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This World Spotlight was created on Aug 1, 2016 @ 02:49:47 pm

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Healing Contemplations on Chasidic Philosophy


The only thing that exists at all is G-d. Within Himself, He created a paradigm where there will be the existence of an "other", this being creation, us. G-d desired that he would "dwell in the lowly realms", in this physical world. He wants a home down here amongst us, who perceive ourselves as independent existences . Only in a "place" where G-d conceals Himself almost entirely can a sense of existence be perceived amongst His creation. We experience an "I am", an "I", a definitive "me" but it truly comes from G-ds "I am" "I" and that "I am" is truly the ONE and ONLY. The concealment, us perceiving ourselves as separate from G-d and each other is for us to put the pieces back together so that we build a world down here fitting for G-d to dwell amongst us, a world of true eternal peace. G-d gives us the chance to make this physical world, a spiritual world; to nullify it to it's maker! Each act of good reveals G-d more and more......

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