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Initiative Name
Category Animals Art Communication Energy Empowerment Film Food Freedom Health Humanitarian Aid Infrastructure Music Planet Technology Theater Transport Water Youth Ocean Culture Education Green
Keywords: (Separate by Comma - a two word keyword is legal)
Hide Funding list and the total received? (Not recommended) If you check this then the total will be hidden, a funding list will not be displayed, and you can not set a funding goal. You can change this at any time.
(Optional) Funding Goal Leave blank if there is no specific goal. You can change this for 14 days after your initiative goes live, after that you can only increase it not decrease it. If funding is hidden this setting will have no effect.
(Optional) Ending in how many days? Leave blank if there is no specific ending date. If set, then there is a minimum of 1 day and maximum of 90 days (fractional days are permitted). NOTE: Once set this may NOT be changed. When the ending date is reached no further funding may be collected. Use this to motivate your sponsors to give. When they see that an initiative will come to an end, they will want to give before the time runs out if they believe in the project.
Initiative Image: Maximum file size: 2MB
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