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Profile for Go Pro in the Game of Life Foundation

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[Profile picture 10616513_1521443281423737_8406210293983809442_n[1].jpg]
Member Since: February 18, 2015


P.O. Box 23181

Pittsburgh, PA 15222 United States



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Non Profit

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My name is Gabriel McNeal. I'm a former basketball standout at Point Park University who will graduate in May 2015 with a degree in communications, as well as the President/Founder of the GO PRO IN THE GAME OF LIFE FOUNDATION.

We are a non-profit organization that is improving literacy skills in the low-income communities by motivating and encouraging at-risks youth to read through our encouragement programs. Our motto "Game Plan for Life" is our belief that every child with a strong reading background can achieve success in life even when facing challenging circumstances.

I grew up with the odds stacked against me. Both of my parents are incarcerated today, and several other family members have spent time in prison or jail. I had many opportunities to continue down the same path, but I refused to be a bench warmer in the game of life.

Early in my life, my father instilled in me the conviction that reading is key to being successful in life. I know my reading background instilled in me by my father is what enabled me have focus and discipline while progressing through K-12 and then college.

If I can overcome these difficult circumstances, I believe I can inspire other youths to do the same. That is what I am doing today with youngsters in five Pittsburgh elementary and middle schools.

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This is a place to sing your song and let your voice be heard. Define Coo

coo - verb

  1. To make a soft murmuring sound, as a pigeon.
  2. Speak softly or lovingly;
    The mother who held her baby was cooing softly
  3. To speak in an admiring fashion, to be enthusiastic about.
  4. To show affection; to act in a loving way.

coo - noun

  1. The murmuring sound made by a dove or pigeon.

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Go Pro in the Game of Life Foundation

Go Pro in the Game of Life Foundation
My name is Gabriel Lynn McNeal. I am the President & Founder of the Go Pro In the Game of Life Foundation. We are a non-profit organization dedicated to improving literacy rates in the low-income communities. We have developed several programs designed to motivate and encourage at risk minority youth to read.
Our motto "Game plan for Life" is our belief that every child with a solid reading foundation and game plan can achieve success in life even when facing challenging circumstances.
We understand that reading is the foundation to education and education is the key to success and our mission is to promote literacy by motivating and encouraging urban at risk youth to read.
I grew up with the odds stacked against me. Both of my parents are incarcerated today, and several other family members have spent time in prison or jail. I had many opportunities to continue down the same path, but I refused to be a bench warmer in the game of life.
Early in my life, my father instilled in me the conviction that reading is key to being successful in life. I know my reading background instilled in me by my father is what enabled me have focus and discipline while progressing through K-12 and then college.
If I can overcome these difficult circumstances, I believe I can inspire other youths to do the same. That is what I am doing today with youngsters in five Pittsburgh elementary schools.

Votes6 DateFeb 18, 2015

Funded: 5 $95.00

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Go Pro in the Game of Life Foundation Feb 18, 2015 @ 07:54:07 pm

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