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This World Spotlight was created on Jan 21, 2017 @ 10:12:16 pm
Some refections on the "Adult" and "Child" of Transactional Analysis.....
Our intellect and our emotions are different spheres, they are meant to work together and be a team. The emotions are the felt concept of life, how we experience things on an emotional and physiological level. The intellect can help the emotions identify and sort out the feelings. The part of the intellect that is focused on receiving new information and deciphering it is the curious and inquisitive space, the words that this will be revealed and expressed in are what?, Why?, How?, When?, where?, Who?, etc. This is the "Adult" of TA, it's mostly questions and the effort to gain insight and understanding. The imagination can also greatly help the emotions (Child) find ways to see beyond the immediate feelings and see a greater picture, because the heart tends to be an extremist without the guidance of the mind.
What is the "Parent" of PAC?
The "Parent" is a massive amount of data that exists within the mind that consists of straight un-edited recordings that the brain has been recording since birth. The human brain is absolutely astonishing in it's capabilities and does function as a high fidelity recorder from the beginning. This storehouse of information includes so much, it's the external things that were imposed upon us, including all the admonitions, praises, ideas, "truths", rules, do's and don'ts, and on and on that we're given to us by those most involved in our care taking most distinctively between the ages of 1-5. It is called "parent" because so much of the data comes from what we witnessed and heard our parents or parental substitutes do and say. The recordings of the Parent were taken in straight and without editing because there was not yet developed the capabilities of the intellect (Adult) to reason through what was being said and/or done.
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