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Differences are meant to be celebrated and shared and highlighted as the beauty that makes the world spin around. Each of us and our cultures are different and unique. Please join Blupela in celebrating the uniqueness of your life and heritage by sharing it as a spotlight on Light of Culture.

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Elderly Man in Sarajevo, Bosnia

elderly man in Sarajevo, Bosnia

Votes1 DateJul 13, 2015

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Mother and Child in Jinja, Uganda

mother and child in Jinja, Uganda

Votes1 DateJul 7, 2015

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Daily Life, Istanbul, Turkey

daily life, Istanbul, Turkey

Votes1 DateJul 7, 2015

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International Fishing Festival Nigeria

Sylvester Omeje
For many people, fishing is a way of life. But for a small town in Argungu, Nigeria, fishing is both a way of life and a symbol of peace between them and the people of Sokoto. Every year, the Argungu fishing festival in Nigeria is celebrated to commemorate the harmony between the two neighbors. Fishermen from Argungu, Sokoto and nearby towns participate in a bare-hand fishing contest in Matan Fada River where the winner is awarded generous prizes and the title, "Fisherman of the Year". The winner is the one who catches the biggest fish using only a net and a calabash floater. The Argungu fishing festival in Nigeria is a four-day festival which also includes different sports activities like archery, swimming, catapulting, animal-skinning among others. But the main event is the bare-hand fishing wherein a fisherman is given one full hour to catch the biggest fish to the sound of the beating drums. Winners will receive cash prizes and other gifts given by sponsors. Generally, the participants and audience are all male so verify with the event organizers if you are female and want to experience the excitement.
The best time to see the Argungu fishing festival in Nigeria is on March 16th or 17th. Again, always check with the organizers to prevent missing the dates as sometimes, the Argungu fishing festival in Nigeria is postponed due to low water level of the the Matan Fada. Usually the Argungu fishing festival starts on a Wednesday and ends on Sunday. If you are a bit of an adventurer and would love to dive into the waters of Argungu fishing festival in Nigeria or in any of the events, recently, they have allowed male foreigners to join the contests and the festival was brought to International level. The people are known to be friendly and helpful and it is most honorable to be able to experience the Argungu fishing festival in Nigeria. Weather during this time will be hot and balmy with some occasional rain shower, make sure to drink lots of water because it will be crowded. Moreover, if you are a spectator, expect it to get muddy especially if it rains in the Matan Fada. It is recommended to travel with a local so hire a trustworthy guide from a local tour operator.
Ref: http://www.thecircumference.org/argungu-fishing-festival
YouTube videos

Votes4 DateJul 3, 2015

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Woman Selling Trinkets in Belgrade, Serbia

woman selling trinkets in Belgrade, Serbia

Votes1 DateJul 2, 2015

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Middle East

Istanbul Street Vendor


Votes1 DateJul 1, 2015

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Samuel Posin

Feng Shui and how its helpful?
By Pandit Rahul Kaushal
It may be a new for those who have never heard about it and very symbolic for those who knew about it. Feng Shui is an important Chinese science that has gained importance due to its popularity in recent years and rather due to its positive results to people.
Actually every object or picture is related with some meaning or with some symbols. The Chinese people believe in looking at objects with their hidden meanings. According to them these objects and pictures are the conveyors of good luck or bad luck. The Chinese people traditionally use a large number of symbols in their house. These symbols and objects are good for providing good luck for Health, Success, Marriage, Good relationships, Good business, and Wealth too.
Various Feng Shui symbols for Good Luck
In symbolic Feng Shui, there are certain dimensions which are considered to be good for bringing healthy luck whereas, certain dimensions are believed to bring Bad luck to you also. If we see in case of furniture, it also bring good luck chi to you with its lucky and unlucky dimensions. The table, chair, cupboard, etc, can be measured with Feng Shui ruler specially made for these. The Feng Shui ruler has eight cycles of dimensions out of which four are auspicious and four are inauspicious. The measure of each cycle is equal to 17 inches or 43cms and further each cycle is divided into eight portions. The cycles of auspicious and inauspicious dimensions repeats itself over and over to infinity. These dimensions proved very beneficial in every case.
The four auspicious Dimensions
Chai- This is the first portion of the cycle and is divided into four categories of good luck. The dimension is between 0 inches to 2 1/8 inches or 5.4 cms. The first half inch brings money, the second brings jewels, and the third brings six types of good luck, and fourth brings abundance.
Yi- this is the fourth portion of the cycle and it brings good luck by bringing helpful people in life. This is also divided into four categories. The dimension is between 6 3/8 inches and 8 ½ inches or in cms it's between 16.2 cms to 21.5 cms. The first ½ inch brings good children luck, the second brings unexpected income, the third predicts successful son, and the fourth brings excellent good fortune.
Kwan- this is the fifth section of cycle and brings power luck. The dimension is between 8 ½ inches and 10 5/8 inches or in cms between 21.5 cms to 27 cms. The first ½ inches brings good luck in exams, the second brings special luck, the third improves income and the fourth brings laurels for the family.
Pun- this dimension is between 14 7/8 to 17 inches or 37.5 cms to 43.2 cms. The first section increases money flow, the second brings examination luck, third brings jewels and fourth brings prosperity.
About the Author
Pandit Rahul Kaushal
Pandit Rahul Kaushal is Celebrity Astrologer and vastu consultant from india and he serves via his site Pandit.com

Votes2 DateJul 1, 2015

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Yehuday Etiopia

Bernard Asper
In Israel there exists the largest community of Black Jews in the world. They are called today Yehuday Etiopia or Ethiopian Jews. They have their own Chief Rabbi, Rabbi Yosef Hadane, recognized by the State of Israel. He has amongst his duties to make sure that Ethiopians in Israel before they marry have either a continuous female line Jewish lineage or else that they first convert. This is because of the gap between World Jewry in touch with Rabbinical Jewish Law and their Ethiopian brethren not traditionally conversant in Rabbinical Judaism altogether.
They are developing their own responses to Rabbinical Judaism on individual and communal levels. This causes tension at times but the Jews from the Former Soviet Union have had a similar situation with Israel having to deal with people considering themselves Jewish in accordance with Soviet government definitions but not Jewish ones. In any event many Ethiopian Jews want to preserve customs that have been in vogue in Ethiopia. One of them, a holiday in Israel, called Sigd is an opportunity nowadays, for all Jews to further their bonds as a people or more accurately in terms of Jewish attitudes, a family.
Sigd falls out the 29th day of the Hebrew month of Cheshvan, 50 days after Yom Kippur. The holiday recalls the reaffirmation of acceptance of God's covenant with Israel through the leadership of Ezra and Nehemia leaders of the returning Jewish exiles to Israel from the Babylonian exile, the first exile of the Jewish people.
In 2008, the Israeli parliament, the Knesset legislated Sigd as a national holiday. Rabbi Yosef Hadane helped to organize its annual Jerusalem celebration. It is a time when Ethiopian Jews celebrate their heritage and now a time when their fellow Jews come to celebrate with them their common connection. After welcoming their brothers and sisters home to Israel, they are trying to make them feel at home.

Votes3 DateJun 30, 2015

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Middle East

Turkish Elder in Goreme, Turkey

Turkish Elder in Goreme, Turkey

Votes1 DateJun 24, 2015

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