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This World Spotlight was created on Nov 8, 2015 @ 03:30:57 pm

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Just realized that this is truly a "spotlight" with the spotlight shining on him in the featured photo!

Nov 10, 2015 @ 12:23am

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Teachers Richard Kelly, Photographer


I've been taking this class in Portrait Photography at the Pittsburgh Filmmakers for the past few months and my teacher, Richard Kelly, is just all around engaging, inspirational and enthusiastic. His dynamic personality goes hand in hand with his professionalism and creativity.

Richard Kelly is an Associate Professor of Photography at the Pittsburgh Filmmakers and the President of Indigo Factory Inc., a multimedia production company. He was the recipient of the 2011 United Nations' International Photographic Council's Leadership Award and a 2009 Fellowship from the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts. Richard's lectured on business issues regarding topics on Copyright, Fair Use, Rights of Privacy, and Sustainable Business Models. He has made appearances at Harvard Law School, Society of Photographic Education, NAB, Fotofest, National Geographic, Photo-LA, WPPI and Photo-Plus Expo. He also moderated a panel at the World Creator Summit and CEPIC Barcelona. Richard was the Director of Photography for WQED Multimedia, and was the past president of the American Society of Media Photographers. His clients have included the following companies: People, Fortune, Glamour, GQ, Mister Rogers Neighborhood, Heinz Endowments, Pittsburgh Filmmakers, PPG, TEAM Detroit, Tri-State Capital Bank, The Bradford School, Point Park University and Rue 21. Mr. Kelly's work is on private and public collections around the world and has been exhibited at the Carnegie Museum of Art, Silver Eye Center for Photography, The China Photographers Museum, The Nikon House and the United Nations.

I've included some photographs below featuring Richard Kelly from my photography class, depicting him in work-mode as well as portrait-mode. In some photographs, he was posing with some models in a candid way and I happened to take his picture (in both the foreground and background).

All photographs are Copyright © 2015 Jonathan Wayne.


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