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Profile for The House of Goosmon

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[Profile picture Tom+Dan1.jpg]
Member Since: May 5, 2021



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This is a place to sing your song and let your voice be heard. Define Coo

coo - verb

  1. To make a soft murmuring sound, as a pigeon.
  2. Speak softly or lovingly;
    The mother who held her baby was cooing softly
  3. To speak in an admiring fashion, to be enthusiastic about.
  4. To show affection; to act in a loving way.

coo - noun

  1. The murmuring sound made by a dove or pigeon.

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Created Light on the World Spotlights

[image for World Spotlight Tom+Dan1.jpg]

The House of Goosmon

The House of Goosmon
Writer & Singer Tom Mondell and Musician & Producer Dan Hobel join forces to bring you a unique and diverse style of electronic beats that combine melodic high tech samples with addictive warm organic sounds.
House of Goosmon Album - Hala
"my favorite activity is listening to music. always has been, always will be! my favorite experience is one of gratitude. music can take me to that experience. that is why i love music."
-Tom Mondell
"i love music. if it moves me i accept it into my harddrive.
-Tom Mondell
Professional Music Review of The House of Goosmon by Russell Johnson – acclaimed JRJ Productions founder and Talent and Media Director for One World Blue Blupela Media:
"The House of Goosmon is a music collaborative headed by Tom Mondell and Dan Hobel. Their first EP is a prime example of their creative collaboration. In the tradition of Alan Parson’s Project and Steely Dan, Tom and Dan pull together excellent musicians to fill out their soundscape vision; as evidenced by the fine horn playing of Richard Visone."
"Coming from different backgrounds and influences, Tom and Dan form the Yin and Yang that is The House of Goosmon. Tom, a master herbalist, comes from the world of radio, both traditional and internet."
"It was during this time that Tom began his songwriting career in earnest after many years as a house DJ and Music Producer. It was the unlikely pairing of Tom with Dan, bringing the music expertise, while both lent their incredible ears to the production value of such an excellent self-titled debut."
"The five song EP pulls on many influences of Tom and Dan. It can take the listener awhile to realize the creative Beatle-esque impact in both “Scotchy” and “Nice”. To better describe the collection of songs, one must think of “the theater of the mind”."
"With a high-end percussive bedrock, the music in each song builds into its own individuality. From the opening number “Now That I Know”, one can tell that this is not mainstream music but more a meditative soundscape of various music styles."
"Described by Tom as “intelligent dance music”, the author can hear the many influences of world music. This is especially evident on the second cut, “Zofia”, where one can recognize the Er-hu (Chinese Violin). What is also evident is the time spent in, and love for, the Newfoundland landscape, as can be heard in the third cut, “Western Bay”, an electric ode to maritime music."
"Both Tom and Dan attest the best part of Life is the combination of melodies and building upon those melodies in the studio. As they point out, Tom is the “idea man” while Dan takes helm at musicianship and music direction."
"One can easily hear the music of The House of Goosmon as the soft underbelly score for many a film and video. Do yourself a favor and give your mind a gift with the ambient music of this eclectic collection – The House of Goosmon!"
Russell Johnson - Founder JRJ Productions - Talent Director One World Blue Blupela Media
Click Here For Soundcloud
Contact The House of Goosmon Music:
724 651-7865

Votes3 DateMay 13, 2021

Created Planet Sanctuary Spotlights

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Created Light of Culture Spotlights

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Sponsored Initiatives*

[image for culture spotlight EPK.jpg]

Social Media Spotlight EPKs for Musicians and Artists

Jul 1, 2021 @ 02:43:57 pm

Funded: $95.00
Incentive: Quarterly Payment for Update

[image for culture spotlight EPK.jpg]

Social Media Spotlight EPKs for Musicians and Artists

May 5, 2021 @ 01:34:47 pm

Funded: $295.00
Incentive: Design and Professional Interview

*Initiatives sponsored privately, if any, will not be shown.

Lifts (Votes)*

Name Vote Date
The House of Goosmon May 13, 2021 @ 07:09:27 pm

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