This World Spotlight was created on Mar 31, 2019 @ 02:03:31 pm
Project by
Taste of Pittsburgh
We are taking Legends and Legacies and moving it over to a digital platform. I am extremely excited to partner with One World Blue, It is a Global Platform where we share stories of people who have made a difference and changed the world to become a better place. We drive stories regionally through social media as well as nationally and on an international stage for the most exposure and connections with individuals from all over the world. It’s been a world-wide platform but we are putting an extensive amount of energy into regionalizing our platform. We share stories like yours where we drive them in the Pittsburgh region and other areas to maximize the most possible potential to have your story told. This partnership will allow me to use this technology to continue to inspire and uplift individuals in a day and age where everyone relies on the digital space. We are therefore very grateful and excited to have the opportunity to create this partnership with One World Blue. You have made a difference to so many people’s lives and one which should be shared with not only the Pittsburgh region but to the world. Your story will touch lives which will bring understanding and healing to those who read and share it. We are looking forward to connecting you with more individuals and communities to share your life and touch them in a deep way. Please also know that our company structure is one in which we are walking the walk as well and we are giving 15 to 20 % of our company profit to both local, national and international charities.
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