A young, non-Jewish man came up to me at the Kotel and told me that he keeps the Seven Commandments of Noah but he feels that he would be better off if he converted and became a Jew.
“You should become the best possible you. This means that G-d created you a gentile so there is no need to try to become a Jew. You should fulfill what G-d gave you.”
He walked away but then came back later and asked, “If you knew that there was a unique nation in the world, one better than the one you are from, would you want to join that nation?”
“No. I want to be the best that G-d made me. G-d made me a Jew so I want to be the best Jew I possibly can be.”
He seemed to understand my point.
It is like this wonderful, Holy Land that G-d has given to us. What if I heard that another land had more water, or more produce, or a better climate, would I want to move there? G-d forbid. This is where G-d told me to be. This is where I want to live. I want to breathe the air here and walk on this holy ground. This is where I will thrive the best … here in the place that Hashem has chosen for me. I will be far better off here than anyplace that I would choose for myself.