

Thank you email + five (5) mp3s of Attila's tunes + acknowledgement on Attila's website. + five more mp3s of Attila's tunes (total of 10) + "Shout out" (mention) on The ABC SHOW! + pdf of Attila's Book "Because You Shouldn't be Afraid to Chase Your Dreams" + personal or via web appearance on the ABC SHOW + autographed paperback copy of Attila's above mentioned book + advertisement on the ABC SHOW + current donation's amount will count later toward charity of donor's choice, that is involved with Attila's "Around the World" + commemorative "Thank You" plaque.


Incentives: 0 / Unlimited

Thank you email + five (5) mp3s of Attila's tunes + acknowledgement on Attila's website. + five more mp3s of Attila's tunes (total of 10) + "Shout out" (mention) on The ABC SHOW! + pdf of Attila's Book "Because You Shouldn't be Afraid to Chase Your Dreams" + personal or via web appearance on the ABC SHOW + autographed paperback copy of Attila's above mentioned book + advertisement on the ABC SHOW + current donation's amount will count later toward charity of donor's choice, that is involved with Attila's "Around the World" + commemorative "Thank You" plaque + 4 more shows of advertisements on the ABC SHOW.


Incentives: 0 / Unlimited

Thank you email + five (5) mp3s of Attila's tunes + acknowledgement on Attila's website. + five more mp3s of Attila's tunes (total of 10) + "Shout out" (mention) on The ABC SHOW! + pdf of Attila's Book "Because You Shouldn't be Afraid to Chase Your Dreams" + personal or via web appearance on the ABC SHOW + autographed paperback copy of Attila's above mentioned book + advertisement on the ABC SHOW + current donation's amount will count later toward charity of donor's choice, that is involved with Attila's "Around the World" + commemorative "Thank You" plaque + 4 more shows of advertisements on the ABC SHOW + you and a guest will be flown to New York City for the weekend of our departure, it will include hotel acomondations and the person and guest will be seated in the VIP area on the day we leave.

In appreciation for sponsoring, we'd like to return the generosity you've shown!

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A Thousand Mile Journey begins with one Step. Lao Tzu. Attila Domos you have taken many steps yet your journey is just beginning. Today you inspired hearts and minds around the Globe to go after their dreams and do something Amazing! "You are not required to complete the task, yet you are not free to withdraw from it" Ethics of our Father's. Attila Domos you gave the world everything and you have chased your dream to inspire others. You have succeeded! Many more steps are yet to come. Your Journey has really just begun.....One World Blue Congratulates You Attila Domos

Oct 8, 2018 @ 12:47am

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Empowerment Attila Domos - Let's Do Something Amazing!!


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My name is Attila Domos, and I'm a T11/T12 paraplegic, since September 22, of 1993. I had my falling accident the same night my former band and I signed a recording contract. You could say it was a Yin/Yang kind of an evening. I was always an ambitious person, and very goal driven. While I was born into a musician family, I was also, and still am an athlete. Most recently I've been competing in hand-cycling events.

Getting ready.jpg

I've competed in many sports both in my youth and adult life. Some include water polo, soccer, baseball, American football, Martial Arts, power lifting and as I said earlier... hand-cycling. I was always drawn to physical challenges. I'm the type of person who was always driven by a desire to make a difference, to be a force for good. I've used whatever talents I was born with to make a difference in the lives of others, and what I'm working towards now, will be by far my biggest challenge ever, but it will also allow me to do a lot of good around the world.

As many of you know, I’m on a mission this weekend (October 6th and 7th), to once and for all OFFICIALLY break the handcycling world record of 403.8 miles traveled in 24 hours. But this incredibly difficult task is only the beginning of even bigger things to come.

Once the record is mine, my next goal is to handcycle across America, in the TransAmerican Bike Race, which is a self-supported race across America, from Oregon to Maryland, a total of 4,6oo miles, winding through the Rocky mountains, the Midwest plains and the Appalachian mountains, all without being allowed a support team.

While this is a rough test for even a seasoned bicyclist, in a handcycle it’s incredibly rough, since without the aid of a support crew, I’ll have to tie my wheelchair to the back of my handcycle, put all of my day to day supplies I’ll need, and pull it all behind me… making me pull an extra 50 to 60 lbs. To top it off… my goal is to get from the Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean in 80 days (yes… inspired by Jules Verne).

In order for me to accomplish this task, I’ll have to ride an average distance of 65 miles per day… which doesn’t sound like that much, till you consider the fact that a handcycle is not only heavier than a bike, but it’s drive is in the front (very little weight to support the mountain climbs) I’m using my arms (as opposed to the legs, which are WAY easier), and as I mentioned before… I’m pulling an extra 50 to 60 lbs behind me, adding even more challenge to the front wheel drive.

My goal for this challenge is to create a reality show out of it, and challenge America to workout with me. Folks don’t have to work out for 8 hours or more each day, like I’ll be doing, but I ask people to come along with me, by promising to exercise each day I ride. They are asked to go outside, and play with their kids, go for a run, hit the gym, jump rope… whatever they want to do… just do it for at least 1 hour each day that I ride. I want them to weigh themselves or do a BMI (however they want to measure themselves) on day one… and then again on day eighty. I guarantee they’ll see results, which will make them happy.

But this task has another beneficial effect, and that’s to show people… especially kids, that no matter how big the goal is… if they take that first step, and continue with the second, third and on and on… all the while they keep their eyes on that finish line… they too can accomplish any goal, no matter how insurmountable it seems. I want people to understand that they’re more, than whom they think they are. MUCH… MORE!

But... in order to make this happen, we’ll have to raise at least $25k, which I’ll need for nightly lodging, food, bike repairs, and any other emergencies which will likely pop up in such an undertaking. It’s why we’re taking pre-orders for Gift Package items to commemorate this historic world record breaking event!

We will be selling Gift Package items from T-shirts and hats, to coffee mugs, koozies, tote bags and cooler bags, and all will have “Lets Do Something Amazing'… IT’S A BURGH THING!!”, along with my name, the distance traveled and the date. All of the proceeds will go toward making my journey in the Trans-American Bike Race a reality.

Get your collectables today, and show your Pittsburgh pride. Don’t let this historic event pass you by. Grab your swag, and help a fellow Pittsburgher continue to make history… one inspirational mission at a time.


GIFT PACKAGE (1) $60: Complete with

"Attila Domos Let's Do Something Amazing'... It's a BURGH THING!!"
"It's a Burgh Thing!!" Drink Cooler Bag
"It's a Burgh Thing!!" Beach Bag
"It's a Burgh Thing!!" Drink Koozie

Gift Package (2) $75: Complete with

T-Shirt and Hat together!
"Attila Domos 'Let's Do Something Amazing'... It's a BURGH THING!!"
"It's a Burgh Thing!!" Drink Cooler Bag
"It's a Burgh Thing!!" Beach Bag
"It's a Burgh Thing!!" Drink Koozie


Cooler Bags.jpg

Beach Tote.jpg


(Shipping not included. Individual shipping charges will apply depending on location. Pick up also available. Please allow 4-6 weeks from the time the $25K goal is reached, for your "non-electronic" rewards to arrive.)

Thank you,

Attila Domos

For more information about Attila, please visit


Here you will find much more information about Attila and his many accomplishments and life inspirational achievments

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