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Browse Light on the World Spotlights

Earth Bob's Diner


The American diner is an institution in this country. Listening to the sizzle of a griddle with a hot cup of joe is as comforting to me as watching a ball game or eating a slice of apple pie.

As you walk into Bob’s Diner, past the cakes and pastries rotating in the display case, you’re likely to see Bob Marshall himself chitchating with the regulars. “Go to Denny’s and see if Denny is there,” jokes Bob as we sit in his newest location in Castle Shannon at 1230 Grove Road. The menu here features all of your favorite breakfast and lunch foods, as well as traditional feel-good supper meals like turkey dinners, stuffed pork chops, meatloaf, and chipped ham sandwiches.

Bob is as captivated by the diner culture as any who frequent his four establishments. It’s what got him into the business. On a trip to Florida in his eighteenth year, Bob came upon a diner in Ft. Lauderdale called Louie’s Diner. Bob describes it like he’s remembering a dream. “The front had a big window, you could see Louie cooking from the outside. He knew everyone’s name and greeted them as they came in, I ate there every morning of my trip.” Bob’s mother Irene helped him out as an adviser from the start. “She was my biggest fan, she helped me get started and I’ve run every plan I’ve ever had by her,” Bob told us.
Recently, Irene passed away at 98 years of age. This has been a big loss not just for Bob,but for the Bob’s Diner family. “It’s like losing the board of directors, your biggest cheerleader, and your mom all at once.”

Bob’s Diner was blessed with Irene’s know-how and good sense from the start, and he’ll carry that philosophy into the future, bringing happy families together just like his, all over Pittsburgh.


There’s been a lot of buzz circulating throughout town concerning the grand opening of Bob’s most recent diner on Grove Road. Including a recent national feature the Wall Street Journal.

From the family business to the family radio show, Bob’s Diner is essentially Pittsburgh. Stop by one of their locations for breakfast, lunch, or one of their specialty seasonal dinner menus. Local businesses serving up comfort food every day of the week is about as good as dining can get. Bob’s Diner is one more gem on Pittsburgh’s culinary food map.




211 Mansfield Blvd.

Carnegie, PA 15106



7am - 8pm Monday - Saturday

7am - 3pm Sunday

Castle Shannon

1230 Grove Rd

Pittsburgh, PA 15234



7am - 8pm Monday - Saturday

7am - 3pm Sunday

Kennedy Twp

1815 McKees Rocks Road

McKees Rocks, PA 15136



Daily 6:30am - 2pm

South Hills

1870 Painters Run Road

Pittsburgh, PA 15241



7am - 8pm Monday - Saturday

7am - 3pm Sunday

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