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Empowerment Hope and Happiness Initiative




Learn how to navigate and overcome your unique challenges, in both your personal and professional lives.
Your level of hope and happiness is not dependent upon others or your situation, rather how you perceive and interpret your situation.



Yaakov Rosenstein, CPC,



Why we do what we do:

Because we really care about people and about God.
Because we really want to achieve our greatest potential and fulfillment of purpose.
We believe to work to heal, repair and complete this world made by God for the purpose of man and to prepare ourselves and others for its ultimate purpose and completion.

Our Values and Beliefs:

H: Health, Healing and Happiness

O: Optimism, Open-Minded, Organization

P: Purpose, Potential, Passion

E: Education, Energetic, Ethical


C: Creativity, Consideration, Collaboration

O: Overcoming Challenge, Opportunity, Optimal Living

P: Peace of Mind, Prioritization, Persistence

E: Empowerment, Empathy, Elevated Values


The Energy Leadership Development System

To thrive in our ever-changing world, while securing all you've worked for, we have created the Energy Leadership™ Development System.

Energy Leadership is the process that develops a personally effective style of leadership that positively influences and changes not only yourself, but also those with whom you work and interact, as well as your organization as a whole.

Leadership can be defined as how you interact with everyone, including yourself. We tend to think of them as business owners and CEO's and managers at various levels. However, EVERYONE is a leader - either by choice or by default. Leading is the way we help move people, including ourselves, into action. The question is not whether or not we are leaders, but how well we lead.


Therefore, the Energy Leadership Development System will help you to become your ideal leader and a happier, more accomplished person.


The Energy Leadership Development System is based upon the 7 Levels of Leadership, which will raise your energy and awareness to new levels of performance, which positively impacts all you encounter.

The Energy Leadership Index (E.L.I.) is a one-of-a-kind assessment that enables individuals to recognize how they "show up" in the world by understanding their perceptions, attitudes, behaviors, and overall leadership capabilities. This unique assessment allows for a complete, clear, customized coaching program associated with it, called the Energy Leadership Development System. Each person, along with their coach, creates their personalized developmental roadmap to becoming more empowered in leading your life and affecting the life of others.

We offer attorneys (or other service professionals) a 90 day, money-back guarantee program, to measurably live with more success and less stress. This is based upon the CPA (Clarify, Prioritize and Actualize) Coaching Method and Energy Leadership Development System.


The Energy Leadership™ Development System

It consists of the foundational segments that help you know where you are, realize where you want to be, and recognize and break through any of the blocks that are in the way of your success.

The 8 Building Blocks of the Energetic Leader

The next 8 segments in your program provide the accelerated training needed to master the areas necessary to become an ideal leader.

• Emotional Intelligence
• Dynamic Communication
• Influencing and Engaging Others
• Problem Solving
• Productivity and Decision Making
• High Energy Relationships
• Health and Wellness
• Time Management and Balance

The Result of Energy Leadership? Less effort and stress, with more success and fulfillment!

My hiking Rocky Mtn Natl Park in end of June.


The Benefits:

Emotional Health: (comfort, peace of mind, emotional relief, hope, engagement)

Spiritual Wealth: (meaning, fulfillment, happiness, clarity from confusion, sense of purpose, motivation, faith)

Now is the time to find hope, joy and the courage to make a change and move your life forward toward new achievements and or simply learn how to deal with your struggles.
You can have more peace of mind, more personal freedom, more personal - professional balance, and simply, live a life that you will love.
The work we do is 100% private and confidential. It is enjoyable and leaves you feeling invigorated. It is something that you probably have never experienced, and is not like working with a psychologist, a consultant, a colleague or a friend.
It all starts with a strategic session, to explore and clarify your problems and desires. We create a customized action plan that will work for you, so that you can see clear, measurable results in only 30 days or less.
And best of all, if you don't feel happier and less stressed in 30 days of working together, we will gladly return your personal investment. So why wait, 'til it's too late?

Our CPA coaching process can work for you!

Clarify ◦Your Goals, Your Values, Your Stresses

Prioritize ◦Your Goals, Your Values, Your Priorities

Actualize​ ◦Your Goals, Your Priorities, Your Accomplishments


You don't need to remain stuck or overwhelmed. You can find hope, joy and personal freedom, at last!cache_4095122905.jpg

No matter who or where you are in life, you can benefit from sound advice and practical strategies to reach your dreams. Our expertise and experience will help you turn potential problems into opportunities. You deserve to move forward and live with hope, happiness and fulfillment.

Meet Yaakov Rosenstein, CPC Certified Personal Coach


Hope and Happiness Hotline - Yaakov Rosenstein, PCP 412-779-1661

See front page Post Gazette article:


We also have a Hope and Happiness Blog where we delve into various issues to help you.


In order to achieve your goals and dreams, you need to be free from the negative, annoying, limiting emotional blocks, such as: stress, overwhelm, overload, self-doubt, fear, worry, guilt, frustration and anger.


If you could go beyond your limitations, to have more engagement with less emotional resistance, how interested would you be to learn a different way? This is what great coaching is all about.


This is what our institute is all about - to help people, to have more freedom, success, joy and passion.
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