There is a mystical silence so startling that it is likened to a scream. It is so strong that when you experience it, it is felt, almost physically, but there is no sound, no movement, just a palpable stillness. It is empty, but something very noticeable is there. It feels like a threshold, as if you are about to experience something holy.
To look for it sit in a quiet space and listen with both ears. Do not close your eyes. Try to hear something that is there but very quiet. If you begin to succeed your eyes might look upwards searching in the emptiness, yearning for the mystical experience that we can sense is there, but can never grasp.
“Of You silence is praise”[i]
When the world is still, there is an opportunity, a moment to see something that has always been here but we had not been aware of. In silence there nothing to distract.
“Commune with your heart upon your bed and be still.”[ii]