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This World Spotlight was created on Feb 10, 2015 @ 09:02:08 am

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Is this a major issue? I have heard about this kind of stuff going on!

Sep 24, 2017 @ 09:58am

Dear Dr. Sippel:

I appreciate your concern. You are correct, that there is no where to go for the mandated reporter and/or the child victim.
You are correct, that more research needs to be conducted and resources need to be available to those of us who are retaliated against for doing what we are obligated to do. The Chair of the APA Ethics Committee noted that these violations are disturbing. The Ethics Committee claimed they would meet about the issue of retaliation, but did nothing, but make an excuse.
On March 8, 2015, national advocates on media noted As with Barry [Goldstein], and other professionals from many fields we've had on, your [J Singer's] case was not the exception but the rule. What happened to [J Singer] was an atrocity, and the real reason why so few professionals are reporting abuse in Pennsylvania, not because there is so little abuse going on there, and that it is continuing. . . . “

[I understand that a PA psychologist ] was sued by a couple and paid damages for attempting to extort sex for a favorable custody evaluation from a mother. The same Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Bureau of Occupational and Professional Affairs who covered up for and protected the PA psychologist for non reporting to make a profit, railroaded Dr. Jim Singer for doing his job and protecting a child by reporting suspected abuse.

After I, appeared on ABC World News, a Pennsylvania child (Nicole Wise) died of severe injuries related to abuse, because a nurse was afraid that she would lose her license or her job, if she reported suspected abuse.
Mandated Reporters Fear Retaliation, and Their Fear is Legitimate': Tom Ridge
Pennsylvania Has Lowest Reporting of Child Abuse in U.S., Group Says

Police Lt. Hoover stood up and raised his voice (almost screaming), stressed, He could “not take it” (the retaliation against me). What they did (to me) was “killing” (the policeman) . . . . “Why didn’t somebody stop this?” I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for your kind comments.


James Singer, Ed.D.

Dec 4, 2015 @ 12:45am

When a mandatory reporter is retaliated against for reporting child abuse, there is no where to turn. You are on your own because there is no central place to report the incident. MR's are not covered under whistleblower statues either. I would like to be in contact with other MR's who have had this experience. More research needs to be conducted and resources need to be available to those of us who are retaliated against for doing what we are obligated to do.

Dec 1, 2015 @ 01:03pm

Dr. Singer's lifelong commitment and struggle shows a strength we all should strive to in each of our personal plights and causes. I am proud to know him.

Jul 30, 2015 @ 09:43am

We need to get Dr. Singer in touch with Mariska from SVU.

Jul 15, 2015 @ 08:46am

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