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The Buzz

Mar 15, 2018 @ 07:05am

"The Best Is Yet To Come"
The Best is Yet to Come is Progressive New Faith Fellowship Baptist Church book. With Overseer Davis and many of the outreach ministries as well as the look inside of our church and church family.
The book is on sale for $140.00 it has 132 pages of full color. Please order your book now and click fund to pay. Remember we are all trying to make a difference in this world by putting God first and being able to help someone along the way. Thank you in advance.

This World Spotlight was created on Feb 2, 2018 @ 12:05:46 am

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Men Overseer Dwight A. Davis

Pastor Dwight Anthony Davis.jpg

Meet Overseer Dwight Anthony Davis of Progressive New Faith Fellowship Baptist Church

He is a preacher, teacher, leader, musician, father figure and friend. Overseer Davis is a man of faith, he is anointed and chosen by God.

We are located at 880 Huffman Street, Greensboro, NC 27405

Progressive New Faith Fellowship Baptist Church Outreach Ministries:

Overseer Davis loves God, people and more so helping people first. His vision for helping people goes far outside the walls of Progressive New Faith, he reaches as far as he can to be about our Father's business. How can we love God and not reach out to help someone that is in need? We know the answer to that question because we are out to save as many souls for Christ and help people know who Jesus is by the way we live and reach out.

Overseer Davis has progressed toward the mark of excellence, we thank GOD for our leader.

Our ministries include:

Lending-A-Helping Hand (which is feeding the Homeless)
Elder Care Ministry (for the Nursing Homes)
Nursing Home Toiletries (Bags of daily items that they may need.)
Food Bank (food to help those need)
Back-To-School Drive
Thanksgiving Drive (Close to 200 Dinners given to families)
Elder Care Breakfast Basket
Prison Ministry
Women's Ministry
Toy Drive for Christmas
Men’s Ministry

This year we became sponsors for the Sickle Cell Foundation thanks to the Youth of PNF Family. We are also a sponsor of the Ronald McDonald House

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