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Health and Well Being Natural Chi Movement Activation Courses



Natural Chi Movement Activation Courses

Natural Chi Movement activation courses are conducted throughout the United States and Europe. Since 1994, thousands of people have been activated. Courses are hosted by practitioners who are experiencing the benefits of Natural Chi Movement and are eager to share the opportunity with others. If you would like to find out more about hosting a Natural Chi Movement course in your area, please call or email us.
To register, please click on the dates of the course in which you wish to participate.
You may see them at:


You may pay for one or more of the activations and healing sessions we offer by choosing the appropriate selection here on this page, on the left under From the Heart.


About Our Work

Natural Chi Movement is the daily practice of allowing the body to respond naturally and spontaneously to the flow of chi. It is a profound dance between our own life energy and the energy of nature itself.
“To transcend motion and stillness is the highest meditation… People who reach such understanding free themselves from all appearances without effort and cure all illnesses without treatment.”
–Bodhidharma, Grand Patriarch of Zen


Natural Chi Healing

Natural chi healing is unlike any other therapy. Current medical treatments in both the East and West work directly on the body, using some form of physical therapy or medicine. Natural chi healing, on the other hand, initiates healing without any physical intervention.
It is a treatment technique that uses spiritual energy, and spiritual energy is not governed by physical laws. It is everywhere. There is nothing to stop spiritual energy from going anywhere.


Mission Statement of the Natural Chi Foundation

Our mission is to create a future where each human being has the opportunity to live a peaceful, healthy life and experience a peaceful death.


Our Book


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