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Nov 13, 2017 @ 08:39pm

Check out my daily video on Face Book at Online Community Church -- it's called "Convertible Conversations" and is a 4-7 minute discussion about encouraging spiritual topics!

This World Spotlight was created on Nov 6, 2017 @ 11:42:53 pm

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Teachers Grace with Paul Gray

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Grace is God’s UNconditional Love In Action!

Grace with Paul Gray (1).jpg



As part of a growing world-wide group of those who know and experience God’s unconditional love, radical grace and total reconciliation, we embrace a shared message…while all at different stages of learning and experience. The following has been stated by various others much better than we can, so with kudos to anyone who has said the following the same way, and with apologies to anyone who deserves them, here’s a summary of the main points of our message and beliefs.

Above all, God loves us and is for us. The message is simple. Jesus is our Savior (not our taskmaster and not our religious dictator.) He plunged fearlessly into the rough, perilous waves that life has thrown at us and he saved us. He didn't stop and ask us if we deserve to be saved. He didn't ask us to fill out a form or read the fine print. He didn’t ask for our permission or take a vote. HE SAVED US!!! Then once he rescued us from our sin and the mess we made of our lives, he set us confidently on the vast shores of his amazing, radical grace and said “I finished the job...now believe what’s already true and enjoy this great gift!”

Religion says: “YOU have to perform to stay on the shore.”

Jesus says that HE performed one eternal act on the cross that gives him the right to remain your Savior all the days of your life.

Religion says: “Jesus saved you once but after that you have to earn everything from God.”

Jesus says, “I earned it all for you and I have given it to you as a gift. Now come and hang out with me on the shores of my amazing, radical grace. Come let me introduce you to my Father, he loves you and delights in you. We have chosen to be your friends forever. We made you our friend…you need never worry or be afraid! Come enjoy this beautiful experience that has been given to you. Come take your place as a son/or daughter of the living God. And if the waves of this life try to capture you and drag you down... I AM AND ALWAYS WILL BE YOUR SAVIOR!!! Nothing can separate you from my fierce love... not even religion.”

In our ministry, on our site www.gracewithpaulgray.com and through our relationships and interactions, our joy and pleasure is to express the unconditional love, radical grace, total reconciliation for all, and goodness of God toward us in Jesus. Like Jesus, we are not in to condemnation. Like Jesus, we are not about religious control. We’re not about trying to compete and out-perform anyone. Jesus took all the guilt, all the condemnation and set us free to enjoy his Father. The gospel is good news!




A Glimpse at Paul's new upcoming book Convertible Conversations:

Convertible Conversations is the inspiration story of how cat-five Hurricane Harvey tragically takes the lives of ten-year old Jack Miller’s parents when they were trying to save the lives of others in a flooded neighborhood in Houston Texas. A grief-stricken trio…Jack and his grandparents…try to make sense of the catastrophic event and navigate life through a series of challenging situations and circumstances.

In the novel, empty-nesters, Fred and Susie Miller take on the unexpected responsibility of raising their only grandson while distraught themselves at the loss of their only son and his wife. As they console and help Jack…whose world will never be the same again, he experiences tremendous anger, nightmares, confusion, doubts, and fears…most of which are directed at God.

The two grandparents find themselves raising their grandson as he experiences peer and teacher influence in a divided country rife with political and social unrest where violent protest too often replaces civil discourse. All this takes place as they are coping with the death of their son.

Life takes them through additional tragedies, opportunities to help others, romance, and inevitable end-of-life concerns.

Grandfather Fred Miller, a retired Army Bandmaster, uses a variety of musical illustrations in teaching life-lessons. Jack, in addition to being a sketch artist, is also a musical prodigy – playing drums, writing music, forming and leading a band, and developing a multi-media jazz musical concert that is employed in starting small groups of spiritual-minded students at colleges and universities in Texas and beyond. The story has an over-arching theme of reconciliation and forgiveness which culminates in an unexpected climatic event that tests the Miller’s relationship with God.



Paul Gray is the author of the inspirational books “Convertible Conversations and “The Fish Net Experience. He is co-author of “Godly Men Make Godly Fathers.

Paul’s message “Grace Is UNconditional Love In Action!” focuses on helping people experience and enjoy God’s love WITHOUT CONDITIONS for all people. He has found that knowing God personally leads to enjoying and experiencing life at a much higher level!

He and his wife of 48 years, Kitsy, live in Lawrence Kansas where they continue to facilitate growing in grace at the church they founded in 1991, New Life in Christ. They have three wonderful grown children and 6 amazing grandchildren! Convertible Conversations¸ a short week-day video series on a wide range of topics, are posted by Paul at Online Community Church on Facebook.

Paul’s career began with his studies at Kansas University in 1965, where he formed his band, the Gaslite Gang, which made several national television performances and recorded five albums. They performed full-time from coast to coast for many years doing educational concerts and clinics as well as performing at a variety of venues.

Paul owned a variety of businesses ranging from five retail music stores to a long-distance telephone company, as well as Paul Gray’s Jazz Place, a popular Lawrence, Kansas, jazz venue where he performed with his group. Concurrently, he served in the United States Army National Guard and Army Reserves for 24 years as a bandmaster.

Paul was inducted into the Kansas Music Hall of Fame in 2012 as a member of the Junkyard Jazz Band.

In 1999 his church started a medical clinic for homeless individuals, The Heartland Medical Clinic, where he was CEO for 7 years. It continues to serve the medical needs of thousands of patients each year.

Paul Gray holds an education degree from the University of Kansas and a degree in Grace Theology from Global Grace Seminary.

His musical recordings can be found at www.fishnetexperience.com.




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