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Ended: Oct 27, 2020 @ 03:10am

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Education Enhancing Child Protection

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Children living in and on the Street face different form of abuse as they are fighting for survival, most of these children are vulnerable who are subjected to hazardous and unhygienic condition putting them at risk of infections, drug and substance abuse and introduced to crime. A lot of children have been seen working and begging in the streets of many cities in Malawi and most of them are out of school with undecided future. These children are mostly seen selling commodities like clothes, plastic bags and agricultural products in order to get money to meet their needs. It is of major concern to observe how these children live, some live under bridges, unfinished houses and vacant places.
Major issues forcing these children in the streets includes domestic, economic and social disruption which include poverty, breakdown of families sexual, physical or emotional abuse, domestic violence mental health problems, substance abuse, sexual orientation or gender identical issue. Some children may end in streets due to cultural and religious factors for example girls are forced to engage themselves in sexual activities for the benefit of families economically
With great concern, these children are very at risk of COVID-19 as they are vulnerable due to unfavorable conditions being exposed every day, they are working and begging in the street, it should be noted that most of these children interact with a lot of people each day who may be a great threat to the society if some of them can be infected with COVID-19, culturally children are very close to their grandparents as most of them lost their parents due to HIV/AIDS. If these children can catch the virus may destroy the whole community within a short period of time as they are too mobile moving from one point to another trying to make ends meet. Old people are very at risk of COVID-19 due to weak immune system hence the need to prevent the spread of the virus among children who may easily transmit the virus to them.

With this background, Care foundation has introduced a "HELP THE CHILD CAMPAIGN" for the period of three months (90 days) to mobilize resources to sustain the implementation of program activities, so far among others the organization has planned to conduct fundraising dinners, coffee morning in churches, making and selling of face masks, buying and selling items to well wishers to support a child and will have a farm for producing maize and sell to community members. We therefore seeking funding opportunities from well wishers across the world of good will to support the initiate. Money raised will provide direct support to vulnerable children to stay in school, facilitate withdraw of children from different form of abuse (child labour, child trafficking, child prostitution, child labour, child marriages and those living in and on the street) the initiate will also empower vulnerable household economically through small scale businesses for improved household income levels while promoting community participation in providing care and support to children. Care Foundation programs will focus on school support, community empowerment and child rehabilitation as major programs implemented which will enhance life and vocational skills development, economic empowerment, school support (direct support, bursary, advocacy and capacity building, repatriation, psycho social support services.

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